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So let me run it down for you.

Each member has a vote on which champ they wanna play. The one with the most votes is chosen; if there's a tie, the champ is chosen at random.

To be clear, you do NOT have to own the champion to play as them; as long as someone on the team has them, you can play as and even vote for them. In our game we all chose Wukong unanimously, even though two of us (myself included) didn't own him.

On a side note, the above screened game was the greatest juke contest of all time.

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Let me talk about how Season 4 has utterly disappointed me.

The vision changes I have rather negative feelings about. Trinkets are definetely nice, scaling along the game at a suitable pace (though I have my doubts about the warding one), but Riot got carried over by the whole "vision war" thing, IMO; it's just gotten plain annoying. The fact that stealth wards can still be placed in a decently high quantity makes it so that the effects on invisible vision downright annoying; oracle's elixir hasn't rejoiced much since it's nerf back in s3, and now vision wards are plain in sight, making them nearly worthless since even with 5 hit points they're gonna go down pretty fast, especially since you can only put 1 on the map for your team. This leaves the lens trinket as the best option, forcing everyone to take that instead of utilization of mini-clairvoyance and free warding.

It's forcing everyone to actively take part in stressful thinking about ward positioning with the limits, and god knows how well that's gonna go with the teammates you can get. In season 3, the 10 players either used wards, or didn't, and just left that up to the support; it went just fine either way (unless one side did it and the other didn't, but that's still a problem in s4). It's gonna lead to a lot of team arguments about ward placing.

Speaking of supports, I have mixed views. I feel that the support's role of more common warding (emphasis on "more common" because I don't want to be misinterpreted), along with the jungler, has been diminished now that the ward limits apply to everyone, and it puts a lot of pressure on them; I feel Riot focused on that role way too much; I'm loving the new AP scalings on support abilities, why couldn't you have left that there and done some less minor alterations to warding? The support role would've been in a much better position with the new utility masteries, scalings and trinkets, but with everything else you've dumped on to them you're putting way too much emphasis into the role and not others.

Speaking of roles, the new camp has caused some heavy splitting of preference between the jungling champions; champions who are generally quick on their routes benefit, but slower ones suffer, favoriting specific champions. The warding limit has also diminished their role for scouting and roaming, meaning that they have to rely more on their team than their team has to rely on them, which makes it just as bad. Ganking hasn't changed much, thankfully, though trinkets are bound to put a direct stop to champions worse at it. But the worst part is the replacement of the gold items; philosopher's stone and kage's lucky pick were removed, and I can not, for the life of me, figure out why. Avarice blade is still there for offensive ad junglers, thankfully (and it stacks with spirit!), but options are now severely limited; the 3 new gp items are HORRIBLE for junglers due to the specific way they level up and operate, which does not benefit them in the slightest. Now, every jungler (mostly the slower ones) who doesn't use avarice is forced to rush spirit or wriggles in order to keep a steady gold income, otherwise they fall behind quickly in early game. Overall, the jungling changes suck so much that people are actually considering abandoning the role as a whole for a team.

Finally, One For All was stamped into the ground, in my opinion; Riot moved it to Summoner's Rift. Why the hell would you do that? Now people insist on lane occupation in the rift similar to typical 5v5 games, people expect you to be good at what you do, even when it's your 1st time playing said champion (making you able to play unowned ones was not a good move!), and traditional implications of feeding and flaming are abound. The game just feels like a traditional 5v5 unless your team is awesome enough to feel like rushing one lane again. The reason why it looked so appealing in the Howling Abyss was because everyone was doing the same thing at similar times in the same area, making it feel like a one for all havoc. But you're splitting the fun up for most of the game by keeping it on Summoner's Rift. Not cool, Riot.

Sorry, but I'm just kinda angry at how much this season has disappointed me. Granted, if anyone has a different opinion of it, I'm happy to listen.

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Jungling takes practice - a lot of practice, and I still don't have the major season changes figured out just yet. For me, one of the biggest things is knowing what to do when duty calls - is it worth your time to gank, or are they in a favorable situation? For example, if your Shen in the top lane has been pushed under his turret by Nasus, he's perfectly fine - tell the Shen to grow a pair and taunt Nasus so doge draws turret aggro.

also, don't gank a lane on the other side of the map if you aren't going to hit up monster camps along the way.

another thing is to keep track of where the enemy jungler is at all times (assuming there is one). If I see Amumu ganking the lane from his Golem (blue) buff, that gives me free reign to throw down a ward at the camp, and if it's there, I can call my mid laner over to steal the buff, which will help him/her big time.

My big thing about jungling is map awareness. Everyone I play with has the map awareness of a goldfish and only cares about themselves. If you're aware of what's going on everywhere as opposed to what directly impacts you, then that will set you apart, especially if you're playing a jungler with global presence (ex. Karthus or Shen, but those guys are hard junglers to play as).

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Always time your buffs, enemy buffs and neutral objectives(dragon, baron and inhibs). Know the difference between ganking for kill potential and ganking to relieve pressure. A lot of people will probably say map awareness to this, but ping as often as possible when ganking, taking objectives, or requesting assistance. It's always nice to let your team know you're there and communicating is key to getting the most you can out of your team(whether solo queue or pre made). Warding is everyone's job; so don't forget to place a few! Take smaller camps as often as possible when appropriate. A nice thing to note is the respawn timer of when you finish taking your first buff at the start of the game is around same as your opponents; so try to take advantage of that knowledge. There's not really much to it tbh. I guess you can improve your mechanics to Challenger level and study every champions jungle potential, but that's about it.

Enjoy the Bronze advice :D

EDIT: You can't get to level 3 by rushing both buffs anymore; so when you finish your first buff make sure to grab a smaller camp on the way to your second buff.

Edited by TheyCallMeTony.
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You sure about not getting lvl 3 from rushing buff's anymore? I swore i was able to get it this last game i did as jungle Riven

Edit: O and I need some advice on which champ I should buy ;w;

Right now i'm interested in getting Shyvana or Syndra since they're both strong in the meta atm and both are getting used more in competitive play so who do you think is more worth to get right now?

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You sure about not getting lvl 3 from rushing buff's anymore? I swore i was able to get it this last game i did as jungle Riven

Edit: O and I need some advice on which champ I should buy ;w;

Right now i'm interested in getting Shyvana or Syndra since they're both strong in the meta atm and both are getting used more in competitive play so who do you think is more worth to get right now?

Much worth very meta.

I'm sure you know enough about both champions so it honestly comes down to personal preference. I'd go Shyvana personally, but either one is good and I like both champions a lot in any case.

As for the buffs.. Smaller lizards used to grant only 20 exp, but they might have changed it back or something. I'll have to try it out myself.

Edited by TheyCallMeTony.
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Perhaps his ult would be like that: A targeted high-damage gap closer. After a brief channel time (<1 sec), Yone rushes at the target, and then slightly past them (like Fizz Q). Yone is then rooted for one second, while his target is stunned for two. After two seconds, the target receives #tons of damage (probably scaling off of missing health as well).

As a counter play mechanic, Yone could be interrupted any time during the channel or his dash towards the target.

I remember that the ultimate was a giant Shen-style shadow dash that would stun everyone in the target area, and then inflict massive burst damage on all targets after a slight delay.
for example, one unique element of Yasuo's dash is that if he is stunned/rooted during it, he immediately stops. Other dashes will move the champ to the end point and then stop them from moving thereafter.

I'm not sayin'; I'm just sayin', I think Riot and I would get along... >>

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