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It's got bullets and a sort of asian cloud tattoo design. There was a PBE leak of some files called "Ao Shin" (very Japanese-ish) which could easily be an Ionian champion considering they're basically an Asian themed nation. So it would match.

And seeing the bullets tattoo, makes me think Marksman, but it could easily be a magic-bullet-mage.

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I feel like i'm the only one that thinks that's Akali and not a new champion. Notice the rather vague things that look like bullets - they could easily be the containers she calls up her smoke cloud from. Also her toenails are painted different colors on different feet - probably a reference to her passive and thing for balance and symmetry.

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Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister.

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I feel like i'm the only one that thinks that's Akali and not a new champion. Notice the rather vague things that look like bullets - they could easily be the containers she calls up her smoke cloud from. Also her toenails are painted different colors on different feet - probably a reference to her passive and thing for balance and symmetry.

....I don't really think that's a good enough excuse to call it Akali.

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So these pool party skins... I'm looking at Leona's, but I mean I have Iron Solari and I think it's great- but Pool Party is also pretty cool, but also also kind of a joke skin and idk if i like those...

and then i have three skins for Irelia one of which I don't even use anymore so idk wat do halp

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if that means you plan on gifting it i will openly tell you not to and then reluctantly accept it anyway but still question whether or not i actually like it or if i'd just use iron solari as usual

EDIT: RIP Nightblade Irelia until chinese art

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Okay, here we go. This will be rather long, but I think I've come to a conclusion on the new champion with all these hints we've been fed lately.

First off, here is our current evidence; One, two, three

The new character "Ao Shin" will be some kind of Gypsy Elementalist. Now, here me out. Let me explain to you how I've come to this conclusion.

The entire idea about this new champion being an elementalist comes from both the Riot 'banter' and hinting that they've posted regarding a few different types of things that could be weaponised, mainly revolving around some kind of weather. 'Next champion storming in' and 'Up in the air', as well as the curious 'explosive intent' mentioned.

The second part to this are both her tattoos as well as her gesture and actions of surrounding patrons. She obviously has various clouds littering her left arm, along with some strange red image (Not sure what that is) which helps link into the other elements pertaining to some kind of weather manipulation. The thing I find most curious here, is why everyone is holding out their cups to this mystery woman. Not only that, but she seems to be waving her hand in some peculiar way above the cups. To me, it seems like she's actually conjuring drinks for them. Ziggs has been filled and Lee is asking for some more.

That all leads to me thinking that she has at least some kind of control over the weather and maybe other types of elements, as hinted per the 'explosive intent' pique by the Rioter.

The gypsy part of this also comes from two things, first obviously being the mention of "You've jinxed us" as well as her tattoos being rather intricate. They most certainly don't seem to be there just for fashion. My personal theory is that she utilises them as a core to summoning and controlling the elements. As in, press down on the wind tattoo and summon a tornado (etc.).

This is how I have, at least, drawn my conclusions to the new champion.

Another interesting note, putting "Ao Shin" into google translate and cycling it through a few different languages, in Japanese it gets corrected to "青 新" which translates as "Blue new". There might be something here if someone more adept at linguistics wants to take a crack at that.

I'll update the post if anyone brings to light any other interesting things they find.

Edit 1: Remember Riot throwing a few ideas around with an elemental support with the ability to alter terrain? Riotpls. Although, with all the hinting at weather, it might simply be another mid since we already have Janna in bot lane. We can still hope, right?

Edit 2: /u/mikechull1 has mentioned that "清新 in Chinese means fresh or clean and is commonly used to refer to air quality, the weather, and also women. Riot just might be geniuses at this point."

Edit 3: /u/devonfayr mentioned a possibly linking name in Ryse's backstory with "Lilith", another being who utilised tattoos as the source of her power. It is entirely likely that "Ao Shin" might just be the development name, and "Lilith" her final name.

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Q: Any plans for Ashe?

