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  • Instead of resetting if it kills an opponent, Noxian Guillotine ( R ) is now able to be recast for 12 seconds after killing an opponent.
  • Noxian Guillotine ( R ) cooldown increased to 120/100/80 from 100/90/80.

The recast is fine to me, but the cooldown increase is a bit excessive, considering that this is the move that MAKES Darius :/

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  • Instead of resetting if it kills an opponent, Noxian Guillotine ( R ) is now able to be recast for 12 seconds after killing an opponent.
  • Noxian Guillotine ( R ) cooldown increased to 120/100/80 from 100/90/80.

I dont know why they would nerf Darius.

He's not that great of a champion

Same goes for those Shaco nerfs last patch :/

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I dont know why they would nerf Darius.

He's not that great of a champion

Same goes for those Shaco nerfs last patch :/

Shaco would fuck shit up at the higher elos. Whenever I'd watch a platinum+ match, having a Shaco jungling was pretty much a death sentence for the opposing bot lane.

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Shaco was one of the only junglers who could so consistently ruin early game for your opponents and force lack of farm through his fast jungle clears and ridiculously good ganks (in regards to time and quality due to his blink/fear/slow dynamic)

Late game he's rubbish but still incredibly hard to kill because of his mobility

Quinn's eyes look weird in her splash... I should have enough IP for her when her price drops though C:

When I played her in custom on PBE, she felt really strong, but then again I was playing a custom. The mobility/synergy of her CC will definitely be what we need to capitalize/focus on to best take advantage of her kit.

I'm past tempted to take revive and build homeguard boots for the fuck of it, because if you turn into Valor, I imagine you could clear the entire map for a round 2 in a teamfight in hardly any time at all... which just sounds hilarious and would give me giggles upon giggles.



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IkaruKazuna (6:05): but it's soooo hard to hit when the enemy is only focusing on you
Batl Skard (6:06): I'm good under pressure :P
IkaruKazuna (6:06): not necessarily pressure
Batl Skard (6:06): I honestly focus more on the killing or whatever than I do my own life
IkaruKazuna (6:06): rather I mean playing her mid
where there's nothing else to worry about it
Batl Skard (6:07): I'll click to move and that's about it >>
and mid being me isn't the issue
mid being "Oh you're a champion with 50+ ap"
IkaruKazuna (6:07): well it is for me
Batl Skard (6:07): that's the issue
I get beat early almost every time
Just because #50ap
IkaruKazuna (6:09): the enemy champion has time to stop for tea and ponder whether or not they should go out for dinner or just order pizza tonight and then decide maybe they'll just try their hand at cooking from scratch, and then having to make the decision of whether they should use their grandmother's secret recipe that's been passed down through your family for generations or try something new before your Q hits

~Ikaru 2013, on slow skillshots, following a game involving Vayne/Anivia bot lane

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the decision of whether they should use their grandmother's secret recipe that's been passed down through your family for generations

You should probably stop playing against your cousins.

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You forget the character limitations; by the time I'd typed that I had to copy it and write the rest and the whole thing slipped my mind that I was talking about the opponent and not the player


The POINT REMAINS that Anivia's Q is really slow

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Why else did you think they made Anivia free to play? :P

Anyway, 5th game in a row I've had a hardcore feeder on my team and stared at complete and utter defeat, and again it happened.

The only beef I have with this game is that it makes it really easy to make certain players look good when they really are not, and vice versa when such happens. Only compounding the issue is the fact that I've been the scapegoat almost every time (even though I was on par with the others on my team), and promptly and without fail, the feeder/killstealer/whatever asks everybody on the team to report the scapegoat, which...yeah. Nothing from the Tribunal yet, at least. You guys have got it easy at level 30...

So I'd like to think.

brb hustling my ass to level 30

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Why else did you think they made Anivia free to play? :P

Anyway, 5th game in a row I've had a hardcore feeder on my team and stared at complete and utter defeat, and again it happened.

The only beef I have with this game is that it makes it really easy to make certain players look good when they really are not, and vice versa when such happens. Only compounding the issue is the fact that I've been the scapegoat almost every time (even though I was on par with the others on my team), and promptly and without fail, the feeder/killstealer/whatever asks everybody on the team to report the scapegoat, which...yeah. Nothing from the Tribunal yet, at least. You guys have got it easy at level 30...

So I'd like to think.

brb hustling my ass to level 30

Probably because she hasn't been free in a while and the rotations aren't based on champion ability- in fact I don't know what they're based on at all >>

Anyway, I actually own Anivia; she was the first champion I got aside from Ashe who was the obligatory 500 tutorial IP champion I started with <3

It seems to me that you think the difference between lower levels and high levels is that at our level, "feeding" is either either intentional or the person's just having a bad game. The blame game never stops and there will be people who get mad or do badly no matter what you do and what level you are. To me, level is just how long this person's been playing, much like any given person's number of wins. 1200+ wins is possible just through sheer time and dedication; that doesn't mean that you're winning every game, just like being level 30 doesn't automatically make all the bad things go away.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take this knowledge and soldier on regardless of the things that get in your way.

