Raindrop Valkyrie Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 also tfw new Super Galaxy Skins and one of them is for SHYVANA EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! *unintelligible girlish squeals of excitement.* but... you'll probably still be broke when it comes out. Q_Q ((seriously if someone gets it for me I'll love you forever and ever <3.)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanco Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 Taliyah's voiceover: Taliyah is voiced by Erica Lindbeck. Skins in this PBE patch: Freljord Taliyah Reveal hidden contents Super Galaxy Kindred - 975 RP Reveal hidden contents Super Galaxy Fizz Reveal hidden contents Super Galaxy Shyvana Reveal hidden contents All skins 1350 RP unless otherwise stated Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
foovy10 Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 (edited) Ok I am bout to say what I think is op from looking at the patch notes. If you wanna ask why i believe something is op I will be on multiple times today to check this chat and explain my reasoning. Champions: Kennen(ult does a truck load of dmg now.) Veigar(TOO MUCH DMG) Velkoz(I already think vel is strong, this just adds to it. Look at my match history) Syndra?(I think Bjerg and POE will like her) Brand( Im gonna try to grind with this champ.) Zyra Cass Vladamir?(he has really good dmg late game but has no cc. He basically a dmg dealing tank with less ways to heal imo.) Viktor(practice makes perfect) Zed?(you cant qss zed ult now) NOTE: strong early game bot laners I think should be PICKED OFTEN(CAIT) so its easier to control dragon. JUNGLERS WILL GAIN EXP MUCH FASTER NOW DUE TO JG CAMP CHANGES. PLS WATCH OUT FOR GANKS. Good Items(op items included): More champs will use tear Catalyst( very good for laning phase, anivia, cho, etc. get buffs from this.) Chalice( also good for laning, will be used more often now) Morellonimicon(more of an item you will buy against the likes of vladamir) Athenes(nice support item now) Abyssal(I think this is staying in the same spot as a decent pick up for 99% of ap champs) New Hextech items( One gives a escape or way to go in and one slows enemies to stop ganks or chase) Bloodrazer Buffs(what each do and their uses): Earth dragon can help destroy objectives faster(dont forget baron).Its not the the greatest out of the dragons but dont underestimate it. Fire Dragon gives TONS OF AP AND AD HOLY ****. Cloud Dragon increases out of combat movement speed. Its good for early game roams, thats pretty much it. What you can do if your team is ahead and you have this dragon is to just leave it there and dont let the enemies have it so they dont get and thing dragon buff and u can scale to mid game. Water dragon restores 10% hp and mana every 20 seconds. If you get this and lose lane you should go cry in the corner. I am sorry but this is like extremely broken in the early game. If you controlled and got most dragons then Elder dragon is EXTREMELY BROKEN(increases buffs by 50%) If not then its the same as getting fifth dragon pre patch. Rift Herald is like the ultimate gift to win lane. If you lose lane with this then I suggest you go talk with your doctor. THIS LASTS 20 MINUTES AND CAN STACK WITH BARON LIKE PLS DONT LOSE WITH THIS.(only spawns once) Baron duration increased by 30 seconds. Hey, thats pretty good! Blue buff and red buff extremely buff( I think its safe to say that every buff besides air dragon is op. when a monster is gonna spawn in 60 seconds both teams will be able to see that.( dont be predictive with the order you clear your camps is why I think riot put this in the game). Edited May 3, 2016 by foovy10 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joker Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 Another Fizz skin? No one even likes Fizz. In fact I think everyone hates him. I do like the Kindred and Shyvana skins though. Those look clean. Also Taliyah's face is... weird. More of the shape of her head.. and those eyebrows. Those eyebrows... If she's some sort of rock mage I wonder what happens if you have a Malphite on your team LOL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 tfw the Rock mage has a bad match up versus Malph, the guy literally made of rocks. Funny huh? Also I dunno, I think she looks really awesome XD. I'm really really looking forward to getting my hands on her and really messing around with her cause she looks really interesting and fun. ((Seriously though... gimme Shy skin please...~)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
foovy10 Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 On 5/3/2016 at 7:20 PM, Quinn said: Another Fizz skin? No one even likes Fizz. In fact I think everyone hates him. I do like the Kindred and Shyvana skins though. Those look clean. Also Taliyah's face is... weird. More of the shape of her head.. and those eyebrows. Those eyebrows... If she's some sort of rock mage I wonder what happens if you have a Malphite on your team LOL tfw you love fizz and his skin looks sick af. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted May 3, 2016 Support Squad Share Posted May 3, 2016 Everyone who doesn't play him hates him. Because he is one of the cheapest champs to exist. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AeroWraith Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 On 5/3/2016 at 7:20 PM, Quinn said: If she's some sort of rock mage I wonder what happens if you have a Malphite on your team LOL I guess you could say it's a.....rock solid team :^) Anyway, the new Kindred skin gives me mixed feelings, but I'll probably get it anyway. