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Reborn- An (Extreamly) Batman Inspired run


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Dear Diary,
My name is Decibel Jane Juliane Smith. I am part of a trial group being sent to Reborn to try and fix the place back up. It took a while for me to set up my ID, as one of the two non-binary people being sent to the region. The other is a kid by the name of Ari. I'm not sure where they are from.

As for me I was born and raised in a similarly dark region.A place called Garia, riddled with crime and villains.
As for how I became part of the test group, well I got an email from Radomus himself. I was asked to join the group due to my expertise in the 'darker' types such as dark and ghost types.
Today the group and I are headed to get our starters and partners, the ones we are going to have to work with for the rest of our adventure. From what I can tell I am being pared up with Alice. She's a very bright girl with great talent, at least that is what her files told me. A computer girl with the ability to use the 'lighter' types like fairy and psychic.

I didn't really do much research on the other two groups, as I really didn't see it necessary. It was always probable that we would be working together due to our opposing types. I could handle the darker parts of the world, and she could keep me from doing anything regrettable. It would be a win win situation.

From what I have discovered so far we are going to be brought to the Great hall by Ame, and retrieve our starters from there. Past that however it seams it's up to us what we do and who we ultimately side with.

I have of course kept in touch with Radomus up to this point and he seems like a trust worthy person. We have been talking quite a bit about different sexuality, genders, and relationships. He is always fairly open, but isn't the most comfortable talking about himself. He's told me that he's been in relationships, with many genders, but that he was becoming very off-turned by the thought of ever entering into a long term relationship.

But enough about that, what do I know about Reborn? Well it appears to have several sections, the main city we are going to is broken into many little wards. There are many more 'field effects' than any other region, and there are no lack of poison type Pokemon.

Were starting to near the station, so I think that's all I will wright for now.
Decibel Smith.1.png.16907dfe559cbceceb2255f5e3077ea0.png

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I'm playing as Decibel, I'm not really replacing as editing to fit a Batman like world.

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An old school train, and a bunch of people I don't know. Normally this wouldn't be my normal day, I would at least know one or two people. But here I was in a train car full of strangers, sorted into pairs of two. Across from me was a child, clearly doing there best to hide there sex, which was most likely male.

2.png.df317b66fce585660f62b72a357e5cb7.png"May I ask what you're staring at?" They asked, perking an eyebrow with a small scoff.

"Sorry, it's just. I'm curious, why hide your sex? I mean I know there are many genders and..." I started only for them to place a hand over my mouth.

"DMAB gender fluid. You are a DFAB cindered female from what your files said. My name is Decibel, and you are Alice Santrian correct? A somewhat wealthy family to be sending to such a horrible region." Decibel interrupted rolling there eyes. "I read your fi..." They paused, quickly garbing hold of my collar and the boy behind them, dragging the ever growing chain, and tossing it out the door, before jumping themselves, getting caught in the force of a sudden explosion.

"Hey, Decibel! Decibel wake up!" I hissed, gently shaking the kid as a woman walked up. Decibel remained motionless.

"Oh no! Hey wake up! Wake up Decibel! Gossip, Get Radomus, Decibel's been hit! You come with me!" The woman instructed and I nodded.

"What about the others?" I asked and she shook her head, clearly more concerned with Decibel. "I mean don't they kneed a way to the Hall?"

"No, Victoria has been ordered to pick them up. Decibel and you are my main concern. You were the two directly picked by Radomus, he told me so himself. That means that you both have some form of ability, you just mite not know about it yet." The woman ranted, picking Decibel up and carrying her thru the town and towards the Hall were a somewhat disgruntled looking man, walking forward.

"There definitely hit, it looks like you are covered in blood." The man said, a clear terror in his voice. "Let's get them into the hall and see what we can do. Gossip told me there was an explosion?"


"Definitely a bomb, from the timing of the explosion, I would say that it was not Julia but a deliberate attack." The woman said as we rushed into the Hall right to the back as Decibel let out a low groan. "Decibel can you here me? Decibel?"

"M tired." Decibel groaned clearly in pain. "I just wanted to make sure that everyone made it out alive. I just knew something would happen."

"Not bad kid, not bad." The Man nodded, chuckling weakly. "You dealt with worse, this isn't going to kill you. We won't let it."

"It was a bomb, I've never been this hurt. Radomus I want to be fine, but it's going to be hard. I'm definitely going to need help with this one." Decibel's voice was weak, and I found myself gently petting there cheek soothingly.

"Alice, I kneed you too wait here for the others, tell them what happened alright. Gossip will be with you, she can help with people who don't want to believe." Radmous nodded turning to me somewhat calmly, fear still present in his voice. "Alright, wait for us to return before you do anything!"


"Right, are they going to be alright? I mean they were  the closest to the explosion." I whimpered, forcing myself to take a deep breath. "How will I be able to enplane how she knew about the bomb?"

"Head up those stairs, and choose a starter. I was going to let Decibel have first pick for heroism, but I think you are going to need it." Ame nodded, pointing towards the stairs. Nodding I left them, heading up the stairs into the large starter room.5.png.fd34faff9a5ea10265d209ad80da7475.png

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Quickly I turned my attention to Ame as Gossip lead Alice to the starter room. "Ame, let's get them to a more hidden location. As you know there not the most comfortable with there sex."

"I don' want people starin'." Decibel confirmed with a loose groan panting lightly as sweat started rolling down there face."Nd 'm not a kid."

"I know that Decibel, I just wanted to make sure you were responsive." I nodded gently wiping the sweat from there brow, pulling there long silver hair into a bun. "Let's get you into a better room and get those clothes off of you."

Ame nodded leading me to one of the bedrooms, helping me quickly strip Decibel of there jacket, shirt and pants. Hissing I winced at the shear amount out metal shards in there back. Large peaces twisting every witch way, and small shards, not to mention the ones that were barely visible.


"Radomus are you alright? You seem nervous." Ame whispered gently placing a hand on my shoulder as I took a few deep breaths.

"I'll be fine, just help me get these metal shards out of there back." I hissed, shrugging off her hand and quickly changing into a Doctor's outfit.

"Still no idea how the hell you do that." Ame chuckled pulling on a pair of gloves, stepping aside to give me a bit of room. Nodding I started pulling out the pieces I could tell were not too stuck, working my way to the ones I had to cut out. I could feel my emotions being shoved to the back of my mind every time Decibel let out a yell or whimpered.

"Radomus, stop and take a break. Let me take over, your clearly closing up. You kneed to go out for a bit and get Gossip or Psyidear to clear your mind." Ame hissed shooting me a clearly concerned and dark look. "Or do I have to make Abe escort you out?"

"Right, s-sorry. It's just. I can't. Ame, I know I'm starting to go dark. It's just, some of these are really deep, and they need a surgeon. So unless we have a competent Nurse Joy who isn't currently busy in this building I'm the best you have." I responded, wincing at my own dark tone. "I just, look there are two left. I have to remove them. Not to mention there left hand is dead."

"Fine, but you know full well I can do hospital grade stitching, the second they are out, Psyidear is clearing your mind." Ame hissed as I started working on the smaller of the two, sighing as I heard the small pop of my Gallade appearing.

"Sir, I could start with you working. Prevent you from going any further." Psyidear reported, gently placing his hand on my head. Sighing, I slowly removed the second shard, biting my lip at the depth and shape. Luckily I was able to remove the shard without too much of a hitch. Placing the tools on the table I sat on one of the side chairs and allowed Psyidear to do his work.


"Radomus, you ok?" Decibel called and I sighed.

"No not really. It's not your fault, Ame knows as well as I do. I haven't been taking my medication, and she knows full well why." I huffed leaning back with a huff.

"I was sure they were supposed to help Radomus, so that means there not helping?"

"Not a bit anymore. They worked for the first week then stopped. After a month I started abusing them and three months latter I ODed."I admitted slowly feeling the calm returning to my entire being. "After the incident they didn't even consider pulling it, and basically let me walk right out of the center and right back into my prescription dependency. I was upset so I came here and whipped it into the already dead lake. Never picked up my prescription since, Ame is working on getting me an appointment with a specialist from outside of reborn."


"I'm sorry you had to go thru that Radomus." Decibel moaned, clearly in pain. Standing I walked to there side, kneeling in front of them and grabing there hands. Weekly they smiled and stroked my chin with two fingers. "Do you like what you see?" They added, clearly attempting to lighten the mood.

"Not with all that blood and sweat. It doesn't suit you." I responded smiling. "How about you ask when you get those stitches out and I'll tell you when your cleaned up a bit."

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It had been a month since Decibel had been injured in the explosion and they were making great recovery. There back was covered in scars, however I could also tell that they would fade into nothing.


"Radomus, do you like what you see?" They asked smiling as I sat in front of them. There eyes sparkled holding a surprising glow of life and lust.

I allowed my eyes to wander, from there deep sea blue eyes, down there face and past there full pink lips, there chest eyeing there small nipples and to there groin. Oh and were they ever blessed in the sex department. A small repressed moan escaped my lips as my jeans tightened.

"You know, I showed you my body, perhaps I could see yours?" Decibel purred gently playing with my ear. "But none of that quick change shit. I want you to enjoy it, get into the mood."


I paused, taking a few deep breaths as I placed my hat and vest jacket on a nearby chair before unbuttoning my top, tossing it aside. Then I slowly leaned into a deep kiss, moaning as Decibel deepened the kiss, sticking there tong into my mouth.


