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Elite 4 and the Champion of Reborn


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So that we get closer to the end of Reborn(only 2 badges left till the Reborn League), I asked me who are all the Elite 8 members and which type of Mons will they use?


Till yet I only know that:

- El is an E4 Member - I think his type is normal

- Laura got out of the E4

- El says that Benett could get an E4 member and maybe he really got it, cause Laura gets out...


My thoughts for the rest of the E4:

- Heather

- Cal - Type is fire

- One member of Team Meteor?!

- Sigmund - Type is Thunder

- Members who didn't show up till yet?


Or am I totally blind and this are the E4 members?:





The biggest question is: Who is the Champion of Reborn right now???

What do you think, and what are your suggestions??

Edited by HellBoyOnEarth
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Elite 8 is Rejuvenation. 

The current Reborn Elite 4 is very very likely El, Bennett (formerly Laura), Heather and Anna 

Lin is technically the current champion by rule, but is not official recognized by the league. There is currently no official champion after the Devon corp. events 


I think before we fight them, El might get kicked out for meteor involvement and Laura could come back, or Bennett will lose his position because maybe he didn't actually gain it properly (because we've already had a proper fight against him)

They're unlikely to stick to one type, more of a theme I think


Anna will use the starlight field (Space/Mystic theme)

Laura will use the flower garden field (Garden Theme)

Heather is a Flying trainer primarily I think

El would very likely use the holy field, and is mostly a normal trainer

Bennett is bugman


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Benett for sure imo > bug type.



EL > probably normal type



Heather > mixed type , cause even if she has a salamence there are already 2 dragons users ( Saphira and Lin ) 



Laura > yeah she got fired but honestly i think she will come back cause she has to play a role too >  probably fairy type 




Anna > same as Laura , she has no main role yet , so probably elite 4



Lin as champion imo




Thing is : elite 4 has to be a team , and yet we have 1 team meteor member + a brainwashed Benett on EL side and on the others hand we have Heather and Anna/Laura . All of them led by Lin , who murdered Ame... :D 

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Im sure that we will not only have to face the Elite 4, but also the new Reborn Champion, whoever it may be. I dont think it will be Lin though. I hope its not Fern. But someone will be there before us and wait for us.

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Well..The previous champion of Reborn was Ame and she died because of Lin, so that leaves us without a champion at the moment. We are the ones who try to take up on the title officially. In my opinion, I think Lin will become the champion because she's the big bad out there. The biggest twist of them all would be Fern as the champion (unexpected but oh so expected).


As for the elite 4 members, I'd love it to be some of the people that are presented on your list but I think that Anna is a substitute leader (We can never be sure though.). 

But if Laura was in the Elite 8 and she needed to be out of her position, for Bennett to replace her, that means: 1). Laura reclaims her place and Bennett is out.

                                                                                                                                                               2). Laura never reclaims her place in the Elite                                                                                                                                                                     4, so she's not one of them .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

                                                                                                                                                               3). Someone else retires, so either Laura or                                                                                                                                                                       Bennett are in the Elite 4.


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...Perhaps Bennett actually manages to become the Champion and Laura will reclaim her place as a member of the Elite 4? Im sure Bennett will have turned into a badass when we face him again. Everythings possible with a guy like him who is as determined to reach the top.

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11 minutes ago, Zarc said:

Laura > yeah she got fired but honestly i think she will come back cause she has to play a role too >  probably fairy type 


I think Laura was grass type, going by the liligant and her seeming nature design.


If she isn't in the initial E4, I can see her coming back for the rematches once everything is cleared up assuming she survives.

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Once we have beaten the League, legendaries should finally be available. Perhaps we will even have to beat the league before we face Lin, as she will probably use a Pulse-Arceus and initiate some kind of "End of the World" event. That could be the actual finale of the game.

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Lin has to be the final boss anyway , so maybe she is the reborn champion and we will have to defeat her , similar with N and Ghetis on black/white.


Or we will face it as we faced Red in gold/silver for example , on the top of a mountain.






Or since the beginning WE are the bad guy , and everyone will have to defeat us muehehe

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I think we will have to fight Lin within the heart of the ruin under Reborn City. Right now, she is clearly relying on us to gather all of the necessary items, so she can take them of our hands once we have gathered them all for her. Then she will access the ancient ruin and we will have to follow her inside. At least thats my guess.

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Id prefer to be an anti-hero instead of a villain...It would feel quite refreshing to kill Sirius, Solaris and Lin ourselves and make them actually fear us. I probably would even go as far as to kill Taka myself for everything he did, whether he enjoyed it or not. But alas, since we are the hero in this story, we probably need to remain on the moral high ground. Sad as it is.

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1 hour ago, Josef said:

...Perhaps Bennett actually manages to become the Champion and Laura will reclaim her place as a member of the Elite 4? Im sure Bennett will have turned into a badass when we face him again. Everythings possible with a guy like him who is as determined to reach the top.

I've seen Bennett with tidied up hair and a cape and without glasses overworld sprite so hes gonna look badass with that volcarona

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My gueses would be:


Bennet: mono bug

Laura: mono grass

(Crazy thought: they might team up as a doubles)

El: mono normal

Heather: mono flying

Anna: mono psychic


These are the ones that of right now feel viable e4 material. Depending on the story I feel that: someone might fall off, my crazy doubles team might happen or Anna is the secret champion. 

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29 minutes ago, FairFamily said:

My gueses would be:


Bennet: mono bug

Laura: mono grass

(Crazy thought: they might team up as a doubles)

El: mono normal

Heather: mono flying

Anna: mono psychic


These are the ones that of right now feel viable e4 material. Depending on the story I feel that: someone might fall off, my crazy doubles team might happen or Anna is the secret champion. 

seems legit

As the others say, Laura could be grass or fairy

I think that they will not be doubles

Heather could really be flying, cause she already has a Salamence, and I heard that she maybe will get Corey's Crobat

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Heather's theme would probably be something like a "sky battle" as I deduced that her field will probably be, the Mountain Field.



As for Lin I haven't got a single clue except that she specializes in Dragon types which we all know isn't going to be that simple. Who knows maybe she has a team full of Pulses.



Or maybe (realistically speaking)... she has Legendaries.

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3 hours ago, Zarc said:


Laura > yeah she got fired but honestly i think she will come back cause she has to play a role too >  probably fairy type 



Laura has a Lilligant, so grass type 100%


3 hours ago, Josef said:

Once we have beaten the League, legendaries should finally be available. Perhaps we will even have to beat the league before we face Lin, as she will probably use a Pulse-Arceus and initiate some kind of "End of the World" event. That could be the actual finale of the game.

I wonder when the scene of Lin's death seen in Shade's gym will take place.

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