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  On 12/4/2012 at 5:17 PM, Amethyst said:

being that I main ap carries I couldn't be happier about FoN's removal >>

But uh, I don't feel that Ionic Spark has a place on Ashe.

Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that my AP carries are going to have a fun time, but my tanks are crying right now. Ionic Spark on Ashe was more of a situational item than anything, and could really help farm/grab kills when you needed it most.

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Your tanks should be crying the least have you seen the new defense masteries?

Warmog's now has the same passive FoN did, minus the MR and MS

  On 12/4/2012 at 5:17 PM, Amethyst said:

>Singed took a hit


-Singed +Teemo

And AP Singed got a buff with the way Tear of the Goddess works now c:

Spellsword is cool but a little underwhelming when you consider it's just 5% and reasonable full-build AP is generally around 500-600... Unless you're glass cannon in which ~800 isn't unheard of, but even then it's not much. More than you had, I guess. I can see it being nice on Orianna and stuff that has extra reason to auto-attack like Akali or Diana or something. I do like it anyway though c:

Fun fact of the day: Sinful Succulence Morgana is on the picture for the Biscuiteer mastery

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  On 12/4/2012 at 7:11 PM, Fluffy Panda said:

Removed Heart of Gold


that was the only way I could get money

Philo stone.

So what builds a Locket of Solari and Randuin's Omen now that HoG is gone? ._.

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EU West doesn't have prerelease yet... and we're in prerelease champion rotation weeks.

Taunting much :<

Although I admit it doesn't affect me much, considering how bad my computers and internet are. I don't plan to play LoL until I get that fixed... not for a long time QQ

Edited by Roo The BAKA!
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  On 12/4/2012 at 8:02 PM, Roo The BAKA! said:


EU West doesn't have prerelease yet... and we're in prerelease champion rotation weeks.

Taunting much :<

>Not playing on NA or Asia

Pls stahp.

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  On 12/4/2012 at 8:08 PM, Roo The BAKA! said:

>Lv30 Main with lots of RP spent and loads of champions bought on EU West

>Lv6 Derp with little RP spent, small selection of champions, NA.


Who's fault is that, good sir?

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@ Enigma

A funny image, but it's kind of counter-productive really. Even in solo queue, people shouldn't be blaming their teammates, but asking themselves what could they have done to create a better outcome. It's about shifting the focus of control back on to you. Blaming others is easier, but also useless.

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they've made it easier lategame to not need to b as often by giving most everything mana/health regen unique passives, but there are also a lot of passive that encourage aggression. This is going to make critical teamfights happen a lot more often in my opinion, and i think it's fair to say that may be riot's intention

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blitzcrank is going to be ridiculous now that he has an item that gives wards on the regular and is encouraged to autoattack more often by pickpocket. Also there are a *lot* of new items that give mana and would synergyze well with him

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Dorans items were meant to tide you over early game and be sold late game, though. And they mentioned dorans blade in particular was ridiculously effective for the cost concerning top lane in particular

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  On 12/5/2012 at 7:42 PM, Neo said:

Ahhhhhhhhh so many champs that I wanna play. So little time.

This. >:c I already own most of the ones I want, but I almost never play mids except my main four even thought I want to just because I enjoy playing them so much. >>

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  On 12/5/2012 at 3:41 PM, Skeleton said:


Yes you can; duh?

  On 12/5/2012 at 2:55 PM, Sora said:
blitzcrank is going to be ridiculous now that he has an item that gives wards on the regular and is encouraged to autoattack more often by pickpocket.

I like this except -Blitz +Sona

3 gold every time you Power Chord? Yes please <3

Sightstone is really good because it means you don't always have to get wards forever and leaves more room for things with a more ... um... impact-y... impact?That's worded badly.

It actually lets them build things. Better!

I actually played AD Blitz once in a bot game for lulz with Horizon and Inuki and Blitz has some seriously good new items for sure

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