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What would you want in Fire Emblem Switch?


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Title speaks for itself.


  • I would want to have a mixture of classic Fire Emblem classes with culture inspired ones. Much like Hoshido's Oriental classes in Fates. The story doesn't need to be Classic Vs. New, but having new classes is pretty fun.
  • I would want a class promotion system similar to Fates where the unit's personality, friends, and romantic partner expand their class tree beyond their base class - using Seals or some other promotion items.
  • I would want some sort of weapon triangle. Echoes was cool, but it's an oddball for a reason. The WT provides the player more control of the situation without utterly breaking the game unless the unit is over-leveled.
  • I do not want Awakening Second Seals. Fates Eternal Seals are fine.


  • The next 'Mila's Turnwheel' mechanic from Echoes needs to be a staple in the franchise. Most players tend to try to beat the game without losing units and will reset over simply leaving a unit they invested time into dead.
  • Towns and Dungeons would be pretty fun if they could be implemented without classic Fire Emblem mechanics and not in a complete Gaiden reboot.
  • Full VA. Please. It's great.
  • However, get your money's worth on your VA and have units support the entire army. The newer FE's do a great job at providing replayability through all the customization and optimization.. more on this later. The better reason for this bullet though, is that various characters seem to bring out more obscure traits to characters in supports when they have many and with characters they would typically be less involved with. I don't mind if quality suffers a bit in writing here (within reason), as supports are not the main character presentation.


  • I'm going to be a tepid supporter of child units. Awakening and Fates did a poor job of making them fit in the narrative (with varying degrees, as Awakening at least tried to make sense of the situation.) The bottom line is, the various skill passing and modifier changing and hair colors all the way to "Scramble" DLC that makes every version of the child different depending on the auxiliary parent is just pretty great for the games value. If it requires making the war last multiple decades in order to make sense, Fire Emblem isn't a stranger to that. If Competitive play is a thing, why not take it to the next level and make it three generations, with the last generation not being so needed in the story, but being the slice-of-life characters we seem to like in the later Fire Emblems: with now absurd skill inheritance options and modifiers and growths that are ripe for competitive min-maxing?


  • Fanservice characters need to be reasonable and I would prefer Intelligent Systems refrain from making them marketing tools. Charlotte in Fates is an excellent example of battle bikini done right. Since promiscuity is a required facet of Charlotte's plan of getting ahead as a person, it would make sense that her armor would be made with alluring men in mind. Camilla, despite being a great character, is the inverse of this. Intelligent Systems, both in Fates' cutscenes and in following titles, have made Camilla more of a promiscuous character for the sake of attracting the players themselves and more importantly, to expand their pockets. The ultimate portrayal however, is Sonya in Echoes. Sonya combines deadly beauty with display of power as a mercenary mage, and she does it without being over the top in the art department.
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wow did you actually write a post that i actually totally agree with???? 

armageddon confirmed, everyone brace yourselves


...even though i know "full VA + full army support" is totally impractical. it would be nice to dream...

my main hope is that they kick RNG once and for all. i still hate gachas but i respect the bold move they made with Heroes in trying that out-- and I can't profess to be intimately familiar with heroes to say how well it has or hasn't worked at more extensive levels, but I've seen the game keeping people interested so I imagine it can't have been a total flop. 


also pls toggle auto-fast forward for battle animations without turning them off entirely thx

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  • For me to be able to plat it in the first place. (no switch atm :()


  • Keep casual mode. Now, before you hunt me down with a pitchfork, allow me to explain. Casual mode can make the game easier, but only if you play on it. There has never been a forced playthrough of Casual Mode to unlock Classic mode, so completely removing it alienates newer players more and for people who just want to play a bit casual (like me :D) it's just a good addition. Fenix mode can fuck right off tho.


  • Lunatic +. Just so that people who say the game is "too easy" have something to chew on.
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I'll take the target off your back by saying that Phoenix Mode isn't as bad as everyone will make it out to be.


The mode broadens the player base by removing all frustration from the game. While I would never play it personally - it enables players who care about story and shipping to essentially do that and a few may even learn how to be a more efficient tactician in the interim.


Dont like the Mode? Don't play it. Permadeath is always going to be an option.


Theres nothing wrong with expanding the playerbase and making coin by making the game more accessible.



Ive got no beef with Avatars, but I like them not serving as Lords. I'd rather them be customizable in primary class -and- secondary class and we spice it up by letting them start getting some Choose-your-own-adventure elements or something as a tactician. The biggest issue with MUs always seems to be wearing too big of a pair of shoes.