A: Few of the Rioters chatted she could probably use some touch ups to fix the "few clothes in cold weather" kinda thing she has going on. Grumpy Monkey mentioned her next skin is bad ass.


Q: When will we get some sexy skins for the ladies to enjoy?
A: Grumpy Monkey actually revealed he made a concept for a sexy fireman Graves. He seemed really into it.
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incoming patch!

Patch 3.11's here! Mostly QoL changes, but that may matter to you! For those of you too lazy to look at the site, here they are in a semi-condensed form!

  • Draven got changes revolving around his passive. It now grants a flat gold bonus upon killing a champion, but Adoration stacks are less valuable. In addition, he'll consume all of his stacks upon champion kill instead of half.

    Considering Draven is obviously the greatest champion ever in League of Legends, his new League of Draven passive feels a little flat right now. Were looking at ways of making his Adoration mechanic more rewarding - both functionally and visually during late game and multikills.

  • Fiora got a QoL change regarding Blade Waltz and untargetable/invisible units.

    Blade Waltz will now choose untargetable and invisible targets if necessary to continue the Blade Waltz. If Fiora needs to jump to such a target to continue Blade Waltz, she will do so, though the ability will not deal damage to untargetable/invisible units. If the target is revealed when Fiora jumps to them (in brush), shell deal damage as normal.

  • Galio got buffs concerning his ultimate; its cooldown and mana cost have both been lowered.

    Galio's ultimate has several measures in place to keep it in check, but between the counters and the resource costs (mana and cooldowns), we feel its currently too constrained overall. By reducing his ults cooldown and mana cost, we should ensure that Galio stays a viable pick at all levels of play.

  • Mordekaise's Iron Man shield now displays in segments, similar to Aatrox's Blood Well.
  • Thresh's Death Sentence got a neat change. Upon being blocked or cleansed, the chain will shatter, which prevents Thresh from bringing himself to his target with a second cast of Death Sentence.
  • Zac got nerfed again, for crying out loud. His blobs are now more easily contestable by his opponents; explaining exactly how would require more detail than I'm willing to write.

    When we first designed Zac, our initial concern was that his chunks would be difficult for Zac players to use if we didn't stack the variables in his favor. So we coded the chunks so Zac would absorb them even when his enemies were closer and should have been able to crush the chunks. Then we launched Zac, who in turn launched himself straight into the awesome category over multiple levels of League play. Were still balancing Zac out, but these changes should give Zac's opponents a fair and equal chance to stomp out the chunks in lane and stop the green goo champ from sustaining so effectively.

Champions - Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar
  • Kassadin's (CS) Null Sphere now silences his target for a shorter duration at later ranks.

    Kassadin is in a much better place after his initial changes, but he's still a little strong. This change to his silence duration should bring him in line while still allowing him to remain competitive.

  • Kha'Zix took a couple of power nerfs to Taste Their Fear's isolation bonus and Evolved Enlarged Claws's %-health damage.

    Kha'Zix's isolation mechanic is too accessible on Dominion. With these changes, hell still have plenty of killing power, but his enemies will have a chance to react and dish some damage back.

  • Lulu's (CS) going to have to deal with a cooldown increase on her ultimate.

    Turns out giving Lulu an ult with amazing team utility almost every fight was giving the Fae Sorceress a little too much power. Oops.

  • Nidalee (TT/CS) now sees her Bushwhacks last a shorter time. Ditto with the Bushwhack debuff.

    Nidalees Bushwack traps grant too much vision and zone control on wardless maps. Weve lowered the trap durations to reflect the shorter games on Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline.

  • Teemo's (TT/CS) Noxious Traps now last 3 minutes instead of 10.
  • Wukong (CS) took a hit. His passive grants less bonus Armor and MR, and his ultimate's cooldown has been increased at higher ranks.

    Wukong was getting a lot of free tank stats which allowed him to build damage without being too squishy. We've increased the cooldown on Cyclone to help remedy the situation.

  • Down with Yorick (CS)! His Omen of Famine took a pretty blunt hit, fortunately for the others who have a misfortune of laning against this guy in Dominion.

