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I think Skaarl will take all damage until a certain set amount based on level, then he will leave kled by himself (who will be super low health) and hide in a bush somewhere. with skaarl, he'll have more Movement speed, and an escape, without skaarl, kled will be slower than jhin with no escapes. this probably won't happen, but it would be a unique interaction.

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Oh boyo, here we go. So, we've definitely got a more Top/Jungle Focused champ on our hands here. I think more so Top lane due to the ways his kit works etc... as it's Very high concentration on dueling power, and 1v1 chasing, but also, with a movement ult he can initiate fights when needed or use it to meet and enemy split pusher. There is also the fact that a lot of his abilties interact with Minions ((MOunted Q deals extra damage and the E can lock onto large minions))

A lot of his kit is aimed towards being powerful in a 1v1, his Mounted Q only hitting a single target, and pulling them in and slowing. The Unmounted Q, seems more... of jsut a filler ability to help you kite and stay alive while trying to get Skaarl back, due to the push back adn the fan pattern of the bullets. It probably doesn't do crazy damage and is more for peeling and repostioning. ((since if you wanted to continue to aggress... you could fire it backwards and dodge towards your opponent to get in more hits and keep close. Just like E, will talk on that later.))

His W is 4 fast auto attacks into a 4 empowered one ((basically Jhin's whole attack pattern consolidated into a smaller window.)) it being passive it and not being able to be toggled makes target selection key especially needing to worry about who you're hitting... ((especially since you can probably use it to quickly rebuild Skaarl's Confidence to bring him back in as soon as possible.)) It dealing #Helath damage is... Hooooo boyo... going to be nuts. It's stated in the body of text somewhere ((not in the abilities description for whatever reason.)) that it does have a Cooldown period. So, at least it's not like Vayne's SIlver Bolts. However, I iamgine it does MUCH more of a burst if that's the case.

His E is very similar to Renekton's at first glance... until you realize it really can't be used to escape , at least, no where near as easily due to the fact that the second dash MUST target the large minion or champion you hit with it. SO it's no where near as freely usable as Renekton's E. It's more limited, but I imagine it actually does some decent damage as a result. It also gives him a Move spd boost.

His Ult is a biiiiig fight starter whether 1 on 1's or full teamfights as it increases his move speed and his team's. It also builds a shield... greeeeat. And The first target Skaarl finds it deals Max Health damage to, so... it's going to hurt somebody relatively bad.

The Passive, or Skaarl, giving Kled another Health bar is nuts ESPECIALLY as all Bonus health you buy ((the stuff from items.)) will at least somewhat transfer to Skaarl's HP pool. ((it's not specified if there's a ratio of conversion, so I'm inclined to think you get ALL of the bonus health. At least you don't get it from natural leveling health and only outside soruces.)) It's a good thing to note, that if you get Skaarl down though Kled becomes a LOT weaker as he loses access to msot of his damaging abilities and his Slows so it becomes harder for him to chase etc... He can't use his normal Q, his e or his ult in this state, making him only have access to Pocket Pistol and his W passive. Basically losing Skaarl makes him garbage, but HOOOO you better hope he can't get him back, renewing his HP by gaingin Skaarl's. If anything... I imagine due to natrual Yordleness he'll be pretty squishie natrually so it's jsut a matter of focusing him down. As he's mroe of a carry top/jung ((form what I can tell.)) this isn't really an issue either as he's probably a large source of damage for his team.

So, League's got a craaaaaaazy Yordle who's basically a cranky old redneck... Didn't know we wanted that but... guess we did? I suppose it's nice to have a Yordle who doesn't fart rainbows and sunshine for once, or is OVERLY CUTESY

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Kled's gonna be garbage in the jungle. Without Skaarl, who he will likely lose at 1st or 2nd camp, he doesn't have the HP he needs to survive early clear. His mobility is also severely hampered without Skaarl, screwing his clears even further.

If anything he could be a mid, and although he wouldn't be too strong in lane against long-range champs like Syndra, he could do some pretty nasty damage to the side lanes should he get a chance to roam. And if he got ganks from a jungler like Lee early..."holy shit", that'd hurt.

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Kled's gonna be garbage in the jungle. Without Skaarl, who he will likely lose at 1st or 2nd camp, he doesn't have the HP he needs to survive early clear. His mobility is also severely hampered without Skaarl, screwing his clears even further.

