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So it is with a heavy heart, that I realize I no longer have time to maintain my skills with Shyvana and as such must remove her from my list of mains

R.I.P. Shyvana main Dec 2014 - Apr 2015 "It was fun while it lasted."

Lol, okay, but srs, as much as I love Shy, she's just not my strongest champ anymore. The more I play, the more I move into playing full tanks. I simply perform better with them. So instead of trying to force a relationship that just isn't there, I'm going to play to my strengths. Shy is still easily one of my favorite champions, but she must go ;n;

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I tried that, actually. It's really suboptimal. It's not like I'm totally stopping playing her, just not focusing on her anymore in favor of things that I'm naturally better at

Adapting new playstyles is vital... (and as I say this I realize that's why I am stuck in Bronze....)
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I tried that, actually. It's really suboptimal. It's not like I'm totally stopping playing her, just not focusing on her anymore in favor of things that I'm naturally better at

Ever tried AP/Tank shyv? It's a fun little build if you can mange to get ahead. Pretty much same as amumu. Liandrys, abyssal, zhonyas, sunfire, rylais

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smite top shyvana is actually really good right now? lol. skirmishers w/ cinderhulk lets you still be ridiculously tanky while doing great damage as well. duelists like shyvana are great right now idk why you'd stop playing her

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I don't care what's good, I care what I'm good at. And I'm not stopping playing her, I'm just not going to main her anymore because my skillset is more suited to being a meatwall that poops CC :/ (Oh shit, I just imagined that, and I already have a stomach bug ;n; )

Thus why I'm stomping the world with Cho now (like, literally, because Q)

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And now that the meta has gone full circle, bringing Urgot back into it, and reintroducing Cho'gath to the mets as an Urgot, you best believe they're going to nerf his ass. Calling it now, AP ratios reduced, Knockup duration reduced, and silence duration reduced. Riot doesn't like it when tanks subvert their intended role.

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smite top shyvana is actually really good right now? lol. skirmishers w/ cinderhulk lets you still be ridiculously tanky while doing great damage as well. duelists like shyvana are great right now idk why you'd stop playing her

Smite/TP top lane leaves you without Flash, which means that mistakes such as overextensions and bad trades (surprisingly, I've discovered Shyvana can have those) can be punished, hard. If you're not totally sure of what you're getting into and what you can and can't do up until the point when you get the items you need, then either the enemy laner is going to out-CS/otherwise destroy you, or you're not going to get much done as the jungler will probably camp your ass.

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And now that the meta has gone full circle, bringing Urgot back into it, and reintroducing Cho'gath to the mets as an Urgot, you best believe they're going to nerf his ass. Calling it now, AP ratios reduced, Knockup duration reduced, and silence duration reduced. Riot doesn't like it when tanks subvert their intended role.

Cho gath started to be good again after they made it so his R cooldown is halved when it kills a minion. And he's always been a good AP mage. He gets Free HP which lets him build pure AP easily.

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K so.

Been playing with the Ryze rework, spectated a few games (and played a couple of my own), I have some possibly aimless banter about everyone's favorite tattooed blue man.

What the heck is this new passive?

Casting spells grants a stack of Arcane Mastery for 12 seconds.
At 5 stacks, Ryze becomes supercharged for 3 (+1 for each rank of Desprate Power) seconds, gaining a shield that blocks [25 + ~5 per level] (+8% of his maximum Mana) damage and causing his spellcasts to reduce the cooldown of his other spells by Overload's cooldown (4 seconds base), to a minimum of 0.25 seconds.

So the quick explanation of the new Arcane Mastery is "power spike with a build up" (think Renekton or Gnar). Ryze can't do his notorious machine-gun-spell slinging without a build-up first, but when he does, his bursts are much bigger than old Ryze since during this spike, W / E / ult all reset Overload's cooldown, making for much bigger bursts and bouts of DPS. We're talking up to 6-7 spells in a normal bout post-6, and 3-4 of them being Overload. It also makes Desperate Power's cooldown extremely low in teamfights.

The shield also makes for a great baiting tool, since you don't even have to hit your spells to set it off. Overload's huge mana cost reduction also helps a lot with this.

Sample build


I saw someone else on the PBE building Ryze this way. Spectating a game of his (and a few others), I noticed that the damage that he did with it was way higher in the late-game than builds that included more mana / tankiness (traditional Ryze stuff), which is what I and a couple others were doing.

That said, I tried out the build you see above and it's the real deal. Thanks to the AoE damage between Spell Flux and Desperate Power, any two targets who stood beside each other would get dropped almost instantly, with me healing up almost 2/3 my max health when all was said and done with that Spell Vamp (which will probably be nerfed before it goes live).

AP wasn't a staple with Ryze before...why now?
Well since Overload actually has decent AP scaling now (40% => 55%), and you'll be hitting way more of them, don't be afraid to give a little more AP-ish build a shot. Of course, the main focus in your build should still be mana, although Frozen Heart probably won't see much use anymore due to the 30% cooldown reduction Ryze gets passively with a rank 3 Desperate Power, and masteries, runes or the blue buff will bring you to the cap.

