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I'm thrilled that URF is back. I took a small hiatus from league between January and May of last year, so I completely missed URF and didn't realize until that summer, where I was really upset.

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Were you not around for the original run of URF? Everyone was secretly hoping that NURF was not a real thing and that the old URF was coming back - sure enough, the old URF we knew and loved came back.

I was hoping for both owo

And no, I wasn't around for the original URF

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This is pretty epic.

Fun fact: In last year's URF login, there were four ultimate abilities shown - Trueshot Barrage, Noxious Trap, Final Spark, and Requiem (still red as this was before Karthus's VU). There are only two in this year's login, from what can be seen - The Culling, and Super Mega Death Rocket!.

Oh, and you can download the URF 2015 login music, "Welcome to Planet Urf", here.

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So I've only played a couple matches of URF, but I'm enjoying Cho'Gath. The things that normally limit him are his mana and fairly long cooldowns... And Urf kinda says bye-bye to those. Flash-Feasting the ADC is fun AF (I mean, it's always fun, but you get to do it a bunch in URF) Only thing is that you must be at full Feast stacks or you'll get absolutely melted by URF's high damage

If you're at full Feasts, you can 1v1 Eve

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Nah, Sona got nerfed enough that she shouldn't be too much of an issue anymore. Similar to Ryze and I guess Kassadin as well.

After day one, here are the top 10 champions I recommend banning:

  1. Nidalee. I've seen the spears one-shot carries. The heal's huge AP ratio is overwhelming, too. If enemy team gets her you should lose.
  2. Shaco. Nevermind the boxes, it's the stealth jumps and constant knives with 120% AP ratio that make Shaco such a strong champ.
  3. LeBlanc. Basically Kassadin 2.0; nearly impossible to catch and can 100-0 you very quickly. A huge pain in the ass.
  4. Hecarim. Homeguard TP almost every minute. Rampage gives insane amounts of damage, Spirit of Dread means Rampage heals him.
  5. Dr. Mundo. Sadism only has 4 seconds of downtime each cast. Cleavers are difficult to escape once one lands.
  6. Irelia. Super bursty, Hiten Style stays on forever, passive lets her almost ignore crowd control entirely with Merc Treads.
  7. Morgana. One of the few who can chain hard CC (Dark Binding). Black Shield can be on numerous teammates at once.
  8. Urgot. At about levels 5-9 Urgot can drop any one champ he hits with his acid, due to the Acid Hunter followup spam.
  9. Lux. Almost impossible to end the game against. One snare generally means death to 2+ members of the enemy team.
  10. Lucian. Basially an AD Kassadin, who gets a reset on his dash whenever he shoots something. Very hard to catch.
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11. Annie. Her stun is up almost permanently, and once she stuns you, there is no escape. After level 6 tibbers is up forever, and flash+tibbers every minute is insane.

12. Ezreal. Ap version. Spam q every second, e every 4 seconds, ridiculous. With ludens echo, his ult will do 80% hp to everything it hits, not to mention 15s cd.

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11. Annie. Her stun is up almost permanently, and once she stuns you, there is no escape. After level 6 tibbers is up forever, and flash+tibbers every minute is insane.

12. Ezreal. Ap version. Spam q every second, e every 4 seconds, ridiculous. With ludens echo, his ult will do 80% hp to everything it hits, not to mention 15s cd.

13 Veigar cd on Q and E is instant

14 Karthus is very similar, and his ult is every 40 seconds which can insta turn a fight

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Definitely TriForce. I wouldn't recommend getting both Bloodthirster and Bork though. Generally, I go for bloodthirst for higher scaling on abilities, considering I almost always build sorc shoes on him. Because of that, he won't have much additional attack speed aside from Triforce.

Generally I build Corki as follows

TriForce->Sorc Shoes->Bloodthirster/Infinity Edge->Last Whisper-> Whichever you didn't get (Bloodthirster/Infinity Edge)->Defensive Item

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Corki scales way better with attack damage than with attack speed, so save botrk for when you have 4 tanks on the enemy team, and when you do, don't build bt - leaves you quite vulnerable

Other fun things to do: go boots of lucidity and essence reaver for 40% CDR cheese build

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Definitely TriForce. I wouldn't recommend getting both Bloodthirster and Bork though. Generally, I go for bloodthirst for higher scaling on abilities, considering I almost always build sorc shoes on him. Because of that, he won't have much additional attack speed aside from Triforce.

Generally I build Corki as follows

TriForce->Sorc Shoes->Bloodthirster/Infinity Edge->Last Whisper-> Whichever you didn't get (Bloodthirster/Infinity Edge)->Defensive Item

Don't be afraid to replace bloodthirster with blade of the ruined king if you are facing a tankier team. Not even four tanks - just two is enough that you should make the switch if you got something like Nunu and Leona that you have to deal with.

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4 IEs? You could at least go IE, BT, ER, MS, no? Same AD, four passives

Essence Teaver isn't that great for ADC's for the combat stats it gives it's quite useless. Corki and Kog TF, LW, IE, BT, Sorc Shoes, and then finally Merc Scimy. The other ADC's IE, BT, Ghost Blade or BoTRK, LW, attack speed boots, shiv or PD

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Essence Teaver isn't that great for ADC's for the combat stats it gives it's quite useless.

It's not the worst. In fact it gives more DPS than the Bloodthirster while being 300G cheaper. But in many cases it's better to do some tank-shredding with Bork, or stay healthy with the Bloodthirster's increased life steal and overheal.

That said it's not exactly an item that ADCs will flock to. Corki could probably use it decently due to him being more spell heavy than most ADCs, but I've never tried it - perhaps I should later today. I see it most often on Ezreal, Lucian, Varus and Ashe.

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It's not the worst. In fact it gives more DPS than the Bloodthirster while being 300G cheaper. But in many cases it's better to do some tank-shredding with Bork, or stay healthy with the Bloodthirster's increased life steal and overheal.

It's not really an optimal item on too many ADCs though. I see it most often on Ezreal, Lucian, Varus and Ashe.

ER while being better with combat stats then BT it's mana regeneration passive isn't that good for it to be a priority item, BT while having less damage it has the shield passive which makes it extremely good. Ezreal benefits from ER but why waste almost 1000 gold on a passive Tear can gove you for 700? Manamune is more cost effective. (Can't you tell I'm waiting for ER to get buffed?)
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Essence Teaver isn't that great for ADC's for the combat stats it gives it's quite useless. Corki and Kog TF, LW, IE, BT, Sorc Shoes, and then finally Merc Scimy. The other ADC's IE, BT, Ghost Blade or BoTRK, LW, attack speed boots, shiv or PD

Wouldn't exactly consider these builds optimal. Corki's is alright, just a little more situational. The Mercurial Scimitar can be traded for any defensive item necessary, and BT and Bork should be varied depending on the size of their tank line.

For Kog'maw, Sorc Shoes aren't exactly optimal. He benefits much more from attack speed, considering his entire kit revolves around his immense DPS with percent health damage.

For Kog'maw, a build like: TriForce->Bork->Greaves->Phantom Dancer->Last Whisper/Infinity Edge->Whichever you didn't get (LW or IE) will be far more optimal.

Your standard ADC build is alright, but the order should be more like: IE->Greaves->PD/Shiv->Vamp Scepter->Last Whisper->Complete Bloodthirster-> Defensive Item.

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