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If I see one more person playing Nidalee support

God damn its worthless


Even I know this is just wrong, for God's sake.

Chrona was right about the smart ping that came with the recent patch. It's so useful.

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If I see one more person playing Nidalee support

God damn its worthless


Nidalee support is delicious if you aren't a scrublord. Granted, she's not a traditional support, but damn does she tear up a lane when paired with an aggressive ADC.

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Nidalee support is delicious if you aren't a scrublord. Granted, she's not a traditional support, but damn does she tear up a lane when paired with an aggressive ADC.

To be honest all she has in laning potential

Past that she either builds utility and support via wards and bulwark,solari etc and contributes nothing to team fights because she has no utility in her kit

Or she builds damage with no farm so she does mild damage with absolutely no utility

Her kit isn't for supporting.

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>bush control

>strong poke

whatchoo guys talkin' bout

like real talk if I'm playing Cait, Nidalee is my first choice for support. They have great synergy between the traps, their poke and Cait's ult

Admittedly, Nidalee struggles in team fights- although I haven't yet seen how the changes to her ult are affecting that- but she isn't useless by any means. She just doesn't take the traditional role.

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You've just laned with some really shitty nidalees

I wasn't bot lane with the Nidalee

and the our bot lane won with the Nidalee

We eventually lost though because Nidalee did not fit the support role well. There was no wards/support items and her damage/poke was laughable. Absolutely no team fight presence.

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Is it really that hard to play the support role while building so that you're not dead weight late game? It never struck me as something difficult to do. Especially with her, it's as simple as picking up something that'll give her a little damage while still being useful in fights overall. Maybe a WotA or something along those lines. As for her lack of warding, that falls back under the shitty Nidalee category.

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Supports are dead weight late game?

And of course Nidalee is bad in team fights; she doesn't team fight, she split pushes and pokes to death until someone is weak to the point that they have to leave and go heal or get initiated on and die. The question becomes- can that be done from a support role? Probably not. And it's not just on the support to ward up, although they should probably be the ones doing it most.

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Supports are dead weight late game?

And of course Nidalee is bad in team fights; she doesn't team fight, she split pushes and pokes to death until someone is weak to the point that they have to leave and go heal or get initiated on and die. The question becomes- can that be done from a support role? Probably not. And it's not just on the support to ward up, although they should probably be the ones doing it most.

As Neo said Im not saying supports are dead weight late game. They ussually provide auras for the team and most of the good supports taric, sona, zyra, lulu etc have a good amount of CC and utility they bring to fights. If you will notice Nidalee is one of the only champs without CC. Sure the heal/auto speed buff is okay but that would literally be all she has.

She can poke but what im saying is you have to sacrifice damage for support items. Even something like wota wouldn't help her damage enough to make her poke even slightly scary.

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Probably shouldn't use what little air you've got to talk trash.

Personally, I'd go with Maoki. Reason being is that he's a godly tank and jungler. Fun as fuck to play as, it's hilarious to ruin an enemy's day. From what I've seen at higher levels of play, Renekton ends up being a stunbot lategame.

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Maokai doesn't suck; as someone who plays him almost as much as Rammus in the jungle, I can tell.

While his sustain in the jungle is pretty low, his ganks are extremely effective, and, fun fact, Sapling Bomb has one of the highest base damages of all abilities. Also, his clear time isn't all that bad, and I think people tend to underestimate his ult; it can take a VERY nice chuck off the enemy team's health if you play defensive.

Maokai is also decent as a support or a top lane.

His passive isn't much to talk about in mid-late game, yes, but I think people just don't like Maokai because he's just hard to play, and needs some runes/masteries to get him going in the jungle.

As for Renekon, he's a MONSTER. I bought him on the NA server, and if you play your cards right, your abilities can just shred the enemy's health to PIECES. I almost consider him OP after playing about 5 games with him.

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Oh and,


Xelnath, the Rioter behind the recent HP bar changes and the loss of control bars, is at it again! This time he's throwing around the idea of tracking wards in the post game stats.
"Hey guys,
I'm coding up some stat tracking for wards now. I want to give support and solo lane players some more recognition for amazing warding. Specifically, following up on the rule to prevent people from spamming wards in their base to cheese warding stats.

I plan to add: "Placed a new ward" and "Killed a ward" as end of game stats.

Is there anything else obvious you guys feel is worth noting at the end of the game?

Disclaimer: Everything we intuitively "get" as players may not be as easy to detect procedurally for a computer.""

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Great. Just went nuts at the store, bought five champions and realized I more or less don't have a clue on how to use any of them.

  • Poppy
  • Taric
  • Kayle
  • Sivir
  • Soraka
  • Cho'Gath

Help me out here, people. Which one should I try out first?


