slant Posted November 23, 2012 Share Posted November 23, 2012 (edited) Team At A Glance Introduction This is my go-to team at the moment, a sand balanced team that peaked #2 on the ladder. The basic idea started out as a bog-standard sand team that built up to an Excadrill sweep. At this point, I had two avenues to take: either I could choose my team members to weaken and destroy Excadrill's counters, or I could focus on building synergy in my team, making Excadrill less of the centerpiece and taking it away from the spotlight. I chose the latter path, and I've got to say that I've never looked back. My defensive core is Heatran, Skarmory, and Jellicent. Between them, I have two phazers, one status spreader, and one counter each to rain, sand, and sun teams, in addition to resistances to every type except for rock. Since this team was originally built around Excadrill, I obviously had to add in Excadrill and Tyranitar. I originally put in Stoutland as a secondary sand sweeper, however I felt like the team needed a backup check to water and fighting moves, so I replaced it with Celebi, which fit the bill perfectly. I made it a bulky NP set; the bulk was perfect to add to my team's defensive presence against the aforementioned water and fighting moves, while the NP part made it double as a late-game sweeper, filling the hole left by Stoutland. Team In Detail Back In Black (Tyranitar) (F) @ Choice Band Trait: Sand Stream EVs: 100 HP / 240 Atk / 56 SDef / 112 Spd Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Superpower - Stone Edge - Pursuit - Crunch Kicking off this team is Tyranitar, my weather setter and all-around wallbreaker. See that pants-shitting look of terror on Cubone? Yeah, that's how most pokemon feel against this beast. I shouldn't have to explain what an offensive powerhouse this guy is, but for the sake of completeness I'll do it anyways. Stone edge is my main move which nets me a OHKO on a significant portion of the metagame, and 2HKO's everything that does not resist it. Superpower is for steels and to hit stuff like Breloom and Terrakion on the switch. In addition without any attack drops, superpower OHKO's most Ferrothorn, which saves me a ton of headache later. Crunch is the move that I use when I want to use something powerful, but don't want to risk the stone edge miss. Finally, pursuit is crucial for me to trap and remove problem pokemon, such as Chandelure, Latios/Latias, and Ninetales. In particular, Tyranitar can take a Draco Meteor from the Lati twins and get a guaranteed KO on them. I also take advantage of the fact that most Tyranitar are defensive hazard-setters (people, please start taking advantage of that sexy atk stat!). This means that sometimes I can nab a quick KO against an opponent that expects me to use Stealth Rock - some examples of this are Deoxys-D, Deoxys-S, and Azelf, who taunt me as I crunch, and then if they are sashed, my sandstream takes care of the rest. Against opposing Tyranitar, I just Superpower first turn. Usually they don't switch, and even if they do, a +1 superpower really really hurts the switch in. With the attack and speed evs, Tyranitar can outspeed and 2HKO Skarmory. The rest of the EVs are thrown into HP and SpDef to give it surprisingly good special bulk. Also one final remark: The speed evs on Ttar give me some idea of what kind of variant of Politoed I am up against if my opponent leads with it. Faster Politoeds mean that I get sandstorm up (if I'm feeling saucy I'll attack it), while slower ones suggest either physically defensive or specs sets. Most of the time I go to Jellicent though. Roles: Weather setter, wallbreaker. Also eliminates Latios, Latias, Chandelure, Reuniclus. Fighting/Water attacks are directed to: Jellicent, Celebi Grass attacks are directed to: Heatran, Skarmory, Celebi Ground attacks are directed to: Skarmory, Celebi Bug/Steel attacks are directed to: Skarmory, Heatran Highway to Hell (Heatran) (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Flash Fire EVs: 248 HP / 252 SDef / 8 Spd Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk) - Stealth Rock - Protect - Lava Plume - Roar Specially defensive Heatran is such a great pokemon in the metagame, especially with the rise of sun teams. Heatran forces a ton of switches due to its typing, which gives it ample opportunity to set up Stealth Rock or utilize Roar to rack up that hazards damage. Protect is a really useful move to scout, and lava plume is obviously for that 30% burn chance which will force the opponent to think twice about switching in any physical attackers. Together with Skarmory and Jellicent, it makes an almost invincible defensive core. In addition it checks the #1 OU threat in the metagame, Genesect, which can at best hit it neutrally with thunderbolt. Roles: Stealth rocker, sun