After a little Decibel pulled back, and gently placed a finger on my lips. The look in there eyes told me everything. They weren't as ready as they thought they were, and they could tell that I wasn't either. "Can we still cuddle?" They asked and I nodded, standing.

"Just pit on a pair of boxers or something, it's getting late anyways. But I hope you know this dose not mean I'm willing to start a relationship with you." I nodded smiling as Decibel pulled on there boxers. "I wouldn't want you getting the wrong impression or anything."

"Shut up and get comfortable."Decibel teased as I pulled off my pants. Tossing them aside I lay back down and snuggled into them. "Goodnight Radomus."

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The next morning I woke with a small groan, blinking the sleep out of my eyes I was surprised to be met by the smell of pancakes.

"Morning Decibel! Hey Mr. Radomus! Decibel is up!" Alice called from the couch, much to my confusion.

"Radomus, may I ask what she is doing here?" I groaned rubbing my eyes sitting up in confusion. "And since when did I only have one hand?"

Ranomus lightly chuckled as he shook his head. "Since the explosion, it was dead and couldn't be saved. As for Alice, she invited herself in this morning to show me her starter."

"Interesting. Who did the surgery?" This time Radomus looked a bit sheepish, almost as is he felt bad.

"I did, but I didn't have anesthetics so I just sort of drugged you." Radomus sighed lightly, "I'm sorry about that. It's just it needed to be dealt with right away and I was the best we had. Do you remember anything?"

"Yes, but I don't think you want me repeating that particular confession." I nodded walking to the table, grabbing a plate of pancakes. "Anyways, what's the game plan?"


"Well you eat, get dressed then you can go and get your starter." Alice smiled happily, "I'll meet you at the downstairs Pokemon center."

Once I finished eating I shooed Alice out the door and proceeded to get changed. Radomus was kind enough to assist were I needed it. Afterwords he lead me down to the main floor and to the reception desk.

"Hey, you look great! Why don't you follow me and we can get you your starter?" Ame smiled as I approached.

"Hey, Ame! I'm sorry I'm late!" A girl called running up with a bright smile. "You said I could choose my starter after everyone else right?"

"Oh Victoria! I forgot I asked you to come! Of course, just let Decibel choose first alright?" Ame responded and Victoria nodded happily. "Decibel please follow me." Nodding I followed her into the large room of Pokemon, walking up and down the rows examining each one carefully. Finally I decided on the Snivy.6.png.649e340b824f02fac3d46c6e0aab506c.png

Calling it out I smiled as it looked up at me from the table. "I'm going to call you King, is that alright?" I asked parsing as he sniffed at were my left hand used to be.

"Sni." He nodded and I let out a small chuckle. "Snivy sni."

"Alright King. Let's head back!" I smiled as Ame lead us back down.

"Alright Victoria, your next." Ame smiled leading the girl up the stairs. Sighing I waited for Radomus who seemed to have disappeared.

"Hey! You're cute~." A voice from behind me called somewhat flirtatiously.

"What?" I asked quickly turning.

"Nothing. Have you seen Ame?" The person asked and I nodded.

"Yah, she took Victoria to get a starter. Why, you here for one as well?" I asked smiling happily.

"No, I'm reg- restarting my journey. I thought it would be good for my health." They sighed, rubbing the back of there neck. "The name is Cain by the way."

"Decibel." I responded, "Have you seen Radomus? I was supposed to meet him back here."

"No, I just got here." Cain shrugged. "Hey how about we have a battle?"

"Alright, but don't go easy on me. This is technically a restart for me too." I smirked sending out King, they sent out a male Nidoran named Point.10.png.ba2850cf53e75adbcbe5cf73cae431b0.png

The battle was somewhat short but informative. People in Reborn were a lot like at home, and the Pokemon were powerful attackers. Point was doing five damage, and King was doing around four. I ended up using the only potion I packed during the battle. In the end Point fainted and King grew to level six.

"Cute and powerful." Cain winked and I chuckled happily.

"Hey, were is the center in this place? Alice said she would meet me there." I smiled with a light blush. "Perhaps Radomus is there with her."

"Oh, it's right over here." Cain smiled happily leading the way to the center.

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Standing there was Alice, but not Radomus. Alice smiled happily as we approached, chuckling as she noticed Cain.

"Hey, looks like your getting everyone Decibel." Alice smiled and I shook my head. "Name's Alice."

"Cain." Cain responded with a curt nod. "And might I say, your dress is adorable."

"Aww, thank you." Alice blushed and I chuckled, quickly healing asking Nurse Joy to heel King, which she did.

"Hey Alice, how about we have a battle?" I suggested and she nodded, sending out a Squirtle named Shell.

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The battle was short, but again really informative. Alice may have seemed week, however she was far from a pushover, holding her own despite Shell's type disadvantage. In the end Shell ended up knocking King out. After healing a second time, I smiled as Ame and Victoria walked up.

"Ah hello Cain, I forgot that you were coming. Come with me and I'll get you registered again." Ame smiled as Cain nodded following her with a quiet. "Yes Master~."12.png.dbaf5cb066525b19fa277ecffa192e49.png

"Hey Decibel, what were you up to? I thought i told you to wait for me." Victoria chuckled and I shook my head.

"I ran into Cain and we had a battle. I won, and they brought me here to heal my Pokemon. I battled Alice here as well, but she won." I admitted shaking my head. "Did you see were Radomus went by the way?"

"Oh, yah he said that he was heading home for a bit and that he would meet up with you latter on to check on your progress." Victoria recalled with a nod. "Hey do you think we could have a battle?"

"Sure why not?" I smiled sending out King as she sent out a Litten named Ashes.13.png.b4afae71bc2a213707de63b08fb60aa7.png

This battle was a bit more stressful as Ashes was faster then King. However luckily nether of them had anything beyond scratch and tackle, and King was able to pull off a win with only one health left, as well as grow to level seven. This caused him to learn vine whip.

"Wow that's pretty impressive. You were able to defeat both me and Cain!" Victoria smiled and I nodded.

"Yah, but this is sort of a restart for me as well. I was pretty strong in Garia, rivaling that of a champion, I think her name was Dianthia or something. She was visiting from Kallos. Anyways, since we didn't have a league there I couldn't actually call myself one. When I got the invitation to come here from Radomus, I assured that my old team was safe and jumped right on it." I admitted and Alice smiled happily.

"Really I was the league champion in the Eternal Region. I was invited here because I wanted to make a difference here as well. " Alice said causing both me and Victoria to quickly turn to face her. She was so small, no more than eighteen. I mean I was twenty three, but that was common in Garia. You either learned to be strong or risked the chance of being a casualty. But she was a champion of four years, meaning she beet her league at fourteen.

"Holly shit." I hissed quietly as Nurse Joy healed King.

"You have to be kidding me, how old are you?" Victoria asked and Alice shrugged.

"Eighteen, champion of four years." She smiled proudly eyes glowing proudly. "Isn't that impressive?"

"Yah." Victoria nodded as Cain walked up.

"Ame is ready to register you all to the league." They smiled as they reached us. "Did I miss something?"

"She's eighteen and a champion of four years were she's from." I hissed and Cain nodded.

"Not bad." They chuckled as lead us back to the main desk." Here they are Ame! Victoria, Decibel and Alice."

"Great I got you all registered. I have gifts for all of you. Pokedexes and Pokeballs. There are Pokemon around, there just hiding. Head out and find them, make a team for yourselves." Ame smiled handing over the items as I nodded.

"Thank you! We'll be heading out then." I smiled waving as Alice followed me out the door.

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I paused as we headed out, head turning to the man blocking the stairs to what I could only assume to be a terrace or large bridge.

"Hey Decibel, we should head up there, see if we can find anything!" I suggested happily pointing in his direction.

"Yeah, I noticed a kid at the other staircase as well. I just wanted to see what was in this tall grass..." Decibel started pausing as a girl chasing a Stuffle pushed past them.


"I'm sorry." The girl called as she hurried off.

"Anyways as you were saying?" I asked as I looked towards the man.

"I want to catch something up here, you can go on ahead if you want, but knowing their type, they're hiding something and it's going to be messy if you go alone." Decibel sighed turning back to there searching, chuckling as if something caught their attention.

"What is it Dec!" I called walking up to them, noticing the Patrat. "Oh?"

I quietly watched as they used a single vine whip and tackle before catching it. "I'm calling you Fang."

"Not bad, what else do you think you can find here," I asked and Decibel shrugged calmly, before catching a Pidgey and calling it Lieutenant.

"Let's go an heal alright?" I suggested catching a Rattata named Rat. Decibel shrugged lading the way. "You know you're pretty good at this."

"Thanks Alice. You are too. By the way, know I only agreed to heal since all my Pokemon are bellow half health. It's good to know when the team needs to be healed, and when they can cover the others backs." Decibel nodded as Nurse Joy took our Pokemon.


"Hey would you like to buy a super rare and powerful Pokemon off of me?" A man asked walking

up to me.

"Sh..." I started only for Decibel to hold up their hand.


"Show it to me. Show me the ball." They huffed with a small glare, almost as if they were expecting something.


"Here it is," The man nodded holding up a ball with a Pokemon in it. Decibel garbed it and turned it around in their hand before giving it back.


