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Hurt and Heal: XY Megas


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15 minutes ago, Wolfox said:

Sableye didn;t really. before gen 5 it was shit, but the second it got Prankster it became a *shudder* stall mon. which I guess is accurate with it's signature ability being Stall.

With its terrible defenses and a new type being introduced that took away the title of "not weak to any type" from sableye... 

I mean, look at it now. No one uses it even in lower tiers. 

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Diancie was a legendary that just got introduced. It was already relevant.


I'm not sure Gardevoir needed a mega, since the Fairy typing was all it actually needed to be powerful, and it was. Not OU material, but UU certainly. Since they had already decided to buff it this way, I'm not convinced it needed a mega. They probably gave Zam one and wouldn't want fans to be outraged that GG didn't get hers/his.


Heracross was great with Guts and Flame Orb. It was somewhat used. I don't complain. I love M-Hera. I just didn't think it actually needed it.

It becomes a necessity to get one when Chomp and Latios get theirs (even if they are worse), but the point stands. 

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Mega Venusaur: 21
Mega Charizard X: 23 

Mega Charizard Y: 25
Mega Alakazam: 20
Mega Gengar: 22

Mega Kangaskhan: 18
Mega Pinsir: 22
Mega Aerodactyl: 24
Mega Mewtwo X: 4
Mega Mewtwo Y: 18
Mega Ampharos: 15
Mega Scizor: 18
Mega Heracross: 21

Mega Houndoom: 23
Mega Tyranitar: 23
Mega Gardevoir: 13

Mega Mawile: 24
Mega Aggron: 20

Mega Medicham: 12
Mega Manectric: 22
Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 18
Mega Garchomp: 8
Mega Lucario: 14
Mega Abomasnow: 17


Well some Mega Evolutions just have a worse design than their normal Form, for example Garchomp, Gyarados, Blastoise, both Latias/Latios and so on. (purely my opinion)

I don't like both X variant of Mewtwo and Charizard, they are imo out of place and not fitting. Not sure why they had to introduce 2 -_-

And if they only gave Mega Evolutions to Pokemons who need them to become a better Pokemon, the sales wouldn't be that high. Industries want Profit :) They can't please everyone. So they decide to give a lot of popular Pokemons Mega Evolutions.

Fun Fact: Mega Aggron is still untouched.

Edited by CrimsonDragon21
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Mega Venusaur: 21
Mega Charizard X: 23 

Mega Charizard Y: 25
Mega Alakazam: 20
Mega Gengar: 22

Mega Kangaskhan: 18
Mega Pinsir: 22
Mega Aerodactyl: 24
Mega Mewtwo X: 4
Mega Mewtwo Y: 18
Mega Ampharos: 15

Mega Scizor: 18
Mega Heracross: 21

Mega Houndoom: 23
Mega Tyranitar: 23
Mega Gardevoir: 13

Mega Mawile: 24
Mega Aggron: 20

Mega Medicham: 12
Mega Manectric: 23
Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 18
Mega Garchomp: 6
Mega Lucario: 14
Mega Abomasnow: 17


45 minutes ago, CrimsonDragon21 said:

And if they only gave Mega Evolutions to Pokemons who need them to become a better Pokemon, the sales wouldn't be that high. Industries want Profit :) They can't please everyone. So they decide to give a lot of popular Pokemons Mega Evolutions.

They'd actually have more profit from their older fans, who grew up and over the "WOW THAT IS A FUCKING STRONG POKEMON THAT PWNZ EVERYTHING, I LIKE IT!" stage of their lives... But it must forever remain a game for kids... Why I didn't bother with canon games past pokemon red. Too easy and repetitive.

