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Tournaments Galore! Pokemon Legends Of The Arena! (COMPLETED)


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  • Tell me you don't enjoy that Intro music. It is so soothing. I love it.
  • Hey! A game where we don't start out in a home living with our mom! I mean... Other Pokemon Fan Made Games do that too but this feels really different from the others.
  • How come we forget who our brother is? o.O
  • Btw, the little quiz we take before determines our starter for the game (our Eeveelution starter).
  • I like that our character is witty and somewhat of an smartass. Reminds me of myself.
  • Mandatory this building does that and this building does this tutorial.
  • Ohh yes. Our starter is level 15. This is way different from other games and it kinda urks me a bit but I'll get over it. It's definitely interesting though.
  • Our brother wants to catch a Pineco... Pineco sucks.
  • The guy on the start of the route will appear in the Tournament. So spoiler warning right now! In every town that holds the tournament, there will be a certain character that we follow or interact a lot with until the tournament is over. I think that feature is pretty cool. It isn't just focusing on us and our brother.
  • Those little blue healing things. Exactly what they do. They heal your Pokemon but at the cost of some of your money. I barely use these things. But again, it's a good idea.
  • Max acting weird after we battle him. I know things like waiting for seeing to see if you're accepted into the Qualifiers for a Tournament could be worrying but acting like that is just so bizarre.
  • We get accepted into the qualifiers! WOO! Btw, pay attention to the fact that it said to be there at 9 in the morning. It's not important but it's funny for what happens in the next episode.



  • Yes. I completely forgot to go to sleep. Moving on!
  • I love how Max is all hyper as fuck to wake us up and then when we get out of bed, he's just like "Really? You slept in your clothes?" That's hilarious.
  • Ok. So remember what I said about to remember that the e-mail said that you have to be there at 9 in the morning? Our little shit brother Max woke me up at 5 IN THE MORNING! Damnit Max! Haha. I'd be more mad about it but apparently, people are just as crazy as he is and are already there too.
  • I like how we get our own little room to chill in before the tournaments begin.
  • Soooo while the way this tournament works confuses me, I do enjoy the fact that it's this and not Gyms. I like them but once in a while, I like to do something else besides challenging Gyms.
  • Aaaannnnddddd we win! And what do we win? A medal. And I love that it's a PokeBall. I LOVE IT!


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  • Apparently, relaxing means BATTLE! Weird but whatever.
  • 1st Team Member! Pichu-Pikachu! Took me like an hour to evolve that little mouse into a slightly bigger mouse.
  • I like all of the side characters except for the snobby, rich bi- I mean girl but hey! Guess who the last person we battle in this tournament is! Her! So we won't have to see her for long.
  • Ahh. Maple Town. Basically old people place. Hence the title of the Episode.
  • Hey! Free Pokemon to be given out! Neat!
  • 2nd Team Member! Buneary! I was afraid that the update took this Pokemon out of this area but it hasn't. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for another team member I wanted to get here but that'll be saved for the next video.
  • Btw, the music for this place does sound like it goes good with like rich people. But I love it!
  • So after beating this guys crazy uncle, we get to choose our free Pokemon (Buuuuut I'm not using them)
  • Btw, this Laura person is, I would think, 1 of the main characters. So we'll be seeing more of her during this playthrough.
  • Wait... How did she know where we were and why did that guy let her just take a Pokemon?



  • 3rd Team Member! Spoink-Grumpig! So I'll be honest, I kind of cheated to get the Grumpig. I went to the 1.2 save file I still have and caught the Spoink in the Citrus Garden there. Saved the game and will continue in the 1.3. I don't think it's that game breaking though. Although, I was afraid I was going to lose my save file from doing that.
  • We go back to the tournament building and we start! Of course, the last battle is against the rich girl and she gets blown back!
  • I love the little scene between her and the girls father after that tournament is over. I wanted to see them 2 fight though...
  • Ohh yes. Almost forgot. The medal this time was a Premier Ball medal. Again, I'm liking this way better than the Gym Battle System.
  • Can I just say that I love that our character knows when he's gonna be wrapped up in some kind of silly situation? I always have a good chuckle with this game.
  • Uh oh. It appears there are bad guys in here and... Ohh. Nothing too major happens here. Except we get a backstory about the tournaments!
  • I feel like I'm watching a cartoon when I'm playing this game sometimes. I freaking love it. Haha. But it's surprising that Ghost Types are banned. Was not expecting that the 1st time I played this.
  • Btw, let it be known that these characters are aware that they can summon cutscenes from out of no where in this universe of theirs. o.O


