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It's really hard to compare the two, IMO, so I can't say who's better.

EDIT: Going back to the topic of Siv HD briefly, he released a 20-minute video documenting the story of him making it to $100,000. And yes, you really SHOULD watch it.

Athene had a good point in the video (although it basically echoes what Hark said) that the League of Legends community is by no means a bad community; it's just the standout "bad apples" that give it its reputation.

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Vooby or Dyrone depends on the kind of team comp. Vooby shines in duels, Dyrone is better if you want to win the teamfights. Voy risks himself too much to be useful for late game if he doesn't snowball.



Draven was a scrub. Poked him all lane phase and he didn't even touch me. WTH kind of build is that anyways.

Edited by Fezzdog
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Zanziber: I'm mid

Ketamine King: i'm already mid lol

Mtuz: top yi

Zanziber: Yea but I'm not letting a K-Head fucking xil go mid

Zanziber: So I'm mid

Ketamine King: i'm 6 and 1 with zil in ranked don't fucking start

Ketamine King: 1 was when i went support

Zanziber: You can go top

Zanziber: KHOLE

Karch: we need tanky

Zanziber: Not my problem

Karch: we lost lol

Zanziber: We lost as soon as K-Head fucking Xil went mid

fucking excuse me


THANKFULLY last pick dodged. decided not to queue again until i get back from work

some people

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Champion #116 Discussion

Q: Sneak Peek on champ #116 soon?

A: ":)
In the meantime, I'll start posting links to songs I listened to while I worked on her. Here's the first:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHzgzN9H6QM"

Follow up Q: Punk chick music? Vi's sister all but confirmed :)

A: "Eh. Here's song #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNnAvTTaJjM"

Follow up Q: May we see song #3 :P

A: "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51Bpx63wkbA"

Follow up Q: If you could categorize the 116th champion as a music genre what would it be?

A:"You tell me. Here's another song:

Follow up A: "One more song I listened to while working on the upcoming champion #116:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHfWY0is3rE"

Q: Is the 116th champion, in terms of definition, good or evil?

A: "Good question. She is chaotic neutral."

Q: What is her goal in life?

A: "Most people would say that she doesn't seem to have any goals. But she does. They're just not like anyone else's."

Q: Are we gonna get a cool lore teaser like we did with your previous champions?

A: ":)
No seriously, dude.

Q: What is so special about this champ that makes her unique?

A: "Her sense of humor is unlike anyone else's in the game. Trust me."

Q: Alright based on the clues given, I have a guess as to what 116 might be!

A: "I love reading the speculation of our fans. Sometimes you guys come up with stuff that blows us away, and makes us say, "I wish I had thought of that." There was this one guy who suspected that the person who slaughtered Tryndamere's tribe was Tryndamere himself in some sort of frenzied amnesiac state. Freaking awesome."

Q: What color is the next champs hair?

A: "There is only one other champion in the game who has the same hair color as her. And no - it's not Vi. Or Caitlyn, for that matter. :P"

* Champ #116 hints *

- He considers her chaotic neutral, that her "sense of humor is unlike anyone else's in the game", she shares a hair color with only one other champion

Colin and I guess her hair is green. We know she's from Zaun, other than that no idea. Only reason I guess green is I went through all of champions and only Sion has greenish I guess hair.

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I've played against TF, Fiddlesticks, Gragas, Ahri, and Ziggs mid since I started playing Zilean again

Fid was the only issue cuz he could heal so much so consistently and did a lot of damage when i had to sit in drain cuz of fear

everybody else i could dodge most of their harass or pick up a fw potions and poke back because honestly Zilean's bombs have some of the highest non-ult base damage in the game, and you can cast two in .5 seconds.

Always fun to ult under tower and get a kill+full health, too

Nautilus fed that Ziggs doublebuffs at level 4 and then again when Ziggs' blue buff ran out but I still won trades as long as I could dodge his Q (which isn't hard as Zilean) cuz even with 70 ap I've got enough base damage to shit on squishies and ult the Vayne

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honestly Zilean's bombs have some of the highest non-ult base damage in the game

It's a good thing you said "some of" or I'd have made sure Anivia had a word with you :I

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I've played against TF, Fiddlesticks, Gragas, Ahri, and Ziggs mid since I started playing Zilean again

Fid was the only issue cuz he could heal so much so consistently and did a lot of damage when i had to sit in drain cuz of fear

everybody else i could dodge most of their harass or pick up a fw potions and poke back because honestly Zilean's bombs have some of the highest non-ult base damage in the game, and you can cast two in .5 seconds.