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Mega Venusaur: 21
Mega Charizard X: 23 

Mega Charizard Y: 25
Mega Alakazam: 20
Mega Gengar: 22

Mega Kangaskhan: 18
Mega Pinsir: 22
Mega Aerodactyl: 24
Mega Mewtwo X: 4
Mega Mewtwo Y: 18
Mega Ampharos: 15
Mega Scizor: 18
Mega Heracross: 21

Mega Houndoom: 23
Mega Tyranitar: 23
Mega Gardevoir: 13

Mega Mawile: 25
Mega Aggron: 20

Mega Medicham: 12
Mega Manectric: 23
Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 18
Mega Garchomp: 4
Mega Lucario: 14
Mega Abomasnow: 17

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53 minutes ago, Jess said:

They'd actually have more profit from their older fans, who grew up and over the "WOW THAT IS A FUCKING STRONG POKEMON THAT PWNZ EVERYTHING, I LIKE IT!" stage of their lives... But it must forever remain a game for kids... Why I didn't bother with canon games past pokemon red. Too easy and repetitive.

Jeah you are so right. Thats why there a Pokemon Fangames :)

But i am not so sure, that they get more Profit from it. If they gave for example Shuckle a Mega Evolution. It's not that Hyped when they give it to a popular Pokemon the media loves. Like you said it's a game directed for kids.

We never know the exact Datas if they would make more profit.

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7 minutes ago, CrimsonDragon21 said:

Jeah you are so right. Thats why there a Pokemon Fangames :)

But i am not so sure, that they get more Profit from it. If they gave for example Shuckle a Mega Evolution. It's not that Hyped when they give it to a popular Pokemon the media loves. Like you said it's a game directed for kids.

We never know the exact Datas if they would make more profit.

True... They go the safe way than risking when it comes to profit. I'd prefer seeing a Mega Beautifly or a Mega Masquerain for example, than seeing a Mega Dragonite or Mega Goodra.

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Let's face it: The Mega Evolution is essentially a popularity contest, which makes sense from a marketing perspective. "New Mewtwo Form", while unnecessary, definitely generates more buzz and speculation. I would say that Almost all of these Pokemon were quite popular before gen 6, with the exceptions being with Banette, Mawile, Pinsir, Abomasnow (I think he was popular in VGC) and maybe Medicham. The ORAS mega evolutions gave weaker Pokemon for Mega Evolutions, Most notably Lopunny, Beedrill, Pidgeot, Sableye and Audino. Even then, those pokemon are still relatively popular either in the games or because of outside media. Besides, Mega Evolution isn't even the best way to Balance trashmons. Audino, Glalie, and Steelix are still trash with or without its mega, and to use its buff, you have to lock yourself out of a Mega-slot for a better mon. A net +100 BST only goes a long way, so pokemon like Sunflora are still going to be terrible unless you do the uninspired broken ability + minmax. It's for this reason, that I dislike most fan-made megas. They only serve to give their favorite pokemon a power-trip without factoring in design, playstyle, or prior lore. To top it all off Pokemon "needing" buffs is incredibly Subjective. I could argue that Lucario and Medicham "needed" their megas as it was becoming increasingly irrelevant to the likes of the Gen 5 fighters, I could argue Metagross "needed" its mega is it became the 2nd worst pseudo. I could argue Garde and Gallade "needed" their megas because they were usually only average choices for their types. Prior to Mega-Evo, Hidden Abilities were the closest thing to a buff, strengthening Pokemon like Venusaur, Alakazam, Espeon, and Blaziken. Those pokemon, while usable, were subject to power creep. Their buffs made them some of the strongeset mons in their respective typings, Blaziken technically needed Speed Boost to stay relevant, but it was still popular and usable in less stringent Online battling.  Point is, these shortcommings never stopped people from using their faves . I like Mega Evolution, but I think design comes first for the most part, especially since Mega Evolution was , and still is, a marketing tool to promote the new games.


Mega Venusaur: 21
Mega Charizard X: 23 

Mega Charizard Y: 25
Mega Alakazam: 20
Mega Gengar: 22

Mega Kangaskhan: 18
Mega Pinsir: 22
Mega Aerodactyl: 24
Mega Mewtwo X: 4
Mega Mewtwo Y: 18
Mega Ampharos: 15
Mega Scizor: 18
Mega Heracross: 21

Mega Houndoom: 23
Mega Tyranitar: 23
Mega Gardevoir: 11

Mega Mawile: 26
Mega Aggron: 20

Mega Medicham: 12
Mega Manectric: 23
Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 18
Mega Garchomp: 4
Mega Lucario: 14
Mega Abomasnow: 17