counter, special wall, phazer. Fighting/Water attacks are directed to: Jellicent, Celebi Ground attacks are directed to: Skarmory, Celebi Thunderstruck (Skarmory) (M) @ Shed Shell Trait: Sturdy EVs: 252 HP / 248 Def / 8 Spd Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk) - Roost - Spikes - Whirlwind - Brave Bird In the same vein as how Heatran counters sun, Skarmory is my answer to opposing sand teams. Obviously this guy is a physical wall, easily getting up three layers of spikes and whirlwinding away to build hazard damage, which is a integral part of my team's strategy. It also gets sturdy, which is such a great ability. In essence, if I misplay and somehow allow a pokemon to get too many boosts, I can sacrifice Skarmory if it is at full hp to whirlwind it out and get a second chance to try again. I've chosen to give Skarm a shed shell, after getting my ass handed to me by opposing Chandelure. Now, not only can I escape that annoying Shadow Tag, I can also lure it in, switch to Tyranitar (who takes an Overheat with ease), and trap it with pursuit. Roles: Spiker, phazer, sand counter, physical wall. Electric attacks are directed to: Excadrill, Celebi Fire attacks are directed to: Heatran Dirty Deeds (Jellicent) (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Water Absorb EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spd Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk) - Scald - Will-O-Wisp - Recover - Taunt When I added Jellicent, it was mainly for its typing and ability, since it brings a sorely needed water and fighting immunity to my team. Its ability means that it is my first switch in to lead Politoed. Right off the bat they will usually use their water move against my tyranitar, which I absorb with Jellicent. If they used surf or hydro pump, I know it is a choice set, so I anticipate the switch and cripple their next pokemon with will-o-wisp. Otherwise, I can taunt Politoed and will-o-wisp their next switch in anyways. Overall, Jellicent is very adept at spreading status among the opposing team. The taunt + will-o-wisp combo is also useful against Ferrothorn and Forretress, who get taunted as they try to set up in my face, then burned. Overall, Jellicent is key in spreading status against my team, as a defensive pivot, and as a stall-breaker (to put it in perspective, Chansey and Blissey lose against it 1-on-1). Roles: Rain counter, utility wall, taunter, status spreader, spin blocker. Electric attacks are directed to: Excadrill, Celebi Ghost/Dark/Grass attacks are directed to: Heatran, Skarmory Hell's Bells (Celebi) @ Leftovers Trait: Natural Cure EVs: 220 HP / 252 SAtk / 36 Spd Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Giga Drain - Recover - Nasty Plot - Hidden Power [Fire] Celebi is my backup. My backup rain counter, my backup wall, and my backup late-game sweeper. Yeah, it does all of that. Early game, it can stay alive easily thanks to its hp investment and access to recover, while late game it becomes a monster backed up by that nasty plot. At +2, Giga Drain heals plenty of damage, almost so much that recover is unnecessary at this point. Also I think HP Fire on Celebi is pretty standard, but all too often I get the opportunity to nab a surprise KO on opposing Ferrothorn/Forretress/Scizor. In addition it brings a second fighting resist to the team, which is definitely welcome. While its coverage is not the best, most notably being resisted by dragons, Tyranitar again will take care of opposing Lati twins, while physical dragons are handled by Skarmory. Roles: Rain counter, utility wall, late game sweeper. Fire attacks are directed to: Heatran Bug/Ghost/Dark/Poison attacks are directed to: Heatran, Skarmory, Excadrill Ice attacks are directed to: Jellicent, Heatran Flying attacks are directed to: Heatran, Tyranitar Shook Me All Night Long (Excadrill) (F) @ Life Orb Trait: Sand Rush EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Rapid Spin - Frustration Move aside, Air Ballon Swords Dance (absd) Excadrill, I have a new love in my life, and that's this guy here. There is no limit to what this guy can do, with blistering speed, killer attack, and passable bulk. There are a total of three counters to this thing: Skarmory, Bronzong, and Gliscor, and if I am able to get them eliminated before I bring out Excadrill which is very likely, then it's pretty much GG. Most pokemon that aren't levitating or flying get OHKOed by earthquake, while levitating/flying types are typically OHKOed by Rock Slide if it is super effective, otherwise 2HKOed by Frustration. However I don't ever attempt a sweep until lategame so by that time these 2HKOs turn into OHKOs. Obviously rapid spin is to remove hazards, but I typically don't bother if it's just a layer of stealth rocks or something. But it's nice to have that