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The Fush

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Unrelated, i do remember them talking about an Irelia relaunch sometime either late this year or early next year. Not sure what happened to that but they seemed to have abandoned that idea for the time being. (The next will either be Ryze or Poppy.)

They also said we'd get replays. That was 4 years ago


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Eh... ATM I consider her one of the best toplaners in the meta, at least for yoloQ. She's not that easy to "keep at a distance" and basically completely counters any tank you could throw at her-

Was writing this last night, but then my net dieded. Anyways...

idk i don't see that much counterplay to irelia other then shutting her down early, it's really hard to keep a distance from someone that has an incredibly short cd gap closer and can hop through minion waves to you

Irelia has tankier base stats than Shen, who is a pure tank. She's a hideously powercreeped piece of shit.


Boy all the hate for one bootyfull champion. In all seriousness nerf her e duration a bit and the cd for her w and she'll be fine.

I think nerfing her E duration is definitely important. Probably also lower her tank stats a little so she's easier to kill early

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they take a champ already made

they re-make it COMPLETELY, eradicating the old one and making a new one. Same theme, but re-imagined differently. Look up Old Sion vs New Sion, look around images. You'll see.

Err, a better definition would be "updating of champion visuals, gameplay and thematics to the game's current standards."

A lot of them do overhaul the champion (Karma, Sion) but some aren't as drastic (Master Yi, Cassiopeia).

All we know is that her kit is being changed completely (will probably keep the wall-slam) and that IronStylus is working on her design - he's best known for designing Graves, Leona, Diana, Quinn and relaunch Sejuani (as well as a little bit of visual work on other champs).

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Unfortunately, there's no relaunches in patch 5.6 though, and no Cinderhulk or Garen nerfs either. But there's a ton of balance changes though, mostly champion focused. There's also a lot of other stuff, including five skins, coming out as April 1st, better known as Urf Day, draws near. So let's take a look at what we're dealing with here!

The following skins will be released in the store for 750 RP unless otherwise stated:

  • Debonair Galio (held back from 5.6)
  • Urf the Nami-tee
  • Archduke Nasus
  • Order of the Banana Soraka
  • Definitely Not Udyr - 975 RP
  • Surprise Party Amumu - 1350 RP

Ward Skins

  • Urf Triumphant Ward

Champions - General

  • Aatrox is up first, with a buff to his ultimate! Now when he "draws in the blood of his foes" it actually goes somewhere! Like into his Blood Well! Imagine that. :Kappa:

    Massacre ®
    - New effect: Now fills 20% of Aatrox's Blood Well for each enemy Champion hit.

  • Annie has received a small nerf this patch, that being Tibbers's aura's base damage.

    Summon Tibbers ®
    - Aura base damage reduced to 20/30/40 from 35 at all ranks

  • Bard is gonna get a couple of buffs this patch. The base damage of his Cosmic Binding is up, while his E's cooldown goes the other way.

    Cosmic Binding (Q)
    -Base damage increased to 80/120/160/200/240 from 75/110/145/180/215

    Magical Journey (E)
    - Cooldown lowered to 20/19/18/17/16 from 26/24/22/20/18

  • Elise got a few speed-related changes. She moves slower in human form, faster in spider form. Also her Cocoon was buffed a bit.

    Base stats
    - Movement Speed (Human) reduced to 330 from 335
    - Movement Speed (Spider) increased to 355 from 345

    Cocoon (Human E)
    - Projectile Speed increased to 1600 from 1450

  • Evelynn has received a buff to her passive's cooldown at later ranks. Also she no longer passively gains Movement Speed when hitting an enemy champ with a spell (Dark Frenzy passive) but instead spell casts on enemy champs will lower the W's active's cooldown.

    Shadow Walk (Passive)
    - Stealth cooldown lowered to 6/5/4/3 seconds at levels 1/6/11/16 from 6 seconds at all levels

    Dark Frenzy (W)
    - No longer passively grants Movement Speed upon hitting an enemy champion with a spell.
    - New effect: "Evelynn's spell hits on enemy champions reduce Dark Frenzy's cooldown by 1 second." (cooldown still resets upon champion kill or assist)

  • Galio got a light buff to the cooldown of his Righteous Gust.

    Righteous Gust (E)
    - Cooldown changed to 13/12/11/10/9 from 12 at all ranks

  • Irelia...oh poor Irelia. Statikk and co still find a way to strike with the nerf bat. E's base damage is down at later ranks.

