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We need Erick/Neo in here. He's the resident Teemo player - or at least was, so he'd be the best person to talk to.

But anyway, despite the fact that there's numerous build paths that Teemo can go, his playstyle remains the same: be a nuisance to the enemy laner in the early game, then begin delivering Satan's word when you start roaming. When you get good with Teemo, you can slowly kill enemies across the map...even while your're dead.
Not only are the shrooms meant to piss people off, but they provide a tactical advantage of map control - they're like wards that do damage. To best do this, place your shrooms in brushes, in the river, near enemy jungle camps, and along the sides of the lane if you're splitpushing. If an enemy's approaching, don't be afraid to stand still by some shrooms (so that you are stealthed) and either watch them pass, or pick someone off if they hit the shroom; therein lies one of Teemo's strengths which is picking unfair fights.

Also a tip: using your Joke, Taunt or Laugh will not reveal you even though the enemy can hear you if you're nearby. This is a way to troll the shit out of your enemies, it's hilarious. Be careful if they have a pink Ward or Oracle's Lens handy though.

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Shroom placement depends entirely on the enemy laner/ jungler. It's also important to note that Mushrooms aren't adequate replacements for wards.

Start Doran's Ring, if needed, (you're up against someone that likes to smack your face) glacial shroud after Doran's. Otherwise D ring -> Cutlass -> Sorc. Shoes -> Bork -> Haunting Guise -> Iceborne Gauntlet -> Liandry's Torment -> Luden's Echo -> [insert flex item here]

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  On 3/12/2015 at 11:14 PM, Generalguy64 said:

I want to make people hate me and Teemo is free this week. Any tips on how to play him?

normally teemo puts shrooms in the bushes. dont. put shrooms in the middle of the lane where minions wont hit them as a defensive buffer. dont put shrooms where scuttle crab will walk on them. put shrooms in random places to make your enemies paranoid. run behind your shrooms when the jungler ganks. right click on people. build tank teemo to abuse your global taunt. or build ap teemo to make their team 40% hp whenever they enter their jungle. or build on-hit teemo to be silly i guess. remember that blind is shitty and it wont protect you from autoattacks already in the air. honestly pretty simple champion.

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Hmm, that's unfortunate. I was especially hoping she'd lane well against Lissandra

Speaking of Lissandra, anyone have some tips for laning against her? Right now my strategy is basically "pick Shy, don't die." If I can somehow manage to stay even long enough to get some ranks in my W then I can out-waveclear her and keep her under her tower... But that's a huge "if." She easily out-pokes me, and even when I get ahead in lane she's really good at setting up ganks...

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I'm not big in top lane, so my tips shouldn't be taken too seriously, but, from experience, you need someone who can survive her initial wave of burst and come back while she's on cooldown. While her Q has an atrociously low cooldown, her other skills have much greater cooldowns. Shyvana's ok at this, but if she ults you if you ult in, you've already wasted necessary time in dragon form. So, shyvana isn't exactly a great decision in this lane, since she doesn't have great sustain, nor does she have enough DPS to take her down. The few times I have laned against Lissandra, I've picked Irelia. She's excellent for dealing with Lissandra's crowd control due to the tenacity her passive gives her, and when built correctly, she can survive the initial Lissandra burst. From there, you can just stun her and start wailing on her. You get good healing from your W, and if she gets away quickly, you have a window of opportunity to kill her with ult, or jump to her if it's not on cooldown.

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Well, I usually save my ult until after she all-ins me. I can usually tank that and then ult after her while she's on cooldowns. But yeah, I know Shy isn't the best choice for her. I just main Shy, so I can win even unfavorable matchups with her when my opponent isn't on their own main much of the time

Maokai... That's a good idea. I'm good at tanky AP champs Nautilus OP

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Well, you can main Nunu, just not if you want to play your main in more than one and a half roles. If you want to be a JG main, and Nunu is your main jungler, that's fine. You just gotta pick up some other champs for other roles

If you want to have more versatile champs, try picking up midlaners that can also JG/top, like Akali

Edited by KosherKitten
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Diana isn't a bad champion top lane. She's a very feast-or-famine champ meaning she has to take advantage Of the windows of opportunity given to her. Thus there's a fair amount of good matchups for her (most notably Gnar, whom she dumpsters post-6 since he can't handle her outside of mega form).

Laning against Lissandra is largely about watching two things: her passive, and her mana pool. If she has less than 85 mana and she recently used a spell with the help of her passive, then you will almost always win trades against her, although it still kind of depends on who you're playing but Jarvan IV and Kassadin are typically cited as counters to Liss if you wanna go that way.

  On 3/19/2015 at 5:52 PM, Generalguy64 said:

Looking to expand the champions I can play well, as apparently it isn't worth it to main Nunu. Sona and Blitzcrank look interesting.

Play around and see what you like. If you main Nunu then you'd probably like playing Annie and/or Shyvana.
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Bought Corki on a whim, tried him in top lane (bot match just to learn a bit) and he's really fun. Might play when the team already has bottom lane.

This probably doesn't work at any sort of even decent level play, but in the basic PVP mode, Nunu has succeeded for me in Mid lane. No idea why. Snowballs, eating minions, probably only works at this level because we're all noobs and I don't think Nunu is ever played like this.

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  On 3/19/2015 at 4:17 PM, KosherKitten said:

Speaking of Lissandra, anyone have some tips for laning against her?

By not picking full melee reliant champions. Literally just pick a midlane champions and bring them top since all Lissandra's good for is CC and bullying melee champions.

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So... Annie top? Because that's the only midlaner I play well. I guess I'm not too shitty at Lux, but I don't play her much. It's mostly just how easy she is to play (not that I can properly utilize her passive ono)

Ooh, wait, how about Diana? owo *Mostly just wants a good excuse to play Diana top*

Edited by KosherKitten
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  On 3/19/2015 at 10:44 PM, KosherKitten said:

So... Annie top? Because that's the only midlaner I play well. I guess I'm not too shitty at Lux, but I don't play her much. It's mostly just how easy she is to play (not that I can properly utilize her passive ono)

Ooh, wait, how about Diana? owo *Mostly just wants a good excuse to play Diana top*

Would not recommend playing Diana into Liss, as the lockdown is just way too easy - if you ult her, she can ult and run (or just kill you)

Play sion instead (probably not so much against Liss, just in general - it's hilarious)

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  On 3/19/2015 at 10:44 PM, KosherKitten said:

So... Annie top? Because that's the only midlaner I play well. I guess I'm not too shitty at Lux, but I don't play her much. It's mostly just how easy she is to play (not that I can properly utilize her passive ono)

Ooh, wait, how about Diana? owo *Mostly just wants a good excuse to play Diana top*

Annie is great.

Diana not so much. She's melee, and during the time and cooldown of your Q, Lissandra can Q you twice, so you're going to be either losing a lot of farm waiting for your own poke to get back up, or you're just going to get bullied out of lane again.

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