option in case I am up against a full stall team that is ripping me a new asshole every time I make a switch. Overall, while this guy was originally meant to be a late-game sweeper, it fulfills a bunch of extra niches. Revenge killer? Check. With its amazing speed, it is almost guaranteed to get a rapid spin off whenever you decide, and obviously its great typing gives it immunity to toxic and paralysis, the two things that will absolutely crippled a sweeper. Roles: Revenge killer, rapid spinner, late game sweeper. Fighting/Water attacks are directed to: Jellicent, Celebi Ground attacks are directed to: Skarmory, Celebi Fire attacks are directed to: Jellicent, Heatran. Conclusion So there you have it. This is one of my favorite teams to use, and I hope you see why. The type synergy is really good - I have one resistance to Rock. Besides that, all other types are resisted by at least two pokemon, but most types are resisted by 3 or 4. With so many resistances, I can afford to screw up a little bit, which is good because I kind of suck at prediction. My team has a little bit of everything - hazard layers, status spreaders, two phazers, a bunch of walls, a wallbreaker, and two late game sweepers. Because of that, I am able to constantly adapt to my opponent's strategy, and with so many options, I can formulate several backup plans in case a miscalculation or a stray crit ruins my first plan. It's not uncommon for me to win through hard stall alone; yet with an opening I can easily pull off a late game sweep too. A big shoutout to my clan, AO, for being awesome! Kamina, for being right there with me in the beginning to get the clan off the ground. Hedron, whose sole job is to protect our clan reputation in the lower tiers of the metagame. Rupe, for painstakingly helping me test and retest all my teams and sets. Skwayz, for consistently kicking my ass to prevent my ego from getting too big. Dark Desire, good to see you back! Now never ever leave us ever againnnnnnnn. Duster, for being an all-around solid battler and friend. Last but not least, Hucking, welcome to the clan! Importable Reveal hidden contents Tyranitar (F) @ Choice Band Trait: Sand Stream EVs: 100 HP / 240 Atk / 56 SDef / 112 Spd Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Superpower - Stone Edge - Pursuit - Crunch Heatran (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Flash Fire EVs: 248 HP / 252 SDef / 8 Spd Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk) - Stealth Rock - Protect - Lava Plume - Roar Skarmory (M) @ Shed Shell Trait: Sturdy EVs: 252 HP / 248 Def / 8 Spd Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk) - Roost - Spikes - Whirlwind - Brave Bird Jellicent (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Water Absorb EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spd Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk) - Scald - Will-O-Wisp - Recover - Taunt Celebi @ Leftovers Trait: Natural Cure EVs: 220 HP / 252 SAtk / 36 Spd Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Giga Drain - Recover - Nasty Plot - Hidden Power [Fire] Excadrill (F) @ Life Orb Trait: Sand Rush EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Rapid Spin - Frustration Edited November 25, 2012 by slant Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slant Posted November 23, 2012 Author Share Posted November 23, 2012 (edited) Threat List The biggest threat by far is opposing weather teams with Dugtrio, which can trap and kill Tyranitar and set up their weather of choice. At this point I am at a big disadvantage, but considering I have a sun counter and two rain counters, I still have a decent chance at going for the win (although Excadrill and Skarmory become dead weight). Otherwise problem pokemon will be highlighted in red; these pokemon can be played around for the most part so I'm not too concerned about them. Threats: Alakazam- Can be a bit of a problem. However Heatran can usually take a focus blast and hurt it bad with lava plume, Jellicent can take a psychic and hurt it bad with scald. If all else fails, Excadrill revenge kills. Blaziken- Countered by Jellicent Breloom- Sacrifice something to spore and kill with Skarmory Chandelure- Try to lure it in with Skarmory, then revenge kill with Tyranitar. Heatran counters and Excadrill revenges too. Chansey- Lol. Cloyster- Skarmory can whirlwind out, ttar can superpower on the shell smash, excadill revenge kills. Conkeldurr- Skarmory/Jellicent Ditto- Lol. Dragonite- Skarmory. Most lack earthquake so Heatran can phaze it out too. Espeon- Heatran, Tyranitar, Excadrill Ferrothorn- Heatran, Tyranitar, Jellicent can cripple. Skarmory can set up along Ferrothorn. Garchomp- Skarmory Genesect- Heatran Gengar- Can be a bit of a headache with focus blast. Heatran can take one focus blast and hurt it bad