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Sketches Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 On 5/3/2016 at 7:58 PM, IronWraith said: I guess you could say it's a.....rock solid team :^) Anyway, the new Kindred skin gives me mixed feelings, but I'll probably get it anyway. Yea same, I'm not sure how much I like it yet. I'll probably have to jump on PBE and test it out myself to see how good it looks in game. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 Don't own Kindred so... not like I need a skin for them. I think the particles etc look pretty nice and the skin it'self is too to shabby. Think it's better than... whateverfire... Pls Gib to mes... I neeeeeed iiiiiiiiiit. ;_; Taliyah stuffs: Classic SKin, mostly so you have a reference point for below. If ya like Ice, you'll probably liek this... pretty nice Imo. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamitako Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 Haven't read the patch notes so I'm just going on info from before the official release but here's my thoughts on this On 5/3/2016 at 7:20 PM, foovy10 said: Ok I am bout to say what I think is op from looking at the patch notes. If you wanna ask why i believe something is op I will be on multiple times today to check this chat and explain my reasoning. Champions: Kennen(ult does a truck load of dmg now.) Veigar(TOO MUCH DMG) Velkoz(I already think vel is strong, this just adds to it. Look at my match history) Syndra?(I think Bjerg and POE will like her) Brand( Im gonna try to grind with this champ.) Zyra Cass Vladamir?(he has really good dmg late game but has no cc. He basically a dmg dealing tank with less ways to heal imo.) Viktor(practice makes perfect) *Now I am looking at items, this post should be edited in around 20 minutes* Good Items(op items included): More champs will use tear Catalyst( very good for laning phase, anivia, cho, etc. get buffs from this.) Chalice( also good for laning, will be used more often now) Morellonimicon(more of an item you will buy against the likes of vladamir) Athenes(nice support item now) Abyssal(I think this is staying in the same spot as a decent pick up for 99% of ap champs) New Hextech items( One gives a escape or way to go in and one slows enemies to stop ganks or chase) When did Kennen's ult not deal truckloads of damage? Veigar isn't all that different. He just hits his lategame sooner. Which was needed with the short game length Vel definitely got buffed significantly but I don't think he's in the OP range Syndra is eh, mostly just making her life easier Brand got nerfed single-target but it a tad better in teamfights. Overall same power level Zyra will be better, but I kinda doubt broken. Cass honestly got hugely nerfed. Movespeed and an extra item vs. free CDR and a button of power? It's not even a real question Vlad is okay, I think he'll feel a lot less impossible to lane against now Viktor honestly doesn't benefit to much from item changes and I didn't think he got any direct buffs. He'll still be sitting in the backline melting things with lazors same as always. The extra CDR everywhere might be nice Tear is Tear is Tear. But yeah, more things can grab it now Anivia doesn't synergize as well with the new Catalyst at all? I didn't thi nk it was nearly as good a sustain item anymore. But other RoA users may benefit Chalice buff is amazing IDR what Morello's does now TBH Athene's buff is again nice, gonna be really great on utility mages, but IDK about buying it support quite yet Abyssal will probably still be okay for short ranged APs, but the new changes might make it more useful elsewhere Half the Hextech items are broken. Half not so much. The ice darts thing is probably kind of meh with Rylai's being around but I haven't seen exact specs On 5/3/2016 at 7:20 PM, Quinn said: Another Fizz skin? No one even likes Fizz. In fact I think everyone hates him. I do like the Kindred and Shyvana skins though. Those look clean. Also Taliyah's face is... weird. More of the shape of her head.. and those eyebrows. Those eyebrows... If she's some sort of rock mage I wonder what happens if you have a Malphite on your team LOL I like Fizz. I don't even play him, lol Her face looks perfectly normal to me, at least with how they've portrayed her ethnicity P.S. wrote this before I left school so it's been around and hour Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 On 5/3/2016 at 9:02 PM, KosherKoneko said: Haven't read the patch notes so I'm just going on info from before the official release but here's my thoughts on this When did Kennen's ult not deal truckloads of damage? when it randomly decided to hit the tank three times and miss the squishies completely and as a reuslt do nothing the entire fight of use. However, that problem is gone since it hits literally everyone in range everytime the bolts strike. EVERYONE IN THE CIRCLE GETS HIT. Of course, only the first three hits will apply Marks now but still... that's basically how it worked to begin with. Also I still don't agree with your points on Cata it's jsut like across the board better... it's maybe a take a tad bit of effort to use for Anivia but it'll still be great on her when trying to go for a more tanky build. She doesn't mind being too close up or getting hit since... her passive and she expends a buuuuuuuttload of mana. Therefore she will heal off it like crazy ((her Ult not only got buffed in leaving it in a place but it heals her while running since it's on mana expendture not spell cast how Cata works.)) and since you're getting helath back if they hit you they give you mana back and the vicious cycle continues.