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Mega Venusaur: 21
Mega Charizard X: 23 

Mega Charizard Y: 23
Mega Alakazam: 20
Mega Gengar: 22

Mega Kangaskhan: 18
Mega Pinsir: 22
Mega Aerodactyl: 24
Mega Mewtwo X: 4
Mega Mewtwo Y: 18
Mega Ampharos: 15
Mega Scizor: 18
Mega Heracross: 21

Mega Houndoom: 23
Mega Tyranitar: 23
Mega Gardevoir: 12

Mega Mawile: 26
Mega Aggron: 20

Mega Medicham: 12
Mega Manectric: 23
Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 18
Mega Garchomp: 4
Mega Lucario: 14
Mega Abomasnow: 17


2 hours ago, NickCrash said:

Diancie was a legendary that just got introduced. It was already relevant.

So? Turtinator is a new typing we haven't seen (not including you mega Charizard X) but that doesn't mean it's good. If it got a mega next gen I think that would be really cool. Diancie is the same. A relatively bad 'mon receiving a needed mega.


I suppose Gardevoir was good enough when it was given the fairy typing. If you were ranking them on how deserving of a mega each 'mon was, I'd put Gardevoir as borderline.

2 hours ago, NickCrash said:

Heracross was great with Guts and Flame Orb. It was somewhat used. I don't complain. I love M-Hera. I just didn't think it actually needed it.

Oh, Heracross is great. Run Flame Orb with it and its really good. Its mega, not really needed and not that much of an improvement. Turning it into a Skill Link user is kinda out of the blue, its mega design is hideous if you ask me, and despite its insane attack, I really don't find it all that effective. Heracross would've been just as good without the mega. Can't like it, but I agree with you there.


3 minutes ago, Jess said:

True... They go the safe way than risking when it comes to profit. I'd prefer seeing a Mega Beautifly or a Mega Masquerain for example, than seeing a Mega Dragonite or Mega Goodra.

Yes! We need megas for the never used! Mega Dunsparse! Make it happen GF!

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6 minutes ago, Norm said:

It's for this reason, that I dislike most fan-made megas. They only serve to give their favorite pokemon a power-trip without factoring in design, playstyle, or prior lore.

There isn't a single canon Mega that takes prior lore under consideration. Also, I'll give you an example.

You could introduce a Mega Butterfree, one of my favourites. I'd use it anyways in my playthroughs even without a Mega. And I only want a Bug/Psychic Mega Butterfree for balance reason and because the only actual attacking moves it has in Gen I were Psychic ones (plus Gust). So, lore-wise, it fits. Design would fit too.


15 minutes ago, Norm said:

To top it all off Pokemon "needing" buffs is incredibly Subjective.

It really isn't. Pokemon that are bad even in NU need buffs. Pokemon that are in OU or Ubers even without a Mega don't need one.-


16 minutes ago, Norm said:

I could argue Metagross "needed" its mega is it became the 2nd worst pseudo.

2nd worst pseudo, but still a pseudo. No pseudo needed or will ever need a Mega.- Unless you wanna create a broken beast (hi Mega Salamence).


18 minutes ago, Norm said:

Blaziken technically needed Speed Boost to stay relevant, but it was still popular and usable in less stringent Online battling.

Blaziken with Speed Boost is too strong even without a Mega, nobody ever understood why it needed to get one...


19 minutes ago, Norm said:

Point is, these shortcommings never stopped people from using their faves .

I agree in general, but with a note. I'm not stopped from using Ariados or Butterfree competitively. But I'll lose 5/6 games with them in my team. I know we can't have 800 perfectly equal 'mons, but I do think that the gap is too wide between the strongest and weakest ones. And giving Megas to the strongest ones while ignoring the weakest is only making the gap wider (apart from few failures, see Mega Garchomp). So, Megas are purely a marketing tool, aiming to please the masses (mostly, as I said, young kids who focus on POWAH more than Jeremy Clarkson did in Top Gear) and not truly a means to balance the game and bring weak 'mons back to viability.

