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The Fush

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A very good idea. In fact Riven is to be nerfed with the next patch because of her synergy with The Black Cleaver.

Armor shreds, 20% CDR, HP to synergize with GA in a full build, and a movement speed passive to superglue to an enemy.

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Does Riven really need a nerf? I mean you barely even see Riven at all these days.

I think the same, the ult nerf is understandable I guess, not to that level perhaps to 1900 instead of 1600, but the movement speed is kind of overkill, she only gets crazy mobility late game when it barely matters if there are 5 more or less points. I've tested BC, and it allows for even fights against takier opponents like Darius and Garen, even though Garen counters Riven, it makes it possible to fight back more often.

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Oh yeah, there's a patch coming out tomorrow. Quick rundown though.


The following skins hit the store this week for 750 RP unless otherwise stated:

* denotes Legacy skins

  • SSW Singed*
  • SSW Rengar*
  • SSW Talon*
  • SSW Twitch* - 975 RP
  • SSW Thresh* - 975 RP
  • Ace of Spades Ezreal
  • King of Clubs Mordekaiser
  • Queen of Diamonds Syndra
  • Wild Card Shaco
  • Star Guardian Lux - 1350 RP

Champions - Rework

Ashe has received a rework, with a completely new ability and a new passive along with other kit changes. More information will be posted here soon but places like Surrender@20 will have all the details in the mean time.

Champions - General

  • Akali's Crescent Slash's AP ratio has been increased slightly, and has a shaved cooldown (1 sec cooldown at max rank lol). Shadow Dance also now sends her through her target, similar to Fizz's Urchin Strike (this also means that she does not follow her target should they Flash while she travels).
  • Annie finally took a long-awaited nerf to her Basic Attack Range, down to 575 (from 625).
  • Hecarim's Rampage has a greatly increased mana cost, but no longer deals reduced damage to Monsters.
  • Kalista's Martial Poise dash no longer has an increased distance while dashing away from her basic attack target.
  • Morgana's Tormented Soil deals less base damage at early ranks. (% missing health scaling unaffected)
  • Nocturne's Unspeakable Horror's base damage has been increased at all ranks (especially early).
  • Olaf now gains a 1-second spurt of Movement Speed toward enemy Champions upon activating Ragnarok.
  • Renekton gets a 50-range buff to his Ruthless Predator-empowered basic attacks. The self stun has also been reduced a bit.
  • Riven's Wind Slash doesn't travel as quickly anymore. Well, neither does Riven herself; base movement speed down.
  • Tristana received a couple of buffs to Explosive Charge; not only is the per-charge damage amp increased, the cast time is also reduced by Attack Speed.
  • Trundle's Pillar of Ice slow has been slightly increased. Knockback distance has also been increased.
  • Veigar's Event Horizon's delay has been reduced even further, down to 0.5 seconds.
  • Zed must now wait one second after casting Death Mark before he can return to Death Mark's shadow.

Champions - Insignificant Stuff

The following champions received minor changes that you may or may not care about: (to be updated)

  • Akali
  • Azir
  • Nasus
  • Renekton
  • Ryze
  • Twisted Fate - Jack of Hearts skin has new splash art (shares with Ace of Spades Ezreal)
  • Xin Zhao


  • Enchantment: Cinderhulk's aura damage has been reduced and no longer ramps up in combat. It deals increased damage to Monsters instead.
  • Skirmisher's Sabre mark time has been reduced to 4 seconds.

Combat text adjustments

  • Combat Text now scales up in size based on relative impact of the skill.
  • Champion abilities that deal damage over time or multiple hits now combine their damage into one larger 'spinup' counter style number.
  • Minor cleanup, especially around proc type effects or multiple types of damage happening in the same frame.

Summoner's Rift

  • Dragon's base damage has been significantly increased.
  • There is now a yellow duck. Quack quack.

That's it!

Skins, skins, skins. There's a lot of balance changes as well; most notably, the Cinderhulk line. One can only hope this is the end of the tank meta; well, who knows.

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Official Ekko Reveal boys!


This guy looks so fucking fun.

Just from what I see, he's definitely solo lane. Build will probably involve Black Cleaver and Blade of the Ruined King, considering his kit allows him to keep on top of his opponent. His passive can keep him glued to the enemy with the movement speed buff for him and the slow on his opponent. Additionally, his E allows for him to close the gap rather easily, and his W can keep the enemy slowed while giving him a shield in case allies of the enemy turn. If I had to take a guess on skill max order, it would probably be R>Q>E>W if ahead, and R>Q>W>E if behind. Additionally, contrary to what most people believed, his ult does indeed heal him. So, if he's in the middle of a teamfight and feels as if he's going to die, he can ult away, heal a bit, and then can re-engage at the end of his ult. Additionally, in a team fight, he is capable of stunning the entire enemy team if he can get the entire team in his W and close the gap. Ekko's a very mobile champion, so if people play him correctly, he has high potential for assassination and can severely punish his lane opponent for overextending. If he throws out Q, he can slow the enemy to allow for an easy W+E stun. If he puts down W and then closes the gap with E, it will detonate and stun the opponent. From there, he needs to proc his passive to slow his enemy more while allowing him to kite away from a possible countergank. Additionally, his W will make cleaning up low health enemies very easily, as it acts similar to the Executioner mastery. While this passive can be useful, I feel as if W is probably the lowest priority if he's winning lane, as the mobility from E will do him better in gluing to his targets. He's very complex, so his skillcap is probably going to be very high. I'll try to get some gameplay with him once he's on the PBE so I can develop a more experienced opinion.

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Well Ekko looks to be an interesting champ to play. With his ult, it will be interesting to see people use it just for the escapes or the damage. Going back in with ult after dropping W seems like something that could work. Will try on PBE when it launches and mess around with it.(Assuming I actually get a chance to play him lol)

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No, the real thing is having your mouse on the champ portrait position before game starts, and click. By the time chat shows up, someone has Ekko locked and ready.

Even then, someone's gonna dodge if you get it :c

I'll try out his skills in a custom game first probably.

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The new skins on the PBE are:

  • Sandstorm Ekko
  • Nightmare Tryndamere
  • Order of the Lotus Irelia
  • Knockout Lee Sin (30's-style boxer/street-fighter thing, hard to describe.)

I will have more pics in a bit. Knockout Lee Sin looks like a 1350 or maybe even a Legendary skin

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Wait, really? But doesn't that mean that the majority of his damage is his Q and nothing else?

Like, I feel like most of his skills are utility, so an AD build would make more sense (IDK, maybe I'm crazy)

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Wait, really? But doesn't that mean that the majority of his damage is his Q and nothing else?

Like, I feel like most of his skills are utility, so an AD build would make more sense (IDK, maybe I'm crazy)

I think he would probably be a bit too strong built AD.

Lich bane and Nashor's are probably going to be a bit more essential on him. Nashor's would work well with attack speed for his passive and Lich Bane would work exceptionally well with the bonus damage he already receives with his E. His ult has an insane AP Scaling of 130%.

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