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I've thought it would be cool if there was a Harley Quinn-esque character for a while, but I didn't they'd go that way since there's already Shaco

But I don't think she'll be an ADC

Partly because we did just have Lucian, but also because look at those different guns... especially the shark one.

It looks like each ability will probably use a different gun

Which leads me to believe that she'll be more ability based

and looking at the sharkgun, I kind of hope she takes a leaf out of Vi's book

"Hey Fizz! 'Feeding time!'" BAM

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Let me just say........not sure what shaco has to do with her not being able to be Harly Quinn-esque.........since he is basicially a differently colored Joker.......

Thing is she being another adc would be annoying......I don't like when they release 2 champs that are very similar like right next to each other (like Zac and Aatrox.........didn't like that 2 health based champs were released one after another lol).

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Saw this on Twitter. Meant to post it yesterday but I didn't realize what it meant...


208-39-TEEMO. If you call the number, you get Teemo's answering machine, and you can leave a message for the alpha yordle.

I couldn't think about anything other than the Legion (a.k.a. dedicated Teemo players/worshippers) and that we support the great Teemo. Not the exact words I used though.

EDIT: Just saw it on Surrender@20.

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i'm kinda hoping for an onhit caster.

I.E. her Q and Ws are Auto attack resets that fire out of one of her pistols each. Her E has something to do with that flamethrower, maybe sprays napalm to that amps Damage? And Ult is a high damage rocket nuke. Idk tho.

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So, I've heard nothing about her from the people who have played PBE so far- other than 'OP'. Is this really the case? With a 70% slow and 1.5 second snare she's probably got some of the best CC among standard ADC's now, her Q's range puts her literally 3 units of range under Tristana, and her A-speed boost well exceeds Trist's. All this considered I could certainly see how she would be OP- but the designer writes about "natural checks" in her kit. To those who have played with her- is this true? I'm very much looking forward to her long range and CC abilities, but I'm highly doubtful they won't be nerfed very quickly.

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She is really strong. Her W (rank 5) is 210 base damage with a 1.4 AD ratio with a 1450 range. 6 second cooldown, and it's a 70% slow, meaning 70% slow every six seconds. Sure, it's a skillshot and it only hits the enemy it collides with, but combine that with armor pen (Last Whisper) and some heavy AD (Bloodthirster), you can get some good damage. I had 340 or so AD and the extra damage on W was +440.

Her Q is also really strong. Like you said, 700 range at rank 5, 3 units less than Tristana at level 18; at level 9. The 130% attack speed on the 3rd hit is also really good- so far, it seems like every shot from her rocket launcher state takes 20 mana, and that's 700 range + the AoE damage can critically hit.

Honestly, I don't expect people to use her rocket launcher state as much as her minigun, but for long range chases, maybe. I have called her overpowered multiple times while playing her, mainly because she's super strong, and has the most CC of any ADC that I can think of. Also, her snare is 1.5 seconds (as mentioned) and has 340 base damage.

Her ult (at rank 3) is also 250 minimum damage, and 500 maximum damage + 35% of the enemy's missing health, and does 80% damage to nearby enemies as well.

She'll be godlike at chasing, with the 70% slow every six seconds, on top of champion kills and turret kills giving her 175% movespeed.

She's ridiculous.

Definitely expect some nerfs coming to her numbers.

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First time I'm not arguing with a champ being OP. Normally, I "preach" that every champ can beat every champ under the right circumstances, but she is hell on earth.

The two games I had on the PBE (first as Caitlyn, second as Kayle) I could barely even touch her. In one of the games, each time someone in the bot lane recalled, she popped Clairvoyance and wiped the remaining 1/3 or 1/4 of health off me or my support with her ultimate.

Not looking forward to playing this champ in the slightest. I genuinely feel as though she takes very little skill to play and quite honestly is little short of a cancer.

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First time I'm not arguing with a champ being OP. Normally, I "preach" that every champ can beat every champ under the right circumstances, but she is hell on earth.

The two games I had on the PBE (first as Caitlyn, second as Kayle) I could barely even touch her. In one of the games, each time someone in the bot lane recalled, she popped Clairvoyance and wiped the remaining 1/3 or 1/4 of health off me or my support with her ultimate.

Not looking forward to playing this champ in the slightest. I genuinely feel as though she takes very little skill to play and quite honestly is little short of a cancer.

She has to take some skill to play. Knowing when to switch your guns, how to line up your snare and when to w to check bushes or engage/disengage. Her numbers are insanely high on the PBE right now but that's what it's there for. To test out things before they get released, obviously she'll have some nerfs to her and her numbers I mean right now it's just insane. I wouldn't call her a second Teemo. I mean come on, nothing is cancer like that fucker.

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Riot marketing incoming.

They probably will release her like this.

people buy the fuck out of her due to the general appeal to her and League's fanbase.

Then she gets nerfed to be even worse than someone using GP as AD Carry.

This is the Lucian everyone wanted. Being a badass motherfucker. Release date a week after Fnatic wins Worlds, maybe?

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I don't play on the PBE, but by the looks of it her kit is pretty snowbally while not being punished that much if she gets behind thanks to the missing health + long range slow (assuming you hit them, of course).

However if you don't protect her she gets destroyed by something like zac+jax/riven, so you have to get some CC's to get safety + passive procs.

You can pretty much build everything on her though (Bortrk + Shiv for safety &burst, armor pen rush, classic build path..). Please someone test out if Runaan 3 bolts proc her full splash damage. xD

Oh and something to do if you use your global from your base: stay at the fountain and buy as much AD/AP/cdr as you can and sell them after via the button. =ppp

Edited by Soysauce
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