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zac skin when?? at least tell us if somethings coming thx

they may or may not do Arcade Riven and Arcade Zac. Be patient, lots of Jinx fans were when waiting for Firecracker. However Riot seems to think giving Zac a new skin would be really hard.
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teemo just got a second legendary skin you know

EDIT: by this I mean I've stopped basing expectations on existing skins

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Zac is kind of a blob, I can see why they'd struggle to come up with an interesting skin for him that wasn't a different-colored blob

Tho, Pool Party Zac would be nice...

It's not even necessarily looking for ideas, it's the fact that because his model is so absolutely stretchy, it takes a lot of effort for them to make a skin that properly works on his model with every single gelatinous motion of his.

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Yeah, they can't really do much with Zac except recolors lol. Gentleman Zac could be a thing though.. And Ezreal might get a lot of skins, but all of them suck in game with the exception of his ultimate skin which when you compare it to Sona's... yeah. It would better if they stopped making an Ezreal skin every year and worked on one for a good while that was actually good in both the splash and in game. I mean some of those skins are just fucking lazy.

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Not all of Ezreal's skins are even, bad, though. The problem with Ezreal skins is that the only one with different particles is a skin that costs $20+ and that's more of just a blue recolor

The thing with Zac is, they can basically take an approach for a skin that is gelatinous or a liquid. They may have some issues dealing with his growth as he gains health, but the ideas are there, and with the talent in Riot's design team, they should be able to come up with something.

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In case you haven't seen this, here we have a leaked concept art of Taric's relaunch (note that the art implies his ultimate taunting enemies)


It's so pretty :D




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How long ago exactly was this released? Because i've seen this circulating the internet for quite a while.

This was crafted late last year.

After some research I found out that this is not official concept art despite what the LoL boards say; reverse image search led me to Deviantart. Disregard and move on. Seemed kinda fishy, that's not IronStylus's work that's for sure.

EDIT: Here, have a legit concept art of Star Guardian Lux instead.


EDIT 2: I'm back to bring news on the Taric relaunch for those curious.

Taric's 90% or so done from the gameplay side actually. However, due to him needing new model, animations, vfx, sfx, etc., there are still a few big projects ahead of him. It probably won't be until late fall or winter that we reveal changes.

- RiotRepertoir, Gameplay Updates

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That is a question better suited for the Pokemon Reborn sub-forum, but it was made with RPG Maker, a few Pokemon-based mods, and whatever other wizardry Ame concocted.

Anyway, moving on.
The Ashe rework has been out for a bit shy of a week now, and I've been able to watch some people play her (as well as get in a few games myself) and I have some first thoughts about the Queen of the Freljord's new kit.

Power spike
As she does not have the level 1 burst that she did before, Ashe is considerably weak prior to level 4, when an extra point in Ranger's Focus kicks in and her passive slow improves to 11% (31% with Ranger's Focus active). Thus, as you'll see with some math below, Ashe is strong in trades once she hits level 4.

Aside from that, her next power spike is level 6 for the same reason as before. Enchanted Crystal Arrow. 'Nuff said.

After that, her power kinda droops until she buys Infinity Edge because it adds so much to her passive damage as well as Ranger's Focus. I wasn't bothered doing the math, but...yeah, it's a lot of damage.

After that she scales pretty steadily into the late game, where she is about as powerful as she was before. Maybe a little bit more powerful. It's kinda hard to gauge.

WTF is this new passive?
Autoattacks and spells (Volley, Enchanted Crystal Arrow) slow for 5/11/17/23/29/35% (levels 1/4/7/10/13/16) for 2 seconds. She can not critically strike targets that are not slowed, but she will always critically strike targets that are slowed, dealing 110% damage plus a bonus based on her Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike damage, based on this formula:

10 + (% of Critical Strike Chance × (1 + Bonus Critical Strike Damage)) % AD

For a quick example, with an Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer and 200 AD, Ashe's basic attacks deal 385 damage on slowed targets.

Now we get to the fun part...

Ranger's Focus
Ashe's real damage strength comes with Ranger's Focus.
Ashe passively gains stacks of Focus every time she damages an enemy with an autoattack or ability, stacking up to 5 times lasting 4 seconds (this is disabled while the ability's active is on cooldown). When activated, her Attack Speed increases by 20/25/30/35/40% and Frost Shot's slow gets an extra 20% for 5 seconds. If Ashe has 5 stacks of Focus, she gains an attack steroid, firing a salvo of five arrows for each attack. Each of these salvos deals damage (total) of up to 115/120/125/130/135% of her attack damage that can critically strike (per the bonus damage from Frost Shot), apply on-attack effects* (such as Runaan's Hurricane) and life steal. (On-hit effects will only apply once). With this and the Attack Speed buff, Ashe can outmuscle a fair amount of the ADC meta in early trades as well as outDPS a lot of the ADC meta in medium-length teamfights. All while permaslowing the enemy front liner(s).