with Lava plume, otherwise Excadrill revenge kills. Gliscor- Skarmory Gyarados-Skarmory Haxorus- Skarmory Heatran- Tyranitar, Jellicent, Excadrill can revenge. Hydreigon- Heatran can take one focus blast and hurt it with lava plume, otherwise excadrill revenge kills. Jellicent- Heatran can set up SR in its face, it can also fish for lava plume burns if taunted. Ttar can wreck it. Jirachi- Skarmory handles physical versions, Heatran handles all versions Jolteon- Heatran, otherwise predict electric attack and go to Excadrill. Keldeo - Jellicent walls 100% Latios- Heatran to set up SR and fish for burn, Ttar to eliminate with pursuit. Lucario- Jellicent to burn or Skarmory to phaze. Machamp- Jellicent to burn, Skarmory to phaze. Metagross- Skarmory sets up on it all day. Reuniclus- Ttar OHKOs with crunch. Rotom-W- Celebi Salamence- Skarmory Scizor- Skarmory Skarmory- Heatran, Excadrill to rapid spin away its spikes, ttar 2hkos. Slowbro- Jellicent Tentacruel- Jellicent. Or I switch in Ttar as it uses tspikes, then cripple it with stone edge. Terrakion- All boils down to prediction. Jellicent can switch in on CC and WoW, otherwise Skarm can wall it (but not easily). If all else fails, Excadrill revenge kills. Tyranitar- Skarmory, Tyranitar Volcarona- Heatran Celebi- Heatran Sableye- Heatran Starmie- Jellicent, revenge with Ttar or Excadrill Suicune- Jellicent, Celebi Toxicroak- Skarmory Excadrill- Skarmory Landorus- Special versions give me hell, but Jellicent can take one earth power at full health and cripple it with scald (if needed Excadrill will revenge). Sun teams- Ninetales is wrecked by Ttar Rain teams- Rain teams are checked by Politoed and Celebi Rotom-W- Celebi Edited November 24, 2012 by slant Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kamina Posted November 23, 2012 Share Posted November 23, 2012 omgz best rmt ever. il update after i get closer look. make jellicant a female because nedoking sometimes carries riverlry. though it might not be worth it for the looks also why do you have 36 speec evs on celebi? other than that the team is excellent! took me long time to come up with flaws:P Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lil' Baby Rupe Posted November 23, 2012 Share Posted November 23, 2012 Hey slant I have nothing but praise for this team, it's seriously an amazing team to use and possibly the best team I've ever had the pleasure to use. For a long time this team was my go to team too, getting pretty high peaks without too much thought needed, I think I hit #2 at one point, most of the time around #4-6, I practically won every tour I was apart of using this team. Every time I used this team I knew that I was pretty much guaranteed a streak of wins unless getting the absolute shit haxxed out of me, so I just want to say thanks to slant for sharing this team, it truly is amazing. A few nitpicks is all I can really think of: Skarmory: 24-30 Speed EVs > 8 Speed EVs This is just to outspeed other Variants of Skarmory that run a few more speed EVs, or shit things that like to beat skarms speed. Just for you to get the Whirlwind off before them, it can really help. Celebi: Give him a few more speed EVs so he can outspeed the sub/toxic gliscor for certain. One suggestion that I'm hesitant to make is Hippowdon > Ttar. I know you love that thing but Hippowdon can really help your duggy weakness. Can also lift a moveslot from Heatran( Stealth Rock) so he can run Toxic. Really have nothing more to say, amazing team, Stoutland was really cool but it was the better thing to run Celebi :[ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanco Posted November 24, 2012 Share Posted November 24, 2012 Me chiming in. Let me say that to set up your RMT like this, you have too much time on your hands. Hey, it is nice, the threat list is cool. It looks like Hydreigon is the bane of your existence here. Outside of Tyranitar nothing can hit it super effective. That's a huge problem when Hydreigon is the tank that it is. Even then, it outspeeds Tyranitar so it's in trouble, especially if it's the physical or mixed Hydreigon who can crush Tyranitar with Superpower or Earthquake. It will then promptly tank and leave gaping holes in your entire team unless you miraculously OHKO it with a critical, as it has Roost to heal the damage you deal. It can also sweep your entire team with a core of Thunderbolt / Earth Power. Scrafty is another huge problem for the team. Its Fighting-Dark coverage is a nightmare for your entire team. It can also set up right in front of Celebi and Excadrill and slam your entire party before you know it. Good luck with the burns - Moxie varieties almost always carry Lum Berries and it can also have Shed Skin and Intimidate. The best you can do is use a specific strat depending on its suspected ability. There will