  • Haven't tried Poppy yet
  • Decent with Taric
  • Haven't tried Kayle yet
  • I absolutely beasted with Sivir. Holy shit.
  • Haven't tried Soraka yet
  • Playing as Cho'Gath was a disaster
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Poppy is difficult to use and a top.

Taric is just.. I dunno, he's annoying and an semi easy support to play.

Kayle op mid top and jungle and ADC ok. But make sure to always have your... umm ability that makes you ranged on.

Soraka has got to be the most boring support and most passive one evar.

and Cho;Gath is just.. You walk around using your ult on things and screaming OM NOM NOM NOM

Try Kayle out then Cho then the rest.

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Poppy is difficult to use and a top.

Taric is just.. I dunno, he's annoying and an semi easy support to play.

Kayle op mid top and jungle and ADC ok. But make sure to always have your... umm ability that makes you ranged on.

Soraka has got to be the most boring support and most passive one evar.

and Cho;Gath is just.. You walk around using your ult on things and screaming OM NOM NOM NOM

Try Kayle out then Cho then the rest.

I'd actually recommend trying out Soraka first; she's a great introduction to how a support works, and it'll help you play Taric, and more aggressive support, too. Cho can go whenever, as he's a case of eat up everything, like Mash said. Kayle... is an interesting case, you might wanna check that out.

As for Poppy, she's a very underplayed and underlooked top lane champion. She's squishy and hard to get the hang of, but once you start utilising her you'll be Qing everything to death.

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Ask Kiozo about Poppy because he's the only one I've ever seen play her more than once.

Taric is easy to learn hard to master support that's basically a walking armor aura and stun... But with the recent changes, it's hard to say if he's only support now.

Kayle is a lane bully and can play basically every lane should you want to try it/know how to do it, although I think AP Kayle is most popular lately.

Soraka heals. That's it. Occasionally she makes opposing AP champions cry with her lengthy silence and inherent MR, but, mostly heals.

Cho is a CC machine and might very well be the definition of AP tank. Any lane against him is basically a farm lane without a huge advantage in champion picks or jungle assistance. He does not die in lane otherwise. Oh, and he eats things for massive scaling true damage.

Soraka is probably the simplest, if that's what you want to start with.

@ skins:

@ ward changes:
I think it'll help give supports more recognition if they ward well (as was already said), but in reality I don't think it's anything special. Everyone should ward occasionally regardless, and it's just another number for someone to hold over someone else.
And if it counts Sightstone wards, sit in your base for a minute and spam them so you can be THAT guy up there ^

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@ Skins-

Dear god that Draven face




Nidalee looks pretty cool but I'm disappointed. When I saw the facebook feed "PBE patch with Draven/ Nidalee skins" I thought it meant her other skins finally got new splashes. qq I still like my French Maid better.

Meanwhile Draven finally has a skin which means Zyra is next~~~~~








crystal zyra pls


steel princess is okay i guess but crystal pls

@ Ryan, even though I was ninja'd horribly because I had to leave for half an hour while writing this I DONT CARE

Poppy is a bruiser and anti-carry. She goes top, or in some rare cases jungle or support, but she doesn't really excel at any of those positions. Her goal is to use her ult to stop giving fucks to anyone but the carry, and take them out of a team fight immediately.

Taric is a support. He goes bot. His goal in lane is to shut down the enemy carry with aggressive play and his stun. In team fights he is his aura and you should be protecting and peeling for your carries.

Kayle is a tanky ranged DPS bruiser melee mage support assassin. She goes literally anywhere, and can build AD, AP or hybrid damage.

As a top laner, use your Q to kite the melee champions to death.

As a mid laner, use your impressive burst and sustain damage to make the squishy mages cry.

As a bot laner, win trades with your passive armor shred.

As a support, still activate your passive to help your carry win trades, and keep them in good condition with your heal.

In the jungle the might jungle- well, don't worry about that until you have armor runes.

Use your ult not to save lives, but to absorb burst damage. This is true for any position.

Soraka is a support. She goes bot. Her goal in lane is to make sure that your carry never has to leave lane ever unless they want to. She is great for passive carries like Ashe, and against poke or kill lanes. Your ult is global and using it at the right time will make your opponents cry.

Alternatively, she can build AP and go mid, making the opposing mid completely useless for half the game. However, this is just a gimmick.

Cho'gath is an AP tank. He goes top, mid, or jungle. Regardless of where he goes, learning to land his Rupture is the most important aspect of playing him. Your ult does true damage, and a lot of it, but it is one of the only ults in the game where it is a good idea to use it on minions. If your ult kills something, Cho'Gath grows in size and gains health. In this way, he basically becomes impossible to kill. He gains more from building survivability than he does from building damage.

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