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Pokemon Online Team

Unknown Guy

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Team At Glance



Sorry My English Is Not Good so No Introduction



Gorebyss (F) @ Focus Sash

EVs=124 Def/92 SpAt/120 Sp Def/Sp 172. Total 508

Trait = Hydration

Timid Nature (+ Sp / -Att)

-Shell Smash


-Ice Beam


Its Mine Attacker Pokemon It Is very Useful because of its Shell Smash.Mostly Player Use Tyranitar or Hippodown in Opening So Gorebyss Is Very Usefull. For Fire Type Or Electric Type Pokemon HP[Ground] is Good But In First I use Shell Smash it raises Sp Att and Sp So Surf,Ice Beam,HP[Ground] Is Good


Mienshao (F) @ Leftover

EVs=HP 46/ Att 252 / Sp 212

Trait = Inner Focus

Adament Nature (+ Att / - SpAtt)

-Fake Out


-Rock Slide

-Hi Jump Kick

I use Mienshao Because It Has a good Physical Att stats. If i have a opponent having less then 30 % Hp then i use miensaho Start with Fake Out It Flinch The opponent Then I Use U-Turn. It Might Faint The Opponent.


Heatmor (M) @ Choice Spec

EVs = HP 46 / SP At 244 / Sp 212

Trait = White Smoke

Modest Nature (+Spatt / -Att)


-Fire blast

-Giga Drain

-Focus Blast

Heatmor Is A Good Fire Type Pokemon. As For Difficult pokemons like genesect,tyranitar e.t.c heatmor is very usefull. I use Giga Drain for ground type pokemon as Ground is weakness of Heatmor. Focus Blast For Rock Type Pokemons Like Tyranitar. Using Choice Specs Heatmor Sp Att raises and become 500+.


MewMewMew (Mew) (N) @ HealthWing

EVs = Def 180 / Spat 76 / Sp Def 252

Trait = Synchronize

Calm Nature (+Sp Def / - Att)

-Calm Mind




Mew is a good Defensive type Pokemon. i use Mew As A Defender It Already Have A Good Defense So I use Attacks in his Set mostly player use it as a tricky pokemons. But i use it as a Defender and Attacker Both.I know Yu Guys are surprised to watch Flamethrower in his Set. But mostly player use Genesect as a opponent when we use Mew So Flamethrower Is Good.


Hungry Leopard (Raikou) (N)@ Air Baloon

Evs =Hp 60 / Def 72 / Sp Att 172 /Sp 206

Trait = Volt Absorb

Timid Nature (+ Sp / - Att)

-Clam Mind

-Aura Sphere

-Thunder Bolt


O Raikou God Of Thunders. It Is A Good Attacker Pokemon It has a good Speed Stats. You Guys Know That Ground Is The Weakness Of Electric Type Pokemon So We Use Air baloon On Raikou. It Floats Raikou In Air Ground Type Attack Have No Effect When Opponent Try To Popped Our Baloon We Use Calm Mind Then Use HP[ice].And If Opponent Use Any Steel Fire,or Flying Type Pokemon We Use Thunder Bolt Or Aura Sphere like Heatran,Skarmory.


Poison Queen(Nidoqueen) (F) @ Choice Specs

EVS = Sp Att 160 / Sp Ded 148 / Sp 202

Trait= Poison Point

Mild Nature ( + Sp / - Def)

-Earth Power


-Thunder Bolt

-Ice Beam

Nidoqueen Is a All Rounder mean Attacker and Defender. It Has A Good Sp Att And Defense Stats. Nidoqueen Is A Poison Type Pokemon Opponent Use Earth Type Pokemon So We Have Ice Beam Which Is Weakness Of Ground. We Have EarthPower/Flamethrower/ThunderBolt/Icebeam. These All Attack Depends On Speed So We Raise Nidoqueen Speed Using Mild Nature

The End Of Team

Rate This Team Please


Gorebyss (F) @ Focus Sash

EVs=124 Def/92 SpAt/120 Sp Def/Sp 172. Total 508

Trait = Hydration

Timid Nature (+ Sp / -Att)

-Shell Smash


-Ice Beam


Mienshao (F) @ Leftover

EVs=HP 46/ Att 252 / Sp 212

Trait = Inner Focus

Adament Nature (+ Att / - SpAtt)

-Fake Out


-Rock Slide

-Hi Jump Kick

Heatmor (M) @ Choice Spec

EVs = HP 46 / SP At 244 / Sp 212

Trait = White Smoke

Modest Nature (+Spatt / -Att)


-Fire blast

-Giga Drain

-Focus Blast

MewMewMew (Mew) (N) @ HealthWing

EVs = Def 180 / Spat 76 / Sp Def 252

Trait = Synchronize

Calm Nature (+Sp Def / - Att)

-Calm Mind




Hungry Leopard (Raikou) (N)@ Air Baloon

Evs =Hp 60 / Def 72 / Sp Att 172 /Sp 206

Trait = Volt Absorb

Timid Nature (+ Sp / - Att)

-Clam Mind

-Aura Sphere

-Thunder Bolt


Poison Queen(Nidoqueen) (F) @ Choice Specs

EVS = Sp Att 160 / Sp Ded 148 / Sp 202

Trait= Poison Point

Mild Nature ( + Sp / - Def)

-Earth Power


-Thunder Bolt

-Ice Beam

Edited by Unknown Guy
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Nah, good on you for telling him.