Always fun to ult under tower and get a kill+full health, too

Nautilus fed that Ziggs doublebuffs at level 4 and then again when Ziggs' blue buff ran out but I still won trades as long as I could dodge his Q (which isn't hard as Zilean) cuz even with 70 ap I've got enough base damage to shit on squishies and ult the Vayne

And how about late-game? I feel like Zilean mid is just a cheese strategy.


i'm looking into ahri and kass as candidates for changes in the 3.13 patch.


i dont know anymore

its like they're changing kass and they made me happy

but then they're changing ahri and i

i cant


double edit:


this is about accurate to how i play her

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And how about late-game? I feel like Zilean mid is just a cheese strategy.

His scaling with time bombs combined with the base damage is enough to deal significant damage; in lategame teamfights, it also forces seperation in enemy movements, because enemies are near the bombed target they'll be in risk of heavy damage; this can make you able to focus down individual opponents with greater ease; not to mention, his ultimate has some very nice utility aswell, and at max W and E he can constantly have a time warp buff on.

I've played Zilean ranked and curbstomped before; I once played with a hecarim; he ulted while I bombed the enemy team, and gave enough time so that the bombs hit all 5 of them; we owned that teamfight.

The problem with Zilean, though, is that he's not the best at dueling in lategame because trying to cast a double time bomb on an enemy will put you in higher risk of being exposed to enemy fire.

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As Owen said, http://gameinfo.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/game-info/champions/vi/

Vi sTaNdS fOr STUPID. RuNnInG aLL oVeR ToWn WiTh SiLLy HaT LaDy,VI CoUlDnT sOlVe a CrImE iF A CrImiNaL sNuCk Up BeHiNd HeR aNd ShOt HeR iN tHe HeAd - I MeAn TuRnEd HeRsElF iN - WaIT- WhaT wAs I sAyInG? oH YeAh, VI DoEsEnT GeT It: RuLeS aRe MeAnT To Be BrOkEn, LiKe BuIlDiNgS, Or PeOpLe!!! IlL Be bAcK sOoN EnOuGh. No OnE DIE sCrEaMiNg WiThOuT ME!!!!

The file path for the site files reads "Jinx_assets", maybe Jinx is the name for our saboteur!


Q: And lastly do you use past life experiences as an influence to the stories you write for League?

A: "Absolutely. In fact, #116's jokes are loosely based on the preoccupations of ladies who crush on me/I crush on.
EDIT: I mean her joke emotes! "

Q: When will the new upcoming champion #116 be teased at with a REAL riot-esque teaser? Before or after worlds are over?

A: "Buckle up."

Q:How would 116 respond to:
1) the burning of her local library
2) her neighbor hosting a very loud party at 2 am
3) basket containing 2 kittens left on her doorstep
4) another woman trying to make a move on her crush

A:"1)She'd run - and not walk - there to burn the fire WITH A BIGGER FIRE.
2)She'd throw an even louder party at 2:05 AM.
3)I know for a fact that she loves kittens, and this love of kittens is evident in-game!
4)Well, she behaves like she couldn't care less about crushes, so it's hard to say. The closest thing she has to a crush right now is her admiration for Ziggs: "I like your style, bomb-rat!" is something she might say."

Q:How satisfied and excited are you with 116's lore and design and everything so far? (one more thing. does 116 have a rivalry agaisnt anyone? i dont have to know who but it would be nice.)

A: "We're all super excited about #116 here, and we've poured a TON of work into her. So many Rioters added extra little touches to her, just so you guys would notice and be happy. She's a very spoiled girl. We think you guys are gonna fall in love with her. And yes, she most definitely has a rivalry with one of the most popular champions in the game."

Q: Hey :) I'm in school and was wondering how long did it take for 116 concept to be made?

A: "Champion #116 was born when RiotTeaTime posted a crazy sketch she drew on the wall. Everyone went bonkers and said, WE HAVE TO MAKE THIS. From that point, it took several months to put together a good pitch (she went through a number of revisions). Once we got permission to make her, of course, she spent some time in production. "

Q:Does the new champion have any at all relations to Vayne? Is there anything in the works for Vayne lore wise? As for the last one which has had me shaking in excitement since her release: She's stated to be the first Night Hunter in Demacia. Are there more Night Hunters like Vayne? Do they work for her?

A: "Champion #116 has no obvious ties to Vayne. As for the Night Hunter, I too am curious about whether she works alone or as part of a team, especially in light of the fact that Lucian has a very similar job and is also from Demacia. I honestly do not have the answers here. I just think it's interesting."

Q: Is #116 Demacia/Noxus or associated with somewhere else/independent?

A: "#116 is associated with a faction. "
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Lategame Zil can force any carry out of the fight. When he gets a full build his bombs do about 1k each and he revives for over 2000 hp

you shouldn't try to kill anyone alone but that's true for anybody late as being alone is a death sentence

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