be occasional appearances from certain BL Pokemon that just really screw you over. Choice Band Victini can OHKO any Pokemon on your team with the right move if you've lost Excadrill. If Celebi's down and you're up against Virizion, you more or less automatically lose unless the dumb trainer decides to SD in front of Heatran (it's not uncommon to see it carrying an HP that lets it beat Skarm). Infernape can give you problems for obvious reasons. Starmie is another noticeable threat for its fantastic coverage and ability to absorb burns with Natural Cure. I've always thought Choice Band Tyranitar really appreciated Earthquake (perhaps in the place of Crunch?), but what do I know. Suggestions for this team: GLISCOR. OHMYGAWD GET GLISCOR. It's a beastly Pokemon that can take many attacks that are threats to the rest of your team, including Ground, Fighting, and Electric. Its weaknesses are also covered by Jellicent and Heatran. Barring Starmie (who is walled by Jellicent), none of the formentioned attacks give Gliscor any danger unless they are boosted - a lot. It also is a great late-game Pokemon, just ask Dark Desire. Yeah, Gliscor does so many wonders for this team that I don't even know what else would go better. Something will cross my mind eventually. Overall, this team looks like it kicks/could kick serious ass. 9/10 is my rating. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slant Posted November 24, 2012 Author Share Posted November 24, 2012 Thanks for commenting Ryan. Addressing your points: -I took a bit over an hour to make this RMT. Not too bad right? -As I pointed out in the threat list, Hydreigon is a bit of a problem, but I can usually play around it. It usually carries a dragon attack and fire blast, which leaves two attacks, and you make it seem like it needs to carry roost, earth power, dark pulse, and focus blast/superpower in those two slots. Depending on which coverage moves it is missing, I can usually take it on with either Jellicent or Heatran, and revenge kill with Excadrill if necessary. Considering how rare it is, I prefer to just play around it than reworking my whole team which I think will open up even larger holes. -Scrafty is walled completely by Skarmory. I think a +1 Drain Punch does a bit under 30%. CB Victini also isn't a huge threat. If I get SR up early game then it is taking 25% every switch in, plus sand damage. I assume a typical Victini uses V-Create, U-Turn, Brick Break, and Fusion Bolt. Heatran can absorb V-Create and U-Turn (and Fusion Bolt to a lesser degree), Jellicent can take everything but fusion bolt. Also if for some reason Victini gets a KO (which imo would require some magical prediction), then depending on what move it's locked into, I can revenge it with either Excadrill or Tyranitar. Infernape is walled by Jellicent unless it carries thunderpunch, and even then it does around 40%, in which case I can recover for a bit, then switch to excadrill and go on the offensive. Special Virizion sounds like it could be a threat but again, it's really rare. In the best case Starmie uses thunderbolt which does a bit under half damage to Jellicent, and I can recover a bit and either go to Excadrill to absorb a thunderbolt, or go to Ttar to kill it (surf doesn't do that much). In the end no team can cover 100% of the threats, but I think based on the current metagame I've done the best that I could. -I agree Gliscor is a fantastic pokemon, but unfortunately I cannot find a place to put it in. My team has: Ttar and Excadrill which are integral to the team, then I have my sand, sun, and rain counters which I cannot replace. At most I'd be able to replace it for Skarmory, but I think I'd miss hazards and phazing too much. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Melody Posted November 24, 2012 Share Posted November 24, 2012 This team is freaking awesome lmao. 9.5/10. <3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanco Posted November 24, 2012 Share Posted November 24, 2012 On 11/24/2012 at 2:02 AM, slant said: Reveal hidden contents Thanks for commenting Ryan. Addressing your points: -I took a bit over an hour to make this RMT. Not too bad right? -As I pointed out in the threat list, Hydreigon is a bit of a problem, but I can usually play around it. It usually carries a dragon attack and fire blast, which leaves two attacks, and you make it seem like it needs to carry roost, earth power, dark pulse, and focus blast/superpower in those two slots. Depending on which coverage moves it is missing, I can usually take it on with either Jellicent or Heatran, and revenge kill with Excadrill if necessary. Considering how rare it is, I prefer to just play around it than reworking my whole team which I think will open up even larger holes. -Scrafty is walled completely by Skarmory. I think a +1 