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Orly? I found it really tough to keep LB from chunking me down with her blink at early levels. And since LB is the queen of dodging skillshots and Lux is all skillshots it ended up being a pretty miserable lane last I played it

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Just keep your distance. Last-hit with your E to the best of your ability, but you will inevitably take some damage when you auto the remaining creeps. Just press W when you do, that should help.

An early Chalice also goes a long way.

LeBlanc also sucks in teamfights. That's where Lux is best.

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Only time I go tear on Lux is into an AD matchup, so that I can still have leftover mana to lane while I rush a Zhonya's ASAP. (Granted, the only AD matchup I've faced recently is Zed, which makes a Zhonya's rush almost imperative anyway.)

Against APs, Chalice is where it's at.

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I honestly prefer Tear where I can. It's more offensive presence later and the shield is nice. I haven't played too much Lux. But my general goal with my build is: Seraph's/Morrello/Sorc Shoes/Luden's/Deathcap/Void Staff (not in any specific order)

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...Q>E>R is a terrible combo. I like E launch>Q>AA>E detonate>Ult>AA personally (assuming they're alive for the AA, which is unlikely) that way you get the slow off the E to help you land Q and maximum procs off her passive, the snare lasts just long enough for you to do the full combo too

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It's about time Lux got some love.

Speaking of Lux though, I've been experimenting with building Luden's Echo over Deathcap early. Also debating whether Tear or Chalice is better for mana ATM, with the buffs to Athene's I'm leaning Chalice, unless I'm sure I can snowball the lane

I'd strongly support Chalice over Tear in any matchup. Lux's cooldowns are long so you can't spam anything to charge tear. Plus, because of that she benefits a lot from having the CDR. Chalice is made for her.

LeBlanc may be able to dodge skill shots, but Lux can be good against her because of her wave-clear. Shoving her in early will make the lane rough for LB; then it's just a matter of not over-extending when she can combo you.

I haven't really played the last few patches but Luden's Echo is a movement speed item, right? Going that before Deatchap is probably a good idea because, firstly, Deathcap is often cautioned against as a first-big AP item buy since its passive is a multiplier. The item's value is higher when you have more AP later in the game. Secondly, Lux benefits greatly from movement speed for kiting and positioning. In fact her base movement speed was one of the things they nerfed on her previously to bring her down from top-tier. Therefore, Grail > Luden should be an ideal path.

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Maybe it's just me, but I find Lux quite spammable, especially her E. Outside that I agree with just about everything you've said wholeheartedly, which is why I've been considering Grail>Luden's as my main build path in the first place owo

And NasDav, if you're that scared of a bad combo, then you're definitely in trouble from a good one. If you'd like I can help you practice dodging her skillshots, that might assist you in defeating her

EDIT: Oh, speaking of waveclear, how does one counter an opponent who shoves the lane early? I often struggle with that up top and it makes me miss a lot of CS because I have to try to push back to avoid being overrun (TL;DR, I faced a Vlad yesterday owo)

Edited by KosherKitten
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Maybe it's just me, but I find Lux quite spammable, especially her E. Outside that I agree with just about everything you've said wholeheartedly, which is why I've been considering Grail>Luden's as my main build path in the first place owo

And NasDav, if you're that scared of a bad combo, then you're definitely in trouble from a good one. If you'd like I can help you practice dodging her skillshots, that might assist you in defeating her

EDIT: Oh, speaking of waveclear, how does one counter an opponent who shoves the lane early? I often struggle with that up top and it makes me miss a lot of CS because I have to try to push back to avoid being overrun (TL;DR, I faced a Vlad yesterday owo)

Lux is a bit spammy but not spammy enough for tear. I think that if someone spams as much as Corki or Ezreal, and you're not those two, then you can get tear. I also prefer chalice over tear because of the mr. If you're up against an mr laner in mid or top, or the team is mostly mr, I find chalice to be best. If you're up against a Zed as Lux, it makes sense not to go Chalice because the mr is useless against him, so then tear may be a good choice then.

I have no idea how to deal with waveclear either. Maybe if you're jungler ganks alot and kills the laner. Maybe...

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Omega Squad Teemo is voiced by Christina Ulloa (awaiting confirmation).

Here's a list of all of Teemo's voice lines in the video and what they're for. List is finished now, btw.


