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pokemon starter


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They're all viable options, although less people would have played with popplio as it was only added recently, so people probably couldn't give you as much advice. 

Charmander makes the early game ridiculously easy because it has access to dragon rage which kills everything. Chimchar is just relatively solid throughout most of the game. Froakie might struggle early on due to typing (although its hidden ability helps in this regard) but its a pretty good team member throughout the game. So really, you can't go wrong with these choices, but they'll shine in really different areas. 

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Well, it depends on your personal tastes as well as how you want your trip through Reborn to be.


For a starter that will struggle during the early game, but perform well later due to its excellent typing, take Popplio.

For an all-around solid starter that will be reliable, particularly during the early game, take Chimchar.

For a starter that is relatively unimpressive at first but will be a beast later due to a somewhat broken ability, take Froakie.

For a trivialized early game (Dragon Rage spam ftw!), take Charmander.


...ninja'd by Mde

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I had Froakie with Protean as starter and damn, Smack Down was... something. 

Why not Contrary Snivy?

For Popplio, ingame Ame says something bonus for that choice.

Never tried other starters (minus Fennekin which I have on my second - dog mono - run)

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