"It's regulation standard personally I would go with someone that is registered and dose this professionally, overseas and all that Wynott industry. But it's up to you, this is at bare minimum regulation." Decibel nodded turning to accept out Pokemon from Joy. "Besides I don't trust him, I think him and that other dude are running a scam."


"How much?" I asked with a sigh.


"Thousand." The man responded and Decibel shook there head, "I'll pay half if you really think it's worth it. You only have two Pokemon were I have three."


"Let's do it." I nodded handing them my half, smiling as they added theirs.


"Did you say rare?" The second man Decibel had pointed out running up. "I don't mind if I do." With that the man took off.


"I got my money it's...." The man started gasping as Decibel easily overpowered him, holding him by the neck against the wall.

"I called this from the very beginning, I knew it was a scam of sorts didn't think it was quite this big." Decibel hissed glaring, "Now tell us were the hell he went."

"Decibel! It's fine! You were right. It was a scam. It's fine." I yelled grabbing hold of there remaining arm. "You don't have to do this."

"Yah, I do. I don't care if it outs me money either. I'm getting you that Pokemon if it's the last thing I do." Decibel's eyes had gone from blue to red, a somewhat terrifying sight to see.

"End of the tracks, that's were we were supposed to meet. I don't know anything else just let me go!" The man pleaded only to be met with an elbow to the neck. The action caused him to go limp, and I couldn't stop a fearful whimper from escaping my lips.

"Decibel! You killed him!" I whimpered pausing as Ame walked up. She looked both impressed and surprised. Kneeling next to him she shook her head.

"Not dead, just out cold. Way to press him Decibel. I'm guessing you've had some experience however." The tone of her voice amazed me, almost as if she knew something.

"Something like that." Decibel nodded and I let out a small sigh. "Anyways we should head after him, are you coming or not?"

"Take these and at least cuff or tie them to something when you knock them out." Ame sighed handing us each several pairs of handcuffs.

I sighed as I followed Decibel outside, watching as she approached a friendly looking scientist.


"We kneed to know were the south end of the tracks are." Decibel ordered curtly nodding.


"Dout you can make it there. Bunch of thugs and criminals all the way up. Wouldn't want you to get hurt." He responded shaking his head, sending out a Yungoos.


"Let me handle this one." I nodded sending out Rat.


The battle was somewhat short with Rattata taking a good amount of damage from tackles, but winning with his own levelling to level five. Decibel glared but didn't attack.


"Just follow the rails, and don't say I didn't warn you. You may be strong, but are you able to handle the creeps?" He nodded, sighing as Decibel walked off. "They alright?"


"No, I don't think they want anything to do with the station," I admitted with a weak smile. "Thank you for your help." With that, I rushed off after Decibel. When I caught up to She was in the middle of a battle with Lieutenant against some thug with a Pansage.


The Pansage was fast taking Lieutenant down, but this barely fazed Decibel as they quickly swapped to King who was also out outmanoeuvred and knocked out.


"Son of a bitch!" Decibel hissed glaring darkly swapping out to Fang.


Fang, due to luck and Lieutenant's sand attack was able to deliver the final tackle and knock the Pansage out, growing to level six and learning bite.

"Now tell me where he went!" Decibel hissed returning Fang, quickly ducking under a punch, and elbowing the man in the head.


"I don't know! I was told to keep on the lookout, he never told me that you were the one chasin' him or where he was goin'!" The thug whimpered as Decibel elbowed him in the head, cuffing him to a nearby pole.


"Decibel what exactly did he mean?" I asked as Decibel stood turning to go down the street, clearly looking for a stand-alone centre, huffing as it was a dead end.


"Not sure. Could be just about anything." Decibel nodded as we headed back towards the Hall. "Really if you want to know, do some research."

Decibel's voice was dark, holding clear hate for the thugs. Their eyes were once again a dark red, and they kept an almost running speed as they lead the way back.

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I sighed as I headed back to the center counter, handing off my team to the nurse.Looking around I realized that Alice had fallen behind, and that Ame was approaching me.

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“What is it Ame? I rally hope your not here to preach.” I sighed and she shook her head.

“No actually I simply want to confirm my suspicions. You are in fact ex Aqua agent tone Vigilante Decibel “Hell Fox” Smith correct?” Ame commented leading me to a sitting area handing me a small bag. “Potions and Common Candies thought you might need them.”

“Thanks, and yes. I was hoping to escape the dark part of the past and make a new name for myself, but it seems the title has followed me here. I’m going to kneed a new hand however.” I confirmed somewhat snarkily, shaking my head. “Willing to pay even.”

“Agreed, I sent in an order already. Now you should go get your team, Alice should be arriving soon.” Ame nodded walking off. Sighing I shook my head and walked back to the center, accepting my team as Alice walked up.

“Were heading out Alice. Let’s go!” I hissed running out of the hall, not even bothering to look behind me to see if Alice was following, quickly heading into the building next to the second goon I took out. It had raised my curiosity, and admittedly I wanted to investigate a bit. Sadly it was completely empty, leaving I sighed as Alice walked up.

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“Can you please slow down a little?” Alice sighed gently garbing my shoulder giving a supportive squeeze. “There is no need to rush so much.”

“Fine, just try to keep up with everything Alice. You’ll get the hang of this eventually.” I nodded sighing lightly shaking my head, walking to a second house. Here I found a bag of Pokesnax, then headed back out.

“Did you just steel that?” Alice asked and I shrugged.

“No one stopped me.” I nodded continuing to walk. When we entered another building we were greeted by a fisherman.

“If you want to go thru, you have to prove you’re strength to me.” He called smirking as he sent out a Goldeen, as I sent out Lieutenant.

The battle was somewhat fast, Lieutenant got a sand attack in before falling to two horn attacks. Hissing I switched to King, getting two vine whips before he was brought to half health a second taking him out.

“Decibel you have to stop running into battle like this!” Alice hissed as I switched again to Fang, who was also quickly taken care of. “I’m sorry sir. We didn’t mean to bother you, were going to take out leave now.”

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“What the hell Alice!” I hissed as she dragged me out of the building. “I was handling it!”

“No you were not! You kneed to calm down! What the hell are you doing!” Alice hissed dragging me to the Hall and sitting me down, and holding me in place and Nurse Joy walked up.

“Is everything alright over here?” She asked as Alice handed my team over.

“She’s a little agitated, I think she just needs some time to process everything that’s happened. Someone coned me out of a Pokemon that was rightfully mine at that point and now she’s going crazy trying to find them.” Alice sighed pulling me close and holding me tight.

“That is one of the reasons I paired you both together, because you both compliment each others personality and can learn something from the other.” Randmus nodded walking up, “However I think at this point, you are the only one who hasn’t read this.” Randomus nodded handing Alice my file.

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“Out loud if you will Alice.” I suggested with a shrug as Nurse Joy walked off.

“Police File name Decibel Smith. Alias, Hell Fox. Subject is an Ex Aqua agent stationed in the carnival district. They are possibly allied with some of the rouges that they have arrested, and shows sympathy for those who they do.” Alice sighed shaking her head, handing Randomus the file back. “So you have a name for yourself? Decibel you really don’t have to do this. I know you want to help me, but if it is a scam, they have already disposed of it.”

“I know Alice, but I have to. I proms I’ll be a little more careful but I have to see this thru.” I nodded leaning into the hug. “But I will be a little more careful if that makes you fell any better.”

Alice nodded as we headed to the center, grabbed my team and headed out. Heading up the street I sighed as another goon attacked. Fang was able to defeat her Igglybuff with a few tackles and two bites. I used a potion on him after a water gun took out a good chunk of his health. After a few attacks a critical hit took out Fang much to my disappointment, but i switched quickly to King. Two vine whips took out the Ducklett. Me and the goon got into a good fist fight, the goon managing to break my gum open by elbowing me in the chin, but I knocked her out, cuffing her to a lamp post and spiting out a bit of blood.

“Ok, that one wasn’t on me.” I huffed as Alice grabbed my shoulder.

“I know, but we should head back.” She suggested and I shook my head.

“No there should be a stand alone around here. It cant be that far. They normally have more training and are much more concomitant when it comes to human injures.” I sighed, spitting a second time. “It’s fine, I’ve had worse.”

“Alright I trust you, but at least try to put some pressure on it.” Alice sighed handing me a thick ball of fabric. Nodding I pressed it against my lip. It wasn’t too long before we reached the stand alone.

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“We need some medical assistance, she was attacked. We have a pokemon down and her lips bleeding really bad.” Alice hissed as we entered causing me to lightly chuckle.

“My Patrat fainted in battle, minimal cut wounds and I was elbowed in the jaw causing me to bite my lip.” I corrected as the Nurse walked up to me.

“It’s not too bad, may I see you pokemon?” She asked and I nodded, handing my team over. “You should sit, the amount of bleeding may cause some slight dizziness. I’ll check on you once I fix your team up. If the bleeding dosn’t stop by then you kneed stitches.”

“Thank you Joy.” I nodded sitting on the large couch.

“Stupid! You have to be more careful! Estúpido idiota tonto! ¡No puedes caminar como si fuera el dueño del lugar! No se teme tanto aquí, y probablemente no te reconozcan sin ..." Alice started, quickly trailing into what I assumed was Spanish.

"You do realize I have no idea what your saying right." I admitted showing her my lip. "And look, the bleeding has almost stopped. There is nothing to worry about."

