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Mikael's is still a thing, but supports very rarely build it at low elo. Doesn't help that the two most popular supports there are Leona and Annie, and people playing these champions below Gold will almost never buy the item because it's usually either "I need my tank items" or "I need my damage items". (I guess leona players do need to tank it up sometimes, it depends on their own team.)

Awful shame, because it definitely can turn a teamfight or even a game. But of course, it remains a situational item (that I, personally, like to buy pretty much every game I play support).

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I almost always buy Mikeal's second/first item on support Annie owo The CDR and mana regen are great, plus the active is the active. I get it ASAP once my Twin

Shadows is done, or first if I'm against something like a Leona that the active will save my ADC from

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Annie is a mid laner yeah. But she's been seeing play in the support role for pretty much one reason only: Her passive. Targeted stuns yo.

And the fact that she can deal 3/4 of the squishy AD Carries health, zone them out easily putting them behind as long as she isn't far behind.

This is even more devastating due to the fact we're coming right back to the tank meta; you can't afford to be behind as an ADc, or else the tanks you can't kill will kill you. Not to mention her great follow up and engage synergising very well with champions such as Sejuani. If you're clumped together or caught out, you will not survive a Sej ult and an Annie ult.

but she isnt rly played as an adc. it would be pretty funny though considering her 625 range and she has a free Thornmail. Add that to the reasons why Annie Support is strong; free resistances and thornmail.

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And the fact that she can deal 3/4 of the squishy AD Carries health, zone them out easily putting them behind as long as she isn't far behind.

This is even more devastating due to the fact we're coming right back to the tank meta; you can't afford to be behind as an ADc, or else the tanks you can't kill will kill you. Not to mention her great follow up and engage synergising very well with champions such as Sejuani. If you're clumped together or caught out, you will not survive a Sej ult and an Annie ult.

but she isnt rly played as an adc. it would be pretty funny though considering her 625 range and she has a free Thornmail. Add that to the reasons why Annie Support is strong; free resistances and thornmail.

Fun to lane with but not against
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Fun to lane with but not against

Eh, my experiences laning with Annie support have not been fun. Flash-stuns without warning, facechecking brushes, and builds like a mid laner (without even sightstone). It's probably different at Diamond or Master elo though.

And the fact that she can deal 3/4 of the squishy AD Carries health, zone them out easily putting them behind as long as she isn't far behind.

This is even more devastating due to the fact we're coming right back to the tank meta; you can't afford to be behind as an ADc, or else the tanks you can't kill will kill you. Not to mention her great follow up and engage synergising very well with champions such as Sejuani. If you're clumped together or caught out, you will not survive a Sej ult and an Annie ult.

I personally subscribe to the theory that Annie as a support is weaker in the tank meta.

Reason being, that a big thing about Annie is dem AoE stuns initiating teamfights by stunning up the enemy ADC or whoever the key squishy is.

But how do you get there? Of course, there's always the option of flanking, but you don't always have that luxury (either it'll be warded, or you will have to flank without your team which is just begging to be killed). But you have to deal with the tanks. Massive meatshields with Tenacity, and all the CC in the world to lock you down until you die (and in some cases, the damage to kill you as well). Any attempts to stun up key targets with Tibbers or what have you means you're right in range to feel the tanks' wrath, and the ADC will have enough time to reposition so they can bag you for the kill.

Molten Shield doesn't really help, either; once a Vampiric Scepter is obtained that thornmail damage can easily be overridden.

TL;DR: Falls off in this meta, although AP mid Annie as I understand does better.

I personally prefer Leona in this meta.

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Annie still gets her job done very well atm. Leona has the issue of being stranded in the middle of the enemy team once she engages, which is precisely where she doesn't need to be. Annie's ability to turn the tide of a fight is excellent in the tank meta. With tanks taking over the jungle, and top laners with hard engage being fotm, she can effectively save Tibbers for after the initial engagement to tack on an additional stun.

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Support mains are insufferable. (Trust me, I am one.) Constant whining about how they're smarter than their carry despite one of the most important parts of role being adjusting to whoever you're with.

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Support mains are insufferable. (Trust me, I am one.) Constant whining about how they're smarter than their carry despite one of the most important parts of role being adjusting to whoever you're with.

Truth, truth xD I am one of those annoying people

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...I never play ADC, so IDK. I only whine at my carry when they yell at me for not stunning the opponent so they could escape (NVM that I just used my stun to let you escape friggin five seconds ago, Trist :/)

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...I never play ADC, so IDK. I only whine at my carry when they yell at me for not stunning the opponent so they could escape (NVM that I just used my stun to let you escape friggin five seconds ago, Trist :/)

I dislike it when carries don't understand when to leave and claim you baited them. I stunned the fed one so you can run... not reengage
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As a support main myself there's nothing you can do to adjust when your ADC has the intelligence of a brain damaged brick. I was playing leowndya earlier today and my adc was afk at first. I was doing fine soloing bot lane. I wasn't outfarming the ADC or anything but I had a 36 armor rune page and would constantly bait the enemy into missing CS by trying to poke me down and then having them take creep aggro. My ADC finally comes. It looks like she's hitting her keyboard randomly with a hammer with these skillshots i'm seeing and when amumu ganks I immediately E,W,Q the adc to make sure my adc can escape. I run away after doing this and she walks right back into the center of amumu, nautilus, and jayce and tries to fight them all solo. Needless to say I lost that game.

Also I'd definitely be open to messing around in normals :)

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As a support main myself there's nothing you can do to adjust when your ADC has the intelligence of a brain damaged brick. I was playing leowndya earlier today and my adc was afk at first. I was doing fine soloing bot lane. I wasn't outfarming the ADC or anything but I had a 36 armor rune page and would constantly bait the enemy into missing CS by trying to poke me down and then having them take creep aggro. My ADC finally comes. It looks like she's hitting her keyboard randomly with a hammer with these skillshots i'm seeing and when amumu ganks I immediately E,W,Q the adc to make sure my adc can escape. I run away after doing this and she walks right back into the center of amumu, nautilus, and jayce and tries to fight them all solo. Needless to say I lost that game.

Also I'd definitely be open to messing around in normals :)

Haha! That's one of the reasons I hate 'trusting' people. I think my best role is support "making plays" but then you got a brain dead piece of cheese, it does not ever work :P

If anyone wants to add me, feel free. I am Doriceliya there too :0

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So, just FYI, I went down the NA summoners list and sent friend requests to everyone I've ever spoken to for more than five minutes at a time and didn't already have

I'm apparently still not on that list even though I made the post :/

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