Drain Punch does a bit under 30%. CB Victini also isn't a huge threat. If I get SR up early game then it is taking 25% every switch in, plus sand damage. I assume a typical Victini uses V-Create, U-Turn, Brick Break, and Fusion Bolt. Heatran can absorb V-Create and U-Turn (and Fusion Bolt to a lesser degree), Jellicent can take everything but fusion bolt. Also if for some reason Victini gets a KO (which imo would require some magical prediction), then depending on what move it's locked into, I can revenge it with either Excadrill or Tyranitar. Infernape is walled by Jellicent unless it carries thunderpunch, and even then it does around 40%, in which case I can recover for a bit, then switch to excadrill and go on the offensive. Special Virizion sounds like it could be a threat but again, it's really rare. In the best case Starmie uses thunderbolt which does a bit under half damage to Jellicent, and I can recover a bit and either go to Excadrill to absorb a thunderbolt, or go to Ttar to kill it (surf doesn't do that much). In the end no team can cover 100% of the threats, but I think based on the current metagame I've done the best that I could. -I agree Gliscor is a fantastic pokemon, but unfortunately I cannot find a place to put it in. My team has: Ttar and Excadrill which are integral to the team, then I have my sand, sun, and rain counters which I cannot replace. At most I'd be able to replace it for Skarmory, but I think I'd miss hazards and phazing too much. Yeah, not bad at all about the time. You've got a point there about Hydreigon. You've got a nice plan of attack, but the mixed set can tear holes in the team. Careful man. Remember that Scrafty can Hi Jump Kick which at +1 will do more than Skarmory can heal back. Victini usually runs Zen Headbutt instead of Brick Break on a Band set, but even on something that resists it Victini can still do a lot. And of course, who runs Victini without RS support? The Virizion I run has Leaf Blade/Close Combat/Work Up/HP Electric, which I believe is the most common set here. That could be a threat to anyone on the team (again, barring Celebi). My personal recommendation was to get rid of Celebi, as that's what I was basing my suggestion around, but looking back I can see that causes problems as otherwise besides Jellicent there's no hope in hell of beating Keldeo. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kamina Posted November 24, 2012 Share Posted November 24, 2012 scrafties are really rare to find in ladder and even rarer are ones that run high jump kick. Even if slant happened to be unlucky and find a scarfty with high jump kick it takes simple prediction to switch to jellicant and make it lose half its hp and than switch back to exadrill while it cruches than koed by earthquake. Slant has an anti spinner in his team and is only countered by t bolt starmie or exadrill so victini will have a tough time with team. that verizon set is also very uncommon. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Desire Posted November 24, 2012 Share Posted November 24, 2012 Wow Slant, another amazing Rmt done by you. My first concern is that Keldeo isn't always 100% walled by Jellicent, i've been seeing plenty of them running HP Dark, which after acouple CM's can HOKO Jellicent. But overall, i rate the team 9.5/10. I hope you make more Rmt's like this in the future slant :] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Summer Posted November 24, 2012 Share Posted November 24, 2012 Amazing team. Even though I don't OU at all, I think piority could be a problem. Your Pokemon are fast enough to outspeed most threats, but can you take Breloom and Conkel's Mach Punch? Sure, switch into Jellicent. Payback and Seed Bomb/Bullet seed will do some heavy damage. Heatran and Skarmory might wall them, but constant switching in OU probably means you'll be hit by SR often. As minor as this issue is, your team probably has no other problems. c= Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unknown Guy Posted November 24, 2012 Share Posted November 24, 2012 Mostly Player Use Hippodown in Opening So What Move you use with tyranitar on Hippodown ? Answere Me Then I will Rate Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skwayz Posted November 24, 2012 Share Posted November 24, 2012 Nothing to rate here, it's already cool. Scarf gene might give you problem winning weather war but yeah. It's cool. Kingdra is overall a problem too, butderp. The rmt looks amazing. Angus suckzzzzzzssssssszzz Celebi is scary Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slant Posted November 24, 2012 Author Share Posted November 24, 2012 Thanks for the replies everyone. I admit that my team does not wall every single threat ever in the game, but it does pretty well considering what is commonly used and what isn't. I'll