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New summoner icons, Sejuani and Trundle reworks, new champion, a rumored 2v2 map, and a new ARAM map.

Sounds like something huge (story wise, maybe, or possibly bigger than just that) is around the corner...

EDIT: my brother stated he possibity that the summoner icons come from "legendary plus skins" (like Pulsefire Ezreal) that get released later down the road - perhaps for Tryndamere/Volibear/Lissandra or something like that.

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...The Freljord update IS the big thing that's coming around story wise.

Hence Howling Abyss, the lore changes/reworks

The 2v2 map was made for All-Star week, apparently.

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...The Freljord update IS the big thing that's coming around story wise.

Perhaps I should have expanded on that...it might be just story stuff or it may be a huge amount of things - new game mode related to the Freljord tension, an event similar to the "Ionia vs Noxus rematch", and other big, zany ideas, if you know what I mean.
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About those patch notes, here's a rundown for those of you too lazy to look at the site. There's a lot of stuff coming, so have a look.(Anything in pink is Morello's writing.)

But first, a video.


  • Lissandra: "Lissandra the Ice Witch is in the 3.6 build and will be released at a later date." If this follows usual trends, she'll be out in time for the weekend.
  • Sejuani has received the rework and it will be launched along with Trundle's. "Sejuani has been relaunched with a new model, updates to her story and a revised kit. For more information on the Winters Wrath, click here."
  • Trundle has a rework too (personally I'm more hyped for his than Sejuani's but meh). "Trundle has been relaunched with a new model, updates to his story, and changes to his kit. For a full rundown of the Troll Kings changes, click here."
  • Speaking of Trundle, he now replaces Master Yi in tutorials.
  • Several other characters are getting lore updates, including: Anivia, Ashe, Gragas, Olaf, Udyr, Volibear, Nunu, and Tryndamere. These all, of course, center around the Freljord conflict.
  • Brand's Pyroclasm now "properly" bounces to another target after hitting one that is afflicted by Blaze.
  • Dr. Mundo's spells can be cast with any amount of health remaining, but the cost will not drop his health below 1.
  • Changes to Draven's Spinning Axe (ref. patch 3.5) have been reverted, and the axe can not drop on the other side of impassable terrain. "In Patch 3.5, we changed Dravens Spinning Axe to lead Draven more accurately when he was benefitting from movement speed increases. Unfortunately, these changes were very disruptive for dedicated Draven players and didnt offer enough potential for skilled players to showcase their skill through covering long distances between throwing and catching. We decided to revert the change."
  • Karma got a nice buff. This will make Hark happy: Initial (first-level) Damage for Inner Flame was increased, as is the Initial Attack Speed gain from Inspire (which was doubled, in fact); they still scale to their original peaks of 260 and 60%, respectively, with each level. Also, cooldowns on a number of her spells, including Mantra, were slashed. "With our previous patch changes, we increased Karmas overall usability and Mantra generation. These changes are more focused on smoothing out Karmas early game presence by giving a damage increase to Inner Flames lower levels and buffing Inspire to make it far more effective at level one. Additionally,by lowering the cooldowns of three of Karmas abilities including her Mantra Karma will synergize better with Gathering Fire, allowing herto scale into late game."
  • Lulu's Glitterlance costs more mana, but she now gains 5 additional mana per level (50 => 55).

  • Malzahar's Call of the Void and Null Zone now cost less mana.

  • Nasus got a nerf, but you could see this coming. The amount by which Wither slows an enemy's Attack Speed has been halved. "With a 95% movement speed and attack speed reduction at max levels, Wither was completely shutting down champions reliant on auto-attacks with no opportunity for counterplay. By reducing the attack speed slow, Nasus is still effective at suppressing champions, but his victims will now have the option to turn and fight."

  • Nunu's Consume no longer expends Visionary if the target dies before Consume resolves. Wait, what? The hell does that mean?

  • Olaf's Reckless Swing can now be cost at any level, but the cost won't drop his health below 1.

  • Ikaru's babe Quinn got a lot of love - wait, I mean a lot of buffs. Blinding Assault now scales off AP, Heightened Senses gives her a Movement AND Attack Speed bonus, Vault now briefly interrupts its target, and Tag was just overall...improved. Greatly. "We wanted to highlight Quinn's great strengths as an unconventional AD carry with high cross-map mobility. As such, Quinn can now use Tag Team more reliably in and out of fights, and the additional movement speed on Heightened Senses should allow her to remain more elusive in skirmishes. For the other two changes, we gave Blinding Assault an ability power ratio so that players can gain some additional power when building items like Trinity Force or when receiving the Baron Nashor buff. For Vault, we added a mini stun on Quinn's target as she dashes toward them, making it more reliable as an escape."

