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  On 5/4/2015 at 11:15 AM, Generalguy64 said:

What items and in what order should I build them on Tristana? I tend to go IE first, then the boots, then Phantom Dancer and Bloodthirster. Maybe get the Last Whisper if they're building tanky.

Last Whisper is always a necessity. Tanks or not, the armor pen works very nicely.

Generally you want to go IE>PD>Boots>Vamp Scepter>Last Whisper>Bloodthirster/Bork>Defensive Item

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Typically I go infinity edge -> Youmuu's > Bilgewater cutlass OR bloodthirster > last whisper > finish Bork (If you went Cutlass) > defensive item.

This setup gives Tristana a stupid strong mid-game, and the build can be used effectively well into late as well.

You may also sub Ghostblade for Statikk Shiv. I've (personally) found Phantom Dancer to be suboptimal on her for now due to her bursty nature.

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  On 5/4/2015 at 6:07 AM, Verbaltag said:

Man am I the only one loving this tank meta? I love playing tanks and cinderhulk is my favorite item in the game when I play sion. Not to mention even further buffs to tanks with the new black cleaver.

I like playing tanks. But I don't like everyone playing tanks. Also, as it is now, things are just plain unbalanced

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You need the BT if they have tanks, otherwise you kill yourself on thornmail. You also need it vs assassins to stay alive through their burst if they can get onto you, though with trist it's less important.

Really BT is super important vs everything, but whether you get bt or lw first is dependant on the state of the game. If you have a malz to shred tanks maybe it's more worth to buy bt and stay healthy. If you have a leblanc maybe it's more important to rush lw since you're the main dps source vs their frontline.

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  On 5/4/2015 at 10:09 AM, Ikaru said:

I already play like a bitch and those two games (and those like them) don't help, though

EDIT: and if I have one more TP/smite top laner (I hate this enough) take chilling smite instead of challenging smite (ESPECIALLY ON AN AUTO-ATTACKER LIKE FIORA) I'm going to rip my hair out

disclaimer: I am very upset by having to deal with 3-4 tanks in one game and my current attitude reflects this

to elaborate on this now that I'm not fuming, the problem is that I play really (too?) safe and hit whoever I can because dying is bad; unfortunately it is very hard to not die to the deathcap hourglass righteous glory Amumu, to say nothing of getting caught by Leona when Syndra's Q+W alone nearly kills me, so, hitting whoever I can is basically nobody and I have no idea who to hit when I'm not sure I can even deal with anyone despite being full build. That's how my games usually go and it's even worse when there are a bunch of meatshields on the other team that I don't hurt

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  On 5/4/2015 at 10:09 AM, Ikaru said:

I already play like a bitch and those two games (and those like them) don't help, though

EDIT: and if I have one more TP/smite top laner (I hate this enough) take chilling smite instead of challenging smite (ESPECIALLY ON AN AUTO-ATTACKER LIKE FIORA) I'm going to rip my hair out

disclaimer: I am very upset by having to deal with 3-4 tanks in one game and my current attitude reflects this

Your problem to begin with is someone taking TP/smite on fiora. She doesn't make good use of the cinderhulk and the other items really don't suit her at all. One could argue maybe warrior but ghostblade is still the better option.

I really do love the tank meta though ban trundle and vayne(nobody in my elo knows how to peel for a kogmaw) and nasus and all my main threats are gone essentially. Nasus not really being a threat to me as much as the rest of my team considering i like to play for late game.

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  On 5/6/2015 at 7:56 PM, Verbaltag said:

(nobody in my elo knows how to peel for a kogmaw)

This so much. There is counterplay to the tank meta, and Kog'maw's it, but he's so vulnerable. Being arguably the most immobile AD Carry, Kog'maw is left vulnerable to Crowd Control unless his team is willing to save him. Mercurial Scimitar doesn't fit nicely into his build, so getting QSS would just be a set back. Because of this, his supports generally require a Mikael's, and the team needs to be willing to put their lives at risk for Kog'maw. Braum and Janna are really helpful for Kog'maw in low elo, considering their entire job is peel and specifically disengage for the latter. Kog'maw's combination of insane mixed damage as well as the absurd percent health damage is truly the secret to taking down tanks. I used to play Kog'maw quite frequently during the assassin meta, and it was really fun deleting the carries and assassins with 3 Bio-Arcane Barrage basic attacks and crushing tanks with about 7-10. Plus, he has an ability that drops both armor and magic resist, which can be especially effective when taking down a tank. In addition, it gives him passive attack speed that allows for more Bio Arcane Barrage-enhanced basic attacks per second. If Kog'maw had around 340 base movement speed, he'd be insane in this meta. This is where Kog'maw thrives.

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QSS is QSS, if there's a need for it then it can and should be considered for Kog'Maw. He might not use the AD portion of Mercurial Scimitar to its fullest extent, but he's still an AD carry, and that's damage. The movement speed buff from it, brief as it may be, can save his ass as well.

GA really doesn't do him as many favors in a lot of situations as he has no way to effectively defend himself from close range threats. The defensive item I'd imagine people get most on him is Banshee's Veil (if not Scimitar)

EDIT: Looked it up on Probuilds. Everybody builds QSS and/or Scimitar as defensive item.

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Guess it's just more personal preference on my part. I often do drop a defensive item because I feel as if Kog'maw can really shine if he gets Phantom Dancer and Infinity Edge, rather than just one or the other. Generally I like Tri>Bork>Boots>PD>Infinity Edge>Last Whisper

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Defensive items are more of a game to game sort of thing depending on what you're dealing with rather than champion to champion. You pick what you need according to what the enemy team has.

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I know not everyone here was watching MSI, but when I would normally be an advocate of just saying you missed something (amd promptly making you suffer) I'mma just post it.

Thank me later.

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...Right, well, he might become my new favorite male.

Really interested to see how they differentiate his abilities from something like Zilean's ult though.

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  On 5/11/2015 at 2:24 AM, Poptart said:

...Right, well, he might become my new favorite male.

Really interested to see how they differentiate his abilities from something like Zilean's ult though.

Completely surprised you're interested in the one that talks about wasting time.

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  On 5/11/2015 at 2:24 AM, Poptart said:

...Right, well, he might become my new favorite male.

Really interested to see how they differentiate his abilities from something like Zilean's ult though.

Exactly what I was thinking. He seems more fast-paced than Zil tho, and melee, so I expect it won't be too similar

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