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Even then you'll find that post of the people on Inven agree that white is the stronger group.

I'm looking forward to my Samsung x v. Najin finals, though. If Najin can play smart they just might take it.

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Should point out something that was mentioned by a Rioter on the PBE public chat, said that Dunkmaster Darius "may not make it to PBE with all the bugs he's been having". Hopefully this isn't the case but hey.

EDIT: Shiri pls

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I've hardly been keeping track of Worlds at all

somebody who's been watching it do an entire tldr of it

i gotchu

so tl;dr tsm wonnered but then asians

that's it

that's worlds

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In the meantime, there's another patch coming out! Pretty big deal, in fact, and for those of you too lazy to look at the site, here's what they have going on with Patch 4.18.


The following skins hit this patch at 975 RP unless otherwise stated:

  • Championship Shyvana (Limited time only)
  • Dunkmaster Darius (Legendary) - 1820 RP
  • Ravenborn LeBlanc (Harrowing)
  • Underworld Wukong (Harrowing) - 1350 RP

Champions - Relaunch

  • Sion's relaunch is finally here! No longer shall he be the ugliest character in video game history!

    ion, the Undead Juggernaut, will be released with the launch of 4.18. Check out his reveal for gameplay info, his insights article for a look at his development, or his teaser for a glimpse into his story.

Champions - General

  • Akali's Twilight Shroud has been retooled to give a burst of movement speed (100% at rank 5 for 1s) instead of Armor and MR.

    Akali's one of those champions who, when she gets ahead, completely circumvents her meaningful weaknesses by having extra resistances from Twilight Shroud. A fed Akali ultimately turns into a bruiser-assassin Akali who hops into a fight, tanks out damage in Twilight Shroud, and then continues to obliterate the squishies. Rather than removing her defensive mechanics completely, we wanted to focus Akali's skills on more ninja-y things, hence the heavier focus on sneaking and agility. This also allows us to reinforce the proper counterplay to Akali (reveal her in stealth and beat her up), give her better themed mechanics, all while reiterating her focus on opportunistic assassinations. Up front: this is meant to be an overall nerf, but we hope Akali players will be more focused on the cool plays they can make with this new mechanic.

  • Azir has received a slew of buffs and bugfixes, most notably that If he uses Shifting Sands on a moving Sand Soldier, he'll now "join the soldier on a combined magical journey".

    Gauging a new champion's release strength has traditionally been a difficult task, given we have to account for player learning curves, the landscape of the game and, in Azir's case, how that champion's ability coding holds up in millions of unique games (and game interactions). All of the above also plays into the next steps we need to take in helping (or toning down) that champion. With Azir, we saw some small changes we could take to help out his laning phase, but we're going to take it easier on anything larger until these fixes go through.

  • Ezreal's Mystic Shot now scales slightly better with AD, and the duration of Rising Spell Force has been increased.

    Small Ezreal buffs. We're trying to give him some extra love so he can keep up in a modern game of League of Legends.

  • Gangplank's Cannon Barrage now deals damage in waves to all enemies in the zone instead of randomly.It also has a lower cooldown at later ranks.

    Real talk: this change doesn't do everything for Gangplank in the long-term, but a consistency pass on Cannon Barrage was one we saw we could do in a self-contained change without fundamentally altering GP's playstyle.

  • Garen has received a bug fix for Demacian Justice.
  • Kha'Zix Void Spike loses some base damage. Read spoiler for long rant on Kha'Zix.

    While it's true that Kha'Zix has been a tough bug to balance, we wanted to talk about our approach with him. If you're not interested in a long Kha'Zix context for a single change, feel free to move on. WARNING: this discussion's going to get a little complicated!

    So. Kha'Zix has once again found a way to prosper as a high-priority assassin, but the popularity of a champion doesn't automatically translate to them needing a nerf. To us, when someone becomes popular in high level / competitive play, we see them as exhibiting symptoms of certain attributes that competitive players value: strength, overall effectiveness, and reliability. As such, we do keep an eye out for popular competitive champions, but our first goal is to understand if they're just powerful strategic picks in the current meta or if they're actually objectively better (or more reliable) than their peers.

    In the case of Kha'Zix, Q was designed to be his main tool when assassinating targets, and it's important to maintain that relationship for game health / champion identity reasons. Right now, however, Kha's actually prioritizing W as a first evolution (and max rank), but he's still expecting to do all of his assassin-y things (note: without evolving or focusing on what should be his primary killing tool). We're fine with players opting for a W-first Kha'Zix, but this means he's gotta make some meaningful tradeoffs, like losing some offensive threat while aining utility / poke. Unfortunately, this hasn't really been the case as we're still seeing Kha'Zix being very effective as an assassin while also getting all of the extra utility of evolved W.