    Solo lane Yorick has some strong opponents, but if you dont specifically counter him, he tends to crush his lane opponent. These changes are meant to reduce some of his harass and sustain.

Champions - Insignificant Stuff
Fixes were made for the following champs:
  • Singed
  • Udyr
The only item to get a notable change this patch was Sanguine Blade. A Pickaxe replaces the B.F. Sword in its recipe.

Shop Undo Button
Nobody's perfect, and sometimes you mess up and buy another Amplifying Tome when you meant to buy Liandry's Torment. For those mistakes, there's now the Shop Undo Button, which does exactly as it sounds. However, you can't undo Boot Enchantment purchases. You can only undo the last purchase for so long before you're stuck with it, so fix your mistake quickly!

Accidentally bought a B.F. Sword on Swain? Weve added an undo button to the item shop, giving Runeterras most mis-clickiest of players the chance to undo their recent purchases. Purchases cant be reversed if those items have had an irreversible impact on the game (dealing damage, mitigating damage, healing, providing a bonus that is used by a teammate, etc).

Spectator Mode

  • Spectator Mode has a new Teamfight UIoption that alters the AI to better tell you what's going down in a teamfight (such as Pentakill counter, CC bars, and tons of other things). Pressing A during the game will switch to that mode.

    Context: Weve developed a new Team Fight UI for spectator mode that minimizes and concentrates the UI so that its easier to focus on the action during team fights. With this change weve optimized the display of battle information in team fights, including whos involved in the fight, whos winning, and how many people have died on either team.

  • Dragon and Baron spawn timers have been added.
Other Stuff
  • tons of visual tidbit updates and bug fixes, all of which are rather insignificant
  • The Show/Hide Summoner Names option is no longer bound to a hot key. You can put a hot key on it again if you want.
  • AFK Detection: You spend less time idle before you're kicked for inactivity.
  • The Champions tab in the summoner profile has been updated.
  • In order to receive IP/XP rewards, there must be at least 5 active players (3 on the Twisted Treeline), and the match must last at least 7 minutes.

That should cover it all!
Sounds like one of those patches that, although it's just a number of small changes, it's gonna feel a lot different because there were so many of those changes. There were Olaf changes waiting in the wings, but they were axed because the devs didn't want to take the chance of it having a huge impact on the World Championships.
But now that Teemo and Nidalee have been nerfed, time for me to head back to playing 3v3! \o/
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So I think I'm confused about something, and maybe someone can clarify?

I understand that pick order in Draft is arbitrary, but I was under the impression that in ranked it was assigned based on who has the highest rank. However I've noticed in my recent games that that's.. definitely not the case, as I was the lowest rank in my last game, but was second pick.

So how does this work?

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For example if you see a random Plat 5 in your queue, it probably means they got elo boosted and they've been losing like.. a ton of games since making Platinum which brought down their mmr.

Edited by TheyCallMeTony.
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Yup it's MMR. I think that it also applies to duo queue too, but the system use their average MMR (plus, and/or multiplied by some factors) to match them.

Meaning that if two people duo queue and have similar MMR, there is little chance they get the 1st pick. But i'm not 100% sure about this.

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In the case of duo, I believe the person that made the lobby has a 40% chance to be the captain of the team, assuming the MMRs aren't totally off-balance like every single ranked game i've played.

I have to bring up the article on this, I read about it somewhere. I forget where.

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I do remember that actually, and I think that applies to all queues. Each person has a 20% chance to be picked for first spot, but if someone in a premade or duo queue is picked then the 'captain' of that lobby will take the first spot instead. So yes, it's effectively 40% for whoever created that lobby.

But if it's MMR then that makes sense, so thanks.


"since you've done fairly well in ranked lately" hah

But then does that mean that ranked games also organize queues based on normal MMR? I.e... We know it tries to assemble teams so each has a 50% chance of winning- but is it using the rank or the MMR to pick those players? Because I had thought the hidden MMR was only for normals

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