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Hurt and Heal: XY Megas


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  On 2/14/2018 at 10:30 PM, walpurgis said:

Nowhere for now, but I imagine (hope expect dream) it will be available relatively soon.


Damn. Got my hopes up there, doing a Dragon mono at the moment and that'd have been so nice to have to prevent Altaria from becoming entirely irrelevant >_>

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  On 2/14/2018 at 10:03 PM, walpurgis said:

I'm not a master of competitive pokemon, but in monotype I love to use moxie heracross in sticky web and it sweeps. (the mega in my in-game team is heracross, though)


But Heracross looses Moxie when he Mega Evolves :(

Or do you sweep with him and get some stat boots before you Mega Evolve?

  On 2/14/2018 at 9:58 PM, Dragoknight said:

NEVER. MEGA. SAYBLEYE. Way too OP and annoying to not be post game.


We already have Steelixite and Banettite, but Aerodactylite is definitely very likely.

Forgot Glalie was a thing, and everything @walpurgis said is quite likely. Maybe Mega Altaria and Mega Beedrill too.


Where is the Steelixite? And jeah forgot we already have Banettite.

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  On 2/14/2018 at 11:11 PM, walpurgis said:

I meant monotype the metagame, but it's also cool to get boosts and then mega evolve.


Tbh i have no clue why his Mega Evolution has Skill Link. It is just weird.


  On 2/14/2018 at 10:57 PM, Dragoknight said:

After renovating the Railnet, it is on the bottom floor room of the Devon Corp.


Jeah renovated everything, but not the Railnet. You get like almost nothing out of the Railnet Renovation

Edited by CrimsonDragon21
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  On 2/14/2018 at 11:23 PM, CrimsonDragon21 said:

Jeah renovated everything, but not the Railnet. You get like almost nothing out of the Railnet Renovation


You get an Assault Vest and access to a trade (Probopass for Togepi egg) for renovating the Railnet.

The Azurine Island restoration is easily the best one (Chikorita egg trade, Chimchar egg trade, Bulba in wild, and Rocky Helm)

For the Obsidia Slums renovation, you get Goomy and TM12 Taunt.


I'd say Slums and Railnet are about even, depends on what you want. I prefer the Railnet (Assault Vest Magnezone) but if you want a taunter then the Slums are better.

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3 guesses as to which mega I really want to use. You'll never guess.

Anywho, regular Heracross is great on bug mono's. Even with Buzzwhole it's not too uncommon as it's more of a "pick your poison" kind of situation, granted both options are good. Hera has the better moveset and speed for sweeping chanses while Buzzwhole hits a bit harder and has Drain Punch.


... What? Just because I main fairy doesn't mean I can't also know a little about bug. Heck, early gen 7 I mained bug for a while. went back to fairy one day before the Tapu Lele ban tho (timing am I right?). Granted my bug team was a bit... odd (My main sweeper was Yanmega... Just can't hate that mon).


As for mega's I love using... Gardevoir, Altaria, Gallade, Diancie, Houndoom (when I play Dark Mono's. My go-to mega on those), and Absol (It should have been part fairy IMO, but its still cool). Surprisingly, I don't hate Mega Scizor. Yes, I've been salty on that thing sweeping my fairies many times, but I just can't hate the mon. I do hate Sableye, blastoise and mVenusaur's mega's tho. Sab cuz I hate stall, blastoise because I hate blastoise and venusaur because it's really annoying to kill with fairies (you have 2 options for it at best. and usually one of those is Mega Diancie with psychic, which is not a fun one). What others do I not like... Mega Blaziken was a Mistake (hey KFC, you can joins Ash Greninja!). Mega Garchomp... love garchomp, love the mega's design, hate the speed drop. Mega Salamence was a mistake, mega metagross... not as much of a mistake but enough to consider it one. Mega T-tar... no (guess my stance on pseudo mega's. I bet you'll never guess). Mega Audino... I just want to know who at gamefreak decided Audino should be the gen 5 mon with a mega. I mean, why not Haxorus and make it part bug? Why not bisharp? why not the starters/monkeys? (okay the monkeys I can understand, but maybe a mega could help them?) Why not Zoroark? So many Gen 5 mons that would have done better with a Mega. Hell, give one to the two bugs, let @Jess dance with them.