    What all of this tells us is one of two things: a.) The utility and strength of evolved W is too reliable in combination with Kha'Zix's base kit, so he can get the best of all worlds by maximizing his utility while also being a high-threat assassin. Or b.) Kha'Zix's evolved Q is too weak to properly use as a primary play pattern, so he's forced to max / evolve W to stay relevant in the game but doesn't really want to. We strongly suspect the first case is more true (and this is reflected in our change).

    It's tough to justify a champion being 'too weak' if they continue to be a high-priority pick in games where strength and reliability are the most important traits. Final reassurance though: we do think Kha'Zix's play patterns are fairly healthy overall, so we're not planning to make any major changes in either direction, we just wanted to explain some of our thought processes as we work.

  • Tristana ate a set of large nerfs that revolved around her Attack Speed and Rapid Fire.

    Apologies if we're repeating the same thing from 4.17 but we're looking for ways to give Tristana more moments of weakness. As another repeat: while these changes may not completely address that goal, we're hoping that by making Trist more dependent on Rapid Fire to deal damage, there will be clearer windows to engage or disengage against her.

  • Yasuo's base Health and Movement Speed were slashed.

    As hypercarry swordsman, Yasuo should make early game tradeoffs for opponents to capitalize on before he grows to his late potential. Right now, that isn't quite the case as Yasuo's quite strong in the early game, even in unfavorable matchups, in addition to scaling extremely well. These changes are to more specifically highlight Yasuo's early weaknesses, including being squishier if his passive isn't up and, more importantly, being more vulnerable to ganks if he's pushed up and doesn't have minions to dash through for his retreat. We'll be keeping a close eye on Yasuo with these changes, however, as having an early game weakness will almost certainly have an impact on his late game reliability.

Champions - Splash Arts

The following champions got new splashes:

  • Cho'Gath
  • Kog'Maw
  • Lee Sin

Champions - Insignificant Stuff

The following champions received texture rebalances or bug fixes, or some other stuff you probably care little for:

  • Anivia
  • Azir
  • Blitzcrank
  • Brand
  • Evelynn
  • Graves
  • Nocturne
  • Nunu
  • Olaf
  • Talon
  • Viktor
  • Wukong
  • Yasuo

Featured Game Modes

  • Hexakill TT incoming.


Volume options have been added to the Sound section of the ingame menu. They (I believe) are set to 100 by default.

That's it!

Short, sweet, full of balance changes and other stuff in preparation for the Harrowing. Spooky time!

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I'm not sure I'm a fan of all these preseason changes, just seems like they're changing and adding and removing so many mechanics that it's just gonna be so complicated to think about. Sure it definitely makes the game more strategic but I feel like those who don't adapt well are gonna get left behind here.

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Okay, so some quick thoughts on new preseason stuff so far.

New jungle items:

I'm kind of on the fence on this, the new Smite stuff is cool but to be honest I haven't experimented much with them in PvP yet.

Giant Enemy Crab (Monster on the River):

This thing is absolutely worthless. The speed shrine really doesn't do much, and a little bit of vision is cool...but let's be real. This thing takes so long to kill that it's practically ignored by both teams until well into the game.

Dragon Bonuses

Like the jungle items, I'm on the fence. The reason is, as I saw in one of my games, if one team gets ahold of 5 Dragons, they can have a massive gold disadvantage and still wipe the floor with the other team in teamfights. A team with 5 Dragon buffs is next to impossible to come back against.

Baron Bonuses

Stupid strong at the moment, so I don't really want to go too in depth. Hell, the super minion with Baron buff was tankier than the 6-item Sejuani we had to deal with. At this point, if your inhibitor is down and the enemy has Baron, you are going to lose the game. There really isn't much you can do. This will probably be changed.

Still Waters buff

I don't understand this since it's so out of place on Summoner's Rift. Can't comment much, but the vision over walls is cool.


I don't dig not being able to buy early Elixirs for that risky play. The Elixir of Wrath is cool though, AD casters that fall off late game (like Pantheon) will appreciate this. I haven't tried the other ones yet in PvP.

Righteous Glory

I don't really like this item too much...nothing says "I'm going to towerdive you" quite like this does. Not much else to say.

Will continue to toy with this stuff.

Overall, I loathe the season 5 changes so far. But it's WIP so meh.

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regarding championship riven from two pages ago, i can't find exactly where but a rioter's response to someone was that limited skins usually take four years to come back out on the store, and championship riven has only been out for two... look forward to 2016 maybe? :D

tbh i think it'll end up SSW against Royal Club and that Samsung White will take the series 3-1. just kinda throwing things out there but i hope i'll be close??

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