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Per Ame's appROOval *shot*, I've started up this topic for LoL chat on people who PLAY the game, as Ame's was for those who hadn't/don't. So, feel free to talk about whatever you like relating to the subject of League Of Legends. Go for it!

I miss Urf


Hi everyone, this is Kaito hijacking the original post to bring you all a Summoner Name List! I figure we're all Rebornites, it'd be nice to play together from time to time, right? Well that's what this is for! If you want to be added, simply post your summoner name and server/region and I'll add you!

Format is: Forum Name - Summoner Name, so no one gets confused.

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hello it is me DD now hijacking this post to update you all on the recent addition of the club system

okay friends the official reborn club has been made, if you haven't already been invited and want to be you may PM either me, dan, ame, or ikaru on the forums with your summoner's name and we'll add you

and to speed up the process, here's the summoner's names of those people that you'll need to add to get an invite:

me: MrFameMonsta

dan: Dastan

ame: Amieamyame

ikaru: IkaruKazuna

note: because the club system sucks there's a limit to how many pending invites we can have so you might not get added right away

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I like what I see of ^ so far. the idea of magic bouncing around between champions and healing/damaging 'em depending on friend or foe seems real fun, and real useful. Not to mention mass area slow effect ultra and adding slow to allies' attacks.

Made it to level 6 so far. I see what people mean by assassinating. Just waiting out of sight for a champion weak enough for you to batter with your arsenal and slowing 'em down so they can't run away effectively. Or in rammu's case, make 'em turn right back around to attack you with his taunt. Definitely using better summoning spells than teleport one and quick revive.

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@Mael, and about Nami in general, the key (from what I see, at least) to Nami's kit tends to be her q-stun, which moves at a decent speed and stuns for a stupid (by support standards) amount of time. Her w has an underwhelming heal amount unless you max it first, in which case you're losing out on the massive attack steroid that e gives. R-E-W-Q max order I think would be the most viable, with maybe R-W-E-Q if you're in a high-harass/countering lane. Q wouldn't be worth maxing in a support style because it just gives shorter cooldowns.

In that vayne, (hue) has anyone tried her mid? I read that they had to nerf her AP scaling on her Q and ult because it's obscene. R-Q-W-E would be the go-to there...I think.

Mael, also semi-pro tip. When you hit level 12 (I think) and unlock Flash, be prepared to use it on almost every single one of your champions, with your other slot being filled by exhaust or ignite (unless you're jungling, in which case you take smite. Not sure if you know about jungling much yet.)

AND FINALLY TIME TO COMPLAIN jesus christ Jax gets absolutely murdered by ranged top laners early on. Try to farm, you get beat up. Try to counterstrike, LOLHAVEFUNYOU'REOOMQUICK. Reminds me why I like Irelia more than him.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand finally, Amethyst, have you ever tried maxing Q first on Riven? I know you lose out on the w-e cdr and stun/shield buffs, but it makes up for it in sheer stupid damage.

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Revive is great what are you talking about Ame

Homeguard Revive is practically teleport with the ability to attack and not put a large homing beacon on the field that "HI GUYS I'M COMING"

Plus you can go balls deep and the enemy team is kinda silly to be focusing you.

Homeguard made Revive viable c:

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  On 11/27/2012 at 2:22 AM, Ninpen said:

AND FINALLY TIME TO COMPLAIN jesus christ Jax gets absolutely murdered by ranged top laners early on. Try to farm, you get beat up. Try to counterstrike, LOLHAVEFUNYOU'REOOMQUICK. Reminds me why I like Irelia more than him.

Teemo pretty much destroys any mana-based melee champs other than Irelia. And if you play him right you can even zone out Lee-Sin and even Darius.

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In that vayne, (hue) has anyone tried her mid? I read that they had to nerf her AP scaling on her Q and ult because it's obscene. R-Q-W-E would be the go-to there...I think.

And this is why you dont go mid on PBE normals becuase Nami f'ing HURTS! I mean yeah they nerf'd the scaling but she's a pure rage inducing woman fish. e.e

Who are champions that you are excited to use in the -new- jungle/ what items are you looking forward to? :o

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  On 11/27/2012 at 2:22 AM, Ninpen said:

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand finally, Amethyst, have you ever tried maxing Q first on Riven? I know you lose out on the w-e cdr and stun/shield buffs, but it makes up for it in sheer stupid damage.

I admit, I haven't. Because I always build her with a focus on survivability over damage x.x

  On 11/27/2012 at 2:45 AM, Inuki said:

Revive is great what are you talking about Ame

Homeguard Revive is practically teleport with the ability to attack and not put a large homing beacon on the field that "HI GUYS I'M COMING"

Plus you can go balls deep and the enemy team is kinda silly to be focusing you.

Homeguard made Revive viable c:

I literally have no idea what you are talking about. Is it a PBE thing? Because if not I'm worried.