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  On 2/14/2018 at 11:35 PM, Dragoknight said:

You get an Assault Vest and access to a trade (Probopass for Togepi egg) for renovating the Railnet.

The Azurine Island restoration is easily the best one (Chikorita egg trade, Chimchar egg trade, Bulba in wild, and Rocky Helm)

For the Obsidia Slums renovation, you get Goomy and TM12 Taunt.


I'd say Slums and Railnet are about even, depends on what you want. I prefer the Railnet (Assault Vest Magnezone) but if you want a taunter then the Slums are better.


Well i prefer something where you can access new things:

Obsidia Slums got the GUM Room, with a Puzzle.

Azurine Island got the new designed Swamp, nothing so cool but at least there are some side quests.

Last but not least The Railnet. It doesn't open new Areas to explore or any sidequests. It just blockades you from progressing any further. You can't access the broken Railnet to farm Speed EV woobats anymore. Well for me the worst out of the 3.

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Tbh I originally hated Mega Gyarados because the model looked like it just got really short and fat....

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But then you see it actually animated in the anime and it turns out it's actually just the same length just bigger and with much larger fins, and it made me appreciate it a whole lot more. It being Gyarados also helps.


Kinda something similar for Mega Scizor:

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It kinda takes away from a lot of what makes base Scizor...Scizor. But a friend of mine mentioned that it seemed like a terminator now moreso than a humanoid/reptilian insect coated in metal. Fitting, since U-Turn is one of the moves Scizor is known for...



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He'll be back~


Mega Metagross/Salamence/Tyranitar/Garchomp were all mistakes tho, no joke about that. 2 of them are busted beyond belief, 1 of them is outright worse, and Mega Ttar is just a boring stat upgrade and nothing else.

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  On 2/14/2018 at 11:55 PM, CrimsonDragon21 said:

Well i prefer something where you can access new things:

Obsidia Slums got the GUM Room, with a Puzzle.

Azurine Island got the new designed Swamp, nothing so cool but at least there are some side quests.

Last but not least The Railnet. It doesn't open new Areas to explore or any sidequests. It just blockades you from progressing any further. You can't access the broken Railnet to farm Speed EV woobats anymore. Well for me the worst out of the 3.


But you can EV farm Swoobats in Malchious forest just as easily for twice as much EV's. You don't need the Railnet.

But I do enjoy a good puzzle and the GUM room is pretty cool.

And the new railway actually opens up a new building in each ward. Those are "new areas to explore" if you ask me. It does every bit the Slums renovations do, just in a different way. I respect your preference, but be real here.

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@walpurgis @CrimsonDragon21 My experience says that Moxie Heracross is more useful than Mega Heracross, at least in Bug-mono teams. Moxie and better speed are too good. And a Choice Scarf Heracross is quite good to check even flying types with Rock Blast.

Also, Focus Sash Counter Heracross is quite a surprising thing to use and it has saved me a lot of times.

Plus, if you get Mega Heracross in a Bug monoteam, you have to pass on much better Megas, such as Mega Pinsir (seriously, wtf is this monster) or Mega Scizor (aka bye bye Fairies doombot).


  On 2/14/2018 at 11:43 PM, Wolfox said:

Hell, give one to the two bugs, let @Jess dance with them.


Gimme. ASAP

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  On 2/15/2018 at 12:17 AM, Dragoknight said:

But you can EV farm Swoobats in Malchious forest just as easily for twice as much EV's. You don't need the Railnet.

But I do enjoy a good puzzle and the GUM room is pretty cool.

And the new railway actually opens up a new building in each ward. Those are "new areas to explore" if you ask me. It does every bit the Slums renovations do, just in a different way. I respect your preference, but be real here.


Well it still makes a whole area abundant. Would have been better if we could access the renovated railroad.

And you can't actually say those Buildings for the Railway are "new areas to explore". They are just places where you can use the Railnet. I rather use Fly.

Ah jeah i forgot to mention, i upgraded the Slums first, cause when i was playing on E16 i wanted the Charmander you get from the gang leader. So Charmander overvoted everything else :)


  On 2/15/2018 at 12:19 AM, Jess said:

My experience says that Moxie Heracross is more useful than Mega Heracross, at least in Bug-mono teams. Moxie and better speed are too good. And a Choice Scarf Heracross is quite good to check even flying types with Rock Blast.

