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Need help for Replacements and Improving


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Hey there, i'm not the best at Pokemon, so I mostly pick the ones I like. But since that hardly works in Games like Reborn, I need some Suggestions, on how I could improve my Team. I Want to keep gallade though. Staraptor needs to be replaced asap. Btw, these arent IV nor DV trained, since I dont have any clue, how that works.


Thanks for Suggestions beforehand, i'd really appreciate some help.Screenshot_1.thumb.png.a1c53fbe8aa211cb615d09d0db78fc54.png

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If you haven't fought Adrienn (14th gym) yet (which I assume), getting Beldum and eventually Metagross looks like it could benefit your team.

It's not a very unique option, but certainly one that could help improving your team

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replace Manectric with Magnezone and train up Staraptor. Magnezone is one of the Reborn Champs due to it's great synergy with mons like Gardevoir. And Staraptor is one of the best flying types available in general.

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  On 2/25/2018 at 11:21 AM, Wolfox said:

replace Manectric with Magnezone and train up Staraptor


This. Or if you want to you can replace Staraptor with Togekiss (but you already have a fairy type). I would also recommended using Swampert.

Swampert is new typing for you team, and you don't have to worry about electric weakness.

Edited by Sayia
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Maybe Garchomp or Swampert as Sayia said,Since Simipour is lacking in certain areas,you can always go for Crobat for utility reasons,or you can get Empoleon since it's fairly easy to obtain,you have two fighting type maybe you can replace your Infernape with Chandelure too~


Also if you haven't already beaten Charlotte,i almost guarantee you will struggle a lot with this line-up.

Edited by Thundermaze
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Normally, I would ask for the movesets, but I'm going to suggest some of my own, because otherwise this team is going to be tilting a lot.


At a first glance, having 2 fighting types that might both be physical is just a hindrance for your team.

The first thought is to remove Gallade, but you want to keep it. Staraptor is a great patch for your team both type-wise and stat-wise. Don't remove it.

Au contraire, kick Simipour away. It might have been good enough early on, but now it's frail and hardly worth training. Greninja, Rotom-Wash, Primarina or Azumarill are much better choices. In case you wish to keep it special, disregard the Azumarill proposal. Empoleon seems to be a nice alternative as well, thanks to its Steel typing.


I'm going to assume Infernape is special and keep it that way. 

Gallade should be a physical attacker with both STABs, possibly also access to Knock off and a filler move of your choice. 


Gardevoir needs to go. Preferably for another Fairy type, since this typing is essential to counter everything that's coming your way. 

Mimikyu seems to be the perfect choice, but you certainly haven't reached the Tower yet.

If you choose Primarina to replace Simipour, you will already have a Fairy type, so we'll be looking forward to patching the other holes in your team.


In this stage I am assuming: A special Infernape, a physical all-out Gallade, a Staraptor, and a Primarina. 


As for Manectric, if we get its Mega, you can keep it and alternate in the end between M-Manectric and M-Gallade. 

Since most people raise multiple pokemon on rotation, this seems like a good strategy to challenge the league. 

So, even if I'm going to suggest to set it aside for a while, do train it to be on the same level as others (the trainers in the Grand Hall are a good place to do that).


Magnezone has good synergy with Primarina and provides a Steel type for your team, along with a nifty Def and SpD stat. The rest of your team is speedy enough, so this won't be a problem. Usually I would also ask you to consider Eelektross and Elektivire for the position, but in this case I believe taking the effort to get Magnezone is the best for you. Besides, even as Magneton, it can be used to properly dismantle Adrienn's team, courtesy of Eviolite. 

To sum up, raise both Manectric and Magnezone since you're probably going to need the former in the future, but right now, the latter is the better option.


And for the final one. I was thinking of something that either resists or is immune to ground attacks, is bulky enough on the physical side and has a good coverage.

A good choice is Flygon, now that it learns Dragon Dance and can learn EQ, Rock Slide, Dragon Claw, Crunch and others.

Other choices are Gliscor, Krookodile, Hydreigon and Leafeon, which learns quite some moves from Tutors, has the wanted resistance and learns Swords Dance by level-up.


In the end, I got you: Infernape, Gallade, Staraptor, Primarina, Magnezone, Flygon/Leafeon


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I would personally refrain from dropping Gardevoir. not because of bias or anything, but because it simply checks most boxes for most if not all teams in Reborn. with its good movepool and typing, it's really no surprise it got booted to late game status by Ame. pair it with the Magnezone that I mentioned earlier and you have a two mon core that can go through almost everything.

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  On 2/25/2018 at 4:41 PM, Wolfox said:

I would personally refrain from dropping Gardevoir. not because of bias or anything, but because it simply checks most boxes for most if not all teams in Reborn. with its good movepool and typing, it's really no surprise it got booted to late game status by Ame. pair it with the Magnezone that I mentioned earlier and you have a two mon core that can go through almost everything.


def bias. jk ;) I also think gardevoir is one of those super-useful mons in Reborn.

