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The Fush

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Opinions on AD Fizz seem to differ...some think he's strong because his laning is ridiculous, some think he's weak. Most seem to lean towards the latter because if he's not really fed, then he won't do much in teamfights, thus a lot of the time he ends up being a splitpusher rather than a teamfighter.

Try it in ranked and tell us how it goes

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it's not that his laning is just ridiculous. he scales p well into late being very slippery in fights while being able to pick off low targets very easily. he has tons of burst capabilities w/ his ult and w and if he does get behind in lane, he has so many opportunities to come back if you're just in the right place.

also how is ranked any different from normal draft pick? i see it all the time here how ranked is some spooky scary thing that should only be touched once in a blue moon.

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...I don't think you can actually decide on a best champ in the game owo

But yeah, AD Fizz is pretty neat. I hate all Fizz always, but AD Fizz is to be hated less because the concept is kewl

there is a current best champ in the game, her name is Nidalee

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there is a current best champ in the game, her name is Nidalee

She's good, but if we're gonna talk sheer ability, then that title goes to two supports: Thresh and Janna.

Janna has been a force pretty much forever, and Thresh has yet to go away since his introduction. Regardless of meta, these two remain.

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She's good, but if we're gonna talk sheer ability, then that title goes to two supports: Thresh and Janna.

Janna has been a force pretty much forever, and Thresh has yet to go away since his introduction. Regardless of meta, these two remain.

Thresh is probably less favored now than he's ever been and it will probably require a shift in the ADC meta to get him back on his usual track. Doesn't mean he isn't good though.

Janna is allegedly slated for some nerfs in the future, so that should help Lantern Man out a bit. People are saying that he will be pushed out further when Bard hits live, but I don't buy it.

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There's a really interesting (and, if you ask me, absolutely hilarious) Shaco playstyle that's gained a fair amount of notoriety recently...

So there's dude on NA who goes by the name Pink Ward. He's a diamond top AP Shaco main.

What's the big deal with this guy?

He's gained notoriety for a top lane playstyle called "Illuminati Shaco". It's a playstyle that involves the strategic placement of his Jack-in-the-Boxes in a triangle-style pattern, like this:


He will then proceed to bait the lane opponent right into his trap.

The first box will go off, and the fear will cause his victim to run into the second box, which then leads them to the third box. All of this happens while the helpless target is also taking damage from Shaco's autoattacks, not to mention an Ignite thrown in there on top. It's a really vicious playstyle, and if you wanna see it in action, here's a video by BoxBox discussing this top Shaco strat while also getting manhandled by it:

If you think this is pretty fun(ny) and want to try it, the dude's got an Illuminati Shaco guide on Mobafire: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/wtf-is-this-illuminati-shaco-in-progress-413472

He did a Reddit AMA, too. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2xp5n7/pink_ward_aka_illuminati_shaco_ama/

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