If anything he could be a mid, and although he wouldn't be too strong in lane against long-range champs like Syndra, he could do some pretty nasty damage to the side lanes should he get a chance to roam. And if he got ganks from a jungler like Lee early..."holy shit", that'd hurt.

Yea at the time of writing I wasn't sure how Skaarl worked. Also, he doesn't fit inot Top Lane FIghters that go mid theory. Most top lanes that can go mid have some sort of mobility. As, their short range dashes in mid are much more effective due to the space of the lane being shorter. and while Kled does have his E... well if they poke out Skaarl before you get to them, you're pretty screwed. Especially since you need the instant gap clsoing in mid and not have to run to them, because by the time you do, they'll get to tower. The Other issue is that most of Kled's damage comes from AA's and his Q actually managing to go off. So, you need some time to do damage. Mid I jsut don't think is long enough a lane for it to work properly into anything other than like Yasuo, or similar Skirmishers that go mid. I just think Kled will mostly be a Top laner as a result since he seems very skewed towards spliting and dueling already, just with some tools to allow him to matter in starting fights for his team. ((his Ult.))

All in all, I'll enjoy seeing jsut waht the guy is capable of, and if he's picked up in pro play at all. Cause I'm curious. ((I always am with new chamsp honestly.))

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Can someone please explain to me how to defeat: Udyr, Tryndamere, Riven, Fizz, and Yi

As Jhin, Ashe, Sivir, or Tristana (or recommend another ADC that can perform this task)

Because all of them have proved impossible to burst or kite and no matter how well I do they always seem to just run me over on the way to my base

I'm frustrated and tired of losing games where I had a lead to champs that I can't even fight from ahead

EDIT: BTW, this is with me positioning very far back in teamfights. Like, to the point where I've been yelled at for not being part of fights at times. Yet somehow things still run through my frontline and murder me without a second thought

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Can someone please explain to me how to defeat: Udyr, Tryndamere, Riven, Fizz, and Yi

As Jhin, Ashe, Sivir, or Tristana (or recommend another ADC that can perform this task)

Because all of them have proved impossible to burst or kite and no matter how well I do they always seem to just run me over on the way to my base

I'm frustrated and tired of losing games where I had a lead to champs that I can't even fight from ahead

EDIT: BTW, this is with me positioning very far back in teamfights. Like, to the point where I've been yelled at for not being part of fights at times. Yet somehow things still run through my frontline and murder me without a second thought

It's interesting because the three you mentioned are among the easiest to kite with.


  • Jhin - Toss down an e as he runs to you and use the mark from it to root him. This should allow your team and yourself some time to chunk or kill him.
  • Ashe - Either fire your ult or w at him. Udyr has no gap closers except for the tiny lunge in bear stance. Your slows should make it easy to kite him and your q is good for shredding him.
  • Sivir - Pop your ult and/or toss out your q to proc your passive. The movement speed boost from your ult and passive will prove useful in kiting. If you can properly cancel your auto animations and also use your w correctly to reset your autos, you should be able to buy yourself enough time to kite and get your team to help.
  • Tristana - You have rocket jump. You have ult. Use them wisely.


  • Jhin - See Udyr
  • Ashe - See Udyr
  • Sivir - See Udyr
  • Tristana - See Udyr


  • Jhin - She has more gap closers, but if you can toss down an e in her path and fire off your w, she should be squishy enough that you can burst her down. Additionally, Riven likes to combo her third q and w to layer the crowd control. If you can wait until her third q to flash, do it. The range difference will make it easy for you to abuse her cooldowns at that point.
  • Ashe - See Udyr and Jhin-Riven
  • Sivir - See Udyr and Jhin-Riven
  • Tristana - See Udyr and Jhin-Riven. Rocket jump can be used in place of flash if timed correctly.


  • Jhin - Fizz has a lot of gap closers, but he's squishy and risks immediately dying if he dives in without e. Additionally, if you can flash out of his q, the damage won't be applied, which can be very useful. E and W combo should suffice after he blows his cooldowns.
  • Ashe - See Udyr and Jhin-Fizz
  • Sivir - See Udyr and Jhin-Fizz
  • Tristana - See Udyr and Jhin-Fizz


  • Jhin - See Udyr
  • Ashe - Your slow won't be as effective, but you can use your ult wisely here. Try and wait out alpha strike.
  • Sivir - See Udyr
  • Tristana - See Udyr

Additionally, itemize effectively. It won't kill you to get a maw to deal with fizz, a mercurial scimitar for Udyr and Riven cc, or a steraks to handle the burst.