"Alright, yah. Your not bleeding anymore which is good. Alright. I'm sorry. They just don't fear you here Decibel." Alice sighed as I retrieved my team from the counter, heading back out. "You should perhaps were whatever you did back home."

"No, I'll make a new costume if I have too." I sighed shaking my head, "The old one was horrible. It needs an update."

Nodding we left heading to the left only to yet again be jumped by a half naked man. Yelping I struggled to throw him off as Alice worked on dispatching of his team. I was surprised when she even managed to throw the man into a wall, knocking him out an cuffing him to the lamp.

"You alright?" Alice asked helping me up, hissing at the long scratch that ran own my side. "Should probably be cleaned up Decibel, I don't want you to get infected."

"Nice toss." I hissed handing her a role of bandages. "Just help me wrap it up, then we should keep going." Hissing I reached up allowing Alice to wrap the wound before continuing on out way. "Can't be too much further now."

Following the tracks a bit furniture I yanked Alice to the ground, just as a loud gun shot rang out.

"Costumes definitely costumes for when we are in the wards, talk after this one." Alice hissed as Fang ran to one of the assailants taking out his Hoothoot as I tossed a ball rope at there feet. This tripped then tangling there feet and knocking him out. Then Fang ran to the second's Krikitot, using leer to lower it's defense, then taking it out with two critical bites. Of course it wasn't without damage, alerting Lieutenant to take over for his Ekans. She was caught by a wrap but was able to take it out, only to get poisoned by poison sting.

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"You are dressed mighty fancy to be walking around this part of town." I didn't have anywhere near enough time to turn around before I was grabbed, one hand going down my pants. Both my Pokemon and Alice's tryed to take on his Ladyba, as Alice was grabbed by the second assailant and tied to the lamp. I struggled but nothing was working King was able to slightly weaken it with Shell's help but they were both quickly disposed of. Fang and Rat both ran in t take over getting it much lower only to fall to a swift. Luckily Lieutenant had just enough strength to knock the but out with a Gust. Sadly he too fell to the poison.

"Hey, look this one is a Tranny." The man holding me chuckled, causing me to squirm even more. Hissing as he tied a rope around my arms, then a second around my neck. "Is he yours?"

"They, and no they are not mine. They are not a 'tranny' that is horrible to call people. There genderfluid, please let them go!" Alice hissed tearing up as I was shoved to my knees.

"Make her watch." The man holding me ordered yanking on the rope turning me towards him. "As for you you are going to do as you are told so your freind don't get hurt."

"One last thing, pleas. I just have one last thing to say." I pleaded eyes sparking with fearful tears, clearly not certain of my plan, whimpering as the third person started working on their pokemon, which all started to get up.

"What is it?" The man hissed clearly not happy.

"Gossip, were ever you are, if you can here me use teleport." I called, gently biting my lip in fear.

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I froze, the voice reaching my mind quickly, trembling with fear. Decibel was in trouble, they needed help. Taking a breath I first grabbed my Master~ making sure he had the hole team then teleported to Decibel's location.

"Gossip! I was just preparing for... Holly shit." My master hissed, sending everyone out. "Renigil Metior you take the group on the right, Mali and Kingston the left. Psyidear Gossip you are with me." Nodding me and Psyidear followed, one of the few times I didn't even question Master's orders. He was pissed, eyes darting from goon to thug to higher thug. Each flick caused his already red eyes to darken and glow, gaining a purple psychic mist like glow as well.

Master silently gave orders whenever we were approached, taking out the people with his own powers. When we got to Decibel, I noticed her. Alice was unconscious with a gun shot wound to the shoulder.

"Master! I'm taking Alice back to the Castle, she's been shot!" I called turning to Master who was feverishly working on untying Decibel. "Master?"

"Go!" He hissed turning with a glare, "Get her to the safe room! Now!"

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I let out a small sigh, sliding down a wall as I waited for Alice to wake. I had patched up her shoulder, but the damage was deep. Alice had gone into shock on the way, and had fallen into a deep coma.

"Master, it's been a while since you've been this concerned about someone that wasn't Luna."Gossip's voice was quiet, holding clear jealousy. "And you barely know her."

"I know Gossip. I know a lot more than I let on." I sighed looking up at her. "I Know about your crush on me Gossip, but I pretend not to because I don't want to hurt you."

Gossips little sob hurt, but it was true. I hated the fact that she was pushing for a relationship, something I never wanted to have. That I could never have. It was still much too soon, especially after what happened with him.

"Look Master I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset. It's just your a beautiful man. I can't help but love you." Gossip whimpered dropping her head, turning away from me as she trembled " I just thought we could give it a shot. and make it..."

"Shut up! Shut up! I am got going to have a romantic relationship with anyone, least of all you! I hurt people! I could kill you! I don't want to do that! Now get out!" I snapped glaring darkly. "Get out and do your stupid show or whatever it is you do!"

I glared, tossing Gossip to the side as I stormed off to my room. Fear and anger clouded my mind as I entered my room, garbing my switch razor. Knowing that Gossip would go to Psyidear, I psychically blocked the room, preventing teleport from reaching it.

Taking a deep breath I walked over to my bead, sitting down with a sigh. I knew what I was doing, I just I had to be ready. Tanking a deep breath I grabbed a pen and a piece of paper.

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Dear Anyone one this Concerns,

I would like to start off by saying I'm sorry. I never intended it to come to this so soon. I was hoping to at least initiate Decibel and Alice.

Now that that is over, you have to understand that none of you could have predicted this. I kept all my pain internal, hiding it in a hidden part of my mind, that only Psyidear and Gossip could get to. Even then everything started poring much faster than I had anticipated.

I snapped at Gossip, threw her into a wall. I never meant to hurt her, and I will forever hate myself for not deterring her heart a lot sooner. I should have told her that I was hurt and that I did not like relationships. That I wasn't interested in romantic relationships, when her heart could fall for another easily. Everything that happened to her, it's my fault.

Furthermore, must inform you that I wish Gossip to gain my half of Luna's custody. It is the least I can do for her.

For those who are wondering this is my choice. El has left a deep scar on my heart and soul and it has taken everything of me, draining me of what I once was. El has finally achieved his wish, he has driven me to taking a life, my own.

This letter is to be taken how you wish I just hope you know that there really wasn't anything you could do, but now there is one. Bring the person who brought me this far to justice, arrest El for he is manipulating my heart and mind with false light.

Decibel, I am so sorry I had to do this to you. I never meant for you to know how week I truly had become. I myself fear that I have put this off to long, and submit fully to your mercy. All I ask for is you to understand that my mind is broken.

You wished to know about my past and I will tell you. I was born ere, were this castle stands, when it was just a field. It was run by wild and rare Pokemon and I played among them as one of there own.

I was ten when they found me. I had gone to the near by village to get something to eat, something that could keep me warm. I got cocky with it and they caught me. They placed me under arrest and brought me in. I was but a boy, and that was the first time I met him. El, he was a young blind boy and he was adorable. His father informed the authority that he would pay for whatever I had stolen and take me in.

I never stayed with them, I kept running away to my field. The only reason I would stay is when I was able to play chess. Quickly we learned that I was quite the prodigy, and I was sent t many tournaments, making myself a fortune. As this was happening I separated from El's family, never having officially been adopted and worked out an agreement with the wild Pokemon for me to take care of them, and be able to build my castle.

It was four years before I saw El again, and we started hanging out. Eventually our relationship became romantic, and we started going out. The transition into abuse was slow, slow enough for me to become regulated to it. It took a lot of help from the wild Pokemon as well as my team to get me out for good. But not without damage. I couldn't bring myself out of my mind. I closed up and refused to talk to anybody.


That's why I'm here. I hid everything and let it get to the point that I couldn't control it anymore. I apologize greatly.

I have however made you each a costume, I think that you will find them quite helpful. A real life Crowbatman and Flethcling, even more due to what happened with your sidekick. They became the Typhoon correct? So now that would make Alice the second Bubblewonder.

Please finish what I started,


P.S Please find 4

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Chills kept running up and down my spine as I rushed towards Radomus' room. Something was wrong and I just knew it. Reaching the door I hissed, it was locked and knowing Radomus it was protected against teleport.

'Alright, so explosives.' I smirked grabbing a small pokeball shaped bomb and attaching it to the door.

"I'm coming in Radomus" I yelled, setting off the detonator. With a loud bang, the door was blown off of it's hinges and I rushed in, quickly noticing the motionless figure on the bed. "Radomus!"

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Walking up I gasped, noticing the blood stained sheets. Gently I shook his shoulder but he didn't respond.

"Somebody help! It's Radomus! He's bleeding out!"I yelled, quickly getting to work on wrapping his wrists, making sure to apply pressure.

"Oh no! Master!" Gossip hissed running in with a Nurse. Her eyes were filled with tears and I could tell she genuinely felt guilty.

"May I ask what happened? The Nurse asked and I shook my head. "You don't know do you? Did you find a note or anything?" Again I shook my head, moving so that she could get to work.


"Let's look for that Decibel, knowing Master it cant be far." Gossip nodded standing tall as we both started looking. It wasn't long befog I fond it on the bed side table.

"Here, definitely a suicide note." I called, choking back a small sob. "It's long. But to sum it up he was planing on doing it for a long time. He says that El had a hand in it from behind the screens and was really abusive when they were together. He wants nothing but justice to be brought to El, and our forgiveness."


"Oh, Master. You didn't have to do this. We could have helped. Why did it have to come to this?" Gossip whimpered collapsing to the ground. "You really didn't have to do it."