That is the only way you will make it playing this game.

The community will eat you alive if you let them.

... Or you could just play with your friends and never solo, like me.

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You forget the character limitations; by the time I'd typed that I had to copy it and write the rest and the whole thing slipped my mind that I was talking about the opponent and not the player


The POINT REMAINS that Anivia's Q is really slow

The reason why it's slow (and it's not THAT slow anyway) is because it's made to purely start the frostbite combo in safer conditions. The damage for it never really mattered for me; I maxed my wall after Frostbite instead of my Q for the mid-game teamfight control.

You have the wall and minor slow from the ult to help you; landing the Q is difficult, but it can be pulled off once you're more skilled at Articuno!

says this while only being mediocre at Anivia while Ikaru has been playing her for what now

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The reason why it's slow (and it's not THAT slow anyway) is because it's made to purely start the frostbite combo in safer conditions. The damage for it never really mattered for me; I maxed my wall after Frostbite instead of my Q for the mid-game teamfight control.

You have the wall and minor slow from the ult to help you; landing the Q is difficult, but it can be pulled off once you're more skilled at Articuno!

says this while only being mediocre at Anivia while Ikaru has been playing her for what now

No you're right, that's what her wall is essentially for- keeping them where you want them to be, be it in your ult, in your Q's general area, etc

But the one thing that's not really right there is that her Q's damage doesn't really matter; in an ideal situation she can burst 710 base damage with just her Q and E (not counting AP or MR) because your Q does 180 base damage, but can do said damage twice with good enough timing- the pass through damage, and then the subsequent explosion damage, can both hit the same target. Really, the only problem is that it's easily avoided at mid-long range and her wall has super high costs in both mana and the long cooldown, so it's not practical to set up combos.

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Point taken, Ikaru. Anyway...

I really like the Smart Ping that's been talked about, and now is going to be introduced in the next patch. Provided that we don't get stuck with teammates who have the brain capacity of a Terry Pratchet troll taking a lava bath, the team will now be able to communicate easier and provide MIAs/SSes with less effort and still be able to send the message across to your teammates. That, and there won't be that one Morgana in mid lane who ignores you being chased now.

As for the other changes, Nidalee and the item changes seemed alright, but I feel that Kayle's Q was a bit overnerfed. It feels like you're being forced to level it earlier just so you can slow the enemy enough so that they won't be walking faster than a snail, which discourages you from eyeing your W in the support lane or your E as a mid-laner.

Xin Zhao's changes seemed alright too, but I've only played him once, so I can't really tell.

Oh, and I can tell AP Taric is going to be pretty smashing because of the new Gemcraft; Archangel's, Rod of Ages and Lich Bane are going to cause him to murder everything now... with sparkles.

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Point taken, Ikaru. Anyway...

I really like the Smart Ping that's been talked about, and now is going to be introduced in the next patch. Provided that we don't get stuck with teammates who have the brain capacity of a Terry Pratchet troll taking a lava bath, the team will now be able to communicate easier and provide MIAs/SSes with less effort and still be able to send the message across to your teammates. That, and there won't be that one Morgana in mid lane who ignores you being chased now.

As for the other changes, Nidalee and the item changes seemed alright, but I feel that Kayle's Q was a bit overnerfed. It feels like you're being forced to level it earlier just so you can slow the enemy enough so that they won't be walking faster than a snail, which discourages you from eyeing your W in the support lane or your E as a mid-laner.

Xin Zhao's changes seemed alright too, but I've only played him once, so I can't really tell.

Oh, and I can tell AP Taric is going to be pretty smashing because of the new Gemcraft; Archangel's, Rod of Ages and Lich Bane are going to cause him to murder everything now... with sparkles.

I wouldn't say they overnerfed Kayle's Q. If you look at the patch notes they did increase the slow by quite a bit as well as the missle speed. Also you don't max Kayle's E in mid lane you always maxed her Q.

Kayle support is beyond terrible anyway.

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I don't really feel like saying much because my day is ruined with Quinn's unavailability until some later time today or tomorrow, but yes, I do like the smart ping, although it'll take some getting used to; I've already used it on the PBE and it seems like, until that point, it might be a little annoying to get the ping out while in the middle of fighting or something- granted, you can set the individual pings to hotkeys, but that's just four more keys I'd be bad at remembering to use qq

As for Kayle, yes, the slow gets pretty big, so although it's shorter by a second, it does give you more opportunities to do damage because you'll keep them in range longer. Admittedly, the 10% damage amplification being gone hurts her a bit, but I'm sure she'll get over it. And on the subject of support Kayle, her base heal is second only to Soraka's (this is discounting Janna's ultimate since that's, well, an ultimate), and gives pretty nice movement speed to boot (hahahahaa get it, movement speed, boot ahahahahaha) but to be completely fair, every time I've tried support Kayle it was horrible. I think that's more because I'm not used to her as a support and had no idea what I was doing, though.

"i dont feel like saying much so here's two paragraphs of words"

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