    Equilibrium Strike (E)
    - Base damage reduced to 80/120/160/200/240 from 80/130/180/230/280

  • Katarina nerfs are a-comin' to her base Health/Health Regen.

    Base stats
    - Base Health reduced to 510 from 560
    - Health per level increased to 83 from 80
    - Base Health Regen per 5 seconds reduced to 4.5 from 7.9

  • LeBlanc is getting a nerf. All of her Mimicked spells' AP ratios are going down.

    Mimic ®
    - Mimicked Sigil of Malice and Ethereal Chains AP ratio lowered to 60% (max 120%) from 65% (max 130%)
    - Mimicked Distortion AP ratio reduced to 90% from 100%

  • Nocturne bringin the daaaarrrkneessssss a bit more often now...his ult's cooldown is going down at earlier ranks.

    Paranoia ®
    - Cooldown lowered to 150/125/100 from 180/140/100

  • Rammus is seeing lowered mana costs at all ranks on his Powerball

    Powerball (Q)
    - Mana cost reduced to 60/65/70/75/80 from 70/80/90/100/110

  • Ryze's Overload now has 15 extra damage.

    Overload (Q)
    - Base damage increased to 55/75/95/115/135 from 40/60/80/100/120

  • Sejuani's %health damage on her W-enhanced autoattack is getting nerfed, as well as her ult's slow.

    Flail of the Northern Winds (W)
    - On-hit magic damage on next basic attack reduced to 4/5.5/7/8.5/10% of target's max health from 4/6/8/10/12%

    Glacial Prison ®
    - Slow strength reduced to 30% from 90%. Stun is unaffected.

  • Singed's Fling now deals %health damage.

    Fling (E)
    - Base damage changed to 50/65/80/95/110 + 6/6.5/7/7.5/8% of the target's max Health (capped at 300 vs Minions and Monsters) from 80/125/170/215/260

  • Sion doesn't do as much damage with Roar of the Slayer (or Decimating Smash, against monsters.

    Decimating Smash (Q)
    - Damage vs Monsters reduced to 80% from 90%

    Roar of the Slayer (E)
    - Projected unit damage bonus reduced to 30% from 50%

  • Twitch received an early-game buff to his passive.

    Deadly Venom (Passive)
    - DPS per stack changed to 2/3/4/5/6 at levels 1/5/9/13/17 from 1/2/3/4/5/6 at levels 1/4/7/10/13/16

  • Veigar is getting buffs to his passive, Baleful Strike and Event Horizon, including the return of dash interrupts.

    Entropy (Passive)
    - Mana Regeneration increase increased to 1.5% (from 1%) per 1% of missing mana

    Baleful Strike (Q)
    - Range increased to 950 from 850

    Event Horizon (E)
    - New effect: Event Horizon stops dashes.

  • Yorick now has a little extra range on Q-infused autoattacks.

    Omen of War (Q)
    - New effect: Increases the range of Yorick's next basic attack by 50

  • Ziggs is seeing a shaving of Bouncing Bomb's mana cost at later ranks.

    Bouncing Bomb (Q)
    - Mana cost reduced to 50/55/60/65/70 from 50/60/70/80/90

  • Zilean is the big winner this patch, receiving a slew of buffs! They're all in the spoiler below, I'm too lazy to summarize.

    Base stats
    - Health per level increased to 77 from 71

    Time Bomb (Q)
    - AP ratio increased to 90% from 80%
    - Mana cost reduced to 60/65/70/75/80 from 60/70/80/90/100

    Rewind (W)
    - Cooldown lowered to 14/12/10/8/6 from 18/15/12/9/6
    - Mana cost reduced to 35 at all ranks from 50

    Time Warp (E)
    - Mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 50/55/60/65/70

Champions - Easter Egg

  • Twisted Fate will now be "Bettin' blind. Literally" when he casts Destiny while under the effects of Smoke Screen or Paranoia.

Champions - Texture Rebalances
The following champions were next in line for a visual spiffying:

  • Kayle
  • Lee Sin
  • Pantheon
  • Rumble
  • Ryze

Champions - Insignificant Stuff
The following champions are receiving minor changes, mainly bug fixes or ability icon updates: (to be updated)

  • Annie
  • Bard
  • Cassiopeia
  • Elise
  • Karthus
  • Lux
  • Quinn
  • Rammus
  • Twisted Fate

Champion Select Music
The music for both Blind and Draft Pick has been changed! Blind Pick hasn't changed so much. Draft Pick has.