Bring back personal skills. Personality is cool.

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Ye lt's a little... contradictory to say "Casual Mode is great for getting more players into the game! They don't force you to play it!" etc etc.... and then discounting Pheonix Mode which has the same purpose and is another level of granular difficulty for those that need/want it. More difficulty settings is always good and NEVER a downside ~~other than that they need to put some attention into it but... l honestly feel like they rarely put much into Lunatic cause msot of the time it's just a long slog of tedium... but l digress.~~ But, you can't really praise Casual Mode for those reasons then turn right around and deny those from Pheonix Mode because the princeple of it is exactly the same as Casual.

Personally... l'd rather like the Awakening/Fates style supports to be thrown out or at least the CHild Unit system. l've personally never found it compelling and it's sorta just a system that's "there". lt's always felt tacked on and like supports have suffered for it more than they've gained for it cause the end goal is just "Get S, get Kid" and the reward of the conversations has felt rather underplayed these days. l'm sure alot of folks won't agree with me and that's totally fine XD lt's just a system l've never gelled with and it's never resonated with me. But l know there's a lot that get a lot of value out of it and enjoyment. ~~and l can live with it being there.~~

l'm not really sure l agree with cutting out RNG entirely. Heroes does it ye, but... it's not really the same kind of game as regular FE. lt feels more simplified and this works for Heroes mathes which are relatively short and greatly appreicate the pace being kept up by eliminating misses etc... but RNG while it may be frustrating at times... can be just as equally fun when you make a risky move and it pays off, or you get that tasty tasty crit OR... if you make a build that tries it's hardest to rig the RNG in one's own favor. The probelm with the games having 0 RNG elements is that the game becomes "Solvable" or more like a puzzle game than a strategy game. There will be "The Solution" or a few solutions but they'll be more finite and l feel in the end very much limit player expression that can blossom from how the system is currently. Random elements to strategy are important as frustrating as they can be because it keeps the "solvable" state away, gives a replayablitity, more build viability and much more chance to explore the systems at large than such. Heroes can get away with that due to it's gacha nature... but l do not feel a main series game could.

l do agree that some new classes would be quite fun and l do enjoy when they "retire" or don't necessarily bring back stuff jsut cause it was something previously. lt's good to have the bread and butter stuff, but l think each game really benefits from having "That class that's in this game" cause it keeps the class roster from feeling stale and stagnent. That... and one doesn't have to force things that just don't work thematically into settings they don't fit. ~~like a Lot of Hoshidan classes would feel really weird in another game if they didn't set up another "fantasy japan" analog.~~ But new classes are always great to keep exploring the class tree soemthing that players want to do. Giving them some new gems to find is never a bad thing.

Though... l will say while Skill lnheritance is fun and great and all, l can't help but feel it really erodes class indentity in some ways. Though... l dunno if l'd want it removed cause perhaps classes serving more as "end platforms" is fine and enough to set them apart even though they can "theoritcally" have any skill in the game.

gimme an option to change to the Japanese VO pls... Heroes did this can too! ~~however, here's hoping... they put good effort inot a larger cast's VO for English this time so l don't feel like l want to use said feature.~~

l could deal with the Avatar being a more FE7 type storywise. That you're more or less just "there" and more of an onlooker/bystander than somebody that actively particpates. However... given they'll want this character to have supports... they can't really do a blank slate apporach cause you can't really have them respond in conversation if such is the case without at the least giving them some kind fo character. lt'd also feel a tad odd for a unit that particpates in fights but otherwise barely exists... to be a thing. Maybe that's why they try to involve the My Unit's so much... but ye it's seems to not be the best exectuion but l don't really know how one would pull it off. Though l'd like a step farther than jsut primary and secondary class choice and would rather like the ability to even set the MU's grwoths and starting stats entirely. ~~not just through Boon/Bane.~~ This might be from the Fire Emblem on the Forums or FEF RPs that l'm saying this but l'd enjoy having that level of granular control. Of course, it'd have limits and you'd have a max pool of growth% and base stats so you couldn't just give infinite. Like, lf we're gonna include a character l'm allowed to create and customize... let's go the whole way ye? And l think it'd be cool to let that be available to those who'd like it but leave in the older system from Awakening/Fates for players who don't necessarily want that.