As stated by Summer, your team won't be evaluated until you edit the post with a description for each Pokemon.

I expect my salary soon.=3

Best Team Ever


Change Nidoqueens Nature To Modest

Fuck you, Washy. I saw what you did there. And the absorb Sunkern on my hail team.

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Or y'know. If you suck that bad, just don't post.

I'm french, my english suck, but atleast i'm trying.

And you don't need to speak a good english to make an appealing rmt. Your text begin with blue, then it's white; your pictures suck, your nicks suck.

There's also an export button on PO, you don't need to type all that manually.

Edited by Skwayz
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team is amazing!

only changes i would make is getting rid of hp ground and giving it another move for better coverage. watermove already covers all types super effective by ground except steel and electric. i recommend hp fire because of ferrothorns and even aboamasnow leads.

and some other stuff

Also you should lead with mienshoo since it is better at scouting and gorebyss is better at late game sweep

Volcarona can do the same thing you heatmore can do but better since it has acess to quiver dance.

also for more damage nedoking is better.

and some other stuff

and some other stuff

also what does health wing do :P.

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Great team, with the coverage n' all, and it's pretty original too. When was the last time I saw the awesome anteater? Ohwait.

I WILL say that some thing are really just... not working together. Not just with synergy, but with the pokemon themselves.

Also, just one thing: Even though Raikou has an Air Balloon, it won't last forever, meaning 3 ground weaknesses on your team. Since you're most likely going to use Raikou for it's brute special attack force, it wouldn't matter much, but you're lacking some moves to take care of ground types. Heatmor can be outspeeded by quite a few things, meaning that Giga Drain will only beat enemy ground types about half the time, and HP Ice won't matter much on more bulky ones. While Gorebyss does have Ice Beam, I recommend having one of your other pokemon on your team to get a water/ice/grass type move, just so you don't need to worry as much about them.

Team as it stands is 6.5/10.

Edited by Roo The BAKA!
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Team's alright. Though I don't appreciate the trolling in the thread.

You've got a fair bit of weaknesses you need to deal with, I'd name a few pokemon that would ruin your day, but that's too much work. I suggest that you use Nidoking instead of Nidoqueen. He's got Sheer Force, which makes him a lot more worthwhile offensively.

Final rate: 3/10

For the love of god, put some effort into the RMT next time.

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I don't feel like being nice, so yeah.

Team ain't got any synergy, two choice users with one weak to SR and both of them spikes weak and no spinner, random-weak pokemon and completly useless description (they just don't make any sense).

For exemple, we don't even know on which mon you wanna BP the shellsmash, using HP ground on it is the dumbest thing ever, HP grass give way more coverage.

You run a completly random mienshao. Mienshao is already UU, and it'd be way worse without regenerator. You run lefites and Inner focus ? I mean wtf. You don't even know how to copy/paste a set from smogon without failing.

Should I also say that you don't even run SR ?

Should I keep rating this thing ?

I mean come on. It might seems rude but it's for you. It's not because you are not english and 8yo that you can put a rmt that is soo ugly, random and completly useless. Even the name suck.

It's not only your rmt, all your comments that I've seen here are just random and useless.

So yeah, if you want me to put a mark /10, i'd give 1/10, cuz atleast you tried. And faild.

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That's not bullying. That's just being realistic.

Looking at some smogon's rmt to see how it work, or just copy/paste the set description is better than that. I'd have, personally, prefer that.

Again, my post wasn't nice at all, but maybe he'll think twice before posting something in the future.

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You can give constructive criticism without being mean. there was nothing wrong with the advice you gave, just how you gave it. You know i laugh at the trolling you do a lot of the time and I hang out in The AO channel all the time. its not that i don't like you or something, its just this time you took it too far.

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you coulda said it more nicer :c.

ex. need to work a lot more on rmt presentation

this team needs some synergy in it

why does mew have that item

mienshoo needs regenerator to heal LO damage

and hp grass on gorrbyss for better coverage

this place isnt smogon so you cant expect everyone to make an rmt like they do :P.

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