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Mega Venusaur: 21
Mega Charizard X: 24

Mega Charizard Y: 23
Mega Alakazam: 20
Mega Gengar: 22

Mega Kangaskhan: 18
Mega Pinsir: 22
Mega Aerodactyl: 24
Mega Mewtwo X: 4
Mega Mewtwo Y: 18

Mega Ampharos: 13
Mega Scizor: 18
Mega Heracross: 21

Mega Houndoom: 23
Mega Tyranitar: 23
Mega Gardevoir: 12

Mega Mawile: 26
Mega Aggron: 20

Mega Medicham: 12
Mega Manectric: 23
Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 18
Mega Garchomp: 4
Mega Lucario: 14
Mega Abomasnow: 17

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11 minutes ago, Jess said:

There isn't a single canon Mega that takes prior lore under consideration. Also, I'll give you an example.

You could introduce a Mega Butterfree, one of my favourites. I'd use it anyways in my playthroughs even without a Mega. And I only want a Bug/Psychic Mega Butterfree for balance reason and because the only actual attacking moves it has in Gen I were Psychic ones (plus Gust). So, lore-wise, it fits. Design would fit too.


It really isn't. Pokemon that are bad even in NU need buffs. Pokemon that are in OU or Ubers even without a Mega don't need one.


2nd worst pseudo, but still a pseudo. No pseudo needed or will ever need a Mega.- Unless you wanna create a broken beast (hi Mega Salamence).


I agree in general, but with a note. I'm not stopped from using Ariados or Butterfree competitively. But I'll lose 5/6 games with them in my team. I know we can't have 800 perfectly equal 'mons, but I do think that the gap is too wide between the strongest and weakest ones. And giving Megas to the strongest ones while ignoring the weakest is only making the gap wider (apart from few failures, see Mega Garchomp). So, Megas are purely a marketing tool, aiming to please the masses (mostly, as I said, young kids who focus on POWAH more than Jeremy Clarkson did in Top Gear) and not truly a means to balance the game and bring weak 'mons back to viability.

The thing that I don't like is that Slapping a Mega onto a bad pokemon isn't going to make it good. For example, lets say that Mega Butterfree has a very similar stat spread to M-Beedrill (-30 into Atk, plus 60 and 70 for Sp.atk and Spe respectively. It would be good on paper, but it won't be OU because Pokemon like Volcarona already do its niche better. It would still be subject to hazrds, Priority, and steel types. On top of that, it would compete with every other previous Mega for the slot on the team, and Bug/Psychic isn't really a good type to build around. It would be good if you slapped an ability specifically to stop counterplay on it, but that would be almost as bad as the infamous Sap Sipper Swampert idea. That's what I meant for regarding lore (I should've added prior gameplay too) I think, that if one were set on balancing megas, one should have a role in mind which could feasibly fit into a team. Something like Psychic Terrain Butterfree only serves to make to restrict any potential counters the pokemon has. Pokemon is a game that is almost entirely centered on counter play. Things that are made specifically to stop opposing strategies are unoriginal and are just a slap in the face to other every other mon. Mega Evolution isn't a reliable way to buff a Pokemon. Pokemon like Mawile and Salamence only got lucky in having Good typing + Good moves + Good abilities to complement their mega. 


Also, Smogon tiers again aren't used to measure how good a Pokemon is for Gamefreak. That's VGC and Battlespot to a lesser extent. Those areas are the reasons why things like Gale Wings, -late abilities, and Dark Void were nerfed. Gengar has been 

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13 minutes ago, Norm said:

The thing that I don't like is that Slapping a Mega onto a bad pokemon isn't going to make it good.

It depends on how that Mega is built.

And it's better than slapping a Mega onto an extremely strong Pokemon. I really see no point in giving Megas to pokemon like Latias, Latios, Mewtwo, Garchomp, Metagross etc.

13 minutes ago, Norm said:

It would be good on paper, but it won't be OU because Pokemon like Volcarona already do its niche better. It would still be subject to hazrds, Priority, and steel types.