  • "Take the pain!"
  • "Natural born killer."
  • "Turns out I got a proficiency in killing."
  • "Let the poison do its work."
  • "Death has a name."
  • "This is where we draw the line."
  • "I settle my scores..."
  • "This'll be messy."
  • "Time for a loooooong nap."
  • "Sight. Shoot. Reload."
  • "I don't feel anything."
  • "Who's my next tally mark!?"
  • "This is very personal."
  • "Smell that? That's fear."
  • "Killing's all I'm good at."
  • "I'm taking everyone with me!"
  • "This one's for Johnny."
  • "This one's for my helmet brother!"


  • "Good men die. I choose to live."
  • "Never. Get. Attached."
  • "We ain't all making it out of here..."
  • "Peace is a fairy tale."
  • "Nobody's innocent anymore."
  • "Reinforcements ain't coming."
  • "Size is a liability."
  • "I used to live by a code."
  • "Survival ain't prettty."
  • "Lots to do before I punch out."
  • "A part of you never leaves the jungle..."
  • "I forget what started the fighting..."
  • "Survive here a week, then you get a name."
  • "There's a mushroom out there with your name on it."
  • "The war never ends. The battlefield just changes."
  • "I've done things I'm not proud of."
  • "I'm the last scout standing."
  • "You don't know about war."
  • "One day, there'll be a reckoning."
  • "My ears are always ringing."
  • "You'd be surprised how quick fur ignites."
  • "War didn't change me, I changed war!"
  • "Tall folk don't last long around here."
  • "You can't tell, but uh, I've grown quite the beard under here."


  • "Here you go, little guy...you're my only friend left."
  • "You and I are survivors, buddy. They can never kill us!"
  • "They will pay for what they did to your family, little guy..."
  • "They won't make the mistake of thinking you're harmless again."


  • "You want Teemo!? Come and get him!"
  • "Take a long walk through the jungle!"

Taunting an enemy Amumu

  • "My tears have all dried up, kid..."

Taunting an enemy Corki

  • "You've got no idea what it's like on the ground, flyboy!"

Taunting an enemy Gnar

  • "Little guy's gone native..."

Taunting an enemy Heimderdinger

  • "Wars are won with men, not machines!"

Taunting an enemy Tristana

  • "Rockets ain't for jumping...who gave you that?"

Taunting an enemy Zilean

  • "Everyone's on a clock. But only mine keeps on ticking."


  • "Need to get patched up!"
  • "There's nothing left here."
  • "Coming in hot!"

Upon stealthing with Camouflage

  • "Become one with the jungle."
  • "Now...we wait."
  • "Patience now..."

Upon using Blinding Dart

  • "Blind 'em!"

Upon using Move Quick

  • "Move(?) out!"
  • "Hut two three four!"
  • "Move!"
  • "Swiftly!"

Upon placing a Noxious Trap

  • " 'Face toward enemy.' "
  • "I own this land."
  • "Another mushroom, another victim."
  • "Got a little surprise for 'em..."

Upon an enemy tripping a Noxious Trap

  • "Teemo'd!"
  • "I'm everywhere."
  • "You're welcome."
  • Teemo laughs.
  • "Watch your step."
  • "More where that came from..."
  • "Armed and ready."

Placing a ward

  • "I know everything that happens here."
  • "Never let your guard down."
  • "Nothing gets past Teemo."

Upon purchasing Runaan's Hurricane

  • "One on three? Best odds yet."
  • "Fighting fair is a good way to die."
  • "There's no such thing as collateral damage."

Upon purchasing Rabadon's Deathcap

  • "Time to put on my killing hat."
  • "Mete out the pain."

Upon purchasing Nashor's Tooth

  • "We all live in the jaws of the beast."
  • "Got teeth? You got a weapon."
  • "Next time I see Nashor, I'll yank a couple more."

Upon purchasing Liandry's Torment

  • "Some masks you never take off."
  • "Let 'em die slow."
  • "This is gonna sting!"

Upon purchasing Zhonya's Hourglass

  • "This could have saved a lot of good men..."
  • "Two and a half seconds is all it takes."
  • "Sometimes, time stands still...and all you can do is watch."
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I just don't like facing Lux. I honestly don't pay attention to the combo... I just know I get snared then next thing I know is I'm dead

Well a major part of learning to counter an opponent is learning their combo and how to avoid it

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The reason people say Q > E > R is Lux's main combo is because late game or at any stage you really don't WANT to be in range of auto attacking to proc your passive with it and you'll usually have enough damage to kill them with it anyway due to the ult proccing passive as well and because of Lux's high damage.

To add to Teemo's lines;


"Fighting fair is a good way to die."

"There's no such thing as collateral damage."

I just figured since you made one in the first place, might as well get everything under there.

Edited by Anethia
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