explain below exactly what my gameplan is against all the threats you all described, but in general, if I do not have a solid switch in, I will always use Excadrill to revenge kill. This is fine as long as my opponent's team isn't full of these problem pokemon; one or two are easily dealt with using Excadrill. Ryan - Like Kam said, HJK Scrafty is incredibly rare, but I can switch to Jellicent to make it take damage, otherwise I can force it out with whirlwind and be left with around 30%-40% health, but yeah I guess it's not ideal. CB Victini that lacks Brick Break is walled by Heatran. Also as you pointed out, that Virizion set is walled by Celebi. A far more dangerous one would be CM/Focus Blast/Giga Drain/HP Ice which would be able to plow through my entire team. In that case I think I would try to save Skarmory at full health, then sacrifice it and use brave bird to kill Virizion. Again not ideal, but if that doesn't work I always have excadrill. DD - HP Ghost Keldeo could be a problem, but if it has HP then it lacks substitute, meaning that excadrill can revenge kill. Summer - Mach punch is definitely a problem on Conkeldurr and Breloom, since if they get set up then I can't even revenge with Excadrill. Usually I try to find a way to get Skarmory in safely, then try to kill it with brave bird, but this process leaves Skarmory damaged beyond repair if I'm not careful. UG - Against lead hippo I will switch to Skarm and start setting up spikes. Otherwise, Jellicent can cripple it and Celebi can set up on it. Skwayz - Scarf genesect hasn't really been a problem for me. If it leads, it will u turn and do around 50% damage to me, while I stone edge and cripple their switch in. Kingdra is a bitch though. I can play around special sets with Jellicent, but physical DD/ChestoRest sets sweep me straight up if I lose the weather war. I've only seen it once or twice though. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conor Posted November 25, 2012 Share Posted November 25, 2012 hey just nitpicking here with a couple things. - it might be beneficial to run shed shell on heatran because the usage of Dugtrio has increased a ton on the server lately. If you get trapped in by Dugtrio chances are heatran is out, and that completely ruins your synergy. - On Excadrill, Iron Head > Frustration. Iron head gets stab and hits most things neutral. It also can be quite useful with its possible flinching capability. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skwayz Posted November 25, 2012 Share Posted November 25, 2012 (edited) The spheal disaprove, Iron head is meh, frustration hit protom which is better. Yeah, you could run restalk tran with shed shell, but then no SR. About genesect,he's got plenty of way to come, u-turn while you switch on tran, bring toed , then you have to bring ttar again, but it's CB, so nobrecovery, ect... Solution could be twave>nasty plot, then LO with leaf storm/HP fire/ recover, but you won't be able to kill tran. Bw2 got too much threats anyway, can't patch all of them <3. Edited November 25, 2012 by Skwayz Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chemical Posted November 27, 2012 Share Posted November 27, 2012 Team ist extremely synergistic. I feel as I am to add few things. ~Tormentran. Torment Tran is an extremely underate set. Sub Protect Tormen Lava Plume. This get rid of SR, but give you advantage against almost all pokemons. ~Amoonguss > Celebi. This help against the Genesect problem Skwayz explain. Also give you Spore + Stun spore to criple rain team better. All in all great team, I really like the way you use these pokemons. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshine Posted November 27, 2012 Share Posted November 27, 2012 Brooo really solid team! Good FWG core, hazards to get down along the way, and an amazing sweeper with weather. What more could you ask for in a team? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hedron Posted November 30, 2012 Share Posted November 30, 2012 (edited) Scarf Heatran. Smashes Hydreigon, Terrakion, Landorus, and Alakazam. *barring scarves Also HP Ground Gene poops on this team, barring t-tar which still takes an ass-ton from u-turn. Edited November 30, 2012 by Hedron Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