Also, Focus Sash Counter Heracross is quite a surprising thing to use and it has saved me a lot of times.


Jeah why would Heracross loose speed when he Mega Evolves.

Focus Sash Counter is a pretty nice alternative to use Heracross, that i never heard of. Need to try it :)

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  On 2/15/2018 at 12:42 AM, CrimsonDragon21 said:

Focus Sash Counter is a pretty nice alternative to use Heracross, that i never heard of. Need to try it :)


It was how I defeated @Wolfox's Belly Drum Aqua Jet Azumarill in our Bug vs Fairy battle... Pity that: 1) He is too good and 2) My luck is too bad and I was destroyed anyways...

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  On 2/15/2018 at 12:19 AM, Jess said:

@walpurgis @CrimsonDragon21 My experience says that Moxie Heracross is more useful than Mega Heracross, at least in Bug-mono teams. Moxie and better speed are too good. And a Choice Scarf Heracross is quite good to check even flying types with Rock Blast.

Also, Focus Sash Counter Heracross is quite a surprising thing to use and it has saved me a lot of times.

Plus, if you get Mega Heracross in a Bug monoteam, you have to pass on much better Megas, such as Mega Pinsir (seriously, wtf is this monster) or Mega Scizor (aka bye bye Fairies doombot).


Ah, yes. The Red Menace. My favourite mega, if it were wearing a wedding dress.

Seriously tho, Swords Dance with that bulk and a Technician boosted STAB Bullet Punch? Thing's broken as all hell.

And I can preach the value of Choice Scarf Heracross. You could also run with Flame Orb and Guts, but I find the added speed better.

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Mega Venusaur: 15

Mega Charizard X: 24

Mega Charizard Y: 24

Mega Alakazam: 20 

Mega Gengar: 23 

Mega Kangaskhan: 18 

Mega Pinsir: 23

Mega Aerodactyl: 25

Mega Mewtwo Y: 18 

Mega Ampharos: 13 

Mega Scizor: 18

Mega Heracross: 22

Mega Houndoom: 23

Mega Tyranitar: 21

Mega Gardevoir: 3

Mega Mawile: 28

Mega Aggron: 22

Mega Medicham: 4

Mega Manectric: 21

Mega Banette: 16 

Mega Absol: 16 

Mega Lucario: 12

Mega Abomasnow: 17

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  On 2/15/2018 at 12:44 AM, Jess said:

It was how I defeated @Wolfox's Belly Drum Aqua Jet Azumarill in our Bug vs Fairy battle... Pity that: 1) He is too good and 2) My luck is too bad and I was destroyed anyways...


when my Azu drums a beat things die. doesn't matter if Azu gets the kill or not. things just die.


Mega Venusaur: 15

Mega Charizard X: 24

Mega Charizard Y: 24

Mega Alakazam: 20 

Mega Gengar: 23 

Mega Kangaskhan: 18 

Mega Pinsir: 23

Mega Aerodactyl: 25

Mega Mewtwo Y: 18 

Mega Ampharos: 13 

Mega Scizor: 18

Mega Heracross: 22

Mega Houndoom: 23

Mega Tyranitar: 21

Mega Gardevoir: 4

Mega Mawile: 28

Mega Aggron: 22

Mega Medicham: 2

Mega Manectric: 21

Mega Banette: 16 

Mega Absol: 16 

Mega Lucario: 12

Mega Abomasnow: 17

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Mega Venusuar: 15

Mega charizard x:24

Mega charizard y :24

Mega alakazam: 20

Mega gengar: 23

Mega kangaskhan :18

Mega pinser: 23

Mega areodactyl: 25

Mega mewtwo y: 18

Mega ampharos:13

Mega scizor: 18

Mega heracross :22

Mega houndoom: 23

Mega tyranitar :21

Mega gardevoir: 4-2=2

Mega mawile: 28

Mega aggron: 22

Mega medicham: 2

Mega manetric:21

Mega banette: 16

Mega absol: 16

Mega lucario:12+1=13

Mega abomasnow:17

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Mega Venusaur: 15

Mega Charizard X: 24

Mega Charizard Y: 24

Mega Alakazam: 20

Mega Gengar: 23

Mega Kangaskhan :18

Mega Pinsir: 23

Mega Aerodactyl: 25

Mega Mewtwo Y: 18

Mega Ampharos: 13

Mega Scizor: 18

Mega Heracross: 22

Mega Houndoom: 23

Mega Tyranitar: 21

Mega Gardevoir: 2

Mega Mawile: 29

Mega Aggron: 22

Mega Medicham: 0

Mega Manetric: 21

Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 16

Mega Lucario: 13

Mega Abomasnow: 17



I can't believe Mega Gardevoir is going down before than Mega Alakazam...

