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I'm really interested in what was mentioned on twitter about utility scaling with AP (specifically, Janna's shield's AD increasing with AP). I don't know if stat-scaling is the extent of which they intend to apply that to, but I hope they don't stop there

*cue wild imagination*

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I'm really interested in what was mentioned on twitter about utility scaling with AP (specifically, Janna's shield's AD increasing with AP). I don't know if stat-scaling is the extent of which they intend to apply that to, but I hope they don't stop there

*cue wild imagination*


also: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1p2mfh/big_ol_list_of_preseason_changes/

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The utility ratios won't be that high though, look at Sona for example, you give more stats to your whole team; it'd be a massive power boost.

We'll see with the items coming up. I feel like bot lane ganks at lvl 3 are going to be very common with the revealing/baits you can do.

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I don't think that the miniCV should reveal stealth, because it's kinda BS to be playing a champion and have your lane opponent get an immediate free counter to you, especially if it's an integral part of their playstyle (Twitch, Akali, Eve, etc).

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.... I just hope multicast glitch doesn't work anymore.

Have you ever play against a rengar who won a kha zix head (ie. max stacks necklace) with a sword of the divine... as a support? You're like " 5/8 wards the drums are getting louder oh god what do i do i must pink baron, quickly * DONG rengar appears near a green ward on the minimap * oh god i must run but i have to pink it i have to *focuusssssssssssssssss* HAAAAAA ". Still won that one, damn you stupid kitty. q_q

And nooo i don't want free lulu i don't want people to pick her before meeeeee T.T

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Here's patch 3.13. I won't do my usual summary this time because it'll take too fucking long. It's such a massive patch, but I'll give you the TL;DR.


  • Heimer rework
  • Sivir relaunch
  • Tons of Ahri changes
  • Buffs for Ashe, Kha'Zix, Leona, Master Yi, Olaf, Soraka, Swain, Syndra, Thresh, Varus, Viktor, and Ziggs
  • Nerfs for Corki, Fizz, Jarvan IV and Jinx
  • Notable fixes for Kassadin, Morgana, Zed, and Zyra
  • Minor fixes for Fizz, Master Yi, Nasus, Rengar, Shen, Tryndamere and Vladimir


  • Minor changes to Dominion, including Speed Shrine Buffs and removal of self-healing reduction
  • Grez's Spectral Lantern and The Lightbringer retooled, Lightbringer grants less AD but now grants Health
  • Nerfs to Hextech Sweeper
  • Sanguine Blade got gimped

PvP.net (I copy+pasted this)

  • made some changes that allow us to dynamically provide “Loss Forgiven” to servers experiencing hardware or connection issues. Players should see this more often if their game servers are having issues
  • We can now disable in-game items and features on the fly, so if there are new bugs or exploits, we’ll disable things on a more sophisticated level rather than turning off all ranked games
  • Improved Champ Select Timer accuracy and reliability (to be turned on at a later date).
    • The client will now actively sync its timer with the server during every phase. If your original timer is behind, you may see a jump as it syncs up with the server (e.g. jumping from 60 to 50 if you are 10 seconds behind). But you will no longer run into situations like having seconds left on your timer but having your selection window end prematurely.
    • We've also reintroduced the numbers 89 to the beginning timer, and 9 into the post Lock-In timer (did you realize they were missing?).
  • Fixed an issue which would cause the screen to briefly flicker black when selecting a skin in Champ Select
  • Temporary summoner icons for the Season 3 World Championship teams have been removed from the client
  • Fixed an issue where purchased champions or skins would disappear in rare circumstances


  • Sultan Gangplank
  • Officer Vi
  • Haunted Zyra
  • Everyone who bought a Harrowing skin in 2010 or 2011 will be refunded RP and given a special loading screen and summoner icon to show they bought it the original round

That's it, I think.

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