  On 11/27/2012 at 3:07 AM, Princess Minun said:

Who are champions that you are excited to use in the -new- jungle/ what items are you looking forward to? :o

zyar pls

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  On 11/27/2012 at 3:07 AM, Princess Minun said:

Who are champions that you are excited to use in the -new- jungle/ what items are you looking forward to? :o


Real-talk, Runaan's Hurricane is going to bring Kog'moo back to OP status. It's just unbelievably stupid on him, because his bolts apply his bio-arcane barrage. 3 targets getting shredded for 8% of max health every auto? ohmygodmannnnnnnn. Frozen Fist is gonna be funny (or whatever it's called, I think). Slow on every spellcast? Holy jesus. Glad that they nerfed Randuin's slightly, because it's a stupid item. I hate it. Mrrr.

Quickthoughts: Seraph's Embrace existing is a Ryze buff. Maybe Karthus, Ori, or Anivia too, but I don't build tear on any of them. Muramana (or whatever it's called) is a Yorick buff, which is just SUPER. THAT'S WHAT THIS GAME NEEDED. MORE YORICK.

From what I hear, every nonsustain jungler will have to have to have to start really conservatively in the jungle. The real question: do these changes shut down Shaco's stupid box clear oh my god please I don't even care if it makes the champ more useless than Karma I just hate him please die

Edit: So I was thinking about this more, and like...Runaan's Hurricane is only going to be good on Kog'moo as AD carries go. Doesn't apply crit, no added crit chance, no move speed. In fact, it might set kog behind. IE/PD IS STILL MASTER RACE

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  On 11/27/2012 at 4:05 AM, Ninpen said:
The real question: do these changes shut down Shaco's stupid box clear oh my god please I don't even care if it makes the champ more useless than Karma I just hate him please die

If anything it'll make it better, because the creeps will target the boxes instead of Shaco. He'll never take damage from the jungle.

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  On 11/27/2012 at 3:10 PM, Amethyst said:

If anything it'll make it better, because the creeps will target the boxes instead of Shaco. He'll never take damage from the jungle.

THis actually might not be true. Considering the buffs and creeps got bulkier Shaco might actually become slower.

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  On 11/27/2012 at 2:22 AM, Ninpen said:

@Mael, and about Nami in general, the key (from what I see, at least) to Nami's kit tends to be her q-stun, which moves at a decent speed and stuns for a stupid (by support standards) amount of time. Her w has an underwhelming heal amount unless you max it first, in which case you're losing out on the massive attack steroid that e gives. R-E-W-Q max order I think would be the most viable, with maybe R-W-E-Q if you're in a high-harass/countering lane. Q wouldn't be worth maxing in a support style because it just gives shorter cooldowns.

In that vayne, (hue) has anyone tried her mid? I read that they had to nerf her AP scaling on her Q and ult because it's obscene. R-Q-W-E would be the go-to there...I think.

Mael, also semi-pro tip. When you hit level 12 (I think) and unlock Flash, be prepared to use it on almost every single one of your champions, with your other slot being filled by exhaust or ignite (unless you're jungling, in which case you take smite. Not sure if you know about jungling much yet.)

AND FINALLY TIME TO COMPLAIN jesus christ Jax gets absolutely murdered by ranged top laners early on. Try to farm, you get beat up. Try to counterstrike, LOLHAVEFUNYOU'REOOMQUICK. Reminds me why I like Irelia more than him.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand finally, Amethyst, have you ever tried maxing Q first on Riven? I know you lose out on the w-e cdr and stun/shield buffs, but it makes up for it in sheer stupid damage.

i put together a really long response concerning my experience playing vayne mid then realized you were talking about nami

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  On 11/27/2012 at 4:05 AM, Ninpen said:

Real-talk, Runaan's Hurricane is going to bring Kog'moo back to OP status. It's just unbelievably stupid on him, because his bolts apply his bio-arcane barrage. 3 targets getting shredded for 8% of max health every auto? ohmygodmannnnnnnn. Frozen Fist is gonna be funny (or whatever it's called, I think). Slow on every spellcast? Holy jesus. Glad that they nerfed Randuin's slightly, because it's a stupid item. I hate it. Mrrr.


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Assuming that Riot let it be that way... because they seem to not like Twitch.

But just in case, I'm preparing for I-Spark Tiamat Twitch to transform into Hurricane Tiamat Twitch.

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q on riven first talk

T___T For the amount I've tried to do it and been told I'm wrong, I hate seeing things like that. I've been seeing it as such a higher damage but nope, apparently not.

Also; what's with playing renekton and seeing randoms? "hurr, build more dps" or "hurr, build more tanky". I've been building the same way the whole times why do they care if I'm 6/1/x asdfasdf.

Also that feel when you want a skin on sale and have 2 RP >>

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