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Mega Venusaur: 15

Mega Charizard X: 24

Mega Charizard Y: 24

Mega Alakazam: 20

Mega Gengar: 23

Mega Kangaskhan :18

Mega Pinsir: 23

Mega Aerodactyl: 23

Mega Mewtwo Y: 18

Mega Ampharos: 13

Mega Scizor: 18

Mega Heracross: 22

Mega Houndoom: 23

Mega Tyranitar: 21


Mega Mawile: 29

Mega Aggron: 22

Mega Manetric: 21

Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 16

Mega Lucario: 13

Mega Abomasnow: 17


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo... don't let it end like this.

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Mega Venusaur: 15

Mega Charizard X: 22

Mega Charizard Y: 25

Mega Alakazam: 20

Mega Gengar: 23

Mega Kangaskhan :18

Mega Pinsir: 23

Mega Aerodactyl: 23

Mega Mewtwo Y: 18

Mega Ampharos: 13

Mega Scizor: 18

Mega Heracross: 22

Mega Houndoom: 23

Mega Tyranitar: 21

Mega Gardevoir: 3

Mega Mawile: 29

Mega Aggron: 22

Mega Manetric: 21

Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 16

Mega Lucario: 13

Mega Abomasnow: 17

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Hey, I can actually participate in this one from a fairly informed perspective! Now, let's see here...


Mega Venusaur: 15

Mega Charizard X: 22

Mega Charizard Y: 25

Mega Alakazam: 20

Mega Gengar: 23

Mega Kangaskhan :18

Mega Pinsir: 23

Mega Aerodactyl: 23

Mega Mewtwo Y: 18

Mega Ampharos: 13

Mega Scizor: 18

Mega Heracross: 22

Mega Houndoom: 23

Mega Tyranitar: 21

Mega Gardevoir: 3

Mega Mawile: 29

Mega Aggron: 23

Mega Manetric: 19

Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 16

Mega Lucario: 13

Mega Abomasnow: 17


...Yeah, neither of those seem to be group foci at the moment. Sorry!

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You guys defend Fairy the same way SJW defend minorities. The downvotes are not based on the typing. See Mawile for reference.

Also @Thundermaze it is not hypocritical to claim one pokemon deserves a mega and another doesn't. If your argumentation is about pairs of pokemon that should receive equal treatment, I'd have to point you towards Beedrill-Butterfree, Pidgeot-Raticate, Gyarados-Milotic and Altaria-Flygon, all exampes at the top of my head. 

Since I am the one who made the actual list in this thread I have an obligation to respond to your attack.


@Dragoknight are you copying my Oshawott shield? Do you think it will worK? 

It would, but I have to make a point.


Mega Venusaur: 15

Mega Charizard X: 22

Mega Charizard Y: 25

Mega Alakazam: 20

Mega Gengar: 23

Mega Kangaskhan :18

Mega Pinsir: 23

Mega Aerodactyl: 23

Mega Mewtwo Y: 18

Mega Ampharos: 13

Mega Scizor: 18

Mega Heracross: 22

Mega Houndoom: 23

Mega Tyranitar: 21

Mega Gardevoir: 1

Mega Mawile: 29

Mega Aggron: 23

Mega Manectric: 20

Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 16

Mega Lucario: 13

Mega Abomasnow: 17



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Mega Venusaur: 15

Mega Charizard X: 22

Mega Charizard Y: 25

Mega Alakazam: 20

Mega Gengar: 23

Mega Kangaskhan :18

Mega Pinsir: 23

Mega Aerodactyl: 23

Mega Mewtwo Y: 18

Mega Ampharos: 13

Mega Scizor: 18

Mega Heracross: 22

Mega Houndoom: 23

Mega Tyranitar: 21

Mega Gardevoir: 0

Mega Mawile: 29

Mega Aggron: 23

Mega Manetric: 21

Mega Banette: 16

Mega Absol: 16

Mega Lucario: 13

Mega Abomasnow: 17

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