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Thanksgiving Day Thanks

Eternal Edge

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Let's have a thread where we share what we're thankful for this Thanksgiving. I understand it can be a questionable holiday due to one Columbus, but that's besides the point. The point is to be thankful for..whatever you have to be thankful for.

Personally I'm thankful for all the wonderful friends I have here. You all mean a lot to me. I'm also extremely thankful for my wonderful girlfriend who has made my life so much better and happier.

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I'm thankful for Ikaru's new haircut

I'm thankful for Inuki deciding not to troll me today

I'm thankful for my good looks

I'm thankful for just being me

I'm thankful for being too damn sexy

I'm thankful for for the internet for giving me the ability to start/finish Torchwood

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I'm thankful for NOT having a boyfriend yet because every boy here is dumb. I'm also thankful for the season of fall for White 2 and other vidya, and am also thankful for WOOT MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMMOROW, ONE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING :3

Edited by TheNewEnigma
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Yeah, I suck at things like this, so...

I dunno. The typical things. Friends from Reborn, my family, and my... well, how do you describe that? But, whatever--I'm mainly glad I have a place like Reborn. You guys. Almost all of you.

I guess that's it.

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I really hate this question, "What are you thankful for." Not because it's a bad question, it's a lovely question that can be answered a multitude of ways..

Except people say "Friends and Family" and that's basically all we really go into. It's kinda hard to say you're thankful for something else, because.. well, for one saying "I'm thankful that I have x" sounds totally materialistic and terrible.

..Anyway, yeah, I'll take the standby Friends and family thingy, though I don't really think the "and" is nessisary. Friends kinda ARE family (Especially with the Vongola Relation but that's for a different holiday.)

But then it's hard to think of profound things to say after that; But this year has brought a few to light.

1. We don't have Mittens in office, that's pretty neat. I'm not female but that doesn't mean I don't care about their rights which were in legitimate danger. ._.


3. Back to legal stuff it's nice that same-sex marriages are completely allowed in some states now, that's awesome and an awesome step in the right direction

4. I found tumblr! And it's a kinda cool place with stuff and pictures and stuff.


6. I graduated this year c: Aka I don't have to go to school till next year uguu

7. Listening to Edge freak out over Sonic is funny

8. I've actually gotten to meet a few new really nice/cool people this year c:

I'd add more but I mean, I could technically do this all day, so..

Thanks c:

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"The songs you grow to love, never stick at first. So I'm writing you a chorus, and here is your verse~"

Love ya Reborn; I threw you at the wall and you didn't stick so I had to pick you up again.

That spaghetti on the wall bothers me.

I'm also thankful that my mom is like, the coolest mom ever. She's been through so much yet she's still somehow so cool. Love ya mom <3

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Well, who cares if I live in Europe. Not gonna stop me.

I'm thankful that, even in the darkest times in my life, there is a small ray of light, in the form of many people who have helped me walk here today, the whole way, that pats me on the back and says, "you did what you could, now do some more stuff."

That, and I'm thankful to the Snorunt Corporation in my Frozen Fantasy Ice Cave, with the awesome music they incorporated into my frozen boom box, and Sir Regice for working so hard to clear out the new runaway. Also, thanks to the Munchlax that managed to stay awake, Latias for being awesome and following all the enemy Castform posts on their version of Twitter. Also thanks to all Myrmidons, Swordmasters and Trueblades, for looking completely badass while owning in a badass way while cutting everything down in their path with about a million slices per kill with one tiny sword. Also, thanks to that one UFO for deciding to shut down it's security system for me.

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Thank you, Arceus, for making my life go on with no blank ends. Thank you, for everything I do, it seems to be connected with something better. Thank you arceus for making me see the sun again.

However, what I do want to thank is Reborn. Thank you for giving me the sense of home. Thank you for making me smile like the girl in my avi.


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I'm thankful they changed their minds so that our unit isn't redeploying to Afghanistan again any time soon.

I'm thankful for all the good luck I've had to balance out all the bad.

I'm thankful for living in the US, especially compared to what it's like to live in Afghanistan.

I'm thankful to be most everything that I am. Plenty of improvements to be made, but I can do it.

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