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She is highly weak to Gap-closers, due to not having any mobility that can just be activated lol. I will expect her numbers to be dropped, and if so i think her craziness will drop down quite a bit. I don't think she will be released OP....it has been a while since somebody has been released op (Zac was only op once people learned how he worked etc lol at least that is how I see it lol.)

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I wouldn't say MOST ranged champs...but I like it with:

  • Kayle - as long as Righteous Fury is up Kayle's bolts deal the on-hit magic damage. That's a ton of damage when combined with the splash on her initial target!
  • Twitch - I like to stray away from this item on him unless I'm miles ahead, but it's good for spreading venom around.
  • Varus - One of my favorite items for AP Varus, I get to shoot three targets and mark them all, then I choose my target and light off the Blight for tons of damage.
  • Teemo - Haven't played straight up AP Teemo in ages, but combined with some MPen this would be killer.
  • Ashe - Again, not unless I'm way ahead but it has its merits. Should also be noted that contrary to popular belief it does NOT cost extra Mana to add the slow to the bolts.
  • Jayce - I once had Ravenous Hydra and Runaan's in one build just as a troll kind of thing, but my god that's a lot of AoE damage. Only a fun build but a pretty swish one.
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I don't play on the PBE, but by the looks of it her kit is pretty snowbally while not being punished that much if she gets behind thanks to the missing health + long range slow (assuming you hit them, of course).

However if you don't protect her she gets destroyed by something like zac+jax/riven, so you have to get some CC's to get safety + passive procs.

You can pretty much build everything on her though (Bortrk + Shiv for safety &burst, armor pen rush, classic build path..). Please someone test out if Runaan 3 bolts proc her full splash damage. xD

Oh and something to do if you use your global from your base: stay at the fountain and buy as much AD/AP/cdr as you can and sell them after via the button. =ppp

You can't sell if you output damage

I imagine Triforce will be really strong on her- because won't her 1-sec Q toggle proc it?

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I doubt that her q qill proc that or tear....as it would be an easy abuse case, but I haven't got my hands are her yet, sa I can't say for sure.(and if it does trigger tear that is bull, since they removed it from Jayce and other Form changes so it shouldn't be on hers even if it isn't a total form change).

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that is why switching also procing would be broken as hell, she would build up stacks so quickly it wouldn't be funny. I am still thinking Tear/Manamune will be a strong item on her.......since the rocket launcher attacks etc proc the tear, and i am thinking she may need the mana and the mana regen on tear (it depends on her base mana regen to be honest though, since her skills are pretty low cost as long as you use the rocket launcher when it is needed and don't just use it all the time lol.)

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One of the checks that I'm aware of, not having read anything, is that her base range is 525 (tied with Quinn for what I think is the shortest adc range) and she can't have both the 130% attack speed and 700 range splash damage at the same time- The attack speed will only apply to her first attack if she switches weapons. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
EDIT: Okay, so Kog'Maw is the shortest base with 500, but he has a reason for that.

EDIT2: a lot more posts than I thought- toggle skills don't proc trinity force or tear so that's a nonfactor, and

Now that you mention it, using the rocket launcher WILL proc tear though, since it's any time you spend mana

Manamune procs on basic attacks as it is, and that could be another one of the checks they've added, though I haven't had the ability to see for myself- maybe it doesn't count that?
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Tbh, I see her being way more deadly mid than ADC. Her base AD and her base AS are really low, and it doesn't seem, from what I've seen, that she's really THAT dominant in lane, unless she snowballs. My question is, will she stand up to the current Corki, because that shit is RETARDED.

Edited by Lunaethetic
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Well, Rioters also said there's changes to Corki in patch 3.12 and they're still looking to nerf him/change him more in 3.13 after worlds. Trinity force/Phage also got nerfed for range champions. i.e the movement speed so hopefully he isn't too fucking stupid after those patches.

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due to Teemo just being a horrible champ who is useless in teamfights lategame and throws everygame for you lol.

Bad Teemo pls go.


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i played elise against teemo today and ate him alive so you need to calm down and bow to the spider queen instead

EDIT: in relation to the patch notes, yes, I agree that Trinity Force needed a nerf but tbh the 200% damage spellblade is still a little overwhelming... whatever kicks Corki out of almost always picked/banned status; I can't stand seeing the same thing in every game ;-;

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It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a...patch?

Well, a patch is a patch, and it's going down tonight. For those of you too lazy to look at the site, here's what's going on.


  • Cassiopeia's Petrifying Gaze has a lower mana cost, now flat across all ranks.

    "The cost of Cassiopeia's Petrifying Gaze is too damn high. To remedy this, we've reduced its mana cost at all levels to bring it more in line with other ultimate abilities."

  • Garen has received a visual upgrade!


  • Jinx is coming out this patch. Damn, that was fast.
  • Katarina got a big buff to her Death Lotus. It no longer has a channel time, but lasts longer and has increased AD and AP ratios. Oh, and the cooldown at higher ranks was reduced as well.

