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Need help for replacement


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I just beat ciel butcame to the conclusion that my team needs a little update. Specifically 'm looking something to replace mismagius. Preferable I look for something fast or something against boss mons (preferable both).

So my team looks like this:




Shadow ball

Power gem

Destiny bond

Nasty plot



Jolly/Rock Head

Dragon dance

Head smash

Dragon claw



Alolan Ninetales

Modest/Snow warning




Aurora Veil




Cross chop

Flare Blitz

Dark Lariat






Giga drain

Clear smog






Hammer arm

Mach punch

Stone edge


Thank you in advance.

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I'm quite partial to Chandelure, though that may not fit your specifications amazingly well

(also only just saw incineroar on the team)


Magnezone is a good one in general, and for bosses sturdy+thunderwave can be really handy to have so the rest of your team can be much more likely to get turns in

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I would suggest a water type such as Ferligatr or Slowbro. Or If your going for a ghost type, I recommend Aegislash or Spirtomb. Also if I could recommend for your Incineroar is to teach it bulk up either from the move relearner or Tm, It give your mon an extra attack & defense bonus against really tanky & hard hitting pokemon & would I change it nature to adamant which will maxiumize it attack & defense power.

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I believe you've invested a bit too much in Rock moves.


I too suggest Raichu-A (modest, with T-bolt, Psychic, Nasty Plot, filler move)

But Conkeldurr seems underwhelming. Swap for M-Heracross with Bullet-Seed, Close Combat, Pin Missile and probably also SD. 

It's faster, just as bulky, it can work with an item if you don't want the moveset to be completely multi-hit moves, and it provides a ground resistance.



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