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Reborn League Team (TR Set)


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Now, This is a set Ryan & Neo helped me build and I won the first gym fight I had with it but I wanted to get some opinions. I'd give you a summary of what does what but sadly I can't because I'm not good at those, But I wanted to get extra feeback from the people around and here see what you think based on how it looks so far. Thanks. <3


Bronzong @ Leftovers

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 252 HP / 104 Atk / 152 SDef

Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)

- Gyro Ball

- Trick Room

- Reflect

- Stealth Rock

Info: Bronzong is there to set up SR on teams for general support, Levitate gives it defense for EQ & fire is more of less covered by the EVs set in his special defense. And there to set up Trick Room for the support of the rest of the team like Druddigon & Conkeldurr. Gyro Ball supports it's low speed provides it a move to attack with, Reflect keeps defense up so he has a chance to heal with leftovers and provides the rest of the team some coverage. Attack EVs to support it's Gyro Ball.

Amoonguss (F) @ Mental Herb

Trait: Regenerator

EVs: 252 HP / 104 SAtk / 152 SDef

Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)

- Giga Drain

- Rage Powder

- Spore

- Hidden Power [Fire]

Info: Amoongus is there to keep things like toxic spikes out of the way and as a support mainly for Bronzong and many others in double battles in the league with it's rage powder to provide chances for bronzong to set up. HP Fire for ice types obviously and giga drain to get some health back. EVs in health to support itself so it can last and stall out for awhile and special attack for it's sp atk moves and spore to keep enemies halted for a chance to get in a nice kill or 2.

Slowbro (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Regenerator

EVs: 160 HP / 228 Def / 120 SDef

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Scald

- Slack Off

- Flamethrower

- Trick Room

Info: Slowbro is here to support more Trick room sets so it can move efficiently instead of getting stuck in a jam with a pokemon like Genesect and slack off to heal itself. Scald to support itself and burn foes and flamethrower for those pesky grass types. EV's in defense so it doesnt get KO'd by most pokemon and slight in special defense and health so it can last for a long time in order to support TR and recover if need e as well as leftovers for a speedy recovery.

Conkeldurr (F) @ Life Orb

Trait: Guts

EVs: 180 HP / 252 Atk / 78 Def

Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)

- Drain Punch

- Bulk Up

- Rock Slide

- Earthquake

Info: Drain punch was used to get a lot of it's health back, I thought of an iron fist set but since the league has many more of these double or triple battled that's where moves like EQ and rock slide come in to save the day and obviously points in attack for that same reason. Some in Defense and a lot in health for a bulk and bulk up to set up while TR is up and running and a life orb to power up it's moves.

Porygon2 @ Eviolite

Trait: Download

EVs: 252 HP / 104 SAtk / 152 SDef

Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)

- Ice Beam

- Recover

- Trick Room

- Magic Coat

Info: Eviolite because it's a freaking porygon2 lol. It's got bulk on EVs for special defense to keep it healthy as well as a nature in defense and HP EVs to keep it from dying fast. Recover to keep it from being OHKO'd and magic coat to get back at the other side and prevent a hit as well as trick room to keep the team in stable condition and ice beam to cover flying types and cover Amoongus.

Druddigon (M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Sheer Force

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef

Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)

- Dragon Claw

- Sucker Punch

- Protect

- Superpower

Info: Life orb to power up its attacks and EVs in health and Attack to provide a steady sweep with various moves like dragon claw, sucker punch for things like jellicent and superpower for a last resort of pokemon like genesect. Protect was used on him because he is also a good scouter to figure out what kinds of moves the opponent has or for double and triple matches when conkelduur uses EQ and I need a pokemon to cover. It would be him if Bronzong has been knocked out.

Edited by Light
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i do not do league any more but you should probably give conkulder 252 hp evs

Also protect on druddigon seems like a waste of move slot. I does not have leftovers and none of you pokes know toxic so your also not stalling any pokemon. It would also waste a turn of trick room though i guess it would help in doubles and triples

Edited by Berserker
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Sheer Force on Druddigon doesn't help you at all, since the moves on it has no additional effects

Try Mold Breaker or Rough Skin

I'll work it around. :) I actually just recently changed it back to that because today I had a double battle and I was using protect on him & then EQ from Conkeldurr.

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Do provide descriptions for your sets. Also, making a thread on your League team means even the leaders themselves can see and probably make a team just to counter yours. You have been warned.

Your Pokemon can generally take Physical hits on its own; I suggest Light Screen over Reflect to balance it out.

Unrelated: Green Bronzong looks ugly.

Your Conkeldurrrrrrr has space for more EVs. Good to invest them in HP and DEF

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Do provide descriptions for your sets. Also, making a thread on your League team means even the leaders themselves can see and probably make a team just to counter yours. You have been warned.

Your Pokemon can generally take Physical hits on its own; I suggest Light Screen over Reflect to balance it out.

Unrelated: Green Bronzong looks ugly.

Your Conkeldurrrrrrr has space for more EVs. Good to invest them in HP and DEF

Read the first part about how I don't provide description cause I'm too lazy. :P And good luck cause in league you can change everything but your moves. XD They can only counter so much.

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The leaders know your team anyway.

But yeah, Light. As awesome as you are, you're not exempt from the rules. Please provide descriptions on your Pokemon, and the like. If you have any questions ask me, or refer to the RMT guidelines

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The leaders know your team anyway.

But yeah, Light. As awesome as you are, you're not exempt from the rules. Please provide descriptions on your Pokemon, and the like. If you have any questions ask me, or refer to the RMT guidelines


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