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The Fush

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Also, what is the difference between Normal and Draft pick?

Well, there isn't actually. But I assume by "Normal" you mean Blind Pick. Blind is when everyone just picks a champion and jumps into the match. Draft is a back and forth between the teams allowing for one team to try to pick counters to the other. There's also a banning phase in Draft

And Tacps, a lot of times the most toxic people are actually good individual players who are bad at teamwork. And at lower elo where nobody can work together, individual ability to carry is often far more important than performing well as a team. Once you get past a certain point, probably somewhere in high Plat or low Diamond if I had to guess, it becomes more important to be both individually good and good as a team and those people start getting weeded out

Of course the better you are on your own, the longer it will take your lack of team skills to make you fall off. It probably also helps them to main JG or Mid, since they have the strongest ability to singlehandedly snowball a team

EDIT: Also at higher levels people are less demoralized by seeing a fed Riven in the top lane and can work around her to focus on punishing that over-aggressive Jarvan


It's honestly not all that surprising as individual skill and toxicity tend to go hand-in-hand, and individual skill is what gets you past low rankings

Edited by KosherKitten
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Just to follow this up, I'm gonna put a list of items and what champs generally start with them.

Infinity Edge: Ashe, Caitlyn, *Draven, *Ezreal, Graves, Jinx, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Quinn, Sivir, Tristana, Varus

Bloodthirster: *Draven, *Kalista

Trinity Force: Corki, *Ezreal, *Kog'maw,

Blade of the Ruined King: *Kog'maw, Vayne

Runaan's Hurricane: *Kalista

*Indicates that the champion can successfully start with at least 2 different items.

I'm still not sold on the runaans rush. While I get she gets so much attack speed from it and the ability to rend 3 people in teamfights you shouldn't be trying to teamfight that early. Especially when you have no bonus AD, crit, or lifesteal. I think bork is a much better start, or even shiv if you feel like doing something different.

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I'm still not sold on the runaans rush. While I get she gets so much attack speed from it and the ability to rend 3 people in teamfights you shouldn't be trying to teamfight that early. Especially when you have no bonus AD, crit, or lifesteal. I think bork is a much better start, or even shiv if you feel like doing something different.

Read this:


Basically, I think it's saying that runaan's gives Kalista the better ability to kite since she needs to do a whole autoattack to dash, so if you get attack speed, it will go faster meaning faster kitting and more rend stacks.

Sorry, I don't play Kalista so my explanation might be iffy.

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Read this:


Basically, I think it's saying that runaan's gives Kalista the better ability to kite since she needs to do a whole autoattack to dash, so if you get attack speed, it will go faster meaning faster kitting and more rend stacks.

Sorry, I don't play Kalista so my explanation might be iffy.

I understand why people like the attack speed, but you still have to be close enough to auto attack someone to kite. and chances are unless you're fighting vayne they will be able to hit you as well.

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Of course the better you are on your own, the longer it will take your lack of team skills to make you fall off.

Individual skill can make up for lack of team skill for a while. Obviously to keep climbing they'll need to learn teamwork, but they're probably still low enough that they can carry a good number of their games

You also have to remember that most teams have bad teamwork at lower ratings anyways, so individual skill does generally matter more than teamwork (unless you miraculously get a full team with good teamwork, because then you will crush the world)

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Hmm... So I just played Shyvana JG. And I realyl can't decide whether I should go back to Devourer or go with the meta and build Cinderhulk... I did better with Devourer, but Cinderhulk /is/ better >_<

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Cinderhulk is the obvious cool thing (whether that remains so after the nerfs has yet to be seen), but all in all the jungle enchantment you should get depends moreso on your team composition, how well you're doing, what you plan to do (fight or splitpush?) and the composition and builds of the enemy team. For now, I'd stick with Cinderhulk as sort of a cover-all enchantment as it, too, deals magic damage and is handy for splitpushing.

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