So, in order for a Meg to be "good", it has to have no counters? Because that's what I see you're implying. Unless I have misunderstood. You also said that OU and uber aren't quality measures, but measures on how much they're used, and that's what I knew anyways. Thing is that, it might not be as good as Volcarona, but I'd have a chance to make it work in a strong, yet unconventional team. With the standard Butterfree, you have no such chance. The point is that this kind of Meta promotes certain pokemon. But, if we had more "weak" Megas, we'd have the chance to experiment more.


13 minutes ago, Norm said:

Things that are made specifically to stop opposing strategies are unoriginal and are just a slap in the face to other every other mon. Mega Evolution isn't a reliable way to buff a Pokemon. Pokemon like Mawile and Salamence only got lucky in having Good typing + Good moves + Good abilities to complement their mega. 

And good stats. So, the point is that there is no hope for weaker pokemon to be good with Megas, so we don't do anything about them? Because I honestly don't see how Butterfree (in this example) will become relevant by only getting tiny power creeps and an addition of a move like Air Slash every now and then. So, a Mega would be a good example. I'm against the very existence of Megas all along, but I'd see their use in balaning game by making more 'mons relevant. But all they think of is how to sell more to new generations of kiddos.

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Mega Venusaur: 21
Mega Charizard X: 24

Mega Charizard Y: 23
Mega Alakazam: 20
Mega Gengar: 22

Mega Kangaskhan: 18
Mega Pinsir: 22
Mega Aerodactyl: 24
Mega Mewtwo X: 4
Mega Mewtwo Y: 18
Mega Ampharos: 13
Mega Scizor: 18
Mega Heracross: 21

Mega Houndoom: 23
Mega Tyranitar: 23
Mega Gardevoir: 10

Mega Mawile: 26
Mega Aggron: 20

Mega Medicham: 12
Mega Manectric: 24
Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 18
Mega Garchomp: 4
Mega Lucario: 14
Mega Abomasnow: 17

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1 hour ago, Jess said:

It depends on how that Mega is built.

And it's better than slapping a Mega onto an extremely strong Pokemon. I really see no point in giving Megas to pokemon like Latias, Latios, Mewtwo, Garchomp, Metagross etc.

Some people might just like using Metagross, who just happens to be a potent pokemon already. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with giving some more usable Pokemon Mege Evolutions, its just when they are made ludicrously powerful when they are a problem. Scizor's Mega is fair game IMO, but Shadow Tag Gengar? That's a bit much. If you get enjoyment out of using weaker, under-used pokemon, that's fine. But, its equally okay for people to like using the strong Megas.


1 hour ago, Jess said:

So, in order for a Meg to be "good", it has to have no counters? Because that's what I see you're implying. Unless I have misunderstood. You also said that OU and uber aren't quality measures, but measures on how much they're used, and that's what I knew anyways. Thing is that, it might not be as good as Volcarona, but I'd have a chance to make it work in a strong, yet unconventional team. With the standard Butterfree, you have no such chance. The point is that this kind of Meta promotes certain pokemon. But, if we had more "weak" Megas, we'd have the chance to experiment more.

I get this sentiment. I guess it's the way you worded it/ I perceived. "I want Butterfree to be good" and "I want Butterfree to be OU" are two statements that warrant different reactions. I don't really understand how you misconstrued what I was saying. I implied that I thought that counterplay was integral to Pokemon and creating Megas solely to negate counters is dumb (You see a lot of Fan Megas with this sentiment). My argument about megas (which I probably should have stated before... Whoops) is that The 'mons that get the most bang for their buck are Pokemon like Pinsir, Manectric, and Houndoom. In essence, Pokemon that have potential in their stats. but are held back by lack specialization or hindered by powercreep. They have the innate stats to get the most out of +100 BST boost. Putting Mega Evolution on Delibird isn't going to necessarily make it good. It will just be a bad mega evolution, and baf megas, just like weak base-form pokemon, aren't going to be used over their more powerful competition.

1 hour ago, Jess said:

And good stats. So, the point is that there is no hope for weaker pokemon to be good with Megas, so we don't do anything about them? Because I honestly don't see how Butterfree (in this example) will become relevant by only getting tiny power creeps and an addition of a move like Air Slash every now and then. So, a Mega would be a good example. I'm against the very existence of Megas all along, but I'd see their use in balaning game by making more 'mons relevant. But all they think of is how to sell more to new generations of kiddos.

