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Elite 4 and the Champion of Reborn


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Adrienn said that since Lin beat Ame, she's technically the champion. In all likelihood, we'll fight Lin after taking down the Elite 4.

As for the Elite 4 themselves, Heather and El have already been confirmed. Anna hasn't been outright stated to be an Elite 4 member, but Gossip Gardevoir says Anna has a high ranking League position when interviewing her.

Right now Bennett holds the remaining slot, and according to Ame he was strong enough to get in... Somehow. I'm fairly sure Laura will get her spot back though, simply because of symbolism.


Each of the other three member has owned one of the Crystal Keys at one point at another, and represent the concepts they embody. Heather currently owns the Ruby Ring, and has certainly been through her fair share of pain. El owns the Emerald Key (Its name is slipping my mind right now.) and represents faith, for obvious reasons. Anna used to own the Amethyst Pendant, and represents the beyond, due to being able to see things that aren't there.


Bennett has never owned the Sapphire Bracelets, and though his obsessive crush on Luna could be interpreted as representing love, it's a stretch. Laura, on the other hand, has owned the Sapphire Bracelets, and she definitely feels love for her family.

There's also field effect, as has already been pointed out. The flower garden field seems almost tailor-made for Laura, while Bennett has no field that specifically suits him. So my guesses for the Elite Four are;


Laura (Grass),

Heather (Flying),

El (Normal) and

Anna (Psychic)


in that order. The champion is of course Lin, who specializes in Dragon-types, although I doubt she'll use exclusively dragons. She'll probably branch into other types at least a little.

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Y'all are forgetting 1 tidbit spoken right at the start of E16;



The plural is used here; "Types" not Type. This could very well mean the E4 are dual type bosses who specialize in two types, which I think is pretty likely seeing as we've beaten 18 single type bosses by that point.


In turn I expect the following;


Heather; Fire/Poison + Flying

Elias: Fairy/Psychic/Dragon + Normal

Anna: Dark/Fairy/Normal + Psychic

Bennett: Grass/Ice + Bug OR Laura: Water + Grass


Most of these types are based off of thematics and other types that are good on the fields they are likely to use. Poison in particular on Heather is based on her Dad; Corey and the fact that she may end up obtaining his Crobat.


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3 hours ago, Lord Drakyle said:

Have we not considered the possibility that Laura or Bennett being E4 might vary with our decisions?

Wow, that would be nice, haven't thought about it.


And btw, at what point Elias was confirmed as an eventual E4? I mean, I know he is an E4 member since start, but was it confirmed that the old man isn't likely to die or so? Also, could Bennett effectively utilize the one tailored for Laura?

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The challenge does not lie in single types, but the fact we'll have to beat all 4 (or 5) of them in a row without changing our teams. 

Usually people use pokemon they've had in rotation to get the best matchup against leaders. Here you'll have to cope with 6 pokemon from start to finish.


That said, 

It makes zero sense for both Bennett and Laura to be E4.

We know the Garden Field benefits both of them, and if it's going to be used, the E4 is where that's going to be.

The two types share similar weaknesses thus providing us with much easier builds for our teams. 

If they are going to make use of that field, there are specific ways to do so


It has been specifically stated that Elias and Heather are Elite Four.

I don't remember about Anna, but I know GG calls her being very high up, which instantly means she's E4 (since she's not a top gym leader).


This leaves out Bennett and Laura.

The debate should have been centered around them.

I agree with @Lord Drakyle. Our actions should dictate whether Bennett is accepted and takes the position, or whether Laura returns to it.

That means: In one case Team Meteor has authority over the E4. In the other case, our team does.

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