"He's not dead Gossip, in fact I've got him stabilized. He should wake up soon." The Nurse smiled weekly. "Most likely two hours."


"Hey Gossip, Radomus said something about suits for me and Alice. Do you know were they are?" I asked smiling weekly as she nodded. Quickly I followed her out of the room.

"I'm so sorry about him Gossip. I know you two were close." I soothed as she lead the way, carefully placing an arm around her shoulders.

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"No it's ok. Master wouldn't want me to mourn unless he was truly lost. He's not lost yet. So I won't mourn." Gossips voice shook as she pushed open a large door revealing a very large tech lab, two suits stood at the back, with the first a metal hand.

"Wow there fancy, I'm guessing metal alloy?" I asked, walking up to them.

"Tacinium, strongest metal we know of." Gossip nodded as I pressed my hand to the case. "Go ahead, try it on. Take it out for a spin. Just step into the panel over there."

Nodding I entered the machine as instructed, smiling as I put the suit on. It fit wonderfully, clipping the mask into place I paused.

"Gossip, were dose this back exit lead to?" I asked and she simply chuckled. "I'm going thru it."


Exiting the back I let out a small chuckle. The hole room was filled with bikes and tumblers, boats and a plane. All with the Hell Fox symbol on it.

"Like what you see Decibel? All of them are customs, Master got his finest engineers to build them for you." Gossip reported via headset. "I suggest taking the small Tumbler bike back to..."

"No, I want to test the suit's capability's how long should it take to get back to Peridot Crowbatman style?" I asked sighing at the response.

"Two weeks." Gossip confirmed chuckling, "At the level of training you are at. By the way who came first? You or Crowbatman?"


"Crowbatman. However he was real, and I was in fact a Fletchling for a bit." I responded climbing into the tumbler. "The current Crobatman is actually the third Fletchling.I was the fifth. Went my own way as the Hell Fox started training my own underlings when he went to Hoia to clean up the streets there. Really the hole thing is just everywhere. That's why the newer comic call it that. Apparently there is one about me in Garia now, there going to have to fix that too."

"Who knew? But you don't mind the shows and comic and such? I mean it's about you isn't it?" Gossip asked as I drove out chuckling. "Isn't it a bit invasive?"


"Hell no. People know to fear our wrath and the police don't bug us because we help them." I responded, driving towards the wards. "In fact it's really an honer to be portrayed as such a light character. The show isn't real Gossip, its a simplified fiction."

It wasn't long before I was back in the wards heading right to my first main target, the bridge. Parking in front of it I hopped out and headed up to the man, easily taking him out and restraining him. This however caught the attention of seven nearby goons.

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"Oh god! It's real.Hell Fox is real!" One shouted sending out two meowths.

"Shoot it. SHOOT IT!" Another yelled pulling a gun and sending out a Zigzagoon. The third and fourth both had Ratatas.Quckly I disposed of them, turning my attention to the remaining two, one of which had a Zigzagoon dangling by the tail over the lake.

"Lieutenant, prepare to catch the Zigzagoon. King take care of that Mudburay, Psy start on the Fomantis." I called sending my team out. "Everone elce back up for no!"

Then I quickly charged towards the two thugs knocking the one with the Zigzagoon out with a blow to the forehead, then started on the second one who as much fasted and stronger. The fight however was short and I knocked him out as well restraining them both.

"Gossip, send the police to Opal bridge There are eight thugs that were trying to kill a Zigzagoon. He seems to want to join me, I've called him Bucky."

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"Not bad Hell Fox, now about your original goal. I found a person in the underground railway, marked the location on the tumbler's map." Gossip reported with a small sigh. "You know this isn't my job right?"

"So then get one of your master's other Pokemon to do it. I saw a shiny Ralts that seemed ready to help." I responded, climbing back onto the bike and driving out towards the underground.

"Oh hell no. What's he dong here?" I hissed stoping the bike being a building. "Gossip do you copy. Rouge from Garia, goes by the title of the Fisher. Pull up his records, tell me what the hell he is doing here."

"I could tell you that Fox." A familiar voice called from the roof. Cautiously exiting the tumbler I was greeted by none other than Tyson Grant, the Typhoon. "The man in there is called the Dealer, info mostly. I got word that him and the Fisher were working on something. Mind I ask what businesses you have with the Dealer?"

"Just give me a sec. Gossip, patch in Typhoon's ear piece so we can all have a small chat." I nodded sighing lightly.

"Typhoon can you here me?" Gossip asked sighing as he nodded. "Typhoon you are lucky the Tumbler has a camera. Anyways Hell Fox is after a possible pokemon smuggling."

"When did this become a smugling?/ Your Working on a smuggling?" Me and Tyson jinxed in shock.

"I had no idea it was a smugling. I mean if that's the case I'm going to kneed your help again." I hissed sighing lightly. "Gossip why didn't you tell me this?"

"I thought you knew. Here, I'm sending you the information now." Gossip responded as a holo screen popped up.

"Well Fox?" Tyson asked and I shook my head.

"The scam artists bought it from a smuggler by the name of Giovi. The man has ties in Hoen, Sinnoh, Gara, Hoia, and here in Reborn. It's not going to be easy taking him out since he's blackmailing a lot of people, including Black Jack." I sighed reading the report and bowing my head. "The second Fletchling."

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"Hey, someone over here! It's Hellfox!" A goon yelled a she begain shooting at us, prompting several more to join in the fight.

"There with Typhoon. Sir's we have to leave!" A second called running to the Fisher and the Dealer.

"Prince, stop them from getting away!" Tyson yelled sending out his Greninja.

"Go after them! Me and the team can handle the Goons!" I hissed. "New team and all." Nodding he took off as I sent out the team.

"Bucky and Stan you take the left. Fang and Psy you are on the right. King and Lieutenant the middle." I called as I knocked out a few goons.

"So you really did start everything over Hell Fox. Get a new Bubblewonder yet?" Tyson asked over the com and I sighed.

"Not the time Typhoon, focus on getting those two!" I hissed punching out a goon. "We can chat latter back at the castle!"

As the battle raged on I was surprised at the sheer amount of goons involved. It wasn't just a simple raid or anything. This was an ambush, they were expecting us.

"Let them go Typhoon there are too many to handle at once. We have to get these goons taken care of before they kill my team!" I reported as more swarmed, some retrieving unconscious allies and dragging them off. Others joining in on the fight.

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"I know, I was ambushed as well Fox! There are too many of them. Were doing our best to hold them off but they just keep coming! I think there stalling, Fisher and Dealer have both gotten into a car and have taken off." Tyson responded clearly exhausted.

After almost an hour the flooding stopped, and many of the goons simply started to retreat. Returning my team I tied up those that I could before collapsing against a wall. Taking a few deep breaths I let out a small pained groan.

"Gossip injury report." I ordered weakly, leaning back in pain.

"Several broken and bruised ribs, light internal bleeding a sprained ankle, a mild concussion and your arm is raw from the hand. Your pokemon have sever damage as well, I would suggest getting back here with Typhoon as soon as you can." Gossip reported letting out a low sigh.

"Alright, I'm headed you're direction." Tyson reported as I climbed into the Tumbler. "You sure your good to drive?"



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It was dark and cold. Sitting up I let out a small groan as I noticed Ame, standing over me with a somewhat disappointed look in her eyes.

"Randomus, can't you see what you have done?" Ame hissed glaring darkly as I rolled my eyes. "You tried to kill yourself. Why on earth did you think that was the way out of everything?"

Chuckling I shook my head. The one language she knew only I understood. Well basically only me, it was the language of the wilds after all. "Ame I know exactly what I did. I know it was an attempt.However I was not superposed to survive, Decibel saving me was a hitch in my plan."

“Just a hitch? Randomus they saved youre life! ” Ame hissed back gently biting her lip tearing up. "Look I get it, your sick. But that's not the way we deal with this. You need help."

"I am not sick There is nothing wrong with me. Call whatever therapist you want and I will talk to them!" I hissed back letting out a small sigh. "However I will train them, I owe those two that much at least."

"Thank you Randomus, for seeing it my way." Ame smiled weakly as Decibel and Alice walked in. "You three should start training Julia is gathering people to storm the factories."

"Of course we will also be training for your gym badge against Julia so show me your teams." I nodded, voice still a bit dark. I sighed lightly at the teams. Alice had Shell (Squirtle level eleven), Rat (Ratatta level nine), Minny (Snubble level six), Filli (Wurmple level four), and Zuzu (Zubat level five). Decibel has King (Snivy level twelve), Stan (Stunky level nine), Psy (Caterpie level five), Fang (Patrat level ten), Lieutenant (Pidgey level eleven), and Bucky (Zigzagoon level five). Both teams needed extensive training.

"Alright, follow me." I sighed nodding as I walked out of the room, leading the two into a large training room were we were greeted by Tyson.

"Gossip said you guys were training, mind if I join you?" He asked leting out a small sight. "Could use a bit of training myself if we are going to take on Giovi."

"Can I see your team?" I asked tilting my head in curiosity. "Just put them on there and their information will pop up on the screen. Nodding Tyson smiled, placing the balls on the scanner. This time I was a little impressed Prince ( Greninja level seventy six ), Youki (Mimikyu level sixty three), Six (Umbreon level fifty six), Steven ( Metagross level eighty), Queen (Slacking level seventy nine) Punna (Lupunny level level seventy three).