Lich Bane? Yeah, it was a niche item on Ryze before, and it still seems to be one. But if you have the opportunity to weave autoattacks in your spells (as you have access to Lich Bane proc pretty much whenever you want it now) you may come to appreciate the extra damage it offfers. With the changes to Overload it makes a more viable item than before as, of course, it gives you a Sheen proc whenever you want one, that can be handy for sieges and even for splitpushing (Ryze isn't too bad at waveclearing without his ult now thanks to his new passive).

Is Ryze going to stay a top lane mage champion?

Dunno, but if I had to say yes or no, I'd say probably yeah. Overload's changing to a skillshot makes for a safer laning phase where Ryze can be free from oppressive upfront damage that some solo laners can dish out. Of course, he also remains a fairly solid pick against highly mobile top lane champions (Fizz, Riven, Hecarim, etc.), but then again that's an argument you could make for taking him to the mid lane as well, where there are things like Yasuo and Zed.

What will change in his playstyle?

Not a whole lot, really. Though Overload becoming a skillshot does bring safety in lane, it also can work against Ryze in teamfights as it can be meatshielded by a tank if he's trying to reach someone in the back line. That's where Desperate Power comes in though; grouped up enemies will take damage from each other, while Ryze has the movement to get around larger obstacles such as those pain-in-the-ass tanks.

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I'm not down with his Q becoming a skillshot. High mobility already gives Ryze quite a bit of trouble, and now you can forget having that Q as reliable damage against champs with decent mobility. It does add a bit of counter play beyond hard CC and death for Ryze, though, so there's that. But removing a big damage source, especially in a meta where mobility is everything could really harm Ryze.

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After uninstalling and attempting to reinstall about 15 times over the past 3 days, I finally got the game working again! Praise Arceus!

Also, if I want to play Nautilus top, what should I build and what spells should I take? I really only (somewhat) know how to play support, a bit of ADC, and a little bit of Jungle.

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OOH, Nautilus Top, that's like, my thing

Bring TP and Flash. You build like P much any other AP tank, RoA (you should almost always rush this first item), Frozen Heart, Abyssal, Sunfire, Iceborn Gauntlet, Warmog's, etc. What you build exactly varies a lot from match to match, but I'd say RoA+Frozen Heart will generally be your core. In the case of an AP matchup, build an MR item over Frozen Heart

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After uninstalling and attempting to reinstall about 15 times over the past 3 days, I finally got the game working again! Praise Arceus!

Also, if I want to play Nautilus top, what should I build and what spells should I take? I really only (somewhat) know how to play support, a bit of ADC, and a little bit of Jungle.

Get tanky - nautilus doesn't really have much damage, it's all about his crowd control keeping people locked down.

For a first item, I'd get Rod of Ages, which gives Naut a little bit of everything - health, mana, a bit more damage for fights later on. Top Naut players (they exist in high elo) like getting Righteous Glory first, but that requires the trust of your team...which at low levels I wouldn't count on having.

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Personally, I don't like Righteous Glory on toplane Naut since he's already got such strong initiation powers and I feel like he needs the higher offensive stats off RoA more in lane. Not saying it's not a good option, because it's very good, I just like RoA better

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I'm not down with his Q becoming a skillshot. High mobility already gives Ryze quite a bit of trouble, and now you can forget having that Q as reliable damage against champs with decent mobility. It does add a bit of counter play beyond hard CC and death for Ryze, though, so there's that. But removing a big damage source, especially in a meta where mobility is everything could really harm Ryze.

Seeing as ryze was pretty much a counter to any non-ranged top laner by have 3 lockon skills I think this was needed. They gave him a clear buff to his passive and ult passive increasing his power a lot. The only thing is you now need to be able to hit a skillshot to use him. On the contrary the Q being a skillshot is actually better for him with his new passive. He can charge up his passive by just pressing Q randomly like vlad does with E. Also I think riot is really trying to change the game a lot. Many point and click mages got good buffs, while making them more difficult to use. Changing zileans bombs to skillshots but making them stun if double bombing, changing veigars Q to a skillshot, but allowing it to hit multiple targets so you can farm and poke at the same time, and now making ryzes Q a skillshot, but giving him a passive that needs to be charged up. All three champions clearly had those skills buffed, but the point and click to win aspect was taken away.

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Really getting fed up with the people who have no clue what they're doing in solo queue. It's hard to carry when 4/5 members of your team are always arguing instead of focusing on the game. This is why I'd prefer to have my friend the jungle main back because he truly is amazing.

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Really getting fed up with the people who have no clue what they're doing in solo queue. It's hard to carry when 4/5 members of your team are always arguing instead of focusing on the game. This is why I'd prefer to have my friend the jungle main back because he truly is amazing.

If everywhere you go smells like shit.....

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Really getting fed up with the people who have no clue what they're doing in solo queue. It's hard to carry when 4/5 members of your team are always arguing instead of focusing on the game. This is why I'd prefer to have my friend the jungle main back because he truly is amazing.

Not sure what rank you are but this happens in every elo from diamond to bronze. You will never escape it in competitive gaming if you play with randoms.

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