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The Fush

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Riot fucking hates Shaco. There's no doubt in my mind.

To be fair, the entirety of season 1 Shaco was absolutely broken and Riot did absolutely nothing to nerf him until season 2, and he's been mediocre/bad since. They kind of have this thing where all their kits seem good on paper, but end up being very hard to balance for the simple fact that they weren't well thought out in conjunction with the rest of the game.

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Here's your chance to play with Riot's President Tryndamere, and Shoutcaster Phreak!


(Or, in EUW's case, "Shoutcaster" Sjokz, and artist Skyen)

EDIT: New Legendary Skin Dunkmaster Darius revealed at Spanish live event


EDIT 2: Seems Diana was nerfed and it went undocumented...added it to the 4.10 summary.

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Any "undocumented nerfs" are usually for things that were unintended to begin with; it probably wasn't "needed" as much as it wasn't supposed to happen in the first place.

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Which normally would be the case, yes. However, if memory serves, there was discussion about this last year which had talked about the passive proc being intended.

Would find the exact quote from I think it was Volty, but I don't have the time.

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Any "undocumented nerfs" are usually for things that were unintended to begin with; it probably wasn't "needed" as much as it wasn't supposed to happen in the first place.

Regardless I don't think that's too big a deal, but then again I haven't played her in a long time anyway

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Regardless I don't think that's too big a deal, but then again I haven't played her in a long time anyway

Yeah, it really isn't, she's still good burst wise, and i didn't actually know that nerf thingy before so it's all good.

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Patch 4.11 right on schedule. This time I've condensed the information about the stuff in the patch so let's see how this new method of going about it turns out. So for those of you too lazy to look at the site, this is what's going down.
(Probably will be formatted like this once, will probably return to the old way of doing things later. Let's see how this goes.)

The following skins will be released this patch:

  • Hazmat Heimerdinger - 975 RP
  • Soulstealer Vladimir - 1350 RP

Bounty Rewards

  • Early kill bounties now start at 75% of base value (up from 60%) and no longer affect First Blood
  • Personal bounty increases at a smaller rate per kill
  • Bounties now cap at 500 gold at 5 kills (instead of 4)

Context: Adjustments to "anti-snowball" changes made at the beginning of the season.

Champions - Art Changes

  • Caitlyn


  • Urgot


Champions - General

  • Braum: Passive nerf. Bonus damage is less early, but greater in the late-game.
  • Jax: Stat nerfs. Base health was hit as well as Health/level and Armor/level.
  • Kayle: All-around nerfs. Attack Speed per level, Righteous Fury AP ratios, Intervention cooldown, all nerfed.
  • Maokai: Minor rework. Arcane Smash down mana cost and damage, Twisted Advance no longer has a cast time and deals damage based on target's max health (no cap specified) but comes at the cost of range, Sapling Toss got a lot of changes, ult no longer placed and instead works around Maokai.
  • Nautilus: Staggering Blow's "cooldown" now decreases as Nautilus levels, down to 6 seconds at level 16
  • Nidalee: Passive shaken up a bit, Javelin Toss missile width buff, slight nerf to Bushwhack, slight buffs to Pounce and Primal Surge, Hunting a target resets Aspect of the Cougar's cooldown if Nidalee is in human form
  • Shyvana: Hitbox size increase
  • Skarner: Crystal Slash nerf
  • Thresh: Hitbox size increase
  • Vi: Hitbox size increase
  • Vladimir: Can now use summoner spells and items while in Sanguine Pool
  • Yasuo: Sweeping Blade max stacks now 2 instead of 4
  • Zac: Unstable Matter cooldown increased to 5 seconds, absorbing a piece of himself will reduce Unstable Matter cooldown by 1 second
  • Ziggs: Movement speed and Bouncing Bomb nerfs

Champions - Insignificant Stuff
These champs received minor fixes:

  • Braum
  • Heimerdinger
  • Karthus
  • Nautilus
  • Rengar
  • Skarner

Champions - side note

  • It was acknowledged that Lucian went unchanged and is slated for nerfs in a future patch. Changes hinted at include an attack range nerf (to 500?), removal of his Relentless Pursuit's ability to activate his passive, or even both. Still tentative, though, of course. Don't shoot the messenger.

Items - Jungle

  • Hunter's Machete: cost increase, previous passives removed, grants bonus Attack Damage and Damage Reduction vs Monsters
  • Quill Coat: New jungle item, builds into Spirit of the Ancient Golem (instead of Spirit Stone), causes attacking monsters to hurt themselves, grants wearer bonus Health/Mana Regen when in combat vs. Monsters (this passive (titled Sapping Barbs) carries over to SotAG), now has Hunter's Ward passive
  • Spirit of the Ancient Golem: Now grants Armor, Health nerfed, now grants +25% bonus Health, now has Sapping Barbs and Hunter's Ward passives, no longer grants Tenacity or Butcher
  • Spirit Stone: recipe cost decreased (total cost still 700)
  • Madred's Razors: total cost increased (recipe cost still 0)
  • Wriggle's Lantern: recipe cost decreased (total cost still 1800)

Items - Not So Jungle

  • Essence Reaver: Attack Damage increased

Duo Queue Restrictions

  • In ranked, you may no longer duo queue with someone who is beyond one tier higer or lower (ex. Gold players may only duo with Silver, Gold and Platinum players)

Public Chat Rooms

  • Disabled.

Web-Based Match History

  • The web-based match history has now been enabled for NA and Korea. Haven't scouted the other regions but I assume such is the case.
  • You can find a direct link to the mach history site from the main page.


  • Beginner bots will always start on purple side unless designated to do otherwise in custom matches

In-game ignoring

  • Players ignored in-game will not be ignored outside of the game unless designated in the post-game screen or elsewhere
  • Outside of game, the Ignore command is now named the Block command

I think that's it...

Jungle meta is definitely going to be changed up...I can see Elise going right back up to pick-or-ban status like she was at the beginning of S4, but ar least this gives way to other jungle options, especially with the buffs to Maokai/Nautilus/Zac. Not sure how effective Essence Reaver change is going to be, will probably only matter to Ezreal, Corki, and Urgot players (maybe to some Lucian players as well but we'll see).

EDIT: Web-based match history has been enabled!

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