  • Rumble's Flamespitter no longer prevents him from acquiring basic attack targets.

  • Sivir's passive now triggers when she uses her offensive abilities. This will allow her to start a pursuit with her Q or W spells.

  • Thresh got some changes. Death Sentence, known by Tony and I as "The Hook", does more damage, but its passive effect has been moved to Flay, which got some bug fixes and a reduction in overall damage. "Death Sentence and its passive were providing too many benefits at early levels with their high poke, burst damage, and lowered cooldowns. By moving the passive damage bonus from Death Sentence to Flay, Thresh players will now need to think strategically about how they level their skills."

  • In addition to his lore, Udyr gets changes on the battlefield, although mainly involving Tiger Stance. It now does physical damage and appropriately scales off of AD, its Active Attack Speed is doubled, and it gains a new persistent effect where basic attacks deal 15% of total AD as bonus physical damage on hit. As for Bear Stance, Udyr now only dashes when stunning enemy champions. "With these changes, we wanted to accomplish a few separate things. First, we wanted to tone down Udyr's overpowering early game Tiger Stance damage, but we also wanted to let him scale better into late game. These changes were implemented by scaling the attack damage ratios on Tiger Stance's active damage. Second, by changing the active damage of Tiger Stance from magical to physical, it should be more intuitive to itemize against Udyr. Additionally, it will also be easier for Udyr to itemize properly, as he will gain further benefits from attack damage focused items like Black Cleaver or Last Whisper."

  • Vayne's Condemn's range now matches her attack range.

  • Zed got fixed up a bit. You can no longer restore Living Shadow's cooldown by hitting enemy minions/monsters with Shadow Slash; however, the cooldown reduction provided by hitting Champions has been doubled, and Living Shadow's cooldown overall has been reduced. "Previously, Zed could safely farm large minion waves with Shadow Slash by consistently resetting the cooldown of Living Shadow. These changes were intended to promote aggressive play with Zed while also creating a window for players to engage on him in lane."

Champions - Insignificant Stuff:
  • Corki got a bug fix. Previously, using Missile Barrage restarted the cooldown for gaining another missile, but that's been fixed.
  • Pulsefire Ezreal got two insignificant bug fixes.
  • Fiddlesticks also got a bug fix. He now immediately attacks the target after finishing a full channel of Drain Life.
  • Vi got abug fix, and Excessive Force can no longer be used while charging Vault Breaker.
  • Zac got a fix pertaining to how he looks in brush.
The Howling Abyss:
  • This new map, based in the Freljord, replaces the Proving Grounds everywhere, including tutorials.
  • Players who are level 5 or higher can now participate in an ARAM 5v5 queue. Exciting stuff.
  • In the 5v5 queue, if you think your champion sucks, you can reroll for a new champion using 200 points from a special point system (not IP or RP, but something separate). You start out with 200 reroll points, and you gain these points back through completing ARAM games. You can increase the number of reroll points you gain each match through owning more champions. To check the number of points you have, you can go to your own summoner profile.
  • The Howling Abyss is chock full of references to lore. For example, the Hermit asks Lux if the rumors about her dating Ezreal are true, while she'll tell Sejuani that she looks a lot like Serylda, a woman that "knew how to fight".
  • The Surrender@20 website is going about a "choose your alliance" function. It appears to have something on in-game quests.
  • Elixir of Fortitude's price is up 100 gold, to 350. "Elixir of Fortitude is meant to be an "all-in" burst of power for players looking to take control of a situation. With its low cost, however, players were simply defaulting to it as a general starting item with no significant repercussion. Increasing the gold cost of Elixir of Fortitude aligns it better with the risky strategy it was intended for."
  • Only up to five Health Potions and Mana Potions can be carried at a time. "Alongside our Elixir of Fortitude change, we wanted to tackle ultra-high sustain starts where players were beginning the game with as many health potions as possible in order to safely sustain in lane for long periods of time. However, these high sustain starts also destroy any incentive players have to interact. Manaless champions in particular benefitted from these starts, resulting in some mana-based opponents being unable to burn through the high levels of sustained HP. We will monitor starting item builds and champions that relied heavily on high potion starts, but wanted to focus on addressing passive high-sustain builds first."
  • Tiamat now costs 1900 gold (down 400 from before), thus affecting the cost of Ravenous Hydra. However, its Attack Damage boost has been cut from +50 to +40.
  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity now cost 1000 gold (down 50 from before). Their passive effect on cooldown reduction has not been touched.
Visuals / Interface:
  • Icons for Smart Pings (Danger, On My Way, Assist Me, Enemy Missing) have gotten a change to look more like other in-game visuals. I haven't seen them yet myself.
  • The item shop window underwent a couple of changes that are geared to better suit players playing in windows; the window is now size-adjustable as well.
  • Players with video cards that use vertex shaders can expect to see up to a 40% FPS improvement. This is mainly geared toward players using laptops (like me).
  • A bug fix now no longer shows "leagues info processing..." instead of instant updates.
  • Champion headers designed for each specific League have been added to the Leagues tab in everyone's summoner profile.
  • LP clamping has been smoothed out.
  • Dodging a match in a promotional series now counts as a loss. It's still gonna end your series if you were a loss away from losing it.
Other Good Stuff:
  • Epic Monster kills are now bolded in chat, as are Altar captures in the Twisted Treeline.
  • Items with charges (such as Sightstone) now display the charge number in your inventory, as supposed to as a buff.
  • Players don't see reconnect messages from the enemy team, unless there was a preceding disconnect message regarding the same champion.
  • Three new summoner icons are being released with this patch: Avarosan (Ashe + Tryndamere, aka royalty), Frostguard (Lissandra + Trundle), and Winter's Claw (Sejuani + Volibear). But you knew that already.
That's it!