"Something something, BUT THAT'D BE BROKEN HUKUNA!!!" ye... and MU's aren't already mad broken? Just... lemme be a jank build lord in peace pls.

l'd also... like some more varied map stuff. Rout/Kill Boss... get really fatiguing after awhile. Hopefully they also don't do gimmicks in ways that aren't... good either. ~~a lot of Birthright's gimmicks on maps felt super cheap or forced you to play super slow and make the map loooooooooooooong cause you had to hide to not get hit by a giant wave of damage you can't avoid...~~

Personally prefer they focus more on certain supports though. l don't think the shotgun "full army" appraoch is good for Support convos... they've already suffered a lot in the most recent additions and l feel like spreading them even more thin just isn't right for them. ~~but l'd also enjoy supports being really well written. There was a reason in Fates l never bothered... they didn't feel like a worthwhile reward to go out of my way for after the first few l got. l just looked them up later cause l couldn't be bothered to grind them out etc... and the Child Units also didn't have huge appeal to me either making it even harder an endeavor.~~ once again... LOL maybe just me. Who knows?

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I've been slowly getting more experience with FE so I've got a few rumblings in mind.


-Full character models, the machine is almost certainly powerful enough to do it, hiring on someone who knows cinematography to make cut scenes more dynamic would also be awesome just to give the story more of a compelling oomph.


-More ways to explore a character, whether that's a game mode aside from the main story a la Danganronpa's talent plan mode in V3 or just an absolute shitton more scenes with each character. Hard to do with a full army but hey, I wannit. It's really disheartening when a character is introduced but then only the protagonist and a few driving characters take the spotlight and the side characters are relegated to supports.


-More features to make moving a massive army less cumbersome, like the order system you had in POR n shit with Ike, using the target function to set your units to automatically do something without you, just expanded more. Maybe also a way to select all of your lance/axe/sword users at any given time so you can move them to one front where that weapon type would be useful etc. The biggest issue I have with FE bar one thing is when the battle is near its end and i have to ferry everyone to the last spot.


-STOP LIMITING MY ARMY for a series that seems to rely on you getting attached to a set of soldiers they seem to fucking love limiting the amount you can use, which means I'm forced to choose between who i like more and who i deem to be genuinely necessary for a chapter, and if grinding isn't a mechanic for me to get units up to par that means if I want to use my favourite units, I end up crippled cuz i had to leave them out for a couple of chapters.


I'd also like a rank system within an army, a small benefit that lets you award a position dan small numerical benefits to a unit who really, really puts in work. I want to be bale to acknowledge that my characters are genuinely good in a way other than using them every chapter and setting the best weapons aside from them.

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The first thing I really, really want to point out is that they have been trying to budget way too many things so I'm actually rooting for the following to be cut back:

  • Support Convos: I actually want these to be harder to achieve and cut down a lot. No child units either UNLESS it's an FE4 scenario or a transfer data for a sequel, but not in the scale they do it. The point of Supports is to learn about the characters or give interesting perspectives so I feel they should focus on that and even a funny support is okay. Just quality over quantity because most of Fates supports are bad.
  • Pair-ups: I prefer unit placement being vital over figuring out who goes well with who in dense stances. Fates did an okay job, but I prefer the chess style of moving units on a map and making a bad move costing me. It was a good change, but I think Rescue style is the way to go and keep it that way.
  • The really confusing Weapon Triangles and Weapon Effects from fates: I never want to see weapons that decrease my stats ever again
  • The treehouse/base thingy: Online play is nice, but not at the cost for making a poorly made game or cutting into why we play Fire Emblem in the first place
  • The drunken boulders from PoR and RD: One does not comprehend how these boulders move

Things I want to see make a return:

  • PoR/RD's Base: This is imo one of the best features in any game as it removes a bunch of gripes I have from older games. You can buy weapons in there, manage the inventory, sell inventory, do support conversation, add normal conversations like Echoes did, and easily add new features or twists. It's a simple system that works very well. Which leads me into my next topic:
  • Linear map system: You know how Conquest you go from map to map. I want that style to return. Arena Abusing is fine if people complain and I wouldn't be against the Tower From Sacred Stones returning, but I REALLY would rather it be map to map with no other way to train units.
  • Gaiden Chapters: Basically these are chapters that can only be unlocked by completing a certain task on the map. I loved how these worked and missing them isn't a big thing it does benefit you often as well...usually you get a unit out of it. Sometimes Lore. Sometimes good items.
  • Tactician Rank: I'm not really a fan, but I know a lot of people love this and it encourages replayability.
  • Terrain Levels: For non RD players, this is basically Echoes's terrain affects except it's only factored on if you are above or below the enemy as maps have different levels which can be climbed by anyone but Calvaliers. This feature really helped make more use out of what normally would be worthless units like Armors and some infantry and really shines in defense chapters.
  • Shields and Rings Equipment: Echoes did this really well with how you could only equip one. Path of Radiance actually used a similar where units could equip stuff which factored into their growths/Iote's Shield. I really think this should be expanded on if not become a staple
  • Weapon Durability and Con: They keep trying to move away from it, but it's a simple system that works well. It's good ground work to try and add cool features and twists.
  • Ability to Command "Green" Units: I'd love to see a big battle where you can order non playable allies around and even stay out of the battle or move to a certain destination.
  • Bonus Exp: This is my favorite system as you can grind weak units up to play catch up to the other characters or abuse it to maximize stats. It gives incentives to do better on maps or play them faster for greater rewards.
  • Archers and Healers Being able to hit at close combat: Let those healers wack people with their staffs again

