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  On 12/5/2012 at 9:36 PM, Amethyst said:

(If it was, it may not have been removed)

Eh, it kinda got replaced in a way with Statikk Shiv. The extra damage isn't as frequent, and the damage is 25 points less.

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Uhm... I thought I posted this, and then it disappeared... so reposting.

So I spent my first PRS3 LoL game messing around with new features while playing Ziggs, one of the champions I'm actually decent at.

11/8/3 was cool, showed that I still had my old habit of dying and getting fed at the same time.

I love the new items, and adore the new masteries. Biscuitry is awesome (obviously), and I was using an item that gave you AP and summoned two wraith ghosts which were basically quick moving wards, and I loved that one. I've noticed supports also now have a lot more to them, and I saw a lot of items that would be good on them.

Also, loling at the Rengar on their team trying to stack Hydras.

Edited by Roo The BAKA!
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  On 12/5/2012 at 9:40 PM, Princess Minun said:

Anyways, Lux Lux Lux with the new items... Love it <3. That Gauntlet :3

Why is this good? The gauntlet deals it to surrounding enemies, it says, but Lux should never be that close to an enemy to use it. The slow is wasted around herself too, isn't it?

I would still rather have Lich Bane.

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  On 12/6/2012 at 12:21 AM, Fluffy Panda said:

whats with all the biscuit hype

it seems like a waste of a mastery point

It really is. The biscuit is only useful early game, and doesn't stack with potions. It's just the fact that the mastery gives you the item, I guess.

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A lot of the season 3 changes have been underwhelming to me, at least. Biscuit seems pretty useless on anything that's not a support, as does the explorer ward. Sightstones seem stupidly useful. Aside from that, there's not much that's very interesting. Boots + 3 pots still is the best start for most everything (what a surprise).

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My team went fucking Power Rangers, and forced a surrender. We all got smite, waited 'til level 7-8, and rushed Baron. We took down 4 turrets, and an inhib. They camped at Baron when it respawned, but by then it was too late. With 4 Aces happening before we even finished the second Baron run. After we were at their nexus turrets, boom 5/0 vote to surrender.

Really. Really. Really. Really. Fun.

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  On 12/6/2012 at 8:25 PM, Roo The BAKA! said:

Oh, and Hurricane is awesome because it can hit camoflauged Teemos


Never not using it ever anymore ever

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There is no stupider combination of champions for Vayne to have to deal with in lane than LeBlanc and Graves.

As insult to injury they have jungle Karthus and that was just so stupid I'm never touching Vayne again maybe I can refund her even though I got her over a year ago

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I find it ironic that Riot used to let champions out in EU West at a similar time to NA, but now Vi's being previewed in NA and EUW hasn't even got Nami yet.

ANYWAY, quick update, I no longer need to complain about Ionic Spark being removed. Why? Stattik Shiv.

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Diana has best jokes NA/EU/Korean. No contest.

So like.. Dominion time.. I was eve last night, halfasleep. Enemy team went 4 bot so I stayed top to protect. killed Jax. then had to b. had my ult, walked down to where my team was demolished, ult'd "QUADRA KILL!". Yup, she's still viable<3

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