Mega Evolution wasn't even created with the idea of balancing weak mons. It was a new mechaninc made to add new forms to popular Pokemon and to shake up the gameplay. There wasn't ever really a direct desire to use it to buff weaker pokemon. I think the problem here is that the Pokemon is not a game that strives for balance, it wants to have variety. Butterfree, at its inception, was created deliberately weaker than other Pokemon do differentiate them. Rare/Legendary Pokemon are made stronger to encourage collecting them. The game simply isn't meant to have widespread Balance. There are a lot of Pokemon I like that won't ever be good competitively (I still love you, Persian) but I can still use them ingame, and that's really what Gamefreak is going for. New regions and Pokemon are made to deepen the world and variety in Pokemon, not to enhance the metagame. Therefore, while I wish pokemon to be good, I don't think it should be expected of Gamefreak to try even out the power between Pokemon. If they want to keep their earlygame bugs weak, that's their prerogative. At the end of the day, Pokemon is famous for the adventure, not for the sprawling metagame. 


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Because of course a mega needs to be viable in at least OU to be considered worth it! In all seriousness, there are mons I would love to see get a mega that either deserve it or need it. Examples are FLygon, Yanmega, Bisharp (just because gen 5 can use some love. It doesn't need the buff, but gen 5 needs the love), Cryogonal, Drudigon (give it mega char X's form and watch it go) and even Klingklang (guess what gen I think should get mega's more). I personally see no issue with getting stronger mons a mega, but the second it goes like Blaziken, Salamence, and Metagross... just stop. My favorite examples of Mega's done right are Gallade and Gardevoir (only partly because Garde is my favorite mon). Gardevoir itself was already a pretty strong mon. It didn't fully need it's mega. But the mega it did get buffed it in the right way without breaking it. a higher speed, spakt, and spdef combined with a new ability that completely changes it while changing fairly little (though I don't understand why it gained 20 base attack... like, seriously. does anyone have an idea why it did? why couldn't that have gone to def/speed?). Mega Gallade did everything Mega Gardevoir did right and did it better to a mon that needed it more. Higher attack, higher speed, and higher defense, yet lacking a bit in the Ability (not a terrible ability, but not a good one either. Justified or something would have been better). Granted that those two are done well is my opinion, yet I truly believe that that is the way to really make a good mega for a mon that needs it.

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  • Veterans

Mega Venusaur: 19
Mega Charizard X: 24

Mega Charizard Y: 23
Mega Alakazam: 20
Mega Gengar: 22

Mega Kangaskhan: 18
Mega Pinsir: 22
Mega Aerodactyl: 24
Mega Mewtwo X: 4
Mega Mewtwo Y: 18
Mega Ampharos: 13
Mega Scizor: 18
Mega Heracross: 21

Mega Houndoom: 23
Mega Tyranitar: 23
Mega Gardevoir: 10

Mega Mawile: 27
Mega Aggron: 20

Mega Medicham: 12
Mega Manectric: 24
Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 18
Mega Garchomp: 4
Mega Lucario: 14
Mega Abomasnow: 17


50/50 on giving buffs to Pokemon that need them and already Popular Pokemon(You couldn't really call Ampharos, Absol, Houndoom, Kangaskhan, Aggron, Gardevoir, Beedrill, Lopunny  "Good")is a good split in my opinion, though slanting it more to the former would be appreciated. Stuff like 2 Megas for Charizard or Mewtwo were wholly unnecessary, but at the same time it is awesome to see a Pokemon you really like getting some love in that way. The thing I am against is not giving 'counterparts' a Mega too though, for example, Butterfree and Beedrill, Milotic and Gyarados, Flygon and the other gen 3 Dragons. Flygon and Milotic especially deserved it(I'd have taken a Flygon Mega over the current Mega Garchomp any day honestly.)


Alas my favourite megas bar Mawile and Absol aren't even in this list though.

RIP Pidgeot/Sceptile/Gallade.


