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  On 7/4/2015 at 9:11 PM, Generalguy64 said:

Don't know, really been liking how Ahri plays, and Yas seems to have the same motion capabilities as her.

I feel like it's really hard to compare Ahri/Ekko/Yasuo because there playstyle is all so very different from each other, although all being assassins

i feel like you might have a better time learning and succeeding with yasuo in this patch after ekko's nerf, both require a ton of team coordination but i honestly think ekko is pretty trash in mid/jungle now with some of the meta picks floating around

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Ahri and Ekko are super similar in playstyle imo, and not just having assassination potential, they just generally do similar things

Also haven't read patch notes so I don't actually know how badly Ekko got nerfed, he might suck now (which is too bad, because I really liked him)

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Ekko is still extremely solid. The most notable nerfs lie in the mana increase/AP ratio decrease to his Q and that his R now costs 100 Mana. Even so, he's still a consistent ban and is in my opinion, a top tier Champ.

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Mana cost on his ulti is definitely good. So many times you could just dive in without thought for your mana or health and come out just fine just by pressing R, it was stupid. IDK about the changes to his Q as I don't own him and thus haven't gotten to see how it effects his laning. I expect it moves his spikes later in the game and in general he needs much better mana management

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Before, you could toss out your Q when getting ganked, fight and die and on the Q return end up with a double kill. It's comically broken but so much fun to watch happen. The Q return has increased damage so the AP ratio decrease is definitely needed.

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....Was I the only one who thought at first glance this thread was literally the "Laugh out Loud General Chat"?.....

Well any way Riven will always be op~~~~~~~~ ::riven::

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  On 7/6/2015 at 1:07 PM, Generalguy64 said:

Just a general question: How in Arceus's name are you supposed to fight LeBlanc?

The best way to beat LB in lane is having good decision making, LB pretty much destroys everyone barring a few champs but knowing when and how to make efficient trades. Also opting for a more consumable start helps punish LB with her early mana issues. As someone who's been dabbling in playing more LB, some of my worse machups have been zed and yasuo.
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  On 7/6/2015 at 5:07 PM, KosherKitten said:

Generally LB's biggest issue is her mana, so champs with good sustain or resourceless champs can help. You pretty much just have to punish her when she hops on your face

dodging her w and e are big, if you get hit by a q remember that her next spell will do more damage. A jungler with a lockdown spell like Vi plus a pink ward or two should keep her on lockdown. Other than that bring good cc and a way to just keep her isolated from her goon squad. If she tries an assassination into your team just lock her down
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I'm just trying to fully wrap my head around this new Featured Game Mode.

Here are the links to the MF and Gangplank Updates. Also a link to details on the new game mode: "Black Market Brawlers."

What I've gathered so far is that it takes place on Summoner's Rift and is Blind Draft. The main distinction is that there is a now a black market included with the shop where you can spend "Krakens" to buy Brawler Minions or just gold to buy some new items in addition to the ones already on the rift (except Morellonomicon.) Krakens are a form of currency that are generated by one for every minute, and can also be gained additionally by killing or assisting in killing an enemy champion, taking Baron and Dragon, and Counter Jungling (expect some Nunu). These Krakens are used to buy and upgrade the four Brawler Minions. These minions, once bought, will appear once in every lane per wave (Note: Killing inhibitors does not spawn Super Minions, but rather drastically buffs your Brawler Minions). These four Brawler Minions are Ironbacks (tanky, siege-based minions meant to push down towers), Razorfins (Melee, aggressive minions with high attack speed that target enemy champions), Plundercrabs (Ranged minions that prioritize poking down enemy champions), and Ocklepods (Support-esque minion that shields ally minions and provides Clairvoyance). These Brawler Minions can be upgraded by the use of Krakens with a focus on improving their abilities, their Attack Damage, or their Health. There are also some new items, with some geared towards AD champions, some geared towards AP Carries, some geared towards tanks, and even one that seems to be more geared towards supports. These items can be bought with regular gold and each have unique effects. Check the spoiler for more information.

