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I can't handle the amount of fabulousness on this page, especially that splash art for his armor of the fifth age :feelsgd:​

Overall, this seems like a cool rework ^^

Edited by IronWraith
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His ult is a delayed bard ult with the global like Sorakas

Eh not exactly, for one it only affects allied champions and it allows the champions to remain invulnerable but to still be able to attack or use abilites (so very useful for towerdiving and teamfights). I'm excited to see the ult work in person, it seems like it can set up some really cool plays if used properly.

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Eh not exactly, for one it only affects allied champions and it allows the champions to remain invulnerable but to still be able to attack or use abilites (so very useful for towerdiving and teamfights). I'm excited to see the ult work in person, it seems like it can set up some really cool plays if used properly.

I was talking about the invulnerability aspect.

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idk the ult seems pretty bad to me, the delay is so long/the invuln is short and once it activates, the enemy team can just ignore you

right now on the pbe he's probably a better top laner with the insane base damages of his passive and e

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I dunno we'll see, but yea his... Ult looks so lacklustre. It's not going to stop an assassin from slaying your whole team, or from burst. However, that's probably the point so that it has a different use case than other invuln Ults or abilities. It's to be used for diving, or fight you know are happening around say Baron or Dragon. It allows him to really start up a fight by giving a window from his team to be Invuln and do things for the intervening time. Unlike Kindred ult it's not as reactive, as that Ult is a counterplay, This Ult is more in between a reactive defensive play and a soft initiation tool. As Taric can use this for incoming damage or CC he knows will be coming ahead of time ((with... really good timing required of course.)) Of, he can sue it to protect his initiator as they go in. Like he makes any Diver super happy as they are invuln in the backline for a few seconds. Taric can even wade back there with them and help to smash enemies and Heal the ever living hell out of that diver as well. ((especially depending on how the Q stacks work... think they are just over time but I have no bloody idea cause it's not clear at all. Anyway... while his ult has similarities to both Bard ult and Kindred Ult... it's more like Kayle's Ult but team wide. It can be used for both Defensive reactive plays, and to gain reach on an aggressive plays into the enemy backline. Basically, Taric's ult trades a lot of Overall power for a lot of versatility that he can hand to his team by making them have a few seconds they are invuln. Which considering how impactful Kayle ult is, if this manages to go off... it's possibly 5 times that. Well I'm bummed we are getting yet another "This ult makes you and possibly others or things invuln" ults, it's strategically quite different then the others so I'm not disappointed entirely by it. It'll have it's interesting niches I'm sure. Also DD that can be said about literally 100% of all Invuln abilities other than the delay. Well, kinda. But it's soemthing we've yet to see in a lot of action so it's hard to judge. I'm thinking it's better than it looks. I mean... making 5 people invuln in the middle of a Baron fight seems like a big deal imo XD.

Also... we all know Riot wants him to be support... to the point they will probably rigidly force the role onto him. I dunno how I feel about the E in top though... just because my lord hitting that thing would be a fucking nightmare on anyone with mobility due to it's delay and how telegraphed it is. Like if you can't see that ability... you're blind XD> But, yea I can imagine him being a real Tahm Kench like character, super util top laner jsut since he gets a lot of his damage through his passive and his E alone((and probably not near as annoying as that catfish bastard...)). His W and Q still do "damage" as they proc his Passive for two more fast hits ((that scale separately of the skills.)) and his W gives him free armour in a lane dominated by Physical Champs. Oh he also scale off Armour... like... you can stack the shit out of it, be tanky and still get damage out of the deal. ((something tells me the nerf on Iceborn might have been 100% because of Taric since... I didn't think it was a problem item really and then suddenly... it got nerfed outta nowhere in the saaame PBE patch. Fiiiiishy if you ask me.)) I'd say Top looks like it can be a decently healthy place for him and I'll probably run it a few times. I mean... I gotta show off all my Taric skins I have for some freaking reason i can't discern. Like I got 4 different sexy Taric boys to beeeeeeeee.

in short, I like his Kit mostly since his W is a little optional in the "I bond to this dude and do things" deparment. Like after figuring out what it does I'm not really too miffed by it. ((but my lord i ahve a feeling people that I whack my shield on are going to make my stun go the wrong way so many times...))

also can I jsut say how I love that his W is basically Kalista Passive take 2? Like it has a similar idea in making you stronger when near connected to someone, but it has the upside that you can CHANGE WHO IT'S ON THROUGH-OUT THE GAAAAAME. I just think it's bloody hilarious lol. Basically... "Oh, ADC wnats to do that? Naaaa, that choice should be permanent. But, Support, he should be allowed to change at will! ((as far as CD permits.))"

