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It's gotta be their hair, yo

On DFG: I'm mostly just scared on Mordekaiser, I generally rush a DFG for him so I can just murder all the things (it's active goes exceptionally well with his ult) and it's so awesome and I will miss it so much QQ (I also build it pretty early on Annie, IIRC my standard build is DFG>MPen Boots>DC>Void Staff>Enchant>Zhonya's/Rylai's>Rylai's/Zhonya's guess I can finally fit in that RoA...)

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There's a lot coming in 5.2, looking forward to that patch.

Meanwhile. 5.1 is on the way, so here's what's going down this patch!

The following skins will be released this patch for 975 RP:

  • Challenger Ahri (LEGACY)
  • El Tigre Braum (EDIT: Price has been increased to 1350.)

Ward Skins
The following Ward Skins will hit the store at 640 RP:

  • Dragonslayer Poro
  • Underworld / Shadow Isles Poro
  • Battlecast Poro

Summoner Icons
The following 2015 LCS icons will be in the shop for 250 RP:

  • NA: Team SoloMid, Cloud 9, Team Impulse*, Team Liquid*, Team Dignitas, Counter Logic Gaming, Timberwolves*, Team 8, Team Coast
  • EU: Elements*, Fnatic, SK Gaming, Team Roccat, Gambit Gaming, Unicorns of Love, H2K Gaming, Giants, Copenhagen Wolves, Meet Your Makers

Champions - Visual Updates
Alistar is receiving a VU! You can read more about it here.

  • Alistar is receiving NO gameplay changes, so you can still pull off those WQ combos.
  • Alistar's voiceover is not changing. Yet.

Champions - New Splash Art
Ahri will be receiving a new splash art.

Champions - Texture Rebalancing
The following champions and some of their skins are receiving texture rebalances this patch:

  • Morgana
  • Volibear

Champions - General

  • Corki's Valkyrie's mana cost has been doubled.
  • Elise's latest buff sees the damage caps on her Neurotoxin and Venomous Bite increased by 25 at all ranks.
  • Evelynn now regenerates 2% of her maximum Mana while stealthed by Shadow Walk, which is double the previous value. In addition, Ravage now applies on-hit effects twice.
  • Gangplank's passive, Grog-Soaked Blade, now counts as poison damage (interacts with Twin Fang).
  • Gnar's Boomerang Toss now only gets its cooldown lowered by 40% whenever he catches it, as opposed to 60%. However, that increases by 5% for each rank in his ultimate, up to 60%.
  • Hecarim's Rampage mana cost has been shaved a bit, while the healing cap from Spirit of Dread has been increased at all ranks.
  • Janna's Howling Gale width has been reduced.
  • Jayce's Hyper Charge damage has been reduced at later ranks (down to 110% at rank 5 from 130%).
  • Nautilus's Titan's Wrath has been changed to work with his total health instead of his bonus health. The way the numbers work right now, this leaves his early game largely unchanged (if anything, a slight nerf) but this will make him pretty tanky come level 9.
  • Renekton is receiving numerous changes to his healing and Fury generation. Click here for the changes.
  • Rek'Sai is the big loser this patch. Many of her abilities have received significant damage nerfs.
  • Skarner got a couple of small buffs, most notably the mana cost on his Crystal Slash, and the cooldown on his Fracture (slow) at later ranks.
  • Sona's Power Chord received a small nerf; the bonus damage when combined with Hymn of Valor has been bumped a bit. In addition, her base Movement Speed has fallen to 325.
  • Syndra's Dark Sphere has lost 20 off its base damage at rank 1 (now scales from 50-230). In addition, Scatter the Weak's stun hitbox size has been reduced by a considerable amount.

Champions - Insignificant Stuff
The following champios have received minor changes:

  • Azir
  • Braum
  • Kalista
  • Nidalee
  • Rumble
  • Sion
  • Xerath

A gate have been installed into the walls of both bases on Summoner's Rift. These gates can be traveled through only by the defending team; for them, it works kinda like a brush, where neither team can see through it without warding on the other side.

Summoner Spells
  • Smite now works on a charge system. You gain one charge every 75 seconds (vs being able to cast it once every 60 seconds) and can hold up to two charges. There is a minimum 15 second static cooldown between casting Smites. Read below for how this affects Poacher's Knife and its cooldown reduction.

Items - Jungle

  • Hunter's Machete grants more gold per monster kill (up to 15 from 10).
  • All tier 2 jungle items now grant 30 bonus gold on large monster kill, up from 20.
  • Poacher's Knife now grants half a charge of Smite (instead of reducing Smite's cooldown by 30s) upon Smiting a monster in the enemy jungle.
  • Stalker's Blade now steals 20% Movement Speed from the target instead of slowing it by 50%.

Items - Trinkets
All tier 3 trinket items except Oracle's Lens cost 250 gold, down from 475.


  • Infinity Edge has lost 5% Critical Strike Chance (now at 20%).
  • Phantom Dancer has gained the 5% lost by IE (now at 35% CSC).
  • Morellonomicon is now 200G more expensive (added to recipe price).
  • Guardian Angel's recipe cost has dropped by 50G.

New item
* void targets include Malzahar's voidlings as well as other Voidspawn.

Summoner's Rift

  • Baron Nashor's base health and Attack Damage have been reduced.
  • Rift Scuttler is tankier but gives more gold.