Whew, that's a lot. It's going to take a lot of time to check out everything this patch has to offer, it's that large. (looks at the whole post) Holy shit.

Anyway, what are you guys pumped about in this upcoming patch?

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Meanwhile, let's take a second to appreciate the fan-made content going through the forums.


Everyone, this is Eclipse Diana. This is just crazy stuff, even enough to prompt a response from Riot staff.

Even if I never play as Diana, I probably won't anytime soon as I try to pick up my jaw off the floor. Here's the original thread:


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99999999999999999999/10 would buy, though I've seen that already- there's also the Ahri skin that's been going around forever and Ame linked a Fiora one to me that is absolutely insta-buy imo; I'll leave that to them because I don't want to find links.

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The skins based on the season 2 world champions, the Taipei Assassins, are already loaded into Public Beta Environment.

Those skins are:


TPA Ezreal

TPA Nunu

TPA Mundo

TPA Orianna

TPA Shen

The skins will most likely have a promotional price when they come out. Whether Fnatic, the Season 1 champions, will get a skin pack as well, it is still unknown.

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The TPA skins should actually have the player's names in the skin name.

TPA Stanley


TPA Bebe

TPA Toyz

TPA Lilballz

Anyway, onto what I was actually gonna post:

Surrender@20 is having a big tournament coming up


Ionian Tournament 2013

The Ionian'13 Tournament is ideally going to be our scheduled first-half-of-the-year prize tournament, where 128 teams are invited to sign up and battle it out for the Ionian Cup! Like our first ARAM tournament, there will not be an entry fee for this tournament.

To be eligible to play:

  • You must have an NA account (does not need to be lv30, but please be aware of the lack of Runes and Masteries!)
  • A team of at least 5 players (not including substitutes, does not have to be an official 5v5 ranked team)
  • Summoner Names and Team Names must be within ToS

The time before the full tournament reveal is a great opportunity to
find a team! You may use the commenting system on this post or hop into
our in-game chat channel to look for a group!

There is no limit to how many substitutes you may have as backup
on your team, just please keep the number within reason, haha! Also,
players may only be a part of one team. Meaning that if you are a sub
for one team, you cannot be a core or sub player for another team. This
is to keep the odds fair for prizes.

For clarity, this tournament will be hosted on the NA server. Hang tight
EU server, our next tournament will be arranged for you guys! Keep in
mind that this tournament is open to Summoners of any level, so if a
lv15 player can brave the sea of Lv30's and stomp them - more power to
ya! :D


The team that takes 1st Place receives $20 RP each + the Triumphant Ryze skin!

The 2nd Place team takes home $15 RP each.

3rd Place gets $10 RP each.

And 4th Place receives $5 per player!

Information on how to sign-up for the tournament, the process and
details and more will be revealed in the near future, stay tuned! If you
have any questions or concerns, please send them to NurseFlan@surrenderat20.net

Perhaps we could have a (couple) Reborn team(s) going.

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