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanco Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 I played lots of Ziggs on PBE and the chances are exactly as they seem: a massive buff Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamitako Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 http://prntscr.com/azxitp I am so happy RN This is the best change in the entire update Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 On 5/3/2016 at 9:25 PM, Shanco said: I played lots of Ziggs on PBE and the chances are exactly as they seem: a massive buff Then amybe I'll actually play him again... he's felt so awful to paly for the past forever cause Riot just nerfed him into the bloody ground. Also I won't be psoting the vid for SG Fizz as well the skin is very incomplete as it's missing textures and particle effects etc... so if you want a bit of an idea on it go find it on the same channel as those videos above but know there will be changes to it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamitako Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 On 5/3/2016 at 9:07 PM, Hukuna Fulmine said: when it randomly decided to hit the tank three times and miss the squishies completely and as a reuslt do nothing the entire fight of use. However, that problem is gone since it hits literally everyone in range everytime the bolts strike. EVERYONE IN THE CIRCLE GETS HIT. Of course, only the first three hits will apply Marks now but still... that's basically how it worked to begin with. I haven't ever had this problem TBH. I usually just Flash>ult>W>Zhonya's and things end up dead. But TBH it's been a while since Kennen was on free and my Kennen account is at a low level so IDK Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Sketches Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 I'm kind of confused why they're calling these skins Super Galaxy, they don't really resemble Super Galaxy Rumble at all. They look a lot more like Neon Strike Vi with the colors and effects being similar. More similar than Super Galaxy Rumble at least. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 I meeeeeeeean... they don't really look like Neon strike at all though? Her jumpsuit is yellow theirs are more white and the colour schemes are much closer to SGR. They are muuuuuuch closer to that. Also they are more sleek futuristic tech in style where as Neon Strike is more Cyber Punk in style. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamitako Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 On 5/3/2016 at 9:32 PM, Shadow Sketches said: I'm kind of confused why they're calling these skins Super Galaxy, they don't really resemble Super Galaxy Rumble at all. They look a lot more like Neon Strike Vi with the colors and effects being similar. More similar than Super Galaxy Rumble at least. Haven't checked yet but, Super Galaxy Rumble=Gurren Lagann Rumble. So I figure these are based on Gurren Lagann, or at least something similar, as well Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 I guess they all kinda have mechs other than the Kindred one now that I think of it... Cause Shy's dragon form is a mech ((you can clearly see that's what they are trying to imply)), and Fizz's shark is one ((at least I think it is.)) so two of the three have a mech like he does in a way lol. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamitako Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 As far as Catalyst goes. Anivia doesn't want to be fighting in lane, where the sustain is most needed. Also her egg isn't actually that useful on the frontline, if she gets killed up there it doesn't take much to end the egg. It's much more useful for avoiding assassination in the backline where your team can protect you Don't get me wrong, new Catalyst is super good, even if I do prefer playing around experience advantages, Anivia just doesn't seem like a prime example of someone it's useful for Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 You're not supposed to fight in lane as Anivia? ALways works for me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamitako Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 Not particularly no, at least not in a way that would get you hit Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 Hmmm, might just be my playstyle is strange... either way I find that the new Cata will probably be absolutely fine. I mean still probably pick up Tear and those two items would basically cover all expenses... even if I didn't get hit sooooooo eh. RoA is still just a really good item on her and I still think this form of Cata is much better than previous one by a lot. ((as I can more actively control it without having to paly a nebulous number game with experience and hoping it pops when I need it etc...)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Another Felix Posted May 4, 2016 Share Posted May 4, 2016 So what items should I be building on Ahri and Zyra now? I used to take Morello because it was a great mana regeneration item with strong AP and CDR. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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