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  • Adventuring through Route 10. By the way, hi cameo appearance of Crasher Wake who is just a drunken buffoon in this game!
  • I don't know why the Ludicolo are blocking the way to get to Ironside Village. They just seem to be there.
  • Max trades a bad Pokemon for an equally bad Pokemon. Although, it does evolve into something better than a Forretress.
  • The man that is in charge of the Lighthouse and who is tasked with going to check up on him? -sigh- DAMN ALL OF YOU! Can't 1 of you do it yourselves? Fiiiiiine. I will save the day again.
  • I hate this Krabby/Kingler "puzzle." I wish it was something else but what can you do about it.
  • We finally run into more of that cult we were told in the last episode and we get to battle them. Yay!
  • Time to battle the boss and WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?! I am clueless as to what this could be but it looks like me and it apparently is me... And it's horrifying! Although, I think it would have been a cool idea if they could somehow make it so that dark you has the same exact Pokemon you do but maybe make them appear a little darker or something like that.
  • We save the man in charge of the Lighthouse! WOO! But of course, they don't believe that we were battling a demon that looked like me. I mean, why wouldn't they?
  • Craster saves the tournament and gives no fucks given on what Gabriel is saying. And I love that. xD



  • We go back and start the tournament! But this 1 ends a bit more sad.
  • I'm SOOO happy the creator of this game didn't do the whole "brother and brother make it to the end of the of the tournament and will now face off for the blah blah blah." and decides to end that thing here. Yes. We end up facing Max and we beat him. Unfortunately, he doesn't take it well and apparently disowns us as being a brother. Which honestly sucks. I like Max and him not being there for the rest of the tournament and him being mad at us. Just damn. But it's interesting to see where this may lead between us.
  • Laura constantly tries to make the player happy despite what happened in the tournament. She's a good friend... Or she just doesn't want to see sad faces or whatever. We even get to battle her and we DOMINATE! Haha.


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  • So the only good thing about Taproot Town is the bar, the tournament place of course and the museum.
  • We meet Gabriel and Professor Oak in the museum. I love that Professor Oak is a drunk because he can't deal with all the fam that came with inventing the Pokedex. xD
  • After Oak goes back to get drunk, Gabriel tasks us to go with Michael and Laura to journey to the Ruins Of Almoor. I love that our character instantly starts listing off some outrageous scenarios Gabriel could be asking us to do. By the way, shout out to the creator for the SpongeBob reference with that perfume line.
  • We meet up with Michael and Laura and then meet his nemesis, Samuel. No affiliation with Samuel Oak too. :P
  • Turns out Samuel stole Michaels credit for work and now they hate each other. Anyways, MOVING ON!
  • This whoooole dessert is soooooo long. Or maybe there's just a lot of trainers inside.
  • 4th Team Member! Again, with the Spoink, I cheated and used the demo that was out before this 1 to capture Skarmory. Although, I'll be honest, I didn't search in the dessert that long in this version so I'm not sure if that move was necessary or not.
  • FINALLY, we get top where we need to go and we also finally get to sass Laura back.



  • We journey inside the ruins aaannnddd we should have listened to Laura. WE ARE TRAPPED NOW! DX
  • We journey through and eventually find Samuel. Weird how he seemed so calm and collected the 1st time we met and then now he seems to have lost it. At least to me. Anyways, time to battle him!
  • After defeating him and witnessing at least 3 people getting killed (Jesus Christ!), Samuel and Michael finally start making up.
  • I do actually like that they're repairing their friendship and that it seems they'll be good in the future.