49th Parallel Posted December 7, 2012 Share Posted December 7, 2012 (edited) Hiya, so I noticed this RMT, and that fact that I didn't comment on it, so I decided to fix that real quick. Obviously this team is good, basically the balanced sand team imo, with variations spawning from personal preferences (things like SR Chople TTar+Toxic 'Tran, etc. etc.). That being said, I'd like to throw out a change that I feel might ease some issues with the team, and that's replacing Celebi with a Bulky LO Latias. It's typing is rather analogous to Celebi's in many respects, meaning it still fits rather snuggly into your team, though it's greater Speed and special bulk allow it more respectably take on Terrakion and Landorus (fears U-Turn less too) and can sponge a hit from 'Zam and (Non-LO) Gengar in a pinch, while retaining respectable offensive presence w/LO. It also puts less strain on Heatran to "check" Sun teams, which is nice for match-ups with GeneSun and such. It makes navigating bulky waters a bit more of a hassle, since you no longer have the consistency of Natural Cure to fall back on, and unlike Celebi it isn't a concreted win-con in a scenario where you're given free turns to set-up, but as I said, the suggestion's rather give and take Anywho, for refence, here's my proposed set: Reveal hidden contents Latias (F) @ Life Orb Trait: Levitate EVs: 232 HP / 16 Def / 8 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Draco Meteor - Psyshock - Recover - Hidden Power [Fire] / Surf Weird set ik, but it works lol. 8 SAtk EVs allow Latias to OHKO Terrak w/Psyshock after SR+1 layer of Spikes (or SR+1 round of LO recoil almost every time), while cleanly OHKOing Naive Landorus w/Draco Meteor after SR, and OHKOing Timid ones about 50% of the time. 16 EVs from HP to Def to reduce LO recoil. So yeah, 'dis team is gud. Edited December 7, 2012 by 49th Parallel Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MokoNono Posted January 7, 2013 Share Posted January 7, 2013 (edited) On 11/23/2012 at 10:51 PM, slant said: Threat List The biggest threat by far is opposing weather teams with Dugtrio, which can trap and kill Tyranitar and set up their weather of choice. At this point I am at a big disadvantage, but considering I have a sun counter and two rain counters, I still have a decent chance at going for the win (although Excadrill and Skarmory become dead weight). Otherwise problem pokemon will be highlighted in red; these pokemon can be played around for the most part so I'm not too concerned about them. Threats: Alakazam- Can be a bit of a problem. However Heatran can usually take a focus blast and hurt it bad with lava plume, Jellicent can take a psychic and hurt it bad with scald. If all else fails, Excadrill revenge kills. Blaziken- Countered by Jellicent Breloom- Sacrifice something to spore and kill with Skarmory Chandelure- Try to lure it in with Skarmory, then revenge kill with Tyranitar. Heatran counters and Excadrill revenges too. Chansey- Lol. Cloyster- Skarmory can whirlwind out, ttar can superpower on the shell smash, excadill revenge kills. Conkeldurr- Skarmory/Jellicent Ditto- Lol. Dragonite- Skarmory. Most lack earthquake so Heatran can phaze it out too. Espeon- Heatran, Tyranitar, Excadrill Ferrothorn- Heatran, Tyranitar, Jellicent can cripple. Skarmory can set up along Ferrothorn. Garchomp- Skarmory Genesect- Heatran Gengar- Can be a bit of a headache with focus blast. Heatran can take one focus blast and hurt it bad with Lava plume, otherwise Excadrill revenge kills. Gliscor- Skarmory Gyarados-Skarmory Haxorus- Skarmory Heatran- Tyranitar, Jellicent, Excadrill can revenge. Hydreigon- Heatran can take one focus blast and hurt it with lava plume, otherwise excadrill revenge kills. Jellicent- Heatran can set up SR in its face, it can also fish for lava plume burns if taunted. Ttar can wreck it. Jirachi- Skarmory handles physical versions, Heatran handles all versions Jolteon- Heatran, otherwise predict electric attack and go to Excadrill. Keldeo - Jellicent walls 100% Latios- Heatran to set up SR and fish for burn, Ttar to eliminate with pursuit. Lucario- Jellicent to burn or Skarmory to phaze. Machamp- Jellicent to burn, Skarmory to phaze. Metagross- Skarmory sets up on it all day. Reuniclus- Ttar OHKOs with crunch. Rotom-W- Celebi Salamence- Skarmory Scizor- Skarmory Skarmory- Heatran, Excadrill to rapid spin away its spikes, ttar 2hkos. Slowbro- Jellicent Tentacruel- Jellicent. Or I switch in Ttar as it uses tspikes, then cripple it with stone edge. Terrakion- All boils down to prediction. Jellicent can switch in on CC and WoW, otherwise Skarm can wall it (but not easily). If all else fails, Excadrill revenge kills. Tyranitar- Skarmory, Tyranitar Volcarona- Heatran Celebi- Heatran Sableye- Heatran Starmie- Jellicent, revenge with Ttar or Excadrill Suicune- Jellicent, Celebi Toxicroak- Skarmory Excadrill- Skarmory Landorus- Special versions give me hell, but Jellicent can take one earth power at full health and cripple it with scald (if needed Excadrill will revenge). Sun teams- Ninetales is wrecked by Ttar Rain teams- Rain teams are checked by Politoed and Celebi Rotom-W- Celebi i agree with this but breloom is not a threat Edited January 7, 2013 by MokoNono Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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