* Pix, Faerie Companion will only be triggered once per attack.


It's global now and has a charge system. It's very useful for scouting the river and brush, getting timers on the enemy buffs, seeing if the enemy is headed for Dragon/Baron, stuff like that. Other than that, not too much to say; it serves pretty much the same purpose as the original Hawkshot, although you don't get extra gold on kill anymore.

This is probably going to be the build you usually get with Ashe:

So as you can see, standard ADC stuff. Ashe scales very well with Critical Strike Chance as well as Attack Damage (due to the nature of Ranger's Focus and Volley), so this is the usual build path barring situations where other items are needed. Infinity Edge alone is a really big power spike for Ashe since the AD, crit chance and crit damage combined have great synergy with her passive.

But why the Black Cleaver? If you can initiate a fight with Enchanted Crystal Arrow, you'll get a stack for each person you slow (this includes minions and monsters off the splash damage), which in turn allows you to reach max Stacks with a Volley (or maybe another autoattack right after), which lets you get the rapid fire sooner. As it works right now, each salvo attack fired during Ranger's Focus will apply five stacks of Black Cleaver, which means you can hit the max 30% Armor shred very quickly; as it is applied before flat Armor Pen or Last Whisper, AD caster-type champs like Zed and Lee Sin will very much appreciate the shred.

Not to mention that you get extra HP to take a wayward spell, and 20% CDR to far better take advantage of the utility you have, as well as cope with the painful 18 second cooldown of Ranger's Focus. That Phage passive is really good, too. 10 movement speed on hit doesn't seem like much (keep in mind this also scales with Zeal and its upgrades), but it can be when you have your enemy slowed. The 30 on-kill-or-assist movement speed is also an underrated tool for disengage or keeping up with the fleeing enemy; which is good, because Ashe still has some of the worst base movement in the game.

You may still prefer Last Whisper because of the 5% extra armor pen as well as being 700G cheaper. I wouldn't blame you if you did, either. But as of right now I reckon The Black Cleaver is considered to be the superior Armor Penetration item on Ashe.

Will update this later as more balance changes come to the PBE!

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While I do agree with that, with the new rework, I feel like it's better to just get double phantom dancers instead of black cleaver.

Last Whisper would still be more effective than a second phantom dancer considering this stupid tank meta we're in. You can have that extra 35% damage, but it won't do much if the enemy has randuins, frozen heart, thornmail, etc.

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Last Whisper would still be more effective than a second phantom dancer considering this stupid tank meta we're in. You can have that extra 35% damage, but it won't do much if the enemy has randuins, frozen heart, thornmail, etc.

Yes, definitely, it just depends whether on you want the penetration or the 90% crit (meaning you practically doubled your damage). I just want to get out of this tank meta already ;;

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Man am I the only one loving this tank meta? I love playing tanks and cinderhulk is my favorite item in the game when I play sion. Not to mention even further buffs to tanks with the new black cleaver.

Gotta love Smite TP top lane

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Cinderhulk is getting nerfed pretty sizably, thank goodness

Although I'm inclined to think that the % bonus health combined with damage reduction from Skirmisher's is the real problem though.

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Cinderhulk is getting nerfed pretty sizably, thank goodness

Although I'm inclined to think that the % bonus health combined with damage reduction from Skirmisher's is the real problem though.

It was bugged on PBE recently were you could one shot people by standing next to them

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To be fair you had a lot going against you, nevermind the tanks...you probably could have carried if your team had literally any other jungler

It was bugged on PBE recently were you could one shot people by standing next to them

Yeah, a lot of kiddies came out Tuesday/Wednesday and ran like five Smite comps and stuff to abuse the Cinderhulk bug (a wrong entry when coding the changes into the game made it do 100x more damage than intended). I even got flamed when I didn't take Smite on Ashe and people just kept dodging when I locked in with Heal/Flash because I wouldn't abuse the bug.

That was really not fun to play in. Thank goodness they disabled it

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I already play like a bitch and those two games (and those like them) don't help, though

EDIT: and if I have one more TP/smite top laner (I hate this enough) take chilling smite instead of challenging smite (ESPECIALLY ON AN AUTO-ATTACKER LIKE FIORA) I'm going to rip my hair out

disclaimer: I am very upset by having to deal with 3-4 tanks in one game and my current attitude reflects this

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