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  On 2/25/2018 at 4:41 PM, Wolfox said:

I would personally refrain from dropping Gardevoir. not because of bias or anything, but because it simply checks most boxes for most if not all teams in Reborn. with its good movepool and typing, it's really no surprise it got booted to late game status by Ame. pair it with the Magnezone that I mentioned earlier and you have a two mon core that can go through almost everything.


Of course you would... However, I prefer to see some diversity. So, I refrain from suggesting Magnezone and Gardevoir. It's ridiculous to see 90% of people having one or both in their in-game teams, as if nothing else is good in Reborn.

The game itself promotes diversity and novelty in thinking and teambuilding. Suggesting the same mon to every single person that asks for suggestions based on their team is doing the opposite.


Nick's approach is best. Read team, check for weaknesses and coverage methods, and decide without bias.

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  On 2/25/2018 at 11:03 PM, Jess said:

Of course you would... However, I prefer to see some diversity. So, I refrain from suggesting Magnezone and Gardevoir. It's ridiculous to see 90% of people having one or both in their in-game teams, as if nothing else is good in Reborn.

The game itself promotes diversity and novelty in thinking and teambuilding. Suggesting the same mon to every single person that asks for suggestions based on their team is doing the opposite.


Nick's approach is best. Read team, check for weaknesses and coverage methods, and decide without bias.


I never said I disagreed with his points, and I completely see your point. Yet I also see that there is a good reason why Garde and Zone are used by so many people. They have amazing Synergy together and cat fit in most, if not all teams. Diversity and creativity should always be important, don't get me wrong. But when someone asks for suggestions I will answer with something I know works as it's been proven to work. There is no wrong way of going through reborn, nor is there a right way. But there are certain things that just fit no matter what team and work well each time. It just happens to be Gardevoir and Magnezone. had it been Bronzong and Pelliper, for example, I advise on using those even if I personally hate those mons.

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  On 2/25/2018 at 11:09 PM, Wolfox said:

I never said I disagreed with his points, and I completely see your point. Yet I also see that there is a good reason why Garde and Zone are used by so many people. They have amazing Synergy together and cat fit in most, if not all teams. Diversity and creativity should always be important, don't get me wrong. But when someone asks for suggestions I will answer with something I know works as it's been proven to work. There is no wrong way of going through reborn, nor is there a right way. But there are certain things that just fit no matter what team and work well each time. It just happens to be Gardevoir and Magnezone. had it been Bronzong and Pelliper, for example, I advise on using those even if I personally hate those mons.


I know they work... But seeing them suggested for every team get my salt levels over 27000. Which is 3 times 9000.

Equally good with Magnezone and Gardevoir are other mons. 

I could go around suggesting Sawsbuck and Volcarona too, but they don't fit everywhere. They do, but they mean you'd have to replace other things.


Don't mind me... I'm just sick of seeing this stupid floating magnet thing and that poke-bride in EVERYONE's team in Reborn...

Think for yourself guys... It's not that hard to try stuff.

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  On 2/25/2018 at 11:22 PM, Jess said:

I know they work... But seeing them suggested for every team get my salt levels over 27000. Which is 3 times 9000.

Equally good with Magnezone and Gardevoir are other mons. 

I could go around suggesting Sawsbuck and Volcarona too, but they don't fit everywhere. They do, but they mean you'd have to replace other things.


Don't mind me... I'm just sick of seeing this stupid floating magnet thing and that poke-bride in EVERYONE's team in Reborn...

Think for yourself guys... It's not that hard to try stuff.


I understand what you mean. It just gets repetitive. why do you think I don't play Ou? Or Mono anymore? Some mons I simply can't stand seeing or using. Toxapex is a prime example. I hate stall and that mon is one of the stalliest in the game. I've played a few poison mono's (Hyper Offensive) but I never used Toxapex. People kept saying I didn't play poison without it but you know, I will not use that mon if I can help it. And if nothing else not everyone is suggesting Metagross and other pseudo's.

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  • Global Mods

For me if you want to keep gallade and switch staraptor you can use togekiss and with that you can take off gardevoir as you would already have a fairy and a psychic type I recommend swampert,and switch manectric with magnezon the boss of reborn , also I would recommend taking off that infernape since it's also a physical fighting type you can use chandelure or houndoom and in the end get rid of simipour it's not that usefull at that stage I would recommend roserade so your team in the end would be

Togekiss, Magnezon,Roserade, Gallade,Chandelure/Houndoom,Swampert

Btw the only mon I ever used on my reborn team is chandelure

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Me thinks simipour --> swampert would be a delicious change :)

Because there's *ahem* someone who uses lots of electric type mons on a factory field or something *ahem* and having at least a half-ground type will def help.

