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The Fush

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Oh bejesus Annie looks like some sort of child that looks like a filthy seductress at the same time

why can't we go back to the simple days, when Tibbers was actually cute? ;-;

I like her visual update it reminds me of the Alice games, and I love what they did with Tibbers. It's fuckin' epic.

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J4 with Ravenous Hydra is really good.

Zed with Ravenous Hydra is really good.

Lee Sin with Ravenous Hydra is really good.

Fiora with Ravenous Hydra is really good.


Ravenous Hydra is really good.

Holy hell.

No no no no no no no no no no

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What's your gripe with Hydra? It's a nice upgrade to the tiamat. Extra lifesteal and damage with a nice active. I see nothing wrong.

Well I think it's just a pretty useless item at the moment.

I mean if you just compare it to a very similar item stat-wise like bloodthirster. Which not only costs 500 gold less but gives a great deal more attack damage and almost double the amount of lifesteal.

The cleave it gives is pretty laughable. You won't get that many chances to hit more then 2 or 3 people with just one auto attack and the active. Since it's not gonna be a good item in teamfighting, laning or taking objectives it just falls short to the bloodthirster in every way. (I wouldn't even recommend getting either items on a bruiser character anyway)

I mean sure you could maybe have some fun with it in some sort of gimmicky way like Gangplank or Fiora but even then it's still wagering a lot of gold on something that will work very rarely ,and playing a sub-optimal champion.

Just some advice.

Olaf nerfs when?

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Well I think it's just a pretty useless item at the moment.

I mean if you just compare it to a very similar item stat-wise like bloodthirster. Which not only costs 500 gold less but gives a great deal more attack damage and almost double the amount of lifesteal.

The cleave it gives is pretty laughable. You won't get that many chances to hit more then 2 or 3 people with just one auto attack and the active. Since it's not gonna be a good item in teamfighting, laning or taking objectives it just falls short to the bloodthirster in every way. (I wouldn't even recommend getting either items on a bruiser character anyway)

I mean sure you could maybe have some fun with it in some sort of gimmicky way like Gangplank or Fiora but even then it's still wagering a lot of gold on something that will work very rarely ,and playing a sub-optimal champion.

Just some advice.

Olaf nerfs when?

I only half agree with you there. It's a great item to me, but I feel like it's trying too hard to be viable for many champs.

You got the health regen and lifesteal combined, making it godly on champs like Lee Sin and Riven.

On the other hand, there's Cleave; which Gangplank and Kayle adore.

Crescent is actually pretty overlooked on Hydra; it looks bad at first, but it's been great for me.

But unless we get some sort of combination of Kayle and Olaf in one, I don't think Hydra is a great choice for most champs.

Granted, I still take it, because of what it does have. I just feel like it isn't focused enough on one role.

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I personally like Hydra on stuff with burst, especially Zed because, fun fact, Hydra's active adds to his ult damage, which is kind of stupid.

E-Q-R-Crescent-Martial Cadence auto with J4 is one of the most stupidly well-scaling combos in the game.

Lee Sin I've only tried once or twice with it, but it gives him easy sustain and waveclear, and adds to his aoe, which is nice.

And Fiora is Fiora.

AD Assassin/Burst Champions, of which there are a decent number, all tend to benefit from what it does for you. The only one I guess it wouldn't be that good on is Kha'zix, but that's just my opinion (his stuff scales too well with AD to make anything but Bloodthirster in that department a good choice)

By the by, I completely disagree on your (Chrona's) opinion to not build Bloodthirster on bruisers. Yes, I'll give you that it does negligible things for stuff like Shen and Malphite, who don't scale particularly well with AD, but AD top champions without innate sustain (or even with) all benefit from Bloodthirster and its innate insane powerspike that makes bruisers incredibly relevant in teamfights.



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All these useless conversations about some stupid item.

Either way, I have to build my champs more defensive-ish.

I mean my builds would work in bots, yes. But anything works in bots.

I want to go from Beginner to Intermediate to PVP, just to see what I can really do.

I've done ARAMs, but they aren't the same I guess.

I never really built defensive-ish. 'cept on Garen. DEMACIA.


Either way, anyone got some tips for me?

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Dive straight into PVP, and get smacked around a bit. Seriously.

It's the best way to make sure that the habits you developed in bots are put to a stop.

(i.e. Claiming one lane the entire game)

You'll lose at first but eventually you'll get into the rhythm of things.

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...Claiming one lane? Excuse me?

I won't let those crappy level 1 faggots get into my lane and ruin the whole fucking game sorry.

Last game there was this shitty TF who was feeding bot. I was bot Ashe. Well this sucked.

How can you feed beginner bots even--

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...Claiming one lane? Excuse me?

I won't let those crappy level 1 faggots get into my lane and ruin the whole fucking game sorry.

Last game there was this shitty TF who was feeding bot. I was bot Ashe. Well this sucked.

How can you feed beginner bots even--

By being completely new. That's how. If you're level 25, why don't you set an example for them? Showing them toxic behavior (i.e calling them faggots, excessive pinging etc. etc.) isn't going to better the (already fucked up) community. Since you're at such a high level playing bot games anyway, try to lead by example.

As for the TF feeding:

It's a bot game. The odds of losing are so astronomically that low that even if you feed, you're still gonna win. Your game isn't even close to being ruined.

A ruined game is carrying your team to a Baron steal, and taking down their Nexus turrets only to have your team drop the ball after you net a quadra and die. Leading to a loss. That's a ruined game.

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By being completely new. That's how. If you're level 25, why don't you set an example for them? Showing them toxic behavior (i.e calling them faggots, excessive pinging etc. etc.) isn't going to better the (already fucked up) community. Since you're at such a high level playing bot games anyway, try to lead by example.

As for the TF feeding:

It's a bot game. The odds of losing are so astronomically that low that even if you feed, you're still gonna win. Your game isn't even close to being ruined.

A ruined game is carrying your team to a Baron steal, and taking down their Nexus turrets only to have your team drop the ball after you net a quadra and die. Leading to a loss. That's a ruined game.

What I didn't tell you was that Wukong also failed Mid lane and Top Cho was feeding Cho. ._.

Besides I'm currently level 28 and going for intermediate. Those bots have the reflexes of not-humans.

I refer to the Int. bot game you failed at.

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