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Also DD that can be said about literally 100% of all Invuln abilities other than the delay. Well, kinda. But it's soemthing we've yet to see in a lot of action so it's hard to judge. I'm thinking it's better than it looks. I mean... making 5 people invuln in the middle of a Baron fight seems like a big deal imo XD.

yeah but you could easily bait out some spells if you dive with a kayle ult since it's instant but taric's gives you a 3 second window to prepare youself to ignore whoever gets the invuln and target someone else, i agree that it could work really well when fighting for objectives, you could easily ult ahead of time and use it to push the enemy off while being invuln but then again the invuln time is still really short

right now i'm just seeing it as a worse potentially aoe ali ult

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whos the best champ and why is it singed


post how u came across ur main

when i came across my main singed, i was getting aced toplane by duo top jax and maokai at level 12

i was like "whats the point of building roa rylais on blitzcrank"

so i looked up "what champs build roa rylais" so i found singed

and i ditched roa and i started winning never stopped ever since

so whats your tale

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That poor woman. Idk what she thought she was actually praying to. The fact that she had incense and everything is what makes it funny for me.

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Fun aside, and since I've done this a few times now I know it's certain and it wasn't an accident. But little Aurelion Sol tip I suppose. If you are running your W and an opponent is directly on top of you, if you flash back your star will instantly collide either doing the damage to kill them or proc'ing Rylai's to slow them and allow you to position better. It also gives you a better window to use your Q due to it's snap cast delay. ((I'm still not sure how long that is, but there is a delay on the reactivation that they don't tell you about. This delay makes it near impossible to use in melee range ((unless they have a large hitbox.)) which makes the stun unreliable at best that close.

So, Flash is a pretty strong spell on Sol if you use it to give yourself space etc... and can save your life if your ult is down. It's a good summoner spell on all Champs, but with the tricks it's super strong on him.

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Oi, while we're talking Sol and Summs. Have you tried going Flash+Ghost on him? Like, I'd assume that most of the time Ignite or TP is going to be better, but I feel like with his focus on positioning and mobility, Ghost could work out quite well. IDK, I've never touched him so I'm just guessing

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I don't think it's necessary. Actually... with his passive speed from E and from getting Swifties ((my preferred booties.)) would make him almost... too fast. Like you want to be able to maintain good distance. It might be an okay option especially if going Distortion Enchant since you get to double dip with Flash. I might try it sometimes see how it is.

Also, I kinda don't like Ignite on him, due to how his stars work, being in range to ignite ((or exhaust for that matter.)) is sub-optimal. SO Barrier or heal tend to be better. Heal also has more util in the department that it can be used to reposition quickly as it's a small burst of speed. I think even Cleanse is better than Ignite since getting CC'd as Sol is baaaaad news.

Let's jsut say Ghost wouldn't be a disaster area of a Summ. It probably has more merit on him then a lot of CHamps. TP and Heal are probably the best options imo though. ((or... obviously Smite if Jungling.))

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It can work I just think it feels odd. Like it's definitely good in a hard assassin match-up but outside of that it's deadweight if your spacing correctly.

Basically, if you got a Zed, Ekko, Fizz or a Talon against you definitely take it, otherwise getting something else is better imo. ((most other assassins don't actually give him... to much issue. Like Leblanc is actually not too ahrd to deal with. Not to mention it's funny as shit you kill both the Clone and her at exactly the same time with your stars of doom.))

That's really just imo though and my feelings from playing him quite a bit. I'll admit it's not shit ton yet, but it will be to be honest. After all... all of my friends are forcing me to main him now... against my will. ((which honestly I'm not that sad about.))

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I thought ignite had P similar range to the stars TBH. I didn't realize it was quite that tiny

And keep in mind that Ghost works in combat while his E doesn't. E is for mobility and chasing, Ghost is for things that need to keep up with things (EX: no midlaners I can think of) or things that want to keep their distances and rely on positioning (EX: Varus and, uh, Varus... TBH I never take Ghost on anything but Varus since nothing else I play is that reliant on good positioning)

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Hmmm, true true. the Stars at max are... 650. so it's just outside and enough that your stars will stop hitting them to get in range.((ignite is 600 units.))

Turns out Exhaust is exactly 650 as well... huh... I swore it was the same as Ignite So that's better than I thought. But yea Ignite being jsut 50 units shy makes it... very awkward to use. My fav part though... Abyssal is pretty much overlapped with your star range... so It makes it easy to know where your abyssal matters range wise lol.

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So like how Annie's Q is just short of her AAs which makes it a pain if you accidentally AA the enemy when trying to Q? >_< *Just played an Annie game where she kept doing this*

But gotcha, I can see why no Ignite would be a thing then

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