"Impressive kid, I suppose being champion level with an outside team helps with the level cap?" I teased lightly as he rolled his eyes. "Come on you can train with us."

"Thanks, so were are you going to start?" Tyson asked and I shrugged. "I mean this place is huge."

"Whatever you would like it's up to you." I chucked watching as Decibel and Alice searching, sending there teams out to spar.

"Or perhaps we can talk. Just you and me. You are fighting the madness aren't you? I recognize it anywhere." Tyson whispered turning to me. "All the Wildones I have met have a very similar madness. Perhaps that is why you took interest in Decibel and Alice. You think you can stop it from getting them but that's not how it works."

"And it's why you are lying to their face. You are not who you say you are are you?" I asked quietly pulling him to the side. "I have a feeling you are just a really good fake."

"I am who I say I am. I'm just not who they think." Tyson sighed shaking his head. "I haven't been for a long time."

"I don't trust you." I hissed as Decibel ran up smiling.

"Randomus, is there a PC around here. I don't think Psy is cut out for this, but I caught some pokemon during the ambush. Well more they caught themselves after the.. Anyways I want to see if any of them are a little stronger." Decibel smiled, streaching there arms. "See if I should change a few people up."

"Alright, follow me." I smiled leading her to the machine smiling as she swapped Psy for a Espurr named Spy. "Nice, but isn't she a lower level?"

"Yes but I feel like I can work with her a little better than I can with Psy." Decibel shrugged running off to train again. "You coming Randomus?"

"Yah, alright." I nodded walking up with a smirk.

"Sir, we have report of two Meteor thugs." Gossip reported appearing next to me. "How do you want to handle it?

"Let me go. I can take care of them." Decibel suggested, walking up in suit. "It'll be good field training."

"Agreed, Gossip take Decibel and Alice to the scene." I ordered as Alice walked up. "Let's see how well they can work together."

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When we arrived I was shocked by what I saw. Two people in black suits, harassing a woman with a Igglibuff.

"Step away from the lady." Decible ordered walking towards the two. "And no motto please I don't really give two fucks who you are. All I care is that you are muggers."

"Is that right Hell Fox. We were expecting you." The girl said sending out Duskul.

"And we brought you some friends." The man added calling out a Cuebone.

"Alright, I can handle the Cuebone, you get the Duskul." Decibel ordered sending King out, who quickly used Vine whip. Nodding I sent Zuzu out going for the Duskull. Spy was doing her best to help, by soothing the Igglybuff.

After a long battle The two pokemon fainted, and Decibel marched up to the girl. "Look, I don't want any trouble alright. I was just..." She started as Decibel garbed her by the collar.
"Look we just want to know who ordered this hit." I said, knocking the man out when he charged at me. "So please tell us who you work for."

"It was a side job, liberate a few pokemon that's all I know. The others were supposed to meet at the old factory. Please I'm begging you let..." The girl responded only to be knocked out by a swift elbow the the forehead.

"I suppose we should check out the factory then." I suggested as Gossip garbed the two thugs, walking out the door after Decibel.

"Iggy Iggy-ig!" Pausing I turned watching as the small Igglybuff walked up to Decibel holding a Pokeball in its small arms.

"Please, will one of you look after my Igglybuff, I don't know what I would do if something happened to it." The woman called following her pokemon.

"I think you should Bubblewonder, I think it would suit you. It's name is Pop, and it's adorable." Decibel reported and I nodded accepting the ball. "Now let's head out and find the factory."

Letting out a small sigh I followed Decibel, quietly watching as they walked, a clear confidence in there step.

"Hey, it's the Fox!" A man yelled charging us. Glaring I elbowed him in the back of the neck causing him to quickly fall.

"Careful when aiming for the neck Wonder, that could do some real damage." Randomus called over the comm and I sighed as Bucky took on the mans Slandit with a sand attack before switching with Lieutenant who took it to low health with gust, fainting to a burn, as Fang delivered the final bite. Sadly he was poisoned on contact.

"Wonder, stand alone mart. This is not a small ward. It's huge." Decibel sighed giving Fang an antidote, hissing as a second man jumped them, swiftly kneeing the man in the stomach. "Bitch." They hissed kicking out, launching the man back but lodging a knife in her leg.

"Rat, take care of the Surskit! Fox, don't move." I hissed running up to them examining the wound.

"It's not too deep, It's stuck in the padding. But It jabbed pretty good. King behind you!" Decibel hissed as second goon ran up sending out a Spinerack and a Cutifly. Bucky and Spy charged the Spinerack, Spy falling to an infestation, Bucky tanking it out. Nodding I worked on removing the blade from Decibel's leg, carfully pulling it out and tossing it aside. Then I quickly wrapped her leg and started healing our teams.

"I think we are definitely close, looks like there is someone over there." I nodded pointing towards the factory. "You good to walk?"

"Yah, I'll be fine for now. It doesn't hurt too bad." Decibel nodded slowly getting to there feet, returning everyone to there balls.

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It wasn't long befor we reached the Factory, walking up to the agitated green haired boy.

"So they meant the other factory! Fuck those two kneed to learn...." The boy snarled before turning to me, and if it isn't the Fox kid. Look what do you want?"

"We just came to help. We don't want any trouble." Alice said,raising a hand in defense. "What's your name?"

"Fern, and I'm the King bee, top bog cool cat Boss got it?" Fern scoffed smirking, sending a small chill down my spine. "No, well then I'll teach you your place."

"Team you know what to do!" I hissed as he sent out a Budew, Rowlett and Sandile. Quickly I turned my attention to the boy, ducking under a well planed punch, sweeping his feet with a swift kick.

"Bubble go on ahead, I'll meet you at the other factory. Go." I hissed, gasping as Fern grabbed my leg, yanking me to the ground as well, climbing onto my back. Growling, I grounded my foot and arched my back, quickly rolling tossing him to the ground. Hissing I grabbed his wrists and drooped into a hold.

"Are we going to have a problem? Because we don't have to have a problem." I asked holding him in place, hissing as Fern quickly sat aiming a headbutt only for a loud metalic clang to ring out. "That wasn't too clever."

I growled as Fern swung his knee into my groin, using this as leverage to flip us over and grab my throat. Acting quickly I slipped mu thumbs under there hands and shoved, keeping hold of his right and flipping over, punching him hard in the nose with a crack. This drew a snarl from him, but seemed to relax him a bit as he stopped struggling.

"Are we done here?" I asked hissing quietly, holding him still.

"Yah, just let me up." Fern growled looking over as Stan took his Rowlett down. "I'll bring you to the other factory. I think you broke my nose."

"Alright, but I don't want any more trouble alright?" I hissed shifting off holding out my hand for him.

"No promises." Fern snarled pulling himself up, walking off quickly. Luckily I was able to keep up with him as we reached the factory.

"Hey Fox, this is Julia. She says that she's going to help." Alice smiled walking up to us. "I'm not going to ask."

"Good, I don't like either of you." Fern snarled walking up to Julia. "You got in my way, and broke my nose."

"Do we have a way in?" Alice asked and I nodded.

"Explosives!" Me and Julia jinxed, clearly both excited. Quickly we got to work setting up a fair amount of explosives walking back to the group before setting them off.

"Explosion detected. Julia's presence confirmed." A girl reported walking up calmly.

"Florina hey!" Julia called and I shook my head. "We were roommates back in school."

"Time wasts. We should move on." Florina stated and I nodded.

"Agreed, we should clear the factory of all Meteor goons. Previous encounter concludes this." I said in the same monotone as Florina was using.

"Heh, you sound like Flowbot." Fern chuckled lightly as Julia sighed.

"Don't call her that." She groaned, leading the way into the way into the factory.

"I think it's kind of cute." I smiled gently leaning against Florina. "Flobot the Woebot~."

"Pick up line success sixty three percent. " Florina reported, a small smirk reaching her lips for a mere moment.

"This place stinks!" Alice hissed as we walked in gagging lightly as we walked in.

"Smells vaguely like rum or something." I reported, "Definitely polluted, over ninety present"

"Corection: Smell is more like wine to rum." Flobot reported a detectable hint of venom in her voice. "Effect: Dead lake."

"We split up. Bubble you are with me." I nodded turning to leave.

"Hey I'm coming with you!" Fern hissed running up. "I'm not staying with Flobot and Julia."

"Look the way I say it is personal. I know what it feels like to shut down and close up. To be called a robot or cyborg because I am unable to express myself." I hissed turning on Fern. "The way you say it is you are being a bully and a jerk. So unless you have had a mental shut down, stop calling her that."

"Whatever. Look we don't agree, let's just move on!" Fern hissed with a light glare.

"I'll keep lookout." Alice said slowly baking up and heading to the main room. Nodding I lead Fern into the next room, working with him to take out the goons.

"Hey there's a computer here, I'm going to try and hack it." I said walking up to the computer. It wansn't long before the screen turned black.

"Is that good Foxy?" Fern asked huffing.

"Yah it is Fern, just keep going." I sighed shaking my head at the darkness between us. "Let's go."

Both of us shot each other a look but continued walking taking on a few more grunts. Marching on I deactivated a second lock, keeping an eye on Fern as we walked on, smiling as we walked up to Julia and Florinia.

"Meteor headquarters confirmed beyond this gate." Florinia reported nodding at the large door.

