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Well been playing the game only for a little bit and have done the first gym. Amazing game with good difficulty curve probably.

What has been bugging me is that in the start you are on the cruise ship with the characters mother and the plot happens =D. After getting to the gearean city well it is like no-one except one character Tesla gives a flying f*** about the ship or this one kid (character) or the overall situation srsly like wtf. He/she/it seems to have gone through a traumatic(i guess) situation and everything but nope there isnt anyone seeming to give a f***. How am i supposed to care about the other characters if the trainer im playing as doesn´t get any closure/support about the situation it is his/her/its mother ffs...

I mean the starting prof is like here have a pkmn now go do me stuff and well the port staff/registeration don´t even seem to wonder why is there a kid alone (okay it is pokemon world everyone is traveling the world alone ever since they had their 10th birthday)

Anyone else gotten the same feeling about the start.

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The people at the pier actually do seem to care about the whereabouts of the ship. But it's not like they knew what happened on the ship beside you and Amber so it's reasonable why no one is panicking at that time. Aside from the pier, I don't rememebr any NPC except the main characters mention the "lost" ship.

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It is kinda annoying. I mean im supposed to emotionally involved with all the other characters but can´t since there is no good reason to fell anything for them i know that might sound a bit selfish but i mean heck there is no authorities or anyone seemingly intersted on the case which is the starting point of the adventure and the prime motive of your character. To underline this point =D the news channel is the only thing that actually mentioned it ingame after it but it was overshadowed by the golden woods attack part.  It is sad since the story is good. Oh well still going to play more of this awesome game

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