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  On 7/6/2015 at 1:07 PM, Generalguy64 said:

Just a general question: How in Arceus's name are you supposed to fight LeBlanc?

As being a lvl 4 lb i know the answer!...Hide in a corner.

No but a serious answer this time, it depends on champs. Im just gonna list some matchups

Talon: if u dont get poked to much by 6 u should beat her with ignite and using ult good


Galio: Even tho he blocks off ap with his sheild if u understand how galio he is so easy to be played with. Bait sheilds, auto attacks while csing, and ganks. So yeah i dont think galio good for her.

Ahri: if u dodge stuff and poke with Qs in lane u can rek her

Diana: Depends on the players



Adc Mids: Dodge or die is the name of the game

azir: Skill Matchup(u can interupt her w with e)

Annie: annie can be beaten by anyone if the go on her as soon as she uses stun imo but if the annie plays it right and doesnt miss a stun she should be fine



Heimer: annoying for lb but ur one of the squishiest in the game so if u get surprise attacked then good bye

Kass: ganks or goodbye laning phase

Morg: its in morgs favor but depends still

Orri: made to help in teamfights and that all this game

vlad: can dodge with pool and can regen so its in his favor imo

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  On 7/7/2015 at 7:00 PM, TacosAndFlowers said:

I'm just trying to fully wrap my head around this new Featured Game Mode.

Here are the links to the MF and Gangplank Updates. Also a link to details on the new game mode: "Black Market Brawlers."

What I've gathered so far is that it takes place on Summoner's Rift and is Blind Draft. The main distinction is that there is a now a black market included with the shop where you can spend "Krakens" to buy Brawler Minions or just gold to buy some new items in addition to the ones already on the rift (except Morellonomicon.) Krakens are a form of currency that are generated by one for every minute, and can also be gained additionally by killing or assisting in killing an enemy champion, taking Baron and Dragon, and Counter Jungling (expect some Nunu). These Krakens are used to buy and upgrade the four Brawler Minions. These minions, once bought, will appear once in every lane per wave (Note: Killing inhibitors does not spawn Super Minions, but rather drastically buffs your Brawler Minions). These four Brawler Minions are Ironbacks (tanky, siege-based minions meant to push down towers), Razorfins (Melee, aggressive minions with high attack speed that target enemy champions), Plundercrabs (Ranged minions that prioritize poking down enemy champions), and Ocklepods (Support-esque minion that shields ally minions and provides Clairvoyance). These Brawler Minions can be upgraded by the use of Krakens with a focus on improving their abilities, their Attack Damage, or their Health. There are also some new items, with some geared towards AD champions, some geared towards AP Carries, some geared towards tanks, and even one that seems to be more geared towards supports. These items can be bought with regular gold and each have unique effects. Check the spoiler for more information.

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These items reek of Fizz. Tidal Trickster items galore. The Bridge is going to be fun
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Also on the PBE are six skins! Five of which have a splash already.

Captain Fortune - 975 RP (Look at the size of her b -- umm... blunderbusses! )

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Cutthroat Graves and Cutpurse Twisted Fate - 750 RP (Silence not included.)

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Corsair Quinn, Rogue Captain Garen and Sea Hunter Aatrox - 750 RP (Sorry, Katarina.)

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  On 7/7/2015 at 10:34 PM, Matsurika said:

Also on the PBE are six skins! Five of which have a splash already.

Captain Fortune - 975 RP (Look at the size of her b -- umm... blunderbusses! )

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Cutthroat Graves and Cutpurse Twisted Fate - 750 RP (Silence not included.)

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Corsair Quinn, Rogue Captain Garen and Sea Hunter Aatrox - 750 RP (Sorry, Katarina.)

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Captain Garen looks ba. Quinn kinda looks outta place in the splash. It's about time that Graves and TF got skins to go with there lore. Way back before TF ratted Graves out to the authorities

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