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The Fush

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Oh. Wow.

Aaaaaanyway, tried out Zac today.

Turns out he's a good mid, I won't lie. Not as good as he is up top, but he can be an AP mid if you need one.

I build him with Sorcerer's Shoes, Warmog's Armor, Spirit Visage, Zhonya's Hourglass, Sunfire Cape, and a wild card, mostly ones with Spell Vamp (ex. Hextech Gunblade) and Health Regen (like Runic Bulwark).

I like him top, and mid too I guess. I haven't tried jungling with him yet.

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Zac is incredibly fun. He was decent at top lane, but he is a superb jungler, Ryan. Cell division and health potions give him tons of sustain, and his E's range is amazing for ganking.

I just love bouncing around with him and press Ctrl+1 for that amazing joke of his. That, and if you get a Warmogs, Sunfire Cape and Rylais, his health reaches 5k.

I adore this glob

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The issue with building health on Zac is that your skill costs go up, so you're not gaining too much. I've seen a rather nice tanky jungler without tons of health. Worked rather nicely.

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retrospective edit: yeah actually I guess I don't really lose my mind over complete strangers I'll likely never see again doing badly with my favorite champions, so Erick fits more. You're forgiven pre-emptively, Ryan

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retrospective edit: yeah actually I guess I don't really lose my mind over people doing badly with my favorite champions, so Erick fits more. You're forgiven pre-emptively, Ryan

meanwhile Ikaru last night:

"Oh look Wolfie's playing Irelia I'm gonna go spectate and yell at her every time she dies"

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ok you know what that's wolfie i reserve the right to be a jerk to her regardless of what she's doing.

also she's not new to irelia or free week, and she was doing fine anyway, and and it's satirical and and and you know it- you shush

edited for clarification

In any case, it's pessimistic to assume free week players will automatically be bad at whatever champion they're playing- If you'd like me to remind you:

That related feel when I go 9/1/x with free week Pantheon the first and only time I've ever played him pvp against Mordekaiser top.

... conversely, my Nami play is abysmal and I instabought her when she came out ._.

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While I admit, it may be kinda dick-ish to assume that free week players are automatically bad, but from what I've seen, the majority of those who free week support do atrociously.

"Sona top is good, you don't know what you're talking about, Lulu"



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Don't worry Erick. I know what I'm doing at support...somewhat. Even though I'm good at support with only one champ (not coincidentally, the easiest champ to use in the game), give me some random wannabe "support" like Nidalee and I'm better at it than well over half of the pool of people you have mentioned.

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.....ok sona top is different from classic roles you do not put the statistically squishiest champion top ever just no pls

THAT i can agree with

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Aaaaand 3.5 is getting a balance update. For those too lazy to look at the actual site, here ya go.

- Akali got nerfed. Mark of the Assassin's initial damage has gotten slashed, and Essences of Shadow take longer to charge. Somewhere, Ame is reading this and crying tears of joy. "As an assassin, Akali should be a champion with high risk and high reward. These changes increase her early game risk while retaining her later game potential."

- Corki has gotten a buff. Big Red Ones fire every third missile (instead of fourth), and missile charge rates reduce with each level on his ultimate.

- Karma got a shitload of changes, not surprising as she has been losing the most out of any champion since 3.5 was released according to LOLKING. The tl;dr is a big buff that sees action on every spell she has. "These changes to Karma include several quality of life improvements and enhance her ability to generate multiple Mantras in well-executed fights."

- Kayle lost range in a couple of her spells. "Previous to these changes, Kayle's support spells could often be cast completely off-screen from her opponents. With these reduced ranges, it should be easier for opponents to anticipate her presence in fights."

- Lux got a couple things slashed. She is now the third slowest champion in the game, with base 330 movement speed (behind Ashe and Anivia), and the cooldown on her ultimate got raised. "On top of her long range and wide array of defensive utility, Lux was also among the fastest ranged champions in the game. These changes force Lux to be more mindful of her timing and positioning as opponents now have more opportunities to capitalize on her mistakes."

- Morgana's Q and ultimate spells both got cooldown reductions.

- Nami's ultimate got an increase in range and decreases in mana cost and cooldown.

- Nautilus got a buff. Base Armor got a big raise, and his W spells sees a reduction in cooldown.

- Nunu's ultimate got a buff with massive reductions in cooldown reduction and mana cost. This makes me happy.

- Quinn's buff is more relative to her passive, which now works slightly faster. Her E spell now sees Quinn land closer to the target when using it from far away.

- Urgot's Acid Hunter now displays its lock-on range while there is a visible, nearby enemy champion marked by Noxian Corrosive Charge.

- Volibear...I can't tell if this is a nerf or not. His Q spell, now scaling in movement speed increase, is now "slower" at first, but is "faster" at five levels. "Volibear was both an extremely powerful duelist as well as an almost guaranteed initiator for early skirmishes. In order to preserve his presence as a threatening fighter, these changes instead reduce Volibear's ability to force engagements early on."

- Spirit of the Ancient Golem / Elder Lizard's cost went down to 2000 from 2300.

- Muramana's toggle damage is now physical.

- Seraph's Embrace got a buff. I'm too lazy to put this into my own words, so:

  • Active Mana cost reduced to 20% current Mana from 25%
  • Active Shield adjusted to 20% of current Mana + 150 from 25% current Mana

Anyway, thank god my boy Nunu got that generous cost reduction. Volibear is annoying as fuck, so I appreciate that nerf. Saddened that Lux took a hit, but you could honestly see it coming.

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The change on Volibear is to make sure he can't keep people down by flipping them all the time early game. However, the buff to his late game will help heaps, since he'll be able to cleanup much easier.

On a semi-related note: Nami buffs<3

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You'll learn that if you can keep CC'ing Xin Zhao with stuff, he can't do shit to you. Personally, I've had few troubles with the dude because, you know, I play as Ashe a lot. His ult kind of works against him in that regard. Just don't approach him expecting not to get speared to death, and you'll be fine.

P.S. Just be thankful you're not my brother. He's fought against Morello a couple of times, and when you know that you're up against Riot's Lead Designer, and he mains Xin Zhao, you can't help but break down and cry.

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Starting today, players will be able to skip over the Atlantic and

transfer between the North America and EUW or EUNE servers. This upgrade

has been a long time coming and we’re stoked that players now have more

flexibility to choose where they play!

Now you guys get to take on Roo the Baka at an equal footing.

And I get to kick my cousin's ass at will!

TL;DR: About time, this is awesome.

EDIT: One-way for 2600 RP. Fuck that.

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...I am heavily considering it, although it's not as much a priority as Blackfrost Anivia and Kyurem Shyvana

Speaking of Anivia, dem new voices for her and Ashe <3

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