Howling Abyss
All healing effects on the map have now been reduced by 50%. (The debuff was initially 20%)

That's it!
This is what the game looks like going into the 2015 season. Have fun!

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OK guys, we've got a new skin for Annie and a mysterious splash art that has unconfirmed connections.

Also, we've got Tristana's Voice Over.

Sweetheart Annie (750 RP)




Nidalee_Splash_7 (Not Warring Kingdoms Nidalee, to me looks like Sivir with Galactic Azir in the background, leading me to think it's Galactic Sivir.)


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God dammit stop nerfing Sona, that is practically all she's gotten since her rework. ;~; Making me sad Riot.

Although that Vel'Koz skin is amazing, I must buy it. Luckily I got a nice chunk of RP earlier today.

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Oh dang, that Sivir Skin. Too bad I already has a good Sivir skin and no excess of the monies

Annie though, I'm okay with Frostfire, but that is pretty neat (I like the heartseeker theme a lot owo)

Those changes... I likey the new item, outside that it doesn't effect me too much. The Elise and Eve buffs will be nice to have I guess

Oh, and the new Smite... I don't like. I like the two charges for starting (assuming you start with both) but it doesn't feel worth the extended cooldown after that. IDK, might be fine, I don't JG all that much anymore anyway

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OK guys, we've got a new skin for Annie and a mysterious splash art that has unconfirmed connections.

Also, we've got Tristana's Voice Over.

so trist's new VO is totally awesome and im a huge fan but how am i supposed to spam my team with inquiries about the rockets in their pockets now???? 2/10

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But she inquired about rockets in her teammates' pockets in the new voiceover as well.

It's one of many jokes now, which includes jokes with a friendly Rumble, Teemo or Veigar. So unfortunately no spammerino.

also regarding the leaked WIP splash art, the figure in the background is NOT Azir. Look closely...

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It's gotta be their hair, yo

On DFG: I'm mostly just scared on Mordekaiser, I generally rush a DFG for him so I can just murder all the things (it's active goes exceptionally well with his ult) and it's so awesome and I will miss it so much QQ (I also build it pretty early on Annie, IIRC my standard build is DFG>MPen Boots>DC>Void Staff>Enchant>Zhonya's/Rylai's>Rylai's/Zhonya's guess I can finally fit in that RoA...)

You're wasting money by getting RoA on him. He doesn't need the mana, and he only gets half of the Catalyst passive. WotA (Will of the Ancients) is pretty much essential on him because of the synergy with his kit.

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Here we have a new featured game mode known as "Nemesis Draft." Sounds interesting to me. Prepare for Urgot, Poppy, and every other basic troll pick. Here is a quote from L4T3NCY about it.

Our first Featured Game Mode for the year, “Nemesis Draft”, is on its way to the PBE. This time around, you’ll be choosing the champions for the enemy team, then making the champs you’ve been given work in battle on the Summoner’s Rift. Let the 'creative' comps begin.

Some notes:
-- Nemesis Draft is a 5v5 featured game mode played on Summoner’s Rift.
-- Nemesis Draft allows each player to choose 1 champion for the enemy team for a total of 5 per team.
-- Each team will still get 3 bans. Do you bans champs do DON’T want to play, or leave them up to give to the other team? It’s up to you.
-- Available champions for you to give the other team are allowed from the collective pool of champs on your allied team.
-- There is a free trading period after all champs have been locked in, allowing you to organise amongst your team who would be best playing which champs. Even if you don’t own a champion, you’ll still be able to trade and play anyone you’re given.

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I have spotted an undocumented change in patch 5.1 - Gangplank's passive, Grog-Soaked Blade, now counts as Poison damage (for ability interactions such as Twin Fang). Before the tooltip said his autos "applied a poison" but it didn't actually Poison the target until now. Also appears as though attacking a target that was already poisoned by another champ will apply two stacks of his passive assuming his passive isn't applied, but have yet to look further into it - could be a bug.

Added it to the patch summary.

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Here we have a new featured game mode known as "Nemesis Draft." Sounds interesting to me. Prepare for Urgot, Poppy, and every other basic troll pick. Here is a quote from L4T3NCY about it.

Our first Featured Game Mode for the year, “Nemesis Draft”, is on its way to the PBE. This time around, you’ll be choosing the champions for the enemy team, then making the champs you’ve been given work in battle on the Summoner’s Rift. Let the 'creative' comps begin.

Some notes:

-- Nemesis Draft is a 5v5 featured game mode played on Summoner’s Rift.

-- Nemesis Draft allows each player to choose 1 champion for the enemy team for a total of 5 per team.

-- Each team will still get 3 bans. Do you bans champs do DON’T want to play, or leave them up to give to the other team? It’s up to you.

-- Available champions for you to give the other team are allowed from the collective pool of champs on your allied team.

-- There is a free trading period after all champs have been locked in, allowing you to organise amongst your team who would be best playing which champs. Even if you don’t own a champion, you’ll still be able to trade and play anyone you’re given.

Oh dang, this sounds fun as hell. Might also see some people learning to play champs they previously hated

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So League of Legends sent me a survey through email about my possible interest in the production of League of Legends based credit card that would allow for cash back on purchases, bonus RP, your summoner name, a favorite champion or skin, as well as your rank, all on the card, and other things, and now that thought makes me incredibly excited. And before you ask, yes it is most likely planned to work as a regular credit card as well if they do succeed in creating it. Wish I had written down more of the details, but I guess you guys would get the gist.

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