    "We wanted to re-focus more power and gameplay into Katarina's Death Lotus by increasing its high-threat damage. Ultimately, we think Katarina is more fun and unique when both she and her opponents are focused on executing or stopping Death Lotus. While the increased channel duration might seem like a nerf if interrupted early (since the ability deals damage over time), we removed the cast time delay to accommodate."

  • Lucian got a bunch of changes, most of them buffs. His base mana and mana regen have gone up; in addition, Piercing Light got a change with something about leading its target by 80 units when it targets a champion, and I don't quite get it; all I know is that the beam is narrower. Also, his passive got a fix to hit a second target if the first attack killed its initial target.

    "Lucian's Piercing Light can sometimes be sidestepped by its primary target without them even trying to do so. To help the ability land, we've added a leading mechanic to Lucian's Piercing Light. This means that if the target just keeps moving - oblivious to the ability being cast - Lucian is now practically guaranteed to hit. However, the ability will be slightly easier to juke for players who've got their eye out for incoming abilities.

    "Finally, a bug in Lucian's passive meant that Lightslinger's second shot could sometimes hit a different target! We decided to embrace the bug and properly support it as a feature. Now, if Lucian's target dies before the second Lightslinger round lands, Lucian will always try to find another target, prioritizing the closest enemy unit to the slain target. There are certain filters in place to prevent disrupting Lucian's last hitting or accidentally hitting a champion under the tower."

  • Olaf got his kit reworked. Check out the page for details...or read them at the bottom if I remembered to put them there.

    "Old and Busted Olaf circumvented a lot of healthy interactions within the game when played well. When he got ahead, Old and Busted Olaf had everything at his disposal to take out opponents with no opportunity for counterplay, including a permanent slow (when used correctly), crowd control immunity and significant true damage while building tanky. Our core goal with these changes is to create more gameplay interaction with New Hotness Olaf so that players can react and play smart against him even if he gets ahead. We realize that these changes are fairly drastic so, as ever, we'll closely monitor how he performs over the coming days and weeks.

  • Ryze has greater movement speed to complement a further buffed MS bonus on Desperate Power. His basic attacks are now more responsive.

    "We like Ryze's current direction as a mid-range, face-melting mobile caster, and these changes represent further iterations on that same path. Having additional base movement speed and a more responsive basic attack will also help out his laning phase."

  • Shen's Shadow Dash now only halves damage from basic attacks, rather than all physical damage.

    "This is a fairly small tweak we brought in to clarify Shadow Dash. Previously, Shadow Dash would reduce only physical damage dealt by the taunted target, so if he taunted a Garen mid-Judgment, Shen would take reduced damage from Mr. Spin-to-win's trademark ability and his basic attacks. However, if Shen taunted a mid-Defile Karthus, Shen would only take reduced damage from Karthus' basic attacks. This change simplifies Shadow Dash by greatly reducing damage from just the basic attacks of Shen's taunted enemies."

  • Teemo's Noxious Traps grant 10 gold upon taking them out.
  • Thresh's Death Sentence is now more high-risk, high-reward, with a higher mana cost but a cooldown reduction if it hits.

    "Thresh's laning phase can be overbearing when played correctly. We're making these changes to punish speculative hook attempts while also rewarding precise use of Death Sentence. At early levels, landing a hook will still reduce its cooldown to below its prior cooldown level, while at later levels, landing hooks will reduce its cooldown significantly (especially when combined with cooldown reduction). We changed Flay because its passive "wind up" damage was growing even in between Thresh's auto attacks. This reduced the importance of his powerful intermittent auto attack harass as he was still getting a small bonus from Flay's passive even when constantly auto attacking."

  • Spirit Guard Udyr has more lines when interacting with certain champions. (ex. "Not okay, Rammus.")
  • Yorick's ghouls grant 5 gold upon killing them.

Champions - Co-op vs. AI

Zyra Bot can now be fought on Co-op vs. AI matches.

Champions - Twisted Treeline

  • Cassiopeia took two hits. The Noxious Blast speed boost has been reduced, as has been the AP ratio on Twin Fang.
  • Kayle's Intervention has a higher cooldown, especially at higher ranks. (also applies to Dominion)
  • Lulu saw heavily raised cooldowns on Wild Growth.
  • Tryndamere has higher cooldowns on Spinning Slash and Undying Rage.
  • The Wukong changes made for Dominion now apply to Twisted Treeline as well.

Champions - Insignificant Stuff

Minor changes were made to these champions:

  • Heimerdinger
  • Karthus
  • Nidalee


  • Phage and Trinity Force now cost 100 more gold, and the Rage passive has a halved effect for ranged champions.
  • Moonflair Spellblade costs more, but is no longer ranged only - melee champs can use it as well.

Other Stuff

  • The More Options option in-game is gone.
  • They made some improvements to Windowed mode; most notably how you can unlock the mouse from the window by pressing F9.
  • The Trade System has been greatly improved.

That's all, folks!

Quite frankly, not looking forward to Jinx at all. The future does not look bright for this chick; nerfs shall be coming in droves. As for Corki, I seriously doubt that this will do much to his current status. I mean, he's Corki. You can't mess with that brilliant yordle. And in the case of Moonflair, I finally get to build it on Mordekaiser! \o/

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