  • Blind Pick:

  • Draft Pick:


  • Chalice of Harmony now costs only 900 gold. The total costs of Athene's Unholy Grail and Mikael's Crucible are unchanged.
  • Athene's Unholy Grail now has double the Base Mana Regen, up to 100% (as in the regen that isn't Mana Font), and the mana restore on champion kill or assist has also been doubled.
  • Luden's Echo has been removed from Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar due to a bug.

Summoner's Rift

The map got a little texture update this patch, most notable in the dragon pit and the bases.

Loyalty Rewards Service Update (EUW / EUNE / KR ONLY)
League of Legends's Loyalty Service has been updated. Rather than try to explain this service that doesn't exist in NA, I'll say that it is associated with playing in certain internet cafes, then copy and paste the associated post from a Rioter for your reading pleasure.

Hi everyone,

We’re going to be testing some fixes and updates to our Loyalty service (PC café rewards system) on the PBE, so for the next week, you will all once again be receiving Loyalty rewards!

For those who are unfamiliar with Loyalty, it is our way of giving players extra perks for playing League of Legends in PC cafes in certain regions. In many Asian and European countries (Korea, for example), players tend to play League of Legends primarily in these PC cafés instead of on personal computers, where they pay by the hour to play the game of their choice in a social environment. Within this environment, most game titles (regardless of retail market price) are offered to players at a reduced cost (or at no cost) to offset the café’s usage fee and keep the playerbase healthy. Riot’s approach is to allow players to temporarily select any champion when playing League of Legends from PC cafés, as well as earn a small amount of additional IP. This feature does not reward any players when they log in outside of PC cafés, even if they are using the same account.

As a reminder: When this feature is active, you will see a small medal icon in the top-right corner of the League of Legends client, earn an additional 20% IP at the end of matches (visible as a segment of the IP bar on the postgame screen), and all champions will appear unlocked (similar to the weekly free Champion selection). The only champion we are not awarding at this time is Bard, since we still need to make sure he’s able to be purchased! Like the Free to Play rotation, Loyalty does not actually apply champion ownership to an account, so you will still need to purchase champions before you can buy skins for them.

Please reply to this thread if you play this week and do not receive Loyalty rewards, so that we can investigate!



That's it!

Lotsa champion changes, but tanks are still going to reign supreme in the jungle this patch. However, those buffs to Athene's and Chalice are pretty intense...although I doubt they alone could cause a meta shift in mid lane, it would definitely help out utility mages such as Lux and Orianna. We'll have to wait and see though!

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Also for those curious, there will be four skins joining Teemo's this PBE.

Rammus, Xerath and Skarner are all getting Guardian of the Sands skins similar to Kha'Zix's and look like they will all be 975 RP; Rammus's skin's price might jump.

There's also an Arclight Vayne but it's definitely WIP and I'm not counting on it to be released in 5.7.

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I don't usually back at level 9 tho owo

Anyways, to avoid the Annie thing again~

I dunno how it is for support, but I (almost) always start E when playing Ori in the mid lane. The passive defensive bonuses, active shield and bonus damage on her autos allow her to easily win trades against a lot of mids in the first couple levels. (For support, I'd imagine Q start for scouting, pokes n stuff.)

I almost always start Q in mid because you can use the ball for scouting and checking bushes, which is always useful level 1 (same reason I've taken to starting E on Maokai and Lux). I may try starting E sometime tho, might improve my early game a tad. I definitely feel I should have maxed E on support over Q, oh well, we won anyways

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Lux isn't that dominant midlane, and this is more of a bugfix than a buff. Anyways, just pick an assassin like LB or Ahri and get in her face, she can't do much to get away

Speaking of Lux though, I've been experimenting with building Luden's Echo over Deathcap early. Also debating whether Tear or Chalice is better for mana ATM, with the buffs to Athene's I'm leaning Chalice, unless I'm sure I can snowball the lane

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Lux has no problems against LeBlanc unless the latter gets fed. The only thing Lux has to worry about when laning against LeBlanc is getting ganked.

Ahri is a pain in the ass, but against Lux she has the same issues in that she is outranged and needs at least level 6 or a good gank to kill Lux.

If you want to crush a Lux, you may want to pick either Diana or Master Yi. While they are outranged, they have no problem keeping up in farm and health pre-6 and destroying her post-6.

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