"Hey Flo, you think we can hack the main computer?" I asked as she nodded.

"Affirmative." Florinia responded leading me to the small screen.

"Well I'm going to get explosives!" Julia called running off.

"Alright flow, it appears to be a seven digit cript code." I reported, tapping the screen. "If I can patch..."

"It would appear you initiated some sort of security chess." Florinia said sighing as I failed. "You are not very good at this. I will keep guard with Fern, you get in." Nodding I continued working, slowly realizing just how bad at chess I really was.

"Bad news Flo, I suck." I called sending my team to help fend off the swarm of goons.

"I can tell!" Fern called back clearly angry. "Switch with Flobot and take over the battling!"

"Negative. success rate of your plan if five percent. Rate of our current plan is twenty." Florinia concluded as I continued to work.

"Hey you're Snivy evolved!" Fern called and nodded, a tone of distaste in his voice.

"Good I think I have it this time!" I called back quickly continuing the 'game'.

"Hey I get the explosives!" Julia called and Fern groaned. "I'm gong to set up!"

"Were in!" I called as the door slid open smirking as Julia let out a small whine.

"Hey are you the one who's in charge of this place?" Julia demanded as we walked in.

"How kind of you to notice. " A man with a red eyepiece responded smirking lightly, despite his serious tone. "And if it isn't the resident super hero. Were is the Bubblewonder Hell Fox? Aster Eclips kill them."

"Son of a bitch!" I hissed as the girl, Eclips rammed a knife into my stomack. "Stop doing that!" I snarled ramming my knee into her forehead,turning my attention to the pokemon. King was easily handling her Rockruff with Leaf Tornado.

"Mind helping Fern?" I called as Alister sent out a Rockruff of his own, which used fire fang and nearly killed his Budew, knocking it out with a normal bite. Fern huffed returning his pokemon lunging at Aster.

"Thank you!" I called as the remaining Rockruff aimed a firefang at King. Surprisingly Fern's Roulett flew in the way, taking it out with Leafage ad King attacked the first with Leaf Tornado. Aster snarled shooting a dart at the remaining Rockruff, only to be kocked out by Fern, the pokemon by a Leafage and Vinewhip.

Returning King I was surprised to see a Cradly and an Electrode facing off against a Surviper.

"So you managed to defeat my best grunts? I'm not sure if I'm impressed with you or disappointed in them." The man sighed darkly as Alice ran in.

"I heard a commotion and came as fast as I could!" Alice called turning to me and sighing. "You got something. Just. Again?"

"Yah, again." I sighed pulling out the knife and tossing it to the ground, befor turning my attention to the odd man.

"Well that was amusing, however I know I cannot take on five of you at once." He said, voice suddenly ice cold, holding true anger and hate.. "But don't think you have one yet. The battle is only beginning. Team Meteor dose not forgive." With that he diapered along with the two grunts.

"He disappeared!" Julia gasped and for the first time, me and Fern completely agreed on something.

"No shit Sherlock!" We both groaned, quickly turning to each other in slight confusion.

"One time thing Foxxy, don't get comfortable with it." Fern snarled and I nodded.

"You should all rung now." Julia calmy said turning with a big smile.

"Oh shit." Fern hissed turning tail and running. Florinia, Alice and I were not far behind. It wasn't long after we exited the building, that it exploded.

"I like blowing down doors not buildings!" I hissed as Julia ran up. "That was a bit much considering there were unconscious grunts in the halls!"

"Obsidia requires further investigation. I will be in touch Julia..." Florinia turned to me, a knowing look in her eyes. "Hell Fox."

"Alright!" Julia called turning to me. "All the leaders that are registered with badges know of your identity, well as far as I know. It might just be the ones he trusts. Anyways, you two should try and take on my gym. Its a six on six pokemon only battle. No fighting aloud unless attacked."

"I think that would be a great idea Fox." Alice said and I nodded. "But perhaps without the get up, and with you bandaged up."

"Agreed, Julia I look forward to battling you." I reported smiling, walking towards the pick up point.

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It wasn't long befor me an Decibel were standing outside Julia's gym, which was located in an old electronics storage and pyrotechnics containment facility.

"You ready Dec?" I asked turning to them smiling brightly. Decibel didn't move, merely staring at the sky. "What are you looking at?"

"I-It's nothing. I just thought I saw something in the clouds." Decibel sighed, clearly uncertain. "Let's just head in before either of us get sick."

"Alright Dec." I nodded walking in with a smile, pausing as A hologram of Ame appeared in front of us.

"Hey Alice, Decibel. You made it to Julia's gym? Good job!" Ame smiled with a light chuckle. "I hop you two are prepared for Julia's electric terrain, it can be a bit of a bitch if not taken care of."

"Thank you for the advice Ame." I smiled as the hologram disappeared, looking around the room. "It looks like were going to have to blow the doors up."

Decibel nodded walking ahead finding a Voltorb and leading it to the door. Once they reached it, the Voltorb exploded blowing a hole in the door. Continuing along we took out four doors before reaching Julia's room.

"Hihi Decibel, you here for your battle?" Julia asked with a bright smile. "Then welcome to the Supper- Duper Ultra-Hyper Electro-Hyper Dazzel- Happy Boom Time House of Cheer"

"The what?" Decibel asked raising her eyebrow in confusion. "No matter, let's start the battle."

"Alrighty! Let's do this go Min-Min!" Julia called sending out her Minun.
"Bucky, your up first!" Decibel nodded, sending him out. "Bucky use headbutt!"
"Min-Min Charge beam!" Julia called. Charge beam was fast and strong, almost taking Bucky out, however Bucky was able to hit with Headbutt, but didn't do near as much damage.
"It's the field, it's powering her attacks! Bucky let's see if you can hit a second Headbutt!" Decibel called as Julia let out a small chuckle
"Not happening Decie! Charge Beam!" Min-Min was faster, and the attack hit, knocking Bucky out.

"Return Bucky, Stan! Poison Gas! She's raising her special Attack, but let's see if she can handle poison." Decibel called sending her out, smirking ever so slightly.
"Min-Min end this, Charge beam!" Again she was faster, hitting Stan hard, a critical hit. Stan fainted.
"Not bad Julia, but I'm not willing to give up. Fang your up next! Take out this pesky Minun!" Decibel called returning Stan.
"Charge Beam Min-Min!" Julia called, gasping as Fang jumped over it, landing on Min-Min with a bite. "Try again Min-Min!"
"Fang keep it up!"
Decibel sighed as Julia shot a small potion dart at Min-Min, luckily Fan kept his hold, causing more damage with his Bite.
"Ko him Min-Min!" Julia cheered as Min-Min shook Fang off and shot a charge beam at him. The attack was powerful easily knocking him out.
"Alright, King let's do this. Leaf Tornadio!" Decibel called switching to her newly evolved Survine, the attack just about knocking Min-Min out.
"Encor!" Julia called and Decibel shook there head as King attacked a second time. Sadly, Kind missed due to Min-Min's quick attack, twice. The third time King managed to out speed it and Knock it out.
"Volty go!" Julia called switching to a Voltorb.
"King keep it up!" Decibel called, pointing dramatically. King was fast, almost knocking Volty out with a single Leaf Tornado, before managing to dodge a sonic boom. Julia again used a potion dart much to Decibel's disappointment.
"Vine whip!" They called, wincing as the Voltorb exploded on contact. "Aftermath."
"Pompom!" Julia called switching again, this time to an Oricoro.
"Vine whip again King!" Decibel called taking a deep breath.
"Knock out the pesky snake, Air cutter!" Julia called, the attack almost knocking King out.
"Leaf Tornaido!" Decibel  nodded hissing as the attack missed and a second Air cutter knocked King out.  "Spy, I'm leaving this up to you!"
Spy was almost knocked out by an Air cutter but did manage to hit with a confusion, a second air cutter took out Spy.
"Lieutenant your the only one left. Let's see if you can do this!" Decibel called switching out nervously. It was clear from there body language, they knew they were defeated. A single Air cutter taking out Lieutenant.
"Hey, you tried your best. Why don't you go train a bit, then challenge me again tomorrow!" Julia called and Decibel nodded, returning Lieutenant with a quiet apology. "I'll see you both tomorrow."
Leaving the gym I slowly turned to Decibel who gently shook her head. "There is a man with a  garden full of bug types, I think we should go there, perhaps get another teammate."
"Alright Decibel, but Poke center first." I suggested leading the way. "You did really good Decibel."
"Thanks Alice. That's amazing coming from you. I think there might be Spineracs in the garden so I think I might catch one of those, then switch with Lieutenant. In the alleyway there were Poochiana, so one of those might help." Decibel nodded handing Joy there team. "I think you should catch one."
"Agreed, I think a Poochiana will help my team out a lot." I smiled as Joy healed there team before handing it back to Decibel.
After leaving we reached the garden, entering it, Decibel quickly gasped.
"Decibel?" I asked turning to them. Frezing my eyes widened. It was a Spinerac, but it wasn't green, yellow red and blue. It was red and black, sparking ever so slightly.
"It's shiny Alice. I'm going to call it, Nightshade." They smiled proudly, quickly catching it. Not long after I ran into a silver and blue Beedrill I named Ice. Leaving the garden, we entered the first alleyway. As Decibel trained I started my search for a Poochiana, after a bit I caught one naming it Pooch.

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Training was hard and long. Kind of boring if I was being honest. Me and Alice had returned to the Castle, and Radomus was again watching over out training contently.