Now let's talk about the new stuff I'd want to see from FE Switch:

  • More incentives to play Classic Mode: If you've ever played PoR, you actually know that the final boss has a second form if you play on higher difficulties. I would like to see some changes happen in the game if you go into classic mode as a "reward" for playing a harder version of the game. I'm not picky but I honestly wouldn't ever play Classic mode if it weren't forced in the older game, but now I can't do without it. I'd just like a little push to convince people to try it is all and join in on the fun. Casual mode SHOULD stay as it's a gateway for weaker players.
  • A Skill Points tree/costs: I'll admit I really like the skill system introduced in Fates overall. Personal Skills I feel should be a staple as it makes characters that much more unique. This idea is just a way to substitute the Secondary Seals and keep characters within their respective class (aka the 20/20 only level ups). There's a lot of options but the point is making a way for characters be able to learn skills through Scrolls and such which better Skills would cost more, but some classes are locked out of skills.
  • Adding MP to the game: I get it, IS doesn't want to add weapon durability back. Echoes really brought up a very cool concept: Skills at the Cost of HP. Take that concept but make it so that it costs MP which is harder to recover (or next to impossible).
  • Make more use of the graphics and engines: Fates did a lot of things wrong, but one thing they didn't is display what they can do with their gimmicks. I want them to take those resources and instead throw big surprises for us when we least expect it. Maybe when a certain turn count happens, a flood of water whooses in and blocks half the map splitting your army up if you aren't careful. We've seen plenty of map changes in the past, so I'd love surprises like that which aren't dragon veins and a bit more logical.
  • Ship battles: I know people said a pirate FE would be boring but I actually think you could do some interesting things with it. Imagine the lord being able to command his ship. The said ship actually has HP and if it loses all it's HP, Game Over. The goal of ship battles is to sink ships much stronger than yours by board and infiltrating them. Your lord could give orders and even order the ship to move to be able to board or get away from another ship. It's be a hard mechanic to implement but if they did it well, I'd be all for it as it's make ship battle less sitting duck maps with fliers only have super solid mobility.
  • Mirage Sessions: Bringing back old FE units is not something new in the newer games. It'd be interesting to see Summoners be able to summon them under certain conditions (both you and the enemy) and these Mirages have a set number of turns before they disappear. Totally not an excuse for them to make more FE Amiibo
  • A revamped Laguz system: I loved the idea of the Laguz mechanic but what hurt it so much is how little Exp they gained. It'd be so interesting to see them attempt that again but in a way exp is easy to gain for them but they don't overpower Beorcs.
  • New types of Map Missions: I'd love for them to try new map objections beyond even escape and defense chapters. You could do a few things such as stealing an item from a boss who is insanely strong then escaping or a surprise change in map objectives (RD did do those for one really good chapter which tied into the plot). One such example could be a Ryoma/Xander situation, but your goal is to prolong the fight to distract the guards while your allies sneak by to kill the real boss.
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Wow, this is going to take a while to read. I’ll keep it simple, I love the avatar idea, I don’t like permadeath and always found it to be a inconvenience, and I hate shipping my units.

if they keep the child mechanic it would be cool if they reworked it in a Phanasy Star 3 kind of way.

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  • 1 month later...

I would want either a remake/remaster of or a game similar to FE: Genealogy of the Holy War.Awakening came close to it, though the time travel plot was ridiculous and could have/should have gone down a continued path like Genealogy does. I want the Switch game to feature the two generation system and implement it WELL. Not some mystic crap of miracle grow children in Fates or from the future children. Have the first generation be the base you play with for the first half, have some grand betrayal or let a new threat emerge after 20-ish years of peace, and have the children be the new heroes, with maybe some of the now older heroes helping out.

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