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The Fush

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  On 2/20/2015 at 2:41 AM, RumbleTTT said:

Yeah I saw an idea on the forums that maybe Veigars stun should originate at Veigar and slowly expand outwards.

That means viegar would have to be close to them, which is kind of the opposite approach they want for him, no? Btw, nice Transistor pic <3

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His name is literally Bard, lol

He seems neat. AoE Zhonya's thing is kinda cool (Zhonya's-ing turrets tho :o ) His tunnels feel kind of repetitive since we just got Rek'Sai, but I like that they work for everyone and are one way. Great for charging into the dragon pit, but they won't save you if you lose the fight. His mobility and sustain are off the charts, and I think he might be neat to jungle as if he can muster the clearspeed (his meeps might be enough for that, but IDK)

I find it weird that he's a roaming support, since I've learned that it's generally best if the support stays by their ADC (though sticking him with a really mobile ADC could make for some kewl shenanigans)

Also, not sure if I fully understand, but he seems like he might be the same type of thing as Soraka, which is neat

All in all, I like him

Speaking of Ao Shin, am I the only one who keeps reading that name as, "Ow, shit"?

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I'm just happy that Riot's actually trying to encourage diversification of role locations and team compositions rather than stick everyone to the same 1 here, 1 here, 1 here and 2 here composition that's been used since nearly the birth of this fucking game

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The concept is definitely interesting. If Bard finds a way into the current meta, I'm seeing the possibility of the more mobile ad carries taking over the meta (Graves, Lucian, Tristana) so they can at least keep themselves from being annihilated while he roams. One concerning thing is the fact that his E has little to no use in lane phase and I'm guessing it's most likely the last maxed spell.

One thing I am truly concerned about though, is the troll potential in his ultimate. He can possibly screw many of his teammates over with this.

  On 2/25/2015 at 12:48 AM, KosherKitten said:

Not really. I was under the impression the support needed to stay in lane except for warding and dragons. I've never seen a support go mid or top

I see you must not have met one Ms. Leona in your time on the rift?
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  On 2/25/2015 at 12:48 AM, KosherKitten said:

Not really. I was under the impression the support needed to stay in lane except for warding and dragons. I've never seen a support go mid or top

There was a time way back when, around S2, when the vast majority of supports roamed. Sona, Janna, Alistar, they went a-hoppin' from lane to lane.

Of course with the crabs on the rift and the availability of wards via trinkets there's much more difficulty in such a strategy but this guy can probably make it work.

EDIT: Speaking of that guy, here's his voiceover...if you want to call it that.

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"supports roam"

y'all been watching eSports or have I just been very unlucky in every match i've played

because literally all everyone does in any game of mine is stick to their lane until like mid-late meaning i'm usually left as the only one to actually roam and gank apart from the jungler

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I will keep the roaming mid bit in mind. Usually I either recall with my ADC or take the time they're gone to ward (or hold the tower because my damned ADC ran towards the enemy jungler that I stunned so they could get away and thus are dead >_>)

Edited by KosherKitten
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  On 2/25/2015 at 5:41 PM, KosherKitten said:

I will keep the roaming mid bit in mind. Usually I either recall with my ADC or take the time they're gone to ward (or hold the tower because my damned ADC ran towards the enemy jungler that I stunned so they could get away and thus are dead >_>)

Holding tower is very risky business. Unless you're a CC heavy or self defensive support support (Leona, Janna, etc.), holding tower is very risky business. The duo can easily take advantage of you being alone and in most cases, will dive you. And if their jungler is following up, it's almost certain they'll get a kill, possibly without even sacrificing one of their own. You're better off backing there or roaming around, taking the chance to ward, and perhaps assist your mid lane in achieving a kill, or perhaps even pushing if the enemy laner backed.

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I was mostly referring to a specific instance there. I rarely live when my ADC dies since I've blown all my CC and stuff trying to save them (and they decide to run into the enemy team thinking a few seconds of CC means they can kill all of them when they're at %10 health?) In this case I was Annie and my ADC died a lot... I ended up carrying the lane with a 6/1 score while my ADC whined that I only used my Tibbarz stun after they died (NVM cooldowns >_> Also Shaco was a big help keeping our turret alive)

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  On 2/25/2015 at 6:34 PM, KosherKitten said:

I was mostly referring to a specific instance there. I rarely live when my ADC dies since I've blown all my CC and stuff trying to save them (and they decide to run into the enemy team thinking a few seconds of CC means they can kill all of them when they're at %10 health?) In this case I was Annie and my ADC died a lot... I ended up carrying the lane with a 6/1 score while my ADC whined that I only used my Tibbarz stun after they died (NVM cooldowns >_> Also Shaco was a big help keeping our turret alive)

ADC dies, and they're gonna come 2v1 for the tower like that, just back off of it. Get some vision down in other parts of the map, roam up, and see if you can match towers somewhere. This is dependent on tower health, jungler/mid position, and who you're playing, though.

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  On 2/26/2015 at 12:04 AM, Neo said:

ADC dies, and they're gonna come 2v1 for the tower like that, just back off of it. Get some vision down in other parts of the map, roam up, and see if you can match towers somewhere. This is dependent on tower health, jungler/mid position, and who you're playing, though.

Yeah, in this case I was pretty confident that I would be fine. Normally I ward and/or back when my ADC dies... Though I'm a P good support, so unless they're really bad, they rarely die without me dying first (And that's usually only if they stop running, because I know how to land my CC)
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So been taking a look at the new skins...

I really like Secret Agent Xin Zhao. Great cheeky little 975 skin that I didn't think would like at first, but it's definitely grown on me.

Debonair Galio is cool as well. It's going to be 750 like Ezreal/Vi. Suit goes well with his dance, kind of like Beauty and the Beast if you were to put him alongside Queen Ashe. I dunno.

Headhunter Akali is a terrible skin, not to mention overpriced. The color scheme is awful, the new SFX is lackluster, and the skin is just ugly in general. They'll need to work on this one for sure.

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  On 2/25/2015 at 4:50 PM, The Fush said:

"supports roam"

y'all been watching eSports or have I just been very unlucky in every match i've played

because literally all everyone does in any game of mine is stick to their lane until like mid-late meaning i'm usually left as the only one to actually roam and gank apart from the jungler

It depends on what support you're playing though. The more CC you have as one, the most powerful your roams are going to be. Thresh, Braum and Leona will fuck any midlaner up with their own midlaner. I also always get leonas that decide to roam toplane 8 minutes in. The amount of times I got triple ganked that early into the game is unreal. Naturally don't attempt this when dragon is up and can be taken by the enemy jungler and bot lane, and don't stick around for too long or your ADC is

going to get its shit slapped.

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