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Okay, so I've been jungling with Malphite quite a bit lately. How good is he as far as meta goes? I mean I know TheOddOne played him but that doesn't always mean a champ is good in the meta since they can do some silly shit and pull it off. I've just had some really good games with him and I don't consider myself to be the best of junglers by any means. But my success with him is better than most champs I have jungled with except probably Lee Sin. Regardless I think I want to main Malphite jungle now. He's actually really fun to play.

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  On 3/20/2015 at 7:17 AM, Izou said:

Okay, so I've been jungling with Malphite quite a bit lately. How good is he as far as meta goes? I mean I know TheOddOne played him but that doesn't always mean a champ is good in the meta since they can do some silly shit and pull it off. I've just had some really good games with him and I don't consider myself to be the best of junglers by any means. But my success with him is better than most champs I have jungled with except probably Lee Sin. Regardless I think I want to main Malphite jungle now. He's actually really fun to play.

Malphite is a great champion in general due to his ult. His (solo) laning is also really, really safe and he's one of the most painful counterpicks to AA reliant champions.

However his clear is really bad and his early ganking is poor. If you play against an early game jungler who knows how to take advantage of your horrid early jungle, he can easily snowball his team while you can't do anything about it.

Malph's ult is gamechanging though. Land a good one in a teamfight and you'll likely win that fight.

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In most cases, no. There are VERY few ways to avoid Karthus ult. It locks on on top of you and just blows you up.

However, some of those few ways are (Correct me if I'm wrong, I hardly ever fight Karthus): Zhonya's, Bard Ult ( Timing reliant for both of those ), and, although not avoiding it, stacking shields for days.

The others could probably help more than me, I'm rather rusty. ^^;

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Effects that render yourself untargetable is the most effective way to avoid the Red Beacon of Death.

  • Lissandra: Frozen Tomb (ult) (if cast on herself)
  • Vladimir: Sanguine Pool (W)
  • Master Yi: Alpha Strike (Q)
  • Fizz: Playful (E)
  • Fiora: Blade Waltz (ult)
  • Kalista: Fate's Call (ult) - Kalista is still targetable; her Oathsworn is not.
  • Rek'Sai: Void Rush (ult)
  • Zed: Death Mark (ult)
  • Bard: Tempered Fate (ult)
a lot of those require good timing though.

You can also spell shield it. But often times you will not have access to untargetability or a plethora of shields and heals, so you will have to accept your fate a fair amount of the time.

Alternatively, as he has to channel for all that time, you will sometimes have opportunities to interrupt Karthus's ult if he is still "alive". This can be done through all sorts of different CC such as stuns, knockbacks, and taunts, as well as just straight up killing him before it goes off. If you manage to interrupt his ultimate, no damage will be dealt to anyone on your team.

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I would have used some of my money for LoL but everything changed when real life necessities suddendly attacked... so... so very suddendly "orz

Anyways i'm a scrub and i can't farm or last properly (hence why i'm so bad at ADC) even if i'm packing 6 tiamats with stackable passives, but i want to play Nasus, but everytime i'm put agains't an enemy Nasus as well, he outfarms and outstacks me so gloriously that it feels like trying to race a ferrari with a kart, so i've been thinking about ways of making this match-up less volatile in terms of ruthless avalanching snowballs towards either Nasus' favor just because one has more Q stacks than the other, namely i've been thinking of going AP Nasus in the hopes of reducing my reliance on my Q stacks and allow for more free play. This is not entirely giving up from Q stacking, but rather continuing to Q stack while also raising AP for my E and ult for more bursty damage, more poke and more consistency, as oposed to being entirely a god or entirely useless. Is this viable at all? I'd really appreciate thoughts.

tl;dr - Pls help guys i wanna show off in my Infernal Nasus skin but i suck at faming. Also is AP nasus good?

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His E can be maxed to provide some good early pushing power and while it does scale decently off AP, building AP is not going to work out in the later stages of the game compared to just building standard Nasus and farming efficiently with your Q to still do significant damage.

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Moving this over from the screenshots thread:

  On 3/22/2015 at 10:20 PM, Silver said:

i personally go Sightstone/Talisman/Mikael's/Rylai's/Righteous Glory/Frozen Heart, Rylai's only for the slow so we have even MORE sticking power.

Never stick to one annie build, epseically at support. Especially that build; Annie isn't meant to be a tank, so you should invest in a wee bit more damage. Although support builds vary vastly from game to game, you should always get FQC instead of Talisman if you are going to get Righteous Glory.

If there's one item that works great on support Annie and is a good buy every game (except the obvious sightstone, mikael's etc.) it's Twin Shadows. This item's everything works very well with her.

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  On 3/22/2015 at 11:11 PM, Shanco said:

Moving this over from the screenshots thread:

Never stick to one annie build, epseically at support. Especially that build; Annie isn't meant to be a tank, so you should invest in a wee bit more damage. Although support builds vary vastly from game to game, you should always get FQC instead of Talisman if you are going to get Righteous Glory.

If there's one item that works great on support Annie and is a good buy every game (except the obvious sightstone, mikael's etc.) it's Twin Shadows. This item's everything works very well with her.

Except that's wrong.

The most common (and effective) way to build Annie at the moment is to start Spellthief's Edge, pick up Forbidden Idol after boots (Mobi w/ Distortion Enchant)/SS, then change it into a Talisman. From there you pick up Righteous Glory, then TS. From there, it's up to you about whether or not you're going to leave the 6th slot open for pink wards, or ignore vision for a 6th item.

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She's perfectly fine in my opinion. I don't see her too often, and when I do, it's not likely she's doing incredibly well. It's just that people don't know how to handle her well enough. If you can keep her at a distance, she's worthless.

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Irelia has tankier base stats than Shen, who is a pure tank. She's a hideously powercreeped piece of shit.

God bless Korean scene for playing her support and still wrecking face with her for nerfs to become crucial, however I'm pretty sure they'll treat her just like Zed and she'll get fuckall for nerfs.

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I'm waitin for Pimpcane Nasus. I don't play Nami but it's kinda cute.

Unrelated, i do remember them talking about an Irelia relaunch sometime either late this year or early next year. Not sure what happened to that but they seemed to have abandoned that idea for the time being. (The next will either be Ryze or Poppy.)

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