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Udyr is actually considered one of the best junglers in solo queue right now.

There are a ton of champions that need to be in melee range to do their thing, yet they thrive nonetheless, and Udyr is one of them.

Udyr is strong right now because he is versatile. Can build damage if him and his team are ahead, can tank up if circumstances require him to (and is a great user of cinderhulk, as seen in the LCS). He is not as gated by Randuin's or FH either as most of his power is in the early to mid game where he will look for fights the most, as he is much stronger then and also snowballs hard. He's a strong splitpusher, so he has the choice to fight, where he can use his stun to peel for the ADC before looking for other targets to bag, or push with his waveclear, 1v1 power, and AS steroid to eat towers alive.

Uderp. It's the same thing every time. I'm going to build like trick. BM and fail. It happens all the time and it's frankly annoying tbh. Kikis and Tom were really the only pros I've seen play him and they do it differently from Godyr

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I own three owo

And Ima buy it and use it occasionally when I don't feel like using Sorceress (so basically it'll replace Steel Legion for me owo)

EDIT: Ohey, I almost mentioned earlier that Lux needed texture rebalances. And I just read the patch notes, where that happened owo

Edited by KosherKitten
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Haven't played on the new patch yet. Was too sleepy. However the new bc might not be that good on them considering the new phage passive

that's what makes it good. They're tanks who like to keep up with their victims. Garens E procs rage by the way. More tankiness, more movespeed, and shreds armor.

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Keep in mind that only The Black Cleaver gives MS on physical damage. Phage needs an auto to trigger itEDIT: Mordekaiser gets 1st skin in 4 years alongside other card-theme skins for Ezreal, Shaco, and Syndrahttp://www.surrenderat20.net/2015/04/429-pbe-update.html

Queen of Diamonds Syndra. Why not Queen of Hearts? Unless that's too Alice in Wonderland for you. Shaco doesn't need that type of skin. Mad Hatter exists. Thy just need Queen of Heats and Cheshire cat to finish the Alice set
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