"Both of you are at very similar levels," He called walking up. "I would like to see a battle between the two of you."

"Interesting idea Radomus." Alice smiled as Radomus lead us to the field. "You ready for this Decibel?"

"Yah, Nightshade, let's see what they are made out of! First Pokemon she sends out use Infestation!" I called sending out my first Pokemon.

"Pop, use perish song!" Alice called shocking both me and Radomus, who gasped as the attacks both hit. "Now switch out with Pooch!"

"Nightshade, return!" I called, with a smirk. "Stan take over! Use Fury Swipes!"

"Pooch, bite!" Alice called happily. Again both attacks hit. "Don't let up!"

"You too Stan!" I called smiling as Stan tossed Pooch off, before taking him out. "Now switch back out with Nightshade!"

"Alright, go Ice!" Alice smiled, "Use fury attack!"

"Infestation!"I smiled as Nightshade dodged the fury attack, sending tiny bug-lings towards Ice. The bug-lings quickly got to work biting at Ice.

"Absorb!" I called, wincing as Ice caught Nightshade in a strong Fury Attack, not to mention Nightshades attacks were not doing a lot of damage. "Try a constrict!"

"Harden Ice!" Alice called and I nodded. She was smart, strong and kind of cute. Constrict really didn't do much and sadly, the infestation died of, but I smiled as again Ice used harden.

"Get a second infestation started Nightshade!" I called smiling brightly.

"Keep hardening Ice!" Alice called, she had a plan. I could tell. But what it was I wasn't sure.

"Keep it up!" I called as Ice went for a Fury Attack, missing and getting a second bunch of bug-lings. A second furry attack and Nightshade almost fainted luckily the infestation did it's thing and Ice fainted.

"Good job Ice, now Killi your up next!"

"Spy, your up now!" I called taking a few deep breaths. Spy was still learning, and didn't have very many good attacks. But I trusted her, and I knew she could at least assist in taking down Killi.

"Bite!" Alice called and I nodded

"Covet." I nodded, smiling as Spy jumped over the attack and delivered a good blow. "Scratch!"

Again Spy was faster, attacking and then getting out of the way.

"Keep going Killi!" Alice called, and I winced as he garbed Spy's arm in his mouth. Luckily one final scratch knocked him out.

"You still good Spy?" I asked smiling as she nodded. "Then let's keep going!"

"Alright, Shell it's your turn!" Alice called. "Water gun!"

"Confusion!" I called smiling as Spy jumped over the water gun and hit the confusion. Sadly the second hit, and did a considerate amount of damage, almost knocking Spy out. "Alright Fang take over and use bite!"

Fang is fast, but this time Shell was faster, hitting fang with a water gun. Luckily Fang locked onto Shell, holding him tight. After a little bit, Shell fainted.

"Alright, your doing really good Decibel. But I still have two more Pokemon. Rat, it's your turn!" Alice smiled sending her out.

"Use bite again Fang!" I called nodding as the battle commenced.

"Quick attack!" Alice yelled proudly, as Rat's attack hit first, nearly knocking Fang out, luckily Fang did hit.

"Fang return! Bucky take over!" I called letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding as Rat nearly fainted. "One more headbutt!" This headbutt knocked Rat out, leading to her final Pokemon. Pop, the one Pokemon I somewhat feared.

"Alright this is the last one Bucky. Headbutt!" I called pulling my hair behind my ear. Letting out a small sigh, I smiled as Bucky hit not once but twice, knocking Pop out.

"Good job, both of you. I am extremely proud of your progress." Radomus smiled proudly, gently pulling us close. "Now let''s get those Pokemon healed."

Nodding me and Alice followed Radomus to the center. Handing our teams to Joy we sat at a small table. Shaking his head Radomus leaned back in his chair and I could tell something wasn't right. Something was bothering him.

"Want to talk about it?" I asked gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "I mean I'm willing to try to help."

"I know Decibel, it's just I fell like something is going to happen. Something we are not going to be able to prepare for and that is going to either strengthen our bonds, or tear us apart." Radomus admitted, covering his eyes with his top hat. "And that is something I don't want to happen."

"I'm not going to let anything tear us apart." I assured and Alice nodded.

"Yah, I highly doubt anything will be big enough to do that!" Alice added proudly. "Were friends, and it's going to take more than a little something."

Radomus smiled weekly, for a moment before it quickly faded back into full sorrow. It was clear that he was having trouble beveling that we would not be hurt. A dark shadow was hanging over his heart, consuming his being with every moment.

"We should train some more, get a few more levels. Then we can challenge Julia again." I suggested, deciding to change the subject in hopes to lighten the mood. "Then Alice can have a go at it. See if she can beat Julia any easier."

"I agree. I think training then challenging Julia would be the best option at the moment. Sorry about dampening the mood, it's just. I really am worried that something might happen." Radomus nodded standing as Joy walked up. "I'll meet you both back in the training room."

"You're Pokemon are both healed. However I have some unfortunate news about your Espurr." Joy bowed her head leading me and Alice to a back room. On one of the tables lay Spy, left arm completely missing. "It was too severely damaged by the bites. It had to be removed."

"It's fine, she can still battle right?" I asked bowing my head in shame. Alice let out a strained gasp.

"Of course. She's feeling much better already and I think she would be mad if she wasn't allowed to battle. Just be very careful with her." Joy smiled opening the door, allowing me t enter the room.

"Hey Spy. I'm really sorry about your arm. I should have been more careful." I sighed kneeling beside her. "You think you can forgive me?"

"Purr?" Spy asked tilting her head. "Espurr Pur."

"Were going to head back to train some more, are you going to join us?"

"Espurr!" Spy cheered with a nod smiling as I returned her to her ball. Collecting the rest off my team I headed out, walking right past Alice to the training room. A small twinge of guilt entered my heart when Radomus quietly muttered something that sounded like an "Oh no."

"Decibel?" Julia called quietly, tilting her head lightly walking up. "Look I'm sorry about what happened with Spy, it was an accident."

"I know Alice, I just need some alone time with Spy. I don't blame you at all. I blame myself for mot being any more careful." I nodded, closing my eyes. "It's not safe to throw caution into the wind, that's why I'm going to train and beat Julia."

"Alright Decibel, but if you want any help, I'm here for you." Alice responded letting out a small sigh. "Don't let this get to you too much alright?"

Nodding I turned back to my training, sending Bucky, Fang, Nightshade and Stan to get some levels as well.

"Decibel. Look we need to talk. I really don't know all that much about you. I mean yes we are close but we should know a bit more about it then this." Alice suggested walking up. "I never chose to become the champion, my mom told me to."

I paused turning to Alice. She was small but defiant. It was hard to think that her mother forced her.

" So you only.plan on collecting badges so that your Pokemon obey?" I asked with a small sigh. "So you can help clean the city up right?"

"Yah. That's all I want to do. Help people."

"I joined team Aqua as an escape. My name isn't Decibel Smith. It's Decibel Darkshield." I sighed keeping an eye on Nightshade. "I'm betrothed to a man that I don't love. Archie promised to free me, reminded me that I had a choice."

"I'm gay." Alice admitted with a small blush. "My parents don't know yet and I don't plan on telling them anytime soon."

"I did identify as transgender for the longest time. I never went thru with anything because I wasn't confidant enough." I shrugged turning back to my training. Letting out a small sigh I returned my pokemon and walked ovrt yo were Radomus stood.

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Hey. I hope everyone likes this. I hope I don't sound pushy but I would love a bit of suport.  Like, comment tell me how to improve. I enjoy this run (I will compleat it no matter what), but I want to improve. I can only do that with help. Sorry if my asking bugs you. You DO NOT have to do any of this. Also thank you @Candy for following. It means a lot to me.

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So far the story seems fine but rule of thumb is this: the majority of people don't really like reading. On top of that, you're running Reborn, which story we already know.

So what does this mean? 

Large walls of gray text aren't palatable to the average player.

Id suggest taking screenshots (and since you have several characters that deviate from the original storyline, use photo editing to add Radomus and Gardevoir in). Use color too, though how you use it depends on your ways. For my run, I used certain colors for major characters' dialogue. One more thing- what about adding in the pokemon's icons next to the name? That'd allow the reader know who "Min-min" is without needing to scroll down to check.

Hope that was helpful~ ganbatte!

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  On 2/28/2018 at 10:30 PM, Candy said:

So far the story seems fine but rule of thumb is this: the majority of people don't really like reading. On top of that, you're running Reborn, which story we already know.

So what does this mean? 

Large walls of gray text aren't palatable to the average player.

Id suggest taking screenshots (and since you have several characters that deviate from the original storyline, use photo editing to add Radomus and Gardevoir in). Use color too, though how you use it depends on your ways. For my run, I used certain colors for major characters' dialogue. One more thing- what about adding in the pokemon's icons next to the name? That'd allow the reader know who "Min-min" is without needing to scroll down to check.

Hope that was helpful~ ganbatte!


Thank you. I'm moble at the moment. Hey do you know if there is a way to PM each other so you can give me a bit of assistance?

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  On 2/28/2018 at 11:59 PM, RandomusPsy said:

Thank you. I'm moble at the moment. Hey do you know if there is a way to PM each other so you can give me a bit of assistance?


If you hover over my name, you should see an option to send PM. If you can't find it, you can go to my profile and send me a message from there too

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