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  • Tristana - You have rocket jump. You have ult. Use them wisely.

So, um, this one in particular. I had a Udyr that I ulted>Rocket jumped away from and he still ran me down even though I ran directly towards base

Bear in mind this was me getting caught out, not a teamfight, but it still happened

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That's how the game's supposed to work. An ADC who get's caught out should be dying in that situation, unless they blow big cooldowns to escape. Unfortunately. if he still catches up to you, there's nothing you can do.

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  • Support Squad

I mean the movement speed boost is an unsung hero whenever I've played Udyr, especially when ranked up, compared to the stun it actually gives him. Plus movement through minions matters that little bit more. I once saw an udyr getting chased by four people be exhausted and still get out with bear.

For him though it's a matter of not giving him an opportunity. In lane try not to push up lane too far without a lot of vision to save your ass. In teamfights, hit the shit out of him. He'll prolly turtle for the shield which is a better alternative to bear.

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PS, trying to kite Fizz or Yi at all is tantamount to suicide unless you're prepared adequately. Flash will be necessary against the former though. You really can't take the same method of kiting Udyr, to kiting more assassin style champs. Sometimes you just gotta know when to run like hell unless or until your mates bring them in line.

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Hey there! I thought I might come along and introduce myself to this thread, since I plan to stay in Reborn's forums for a while. I also though I might as well ask a few questions, as to gain the insight of those who clearly played more than I.

I had an account for a while, but I only very recently started taking LoL seriously. I think I have a grand total of less than 10 normal games; right now, I mostly just play bot games to farm out the FWotD bonuses so I can try out interesting champions. I also had two ranked matches, both part of promos; I lost both as Support. Hence, I'm sorry if my questions are pretty stupid.

1) Right now, I'm a toplane main. So far, my toplane pool consists partly of tanks (mostly Sion, Poppy, and I'll probably try Nasus out again should the team comp be good enough for him), but also mostly squishy damage dealers (Xin Zhao, Akali, Kayle, Teemo if I feel like being the scum of the earth, etc). I also have some really weird picks I wouldn't really rely on in Ranked games that I carried over from my short lived Support days (specifically Braum and Taric). I'm also planning to try out some jungler picks brought toplane (like Amumu and Hecarim, for example; maaaaaaaaybe Master Yi) for their utility and ability to flex picks in drafts. My question is, what champion would you suggest I pick up and bring toplane? I understand that tanky toplanes are all the rage right now, but Poppy and Sion are the only ones I'm capable of playing, and even then I'm nowhere near mastering them (or any champion, to be fair). Considering my lower than average skill level and my being new to rank games, is there a tank that you'd recommend me pick up that fits into many team comps? Additionally, are there any great carry toplaners that you'd recommend to pick up? Minus Irelia, that thing's probably getting permabanned for the rest of eternity.

2) Are there any picks I should keep in mind to handle comon low-elo picks? By these I mean Garen, Riven, Teemo, et cetera. Well, low-elo Riven actually doesn't sound that intimidating actually, but it would still be nice to pocket something for her. Teemo I find to be hard to deal with on paper. As I understand it, in the current meta, tankier toplaners are more appreciated, but I can't think of any tanks that would enjoy dealing with Teemo. The damage toplaners I have also don't appreciate blinds as they rely on autoattacks quite a lot. Is there anything you'd recommend I pick up for these matchups?

3) I consider ADC to be my secondary role. I know this notion is stupid, but I have no idea why; why are marksmen not brought toplane? They can probably kite the opposing toplaner to obscurity, and some have some sort of mobility to keep themselves safe (like Caitlyn, Lucian, Tristana, Kindred maybe?? And Miss Fortune is just really slippery so). I'm not arguing for the sake of bringing marksmen toplane, I'm just genuinely curious as to the reasoning behind this.

4) Good resources to learn toplani from? I never see Youtube content creators with toplane players. The ones I can list from the top of my head are Foxdrop (Jungle), Phylol (ADC), and Redmercy (Midlane). Is there anyone out there who plays toplane and has great informative videos out?

That's all from me for now. To those considering answering, I thank you beforehand!