Pidgeot's Mega is bordering on my favourite period, just did everything right; Gave it a niche, fixed it's attack stat being highest despite it being known for it's wind based moves more, made it look motherfucking badass. God bless you Bird Jesus.

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Mega Venusaur: 19
Mega Charizard X: 24

Mega Charizard Y: 23
Mega Alakazam: 20
Mega Gengar: 22

Mega Kangaskhan: 18
Mega Pinsir: 22
Mega Aerodactyl: 24

Mega Mewtwo X: 2
Mega Mewtwo Y: 18
Mega Ampharos: 13
Mega Scizor: 18

Mega Heracross: 22

Mega Houndoom: 23
Mega Tyranitar: 23
Mega Gardevoir: 10

Mega Mawile: 27
Mega Aggron: 20

Mega Medicham: 12
Mega Manectric: 24
Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 18
Mega Garchomp: 4 - (This is hurting me :'( )
Mega Lucario: 14
Mega Abomasnow: 17

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Mega Venusaur: 19
Mega Charizard X: 24

Mega Charizard Y: 23
Mega Alakazam: 20
Mega Gengar: 22

Mega Kangaskhan: 18
Mega Pinsir: 22
Mega Aerodactyl: 24
Mega Mewtwo X: 2
Mega Mewtwo Y: 18
Mega Ampharos: 13
Mega Scizor: 18
Mega Heracross: 22

Mega Houndoom: 23
Mega Tyranitar: 23
Mega Gardevoir: 11

Mega Mawile: 27
Mega Aggron: 20

Mega Medicham: 10
Mega Manectric: 24
Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 18
Mega Garchomp: 4
Mega Lucario: 14
Mega Abomasnow: 17


come to think of it (not even out of bias here), all mega's fairy has gotten were on mons that to an extent needed it. The one that I'd say you could argue about is Gardevoir because Diancie needed the buff without even a doubt. and Mawile... from PU to Ubers. nothing more needs to be said there

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That's because with Huge Power, Mawile indirectly got a >200 boost in BST, on top of an improved typing. That's a lot. 


@Norm Look back at Gen6. It was balanced. Megas would (and did) change the metagame forever. The teams either became centered around their mega or the mega was supporting the team in a unique way. All changes from gen5 to gen6 were in favor of balance. 

Once again, a good mega is a different mega. I don't need a new one that's exactly the same as a previous one, possibly just in a lower tier. That's what makes fake M-Butterfree (that does it properly and doesn't just copy Volcarona) different to a fake M-Mienshao (that's just another Lopunny)

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Mega Venusaur: 19
Mega Charizard X: 24

Mega Charizard Y: 23
Mega Alakazam: 20
Mega Gengar: 22

Mega Kangaskhan: 18
Mega Pinsir: 22
Mega Aerodactyl: 24
Mega Mewtwo X: 2
Mega Mewtwo Y: 18
Mega Ampharos: 13
Mega Scizor: 18
Mega Heracross: 22

Mega Houndoom: 23
Mega Tyranitar: 23
Mega Gardevoir: 11

Mega Mawile: 27
Mega Aggron: 20

Mega Medicham: 10
Mega Manectric: 25
Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 16
Mega Garchomp: 4
Mega Lucario: 14
Mega Abomasnow: 17

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Mega Venusaur: 19
Mega Charizard X: 24

Mega Charizard Y: 23
Mega Alakazam: 20
Mega Gengar: 22

Mega Kangaskhan: 18
Mega Pinsir: 22
Mega Aerodactyl: 24
Mega Mewtwo X: 2
Mega Mewtwo Y: 18
Mega Ampharos: 13
Mega Scizor: 18
Mega Heracross: 22

Mega Houndoom: 23
Mega Tyranitar: 23
Mega Gardevoir: 11

Mega Mawile: 28
Mega Aggron: 20

Mega Medicham: 10
Mega Manectric: 25
Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 16
Mega Garchomp: 4
Mega Lucario: 12
Mega Abomasnow: 17


Mega Lucario has an ugly design, an ability that doesn't make sense and its higher attack stat breaks with lucario's theme: the aura.

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