  • Time to go through the tournament aaannnddd the last opponent is in fact Michael and so far, he's been the hardest battle I've ever had in the game. But luckily I come through and we have a sentimental scene with Michael and wish each other good luck to our own things.
  • Before leaving, Samuel lets us decide which fossil to take. FYI, not using the fossil. Just chose my favorite 1.
  • The next couple of routes are SOOOOO LOOOONG AND SOOOOO MANY TRAINERS!
  • The only places that are worth checking out is the Fisherman's house (the 1 that is participating in the tournament) and a house which contains 2 brothers that 1 can teach elemental punches and the other to forget moves. Besides that, we make our way to Breezeblock Village.


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  • Was not expecting Gabriel's home to feel so... Small. Hell. He barely has anything upstairs except for a bed and a computer. It just feels so weird.
  • Now, it turns out the winner of this tournament will be facing Aemon. Yay! 
  • I like the fact that we just take the old man's spare ticket and we just go on our merry way. xD
  • That dream sequence was WEIRD.
  • And so is the fact that we encounter the man that we dreamt about... Double weird.
  • Again, shout out to the creator for putting in the Paper Mario: Thousand Year Old Door Train Ride Music in the train riding scene.
  • The areas look nice here but finally... FINALLY! We get a Thunder Stone and evolve Pikachu! About damn time!


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  • So apparently we helped take down the evil bike group. Yay! And we are invited to go to the Police Station. Even more yay!
  • I will say that the cycling road looks nice.
  • Salt Spray City! A lot of buildings here. Looks like an exciting place though.
  • We go into the Police Chief's room and... Can I not leave this room please? This music is so damn good!
  • By the way, the people of this world apparently have the power to make the color disappear when someone is talking about their past. I want this ability!
  • We are then tasked with arresting 3 bad guys. Everyone? Let's go bust some criminals!



  • So we eventually do arrest our 3 bad guys but then... WE TURN INTO BAD GUYS!
  • We are tasked with breaking into the police evidence building and bringing back some supplies to this dude.
  • I'm not TOTALLY sure but I think depending on how much you bribe the dude, the events in the backroom change.
  • Obviously, $1 isn't gonna do a thing.
  • I think $1,000 is so that you're able to go into the backroom but you have to battle the police. (as I have done)
  • $10,000 is so that you're able to just go back there but not be interrupted by cops. As I said, I'm not completely sure but I think that's how it goes.
  • So, after we get done arresting our 3 baddies and being bad ourselves, the chief decides to make us go to the Lapras Lounge and investigate something there. But luckily, we get to investigate together with Laura and Steve. Let's do this!


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  • Ok. Lapras Lounge looks really fucking awesome. Is there a club like this in the real world? Cus if so, I wanna go there.
  • Time to look for clues while this awesome music is playing in the background.
  • I love that when we do find clues and realize that the bad guys are here, we have to dance to this music that comes on as soon as we step onto the middle of the dance floor.
  • We also accidentally walk into someone changing. HA!
  • We finally get to the the end of the chase and it turns out it's the guy we met earlier on the train that we had a dream about! Jeez. How convenient that the guy we dreamed about who was bad is a bad guy.
  • Unfortunately, he gets away and have nothing left to do other than begin the tournament for this city!


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  • The tournament begins! And for the most part, it's easy until we get to Steve. I didn't expect to have so much problem with him but damn. He fucked me up good. But luckily, we take him down.
  • Apparently, everyone but me got the HM for Surf. And the dude who gives it doesn't have it anymore! Damnit!
  • Luckily for us though, we're going back home and there's someone there who can give me the HM... And that's also where we gotta find Max.