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Well, to your question of who to pick up, Nautilus and Maokai are both solid tanks with good utiltiy. Mao has more midgame damage and lane sustain while Naut has stronger trading potential and can lock down entire enemy teams in a teamfight

I am totally not biased towards these two at all and they are totally not my favorite toplaners to play ever

The issue I find with running ADC tops is that toplaners generally need to serve as either a frontliner or a splitpusher (or both). Most ADCs are easily caught out solo, making them insufficient at the latter. And of course they're not built to be frontliners. However there are duelist ADCs (EX: Quinn) who can perform just fine up top if you know what you're doing

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I've found that AP WW top that rushes RoA to be very oppressive, Dumpstered fiora and Jayce so far, as well as go even with a trundle. the fiora ran ignite too, so very surprised that I won lane so hard that I had her camping at her turret away from minions. It falls off around the 35 minute mark tho as everyone builds resistance for you, so finish the game before then.

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Hey there! I thought I might come along and introduce myself to this thread, since I plan to stay in Reborn's forums for a while. I also though I might as well ask a few questions, as to gain the insight of those who clearly played more than I.

I had an account for a while, but I only very recently started taking LoL seriously. I think I have a grand total of less than 10 normal games; right now, I mostly just play bot games to farm out the FWotD bonuses so I can try out interesting champions. I also had two ranked matches, both part of promos; I lost both as Support. Hence, I'm sorry if my questions are pretty stupid.

1) Right now, I'm a toplane main. So far, my toplane pool consists partly of tanks (mostly Sion, Poppy, and I'll probably try Nasus out again should the team comp be good enough for him), but also mostly squishy damage dealers (Xin Zhao, Akali, Kayle, Teemo if I feel like being the scum of the earth, etc). I also have some really weird picks I wouldn't really rely on in Ranked games that I carried over from my short lived Support days (specifically Braum and Taric). I'm also planning to try out some jungler picks brought toplane (like Amumu and Hecarim, for example; maaaaaaaaybe Master Yi) for their utility and ability to flex picks in drafts. My question is, what champion would you suggest I pick up and bring toplane? I understand that tanky toplanes are all the rage right now, but Poppy and Sion are the only ones I'm capable of playing, and even then I'm nowhere near mastering them (or any champion, to be fair). Considering my lower than average skill level and my being new to rank games, is there a tank that you'd recommend me pick up that fits into many team comps? Additionally, are there any great carry toplaners that you'd recommend to pick up? Minus Irelia, that thing's probably getting permabanned for the rest of eternity.

2) Are there any picks I should keep in mind to handle comon low-elo picks? By these I mean Garen, Riven, Teemo, et cetera. Well, low-elo Riven actually doesn't sound that intimidating actually, but it would still be nice to pocket something for her. Teemo I find to be hard to deal with on paper. As I understand it, in the current meta, tankier toplaners are more appreciated, but I can't think of any tanks that would enjoy dealing with Teemo. The damage toplaners I have also don't appreciate blinds as they rely on autoattacks quite a lot. Is there anything you'd recommend I pick up for these matchups?

3) I consider ADC to be my secondary role. I know this notion is stupid, but I have no idea why; why are marksmen not brought toplane? They can probably kite the opposing toplaner to obscurity, and some have some sort of mobility to keep themselves safe (like Caitlyn, Lucian, Tristana, Kindred maybe?? And Miss Fortune is just really slippery so). I'm not arguing for the sake of bringing marksmen toplane, I'm just genuinely curious as to the reasoning behind this.

4) Good resources to learn toplani from? I never see Youtube content creators with toplane players. The ones I can list from the top of my head are Foxdrop (Jungle), Phylol (ADC), and Redmercy (Midlane). Is there anyone out there who plays toplane and has great informative videos out?

That's all from me for now. To those considering answering, I thank you beforehand!

1.Play the champions you want. Being better at 2 or 3 champions is better than learning 20 champions especially if you are new. If I had to suggest something I would suggest Darius, Hecarim, and Malphite because those are all champions that are not gonna move much in the tier list and they are just good staple top laners to learn.

2. Counterpicking is not something you need to learn in low elo so don't worry about it and just play the champions you want.

3.Adcs are fragile and need some sort of help to get through lane phase and be strong mid or late game. Quinn is a good top laner but that's it.

4. Yeah, I am not sure if there are any YouTubers that main top and give nice information but Dyrus is a former pro so you can watch him to be able to learn and understand what he does and why and he is just fun to watch in my opinion. Here is his channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TSirDiesAlot

Edited by foovy10
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