Edit: this post costed me my noice 1000 posts-ness so hopefully it's helpful. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go cri in a corner...

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If you're going to want to keep Gallade, probably wanna drop Gardevoir for reasons previously stated.


I'm actually going to recommend Kingdra here, specifically, Rain Dance Kingdra. A mixed Kingdra with something like Rain Dance/Dragon Pulse/Surf or Hydro Pump(preferably the latter)/Waterfall is pretty damn potent from personal experience. Either this or the aforementioned Primarina are best for your team in my opinion.


Furthermore I'd also suggest Galvantula > Manectric. While it -does- have less power, Galvantula comes with the coveted Sticky Webs, which helps boost Gallade's sweeping potential immensely and helps Staraptor be even faster. Discharge para hax isn't half bad either.


Finally in the last slot, I'd go for EITHER a Grass or Dark type. Grass in particular finishes up the standard Fire/Water/Grass core most teams have as their center. Typical good grass types include Roserade, Venusaur, Lilligant. If you opt to go with Sticky Web though, I'd suggest Lilligant in particular. It benefits a lot from the speed drops by allowing it to get a quick Sleep Powder in and then boost with Quiver Dance for easy Nature Power+Giga Drain sweeps. Venusaur adds bulk and Roserade out of the gate raw power


However in terms of Dark types which complete the Psychic/Dark/Fighting core, you've got some vast options too. With a bit of exploitation, Hydreigon, a -fantastic- Pokemon once you get into it's final stage with good stats across the board, among the best movepools in the game, and Work Up to boost both attacking stats. Krookodile, a monstrous moxie sweeper who just needs one boost to go mad. Especially in combination with Sticky Web to slow down checks. Scrafty with Dragon Dance and Brave Bird Honchkrow for much the same reasons. A personal favourite of mine(though it's extremely frail)is Absol. 130 attack, Swords Dance, Sucker Punch and Knock off. If it gets a Swords Dance up with Sticky Web up, it's as good as game.


So you've got plenty of diverse options to go with, personally?

Galvantula/Infernape/Kingdra/Gallade/Staraptor or Honchkrow/Lilligant or Krookodile.


  On 2/25/2018 at 11:22 PM, Jess said:

I know they work... But seeing them suggested for every team get my salt levels over 27000. Which is 3 times 9000.

Equally good with Magnezone and Gardevoir are other mons. 

I could go around suggesting Sawsbuck and Volcarona too, but they don't fit everywhere. They do, but they mean you'd have to replace other things.


Don't mind me... I'm just sick of seeing this stupid floating magnet thing and that poke-bride in EVERYONE's team in Reborn...

Think for yourself guys... It's not that hard to try stuff.


They're primarily suggested because they are/were practically the easiest Pokemon to obtain for their type in comparison to their actual worth. Metagross who -in my opinion- vastly outclasses both is stuck behind the most tedious and abritrary sidequest in the game. Reuniclus and Alakazam, Gardevoir's former two competitors(before it was now butchered to Neo-Reborn..)are stuck in a really obscure location or need a bit of item grinding to obtain.


Meanwhile you get Magneton by literally playing the story straight through and Garde was in a really easy to reach place.


Additionally keep in mind not everyone will care about an 'original' team and just like to use what's objectively best for their team or what they like. Different strokes for different people, I suppose.


Also while Volcarona is only a 1/18 chance, it's a 1/18 chance for a Pokemon that can sweep entire boss fights with absolute ease. God bless that moth.




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Oh yeah, right, probably should have told y'all that. I got 13 Badges, Yureyu event coming next *sniff*

Staraptor wasnt even PArt of the Team, forgot I still had it in, Flying Slave you know. It replaces a Mightyena, but since it's good, i'm gonna keep it.


What do you think about an Spiritomb? Is it good? or an Weavile? or am I not in need for them?


Anyways, thanks for this many Suggestions, i'll try them out. But here are the Movesets from my Team anyways.




Ability: Synchronize


Moves:Moonblast, Psychic, Hypnosis, Calm Mind


Infernape, it's actually a psysically one, but the difference is 10 points with 202/192


Ability: Blaze


Moves: Close Combat, MAch Punch, Flare Blitz, Flamethrower




Ability: Steadfast


Moves: Close Combat, psycho Cut, Leaf Blade, Charge Beam. (I was desperate at the Flying Gym Leader, okay?)


I mean, i could also swap out Gallade, but I want to keep either Gardevoir or Gallade. But i'll talk Primarene so it's better to keep Gallade huh?  But I also got a fighting type with Infernape. Should I look for a better psych Mon














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I'd say you really need something against Amaria, Kingdra or Primarina seem like great choices. Or you can also use Abomasnow, since its mega is available, I dunno. Alolan Raichu is also great, his ability can counter the water surface field, and its op Z-move is available.

Edited by Mimikyu dayo
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