  • I gotta say, I like the design of this swamp. Looks really cool.
  • As we go through the swamp, we get a lot of flashbacks to me and Max being kids. Apparently, he's the bad egg and I'm the good egg. And because of that, we are rewarded with an Eevee and he gets to catch his own Pokemon. No fair. I want to be the 1 to catch the Pokemon. Even if it is a Grimer. Grimer/Muk is cooler than Eevee/Eeveelutions!
  • And... Wow. Our mom has aged. How old are we? Jesus. And she's also no help with this whole Max problem.
  • We go and finally meet Max and all he wants to do is battle... Although I don't want to, we have no other choice but to go head to head in (Pokemon) combat! And we win and he leaves without saying a word. God damnit Max!
  • I have no clue why we lie to our mom about Max not being there but it's time to move on.
  • Ohh. And it's time to get HM Surf. Yay! Now let's go back to Salt Spray City and surf on the long, long, long, long, LONG sea journey. Aaannnddd we don't even finish the journey. Buuuuuut...
  • 5th Team Member! Corsola! About time I got a new team member. Whoo!


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  • We continue our voyage to get to Sunstone Village and BY GOD! This is a long sea route and now cave to get through!
  • Ugh! We have to get a Moltres Feather to get the HM for Fly? Ohh fine.
  • I will say though that I like the beach and the village. But uhh... Yeeeeaaaaa. This village is for people who wanna chill out and relax in a different way. And it appears our fellow tournament companion, who we just found out is named Lizzie, is 1 that loves to toke up. Although she won't admit it.
  • Ohh yea. We ran into Aemon who is looking for Gabriel.
  • And speaking of Gabriel, he's able to get us on TV!... Even though we'll already on TV thanks to the tournament.


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  • I forgot to say this in the last part but I love the remix song of the title screen they did for Sunstone Village. Really nice.
  • Time to go on an adventure!... That we're forced to go on. Jeez. We're forced to do a lot of things against our will by people we like a lot don't we.
  • We get to observe 2 Bulbasaurs fall in love. Awe. We also ruin the shot for those tv people. YAY!
  • We hike up more and face a... Mega Venusaur? Well alrighty then.
  • Let's go head into a volcano!
  • How come every game has to have "cannot use elevator unless you reach the lowest part of the area." mechanic? Haha.
  • Aaannddd flashback to the beginning of the game to where we 1st battled our brother. I like how our character actually reflects on it.
  • And Laura interrupts us and demands a battle! And we whip her ass!
  • I love the fact that Aemon is willing to give us and Laura a ride on his Pokemon but not Gabriel. Haha.
  • Ohh yea. We obtained a Burned Feather from Laura. And guess what we can get thanks to that? That's right. The HM for Fly!
  • And before I forget, our 6th and final Team Member... CAMERUPT! The team has been assembled. What do you all think of it?


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  • The tournament has begun! And... this 1 is more chill than the other tournaments. And yes. The chill thing was intentional... Because this place is all about weed... And getting high... IT'S A WEED PUN!
  • Lizzie is prob my favorite side character out of everyone we follow. She got high and decided to take part in the tournament. She's just awesome. Haha.
  • We beat her but fear not. She will remain chilled and relaxed and groovy.
  • We actually have the HM before being told we need it! Yay! In your face Gabriel.
  • But, we learn that Craster never made it to the Capital so danger looms over our heads. But luckily, the storm has lessened down. So we can go to Ironside Village and surf north of there.


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  • We go through this ice path and come out to Glacier Town and the music here is BEAUTIFUL!
  • This random dude needs to take Laura to go see Gabriel. Yea. She's getting kidnapped. I mean, it's SO PLAINLY OBVIOUS!
  • Anyways, after seeing our friend leave with the dude, we find Gabriel who apparently has a crush on this Cecilia person who is cleaning up Mamoswine poop... Gross. We talk and Laura comes up and guess what? GABRIEL DIDN'T ASK FOR HER! However, Cecilia knows where she was taken and also apparently knows that the Cult Of Shadows has taken her.
  • We go through the route but we, along with Gabriel, end up having to ride our each Mamoswine and we learn a little bit more about Gabriel in the past. Which basically means he met a member of the Cult of Shadows and got his arm broken.



  • So we finally get to the place and... Can I just say how I love how the game is making fun of the whole "things are blocking our view of sight thus meaning we can't see if the heroes are close or not" tropes.
  • We get inside and battle through multiple Cult Of Shadows grunts and... Here is where I kinda start hating the game. Let's wonder around aimlessly in these caves to get to our objective. It gets so annoying.
  • We get ambushed by 2 more Cult Of Shadow members. I mean they're only... that biker gang leader dude and... CRASTER?! What the fuck is going on here?! I'll be honest. When I 1st saw this, I was shocked as hell. I knew there was gonna be betrayal but I didn't expect it from Craster.
  • After defeating those 2, Cecilia goes in search for Laura, with help from biker gang dude and Craster (by force).
  • We go inside the house and we gotta find a secret rom now!



  • Turns out that the secret door... Is through the fire place! WONDERFUL!
  • We finally meet Bryce face to face. He tries to be nice buuuut Gabriel decides to try to be a hard ass and do the opposite of whatever Bryce tells us to do... Which is kind of funny.
  • He built a device to show us his past. Well... That sounds like the 1st part of a Christmas Carol doesn't it?
  • We watch it and at the end, it turns out that Bryce is actually innocent!... Or is he? That's why the title of this episode ends with a question mark. I'm not too sure if I believe him or not. It sounds like he could be telling the truth or just trying to be goody 2 shoes so he could double cross us.
  • Turns out she's unconscious and frozen! Jesus! While this isn't as harsh as Reborn or Rejuvenation or hell, even Full Moon, I wasn't expecting that happening to her.
  • Laura's father turns out to be the President of the Capital. This feels like the creator stole a bit from black and white with Bianca and her father but ehh. It works here. So I'll let it slide.
  • Turns out Cecilia will take Laura's place in this tournament. Interesting.



  • We begin the tournament and the final person is Cecilia. This feels... Weird. Like you should deff be facing Laura right now.
  • By the way, THE NERD DUDE IS THE FINAL 1 WE FACE IN THIS TOURNAMENT?! That's... That's 1 hell of a swerve. I was definitely not expecting that. Props to WackyTurtle for that.
  • After defeating Cecilia, the scenes the are shown to us make me feel... I don't know. Just feels like shit that we won. At to see Laura look at us before leaving just hurts me. DAMN YOU WAKYTURTLE! DAMN YOU! DX
  • We are given the HM for Strength and continue to go to... We're going to hell.


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  • So in this Episode, we go exploring and... Ugh! This is where the hatred for this game starts! For me at least. I get lost somewhat in the cave cus it's too damn light in it thanks to the snow! Ugh!
  • I catch Articuno. Moving on.
  • We FINALLY get through the cave and are then tasked with not only finding the science nerd but also a Dr. Ruth. SPOILERS! They're both related.
  • Even this is too much exploring for me. But we finally find them and apparently, the mom made the son participant in the tournament.
  • We are now tasked with going through Elliptic Forest... AKA Hell located in the 5th dimension.



  • Oh my god... This place... This fucking place. I hate it. I seriously do. I hate it with every being in my body. This part of the game I seriously started to not like playing through it. A couple of times, I almost gave up on the game and was gonna quit. I hate hate hate HATE this place so much.
  • And then BOOM! Random Mysterious Town out of nowhere. Ok then.
  • And random mansion as well but this 1 has a person inside of it.
  • He tells us what happened to the city but I honestly don't care at this point. I'm just PRAYING we get to the end of the forest soon. But there is 1 thing that did interest me.
  • He asks us to take the Rotom and give it to someone named Annie. Now I chose not to do it because I didn't want to be caught. But anyone that played this game and did decide to take Rotom, tell me what happened to the story. I'm interested in that.
  • Anyways, after declining, we have to battle some Dusknoirs who are... trainers? Hmmm. Maybe it's a hallucination?
  • Then we are faced with evil me again! But after the battle, the evil me reveals himself to be Adrienn... Ok! I love how my character doesn't even react to what just happened in front of his eyes. But apparently, he needs me for something in the future.
  • We are met with Gabriel and Ruth and we have to go through a Ghost Recognizing Machine. That's what I call it before. Now if we took the Rotom, something deff would have happened here. Again, tell me what happens.
  • Apparently, some of the scientists turned evil and joined the Cultists. That sucks.



  • So uhh... I'm not totally sure what in the fuck just happened in this episodes so if this isn't long, you know why.
  • We go into the... past? I don't know. This dude wants to show us something, it goes wrong, he goes to WackyTurtle's house and threatens him, time breaks, we meet up with Dawn (I think), she knows us, she's from the future while we're from the past and we're apparently a big deal. And there's a new threat in the future called Cult Of Light. Is this a hint of a possible sequel? Hmmm.
  • Anyways, she leaves and that ends... This was a weird episode.



  • So I know some parts of this episode are missing. That's because I did start from the beginning of the end of the last episode but I had to pause the recording for reasons. But then I forgot to press start and by the time I realized it, I had just gotten the medal from Gabriel. I had already saved before taking part of the tournament so that's why I started where I did at the beginning of this video. You can probably search for someone elses video to see what you missed but it wasn't much.
  • We went to the lab and talked about how some of the scientists that turned to the Cult life had stolen some stuff. We also learn about that ghost thing, which turns out to be a suit that changes into stuff and some of the Mega Pokemon we've encountered.
  • We start this final tournament and of course, our final opponent is Randall and we beat him and are apart of the finals.
  • I will say at this point of the tournament, I legit agree with the MC. This win just doesn't feel special. It feels... Useless or something like that. And now Gabriel is being a dick to us. Great.
  • We continue through and... more areas we have to explore without any explanation. Although this 1 is kind of my fault. But ohh well. We find 4 Machine parts in these woods or whatever they are and we shall end this series in the next Episode.



  • So we go into the building and the scientist asks us to find 4 machine parts, which we already did last episode. We give it to him, he fixes the machine and we go outside and... Holy fuck. This place is beautiful. Especially the music. This last part made me happy but also sad that this was the end of the Demo. Soooo...


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Most of the game is very good. Especially the beginning. It's very happy and a lot of smartassery is seen. I like that it gets serious somewhat in the middle and is getting more serious towards the end. The places that I visited look superb. Except for the really white snow caves. That was bothersome. Music is also very good. I don't think there was a point in the game I was like "This song fucking sucks" or anything like that. But... I do have some complaints. The whole beating Max thing. I get that part but... We only ever follow it up once after that when we battle him in Marsh Town. It feels like there should have been at least 1 more time we've seen him/interacted with him/hell. Even mention him. But no. Marsh Town and Max has disappeared. But I'm willing to bet that for some reason, he has joined the Cult Of Shadow. But we shall see in the next update. Another complaint I thing that urkes me is the pointless "guess which direction you gotta go to get to this destination" thing. It was really brutal. I almost quit the game a couple of times because of that but kept going through. They should change that. Also, what was with that whole going to the past (generations) before we took part of the final tournament? That just made... No sense. I mean it's kind of funny how WackyTurtle put himself in the game and made the dude controlling time with the machine basically threaten him but besides that, it was so bizarre and out of place. And the last thing is actually with Gabriel. I don't understand why all of a sudden he's being a dick to the MC. He should know that we kind of feel weird and upset with everything that's been going on. But whatever. The last parts of the game were really frustrating but we I found the machine parts and got the machine to work and walked out of the building to witness probably 1 of the most beautiful scenery I've seen in a game, I was back to being happy with the game. Along with that music. It was so beautiful and peaceful. It made me sad that right after that, the demo ended. But all in all, great game except for like the last 1-2 hours. If I had to give it a score out of 10, prob be an 8. But anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this series and join me again when this game updates again. Hopefully won't take another 2 to 3 years though. Haha.


Be safe and stay awesome